She gasped.

He plucked her camera off the shelf and set it on the desk, then he flicked on the under-shelf light. Instantly an up-close-and-personal view of his long, thick cock breaching her pussy was there on her twenty-inch flat screen. The lips of her sex were dark pink and glistening with her arousal, the skin stretched tight to accommodate his size.

“Oh!” Abby sucked in a breath as one her darkest fantasies came to life before her eyes. She licked dry lips as she watched another inch of delicious dick slide into her.

“That’s it,” he coaxed, his lips to her ear, his hands reaching around to pull down her top and cup her aching breasts. “It turns you on to watch. You just got twice as hot and twice as wet.”

He began rocking into her again, slow and easy, advancing and retreating, satisfying her desire to videotape sex to watch later. She’d never done it. The thought of losing a tape like that terrified her. But this…this wasn’t being recorded, and it was having the same effect.

Shane’s fingers tugged on her nipples in time with his heated thrusts. The flared head of his cock rubbed a sensitive spot deep inside her, and she climaxed with a soft cry, her pussy rippling along as much of him as she’d managed to take.

She felt him shudder behind her with a low curse. “You’re going to make me come,” he growled, his fingers tightening to a pinch.

“Go ahead,” she suggested, her voice slurred with pleasure.

“Not until I’m balls deep in you. I want to feel you do that again, but with my dick all the way inside.”

“Okay.” Abby giggled. Like she was going to say no to that.

He grunted softly as another thick inch sank home. “If I make it in you without coming first, I deserve a damn medal.”

“I don’t have any of those,” she said in a dreamy voice, her heavy-lidded eyes riveted to her monitor. “How about a blow job instead?”

Shane’s hips jerked forward, shoving him deeper into her. “Jesus, Abby!”

“I’d really like that,” she murmured. “You’re so big. I think sucking your cock could make me orgasm.”

“Damn it.” One hand dropped to her hip, holding her in place as he fucked upward in fierce digs, pumping high and hard and deep, making her cry out with every lunge. Then he was in her to the hilt, a thick, throbbing presence, and she was melting.

“Oh yeah…” he breathed, his arms wrapping tight around her, his mouth pressing feverish kisses along the top of her shoulder. “Christ, you’re hot, Abby. You’re burning me up.”

Reaching over her shoulder, she slid her fingers into his thick, silky hair. The simple touch seemed to be too much for him, urging him into frantic movements, his heavy balls smacking against her as he shafted her pussy in long, pumping drives.

Abby watched it all on the monitor, her body quaking with the intensity of her arousal, moaning when his hand reached lower and he rubbed her clit. She keened softly, coming hard, clenching rhythmically around his driving cock.

“Yeah,” he urged hoarsely, his chin on her shoulder so he could watch, too. “Keep coming. That feels amazing.”

Laughter and voices sounded directly outside the door, someone looking for the bathroom and another guest trying to help. Abby tensed, the added anxiety only increasing her pleasure. She’d orgasmed twice already, yet suddenly she felt ready to do it again.

“Maybe they’ll check in here,” Shane suggested darkly, his chest heaving against her back, his fingers working her clit in time with his thrusts. “Then they can see me fucking you. I’ll make you come while they watch. Would you like that, Abby?”

She climaxed in violent shudders, her blood rushing in her ears, her breathing loud and labored in the small room.

“Yes!” he hissed, thrusting deep and grinding against her, ejaculating so hard she could feel him come. All the while, he clung to her, his arms tight bands around her torso. “Abby…my God…”

In one delicious encounter, her every fantasy came to life. She closed her eyes, memorizing every nuance. Every sensation. Zealously storing away these precious moments to relive later.


Reality intruded. The note of regret in Shane’s voice made her stomach knot. Now that he’d taken the edge off his hunger, he realized what he’d done. And the ramifications.

She moaned softly as he withdrew his cock. He shushed her with a gentle hum. “I’m sorry.”

Abby felt like crying. “It’s okay.” She sucked in a shaky breath. “I understand.”

“Then you’re further ahead than I,” he muttered, yanking tissues from the box on her desk and wrapping them around the condom. Tossing the wad into the trash can, he began straightening his clothing and hers with quiet efficiency. “I have no idea what got into me.”

“I said it’s okay, Shane. Forget it.” She never would, but that was for her alone to know.

He hugged her from behind and kissed her temple. “It’s not okay. Our first time shouldn’t have been like this, a quick fuck in your office. But I couldn’t wait. Even now, I’m trying to figure out how to get all these damn people out of here so I can have you again.”

Wide-eyed, Abby turned and found herself pulled tight to Shane’s hard body. He cupped her face and took her mouth with infinite tenderness.

“Thank you,” he whispered, his lips moving against hers. “I’ll make it up to you at my place.”

“Anytime,” she whispered back.

Squeezing her eyes shut, she gave up any pretense of keeping her heart intact.

Chapter 4

ABBY WOKE TO THE WONDERFUL FEELING OF A WARM, HARD BODY at her back. Blinking away sleep, she took in her surroundings and recognized the dark blue ceiling painted with little stars. Stars that had backdropped Shane’s powerful shoulders while he thrust deep inside her. Over and over. For hours.

Shane’s house. Shane’s bedroom. Shane’s bed.

