“You have a date?” He held out his hand for the other tie, and Abby passed it over, shivering as his fingers rubbed against her palm as he retrieved it. The wind blew lightly, ruffling his hair and kicking her hormones into overdrive.

What would it be like to have a man that hot in my bed?

He was so fine, she was pretty sure he could just lie there naked, and that would be enough to put a smile on her face.


She loved it when he said her name. He had a rich, deep voice that reminded her of melted chocolate. Yummy.

He smiled, dazzling her for a moment, then she realized how funny it must look for her to stand there mooning over him. Disgruntled by her own behavior, Abby was tempted to invent an admirer just so she didn’t feel so pathetic, but that wasn’t her style, so she just shook her head.

“Haven’t found anyone you like yet?”

“Something like that,” she muttered.

“That’s too bad.” He yanked on the other tie and tested it to make sure it was secure. “I can introduce you to some people, if you like.”

Fabulous. Now he’s setting me up with his buddies.

“Uh…Thanks, but that’s okay. I’m fine.”

Shane stepped around the tree and stood behind her, admiring their handiwork. Immediately the scent of his cologne teased her nostrils, and her skin prickled with goose bumps.

“If you change your mind,” he murmured by her ear, making her shiver, “let me know.”

Abby gave a resigned sigh but managed a smile when she turned around. He was just being sweet, something he was exceptionally good at. “Sure thing. Thank you for your help.”

“Anytime,” he said easily. “What are neighbors for? Should I bring anything over tonight? Candy? Booze? Pizza?”

“Not unless you have a particular preference for something. Otherwise, I think I’ve got everything.”

“Alright. If you think of anything you missed, just give me a call.” He reached up and adjusted her scarf. “See you in a bit.”

She watched him walk across the lawn to his door, admiring his fine ass and long legs. Then, chastising herself for staring, Abby went into the house, grabbed her keys, and went out to her car. As usual, she had everything she needed for everyone else but still had to get the things she needed for herself-costume and props.

Picking a different costume every year was one of the highlights of the holiday for her. She liked pretending to be someone, or some thing else for a few hours. When she was a kid, she used to dream of being an actress, but she was too shy for that vocation. Dressing up for Halloween was the closest she came to acting.

This year, she’d decided to be a fortune-teller. That choice had been adapted from belly dancer to accommodate her shyness. A belly dancer had to walk around and dance in her revealing costume. A fortune-teller could dress similarly but spend most of the night behind a table.

So Abby hopped into her Range Rover and drove across town to Conjure, the specialty store where her friend Kayla worked. Apparently they sold all sorts of things-gag gifts, magic stuff, costumes. She pulled into a spot across the street, then dodged the light traffic of their small downtown to reach the entrance. The door chimed as she entered, and she was immediately struck with the soothing scents of incense and spices, which made the shop feel homey and welcoming.

“Abby!” Kayla called out. “We were just talking about you.”

“You were?” Abby smiled at the pretty blonde who stood next to her friend, noting the name tag that said BRIANNA-OWNER. “What’s up?”

“I was just telling Brianna that she should come to your party.”

“She absolutely should.” Reaching into her bag, Abby withdrew a flyer. She set it on the counter, and paused a moment to rub behind the ears of the handsome black cat who sat by the register. “I’d actually be grateful if you came.”


Abby wrinkled her nose and glanced at Kayla. “Shane’s coming. With a date.”

“Ugh.” Kayla shook her head. “The man’s blind. Seriously. You’re better off without him.” She glanced at her boss and explained, “Shane Markham’s her neighbor.”

Brianna’s eyebrows rose. “Lucky. He’s hot.”

The cat growled an ominous warning. Abby yanked her hand back quickly. “Yikes. Sorry.” She turned back to Kayla. “Maybe you should show me those costumes you were talking about.”

While following her friend to the rear corner of the store, Abby perused the many offerings on the shelves. She caught up a small handbasket set at the end of the aisle for customer use and picked up a crystal ball and some pretty beaded bracelets.

“I set this one aside for you,” Kayla said, turning to reveal a purple gypsy costume. “I figured you’d like it because it’s your favorite color, but now I think it’s even more perfect because it’s the most revealing one we’ve got!”

“Jeez. I can’t wear that.” Abby eyed the sheer voluminous pants with the splits down the sides and the teeny tiny halter top with its dangling gold coin decorative trim. “It’s indecent!”

“Exactly! Show Shane what he’s missing.”

“Yeah, my lack of breasts?” Snorting, Abby gestured at her less-than-ample chest. “The man dates women who look like Carmen Elektra. Why the hell would I want to point out my deficiencies?”

“Whatever. You’ve got a great athletic figure. Flaunt it!”

“It’s cold!”

“So turn the heater up. It’s your house.” Kayla handed over the costume and moved back to the counter.

Abby stared at the plum-colored confection in her hand. Despite how much skin the outfit revealed, she really loved the hue, and a quick glance at the others on the rack told her she wouldn’t like any of them near as much. She had a couple shrug sweaters. One of them might work as a cover-up…

“Just buy it!” Kayla yelled from the counter.

So Abby did. Then she collected her purchases and waved bye before crossing the street back to her car. She set the bag on the passenger seat beside her and paused, noting the flyer that stuck out of one of the handle holes. It was yellowed and torn, reminding her of an Old West wanted poster. Curious, she pulled it out while she waited for the heater to kick in.

Mystical, magical, mayhem, and more

Bring me a lover with the stamina of four.

A lover to awaken my darkest desires

And last through one night stoking the fires.

Mystical, magical, mayhem, and more

Let the lover of my dreams walk through the door.

“The stamina of four, huh?” Abby shoved the handwritten advertisement back into the bag. “I wish.”

Putting the Rover into reverse, she looked over her shoulder and backed up.

Time to get ready.

Chapter 2

ABBY HEAVED OUT HER BREATH AND TWISTED FROM SIDE TO SIDE, trying to see if the rear of her costume was as revealing as the front. She was pretty sure it was.

The sheer leggings of the low-slung pants were even more shocking when worn. From what she could tell from the mirror, the lower curves of her butt cheeks were clearly visible. And the tiny tube top was smaller than it had looked in the store. It certainly couldn’t have been worn by a woman with a larger bust. Abby’s B-cup breasts were nearly too much for it.

She’d been debating whether or not to wear one of her older costumes for at least thirty minutes. Her shyness urged her to cover up. The frustrated sex kitten inside her knew she looked pretty damn hot and wanted Shane to see it. She’d pulled her brown hair up into a thick ponytail at the top of her head and her blue eyes-which she considered to be her only laudable feature-were heavily rimmed in black eyeliner and framed by thick mascara-coated lashes.

The doorbell rang, and Abby looked at her alarm clock on the nightstand. Six o’clock. The party didn’t start for another hour yet. Curious as to who her visitor could be, she hurried down the hall. The bell chimed again, and she jogged the rest of the way.

“I’m coming!” she yelled, skidding to a halt on the tiled entryway and pulling open the door. “Whoa.”

Shane Markham stood on her porch, looking like an exotic fantasy. Wearing black-and-silver harem pants and a tiny silver vest, he was dressed like a genie or a sultan. The broad expanse of his beautifully defined chest and abs were mouthwateringly exposed, as were his delicious biceps and forearms.

“Hi,” he greeted in that low rumble she loved. “Wow. You look great.”

“Hi. You, too.”

“We match.” He gestured down the length of her.

“Must be fate.” Oh jeez. I did not just say that.

“Must be.” He smiled. “I thought I’d come over and help you get things ready.”

Yikes! An hour alone with a half-naked Shane?

She blinked. “Uh…You don’t have to do that.”

His smile widened into a devastating grin, and her heart stopped. Then began racing. “I know I don’t have to. Can I come in? It’s cold out here.”

“Uh, yes. Of course. Sorry.” Abby backed into the house and pulled the door with her.

“I love your place,” he said, striding in with the innate confidence she found so appealing.

His gaze swept across her living room, with its hardwood floors, deep red rugs, and oversized chairs in shades of taupe and brown. It was a space that was neither too feminine nor too masculine. She’d picked everything out with comfort and relaxation in mind, because she worked long hours and liked her downtime to be restful.

“I may have to start hanging out here when I want some peace and quiet.”

Abby laughed to hide the way her tummy flipped at the thought of curling up on her big couch with him. He’d be dressed in sweats, and her hand would slide up beneath his shirt to feel those amazing abs before dipping beneath his waistband and gripping his thick cock. She would stroke him, making him hard and panting for her. Then she’d straddle him right there in the living room and ride him.


She shivered, her body aching for his. God, I’ve wanted him for so long.

“So”-he looked at her-“what do you need done?”

Abby led him to the kitchen where she kept her to-do list. He stood behind her, able to see the items clearly over her shoulder.

“I’m impressed,” he murmured, the rich texture of his voice and the smell of his cologne driving her crazy. “You sure know how to plan one hell of a party.”

She shrugged. “I enjoy it.”

“I like that about you.” His dark eyes met hers when she looked at him. “Work hard. Play hard.”

She stared at his lips, wondering what it would be like for him to kiss her. If she rose to her tiptoes she would only reach his chin. He’d have to bend a little to kiss a woman her height.

Or save himself the trouble and date tall models like the ones she’d seen leaving his house in the mornings.

She’d be climbing into her Rover to head to work and there they were, rushing to start their day. Willowy, beautiful women with kiss-swollen lips, dazed eyes, and big grins. They’d wave and call out a cheerful greeting as they practically danced to their cars. Abby always wondered what it would be like to wake up next to Shane. Was he amorous in the mornings? Would he reach for her, make love to her, ride her deep and slow with lazy expertise until she began her day with a wondrous orgasm?

“Where’s your friend?” she asked, wincing inwardly at the breathlessness of her query.

“Tony’s girlfriend works until closing tonight, so they’ll be over a little after ten.”

“Your friend’s a guy?”

Shane’s brows lifted. “Yeah. I hope that’s okay.”

“Sure.” Relief flooded her, quickly followed by anxiety. She didn’t know which was worse-Shane arriving with a date or hooking up with someone at the party. Lord knew the female guests would be all over him. “I just thought you were bringing a date.”

“I’m not seeing anyone right now.”

“Oh.” She looked away to hide her pleasure at the news, then busied herself with ripping open candy bags. She dumped the contents into various Halloween-themed serving bowls, and Shane stood beside her, helping. Together they managed the task within moments, then moved on to setting up the spiked punch with a big block of dry ice tossed in to create an atmospheric fog.

“I bet you’re great to have around for the holidays,” he said with an indulgent smile. “My idea of decorating is tying a red bow to the doorknocker.”

“No lights?”

He raised a finger to his lips in a gesture for secrecy. “Don’t tell anyone, but I keep the lights up all year long. They’re clear rope lights, so no one notices them until they’re pointed out.”

Abby laughed. “That’s cheating!”