Passionate memories from the night before flooded her sleep-fuzzy mind and stiffened her frame. Turning her head slowly, she spotted the gorgeous sleep-tousled man beside her and pinched herself.

Nothing changed.

Oh wow.

The party had lasted until one in the morning, but Shane had lasted all night. A quick lift of her head to look at the clock showed it was now almost two in the afternoon. Stamina of four. Shane had it in spades. No wonder the supermodels who left his place wore grins as wide as the Joker’s.

Sadly, Abby wasn’t smiling. She couldn’t. She was too scared of the future and how things would be between them in the harsh light of day. Freed from their costumes and the anonymity they afforded.

Unable to face any morning-after awkwardness, she slipped carefully from the bed without waking Shane and gathered up the pieces of her discarded costume. She paused a moment at the foot of the bed, taking in the sight of him facing her vacated side, his chest bare and beautiful, a dark blue sheet draped low over his hips.

Her mouth watered as she thought of the rest of him. He was truly delicious, in every sense of the word. She’d never forget the feel of his big cock in her mouth, sliding deep and withdrawing. His hands fisted in the bedsheets, his back arching with guttural cries of her name and pleas for her to stop. Pleas for her not to stop. Until he couldn’t hold back any longer.

Shaking her head, she tiptoed from the room and down the stairs. She dressed in the living room before peeking out the crack of the barely opened front door. It would be a damn miracle if she made it to her house without being seen by someone. She didn’t know how she would bear it if everyone in the neighborhood knew about her and Shane. It would be impossible to pretend nothing had happened.

It took a few moments to build up her courage, then Abby made a run for it, sprinting across the yellowed grass to her side-yard gate and slipping into her backyard. She retrieved her spare key from the secret compartment beneath a cement frog and entered through her kitchen. Once inside, the lingering smell of now-extinguished pumpkin spice candles reminded her of Halloween and brought tears to her eyes.

Lack of sleep, she told herself. There was no other reason for her to be so sappy over something as wonderful as a night spent with Shane Markham. But she needed to hear that from someone else, so she exhaled harshly and picked up the phone.

“Conjure,” answered a female voice on the third ring.

“Hi, Brianna. It’s Abby.” She tried to sound cheerful. “Can I talk to Kayla a minute? It won’t take long, I promise.”

“Kayla’s not here today. The shop’s closed. I just stopped by to pick up a couple things and answered the phone out of habit.”

“Oh.” She didn’t mean to sound so disappointed. It just came out that way.

“Are you okay?” Brianna’s friendly voice was filled with concern. “I hope you don’t mind my prying, but you don’t sound the way I would expect you to after a night spent with Shane Markham.”

Abby managed a short laugh. “That was a fluke. He’s been nothing but distantly friendly to me the entire five months I’ve lived here.”

“Uh, honey, I’ve seen distant friendliness, and that kiss he planted on you in the living room isn’t it.”

“Oh jeez.” So much for hiding the truth. Everyone she knew had shown up for her party last night, and they’d witnessed Shane’s pounce. And her surrender. “You know what that was? It was that flyer from your shop, the one about having stamina and boinking like bunnies all night. He put me on the spot for a fortune-telling and I blurted that poem. Bam.He got horny as hell. He’s single right now, so I think I was just convenient.” She sighed. “How depressing is that?”

“Oh shit,” Brianna breathed. “Shit, shit, shit.”

“Yeah.” Abby rubbed the back of her neck and rested her hip against the tiled edge of her kitchen counter. “That pretty much sums it up.”

A long silence followed. Abby opened her mouth to say good-bye when Brianna spoke first. “Abby, what are your thoughts on magic?”

Last night with Shane had been magic. If she inhaled deeply, she could still smell him on her skin. “If you’re talking about Feng Shui calming your mood, I agree. If you’re talking about hocus-pocus-abracadabra, I’m not a believer.”

Brianna groaned. “That’s what I thought.”


“Don’t worry about it. But I do have a favor to ask. If you’ve got a chair nearby, could you sit in it? I’ve got something to tell you, and you might be better off sitting down.”

Considering that her legs felt like jelly from being spread most of the night, Abby didn’t have a problem with the request.

And a few minutes later, she was grateful for the seat.

Shane blinked his eyes open and stretched, wincing at the unaccustomed soreness in his ass and thighs. As memories of the night before came back in a delightful rush, a smile started inside and spread outward into a grin.


Sweet little Abby, whom he’d lusted after for far too long, had finally come around.

If he’d known she wanted him rough and dirty, he would have indulged her earlier. Of course, coming on to a woman like a freight train wasn’t his usual style. Even now he was shocked at the things he’d said and done to her. He wasn’t the hot-and-heavy type, as witnessed by the five months he’d waited for some sign, any sign that she might be interested in being more than neighbors. Then he’d seen her in that sexy costume, and he’d instantly been put on a short leash. When she recited that poem about fucking all night, he’d been unleashed. Done. Cooked.

Rolling to his side, he moved to tug Abby closer and found the spot beside him empty. He frowned and sat up, looking around for her costume or any clue that she was still in his house somewhere. The bathroom maybe, or the kitchen. But there was nothing.

“Abby?” he called out, only to be greeted by silence.

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, resigning himself to getting out of bed.

After they cleaned up, he wanted to head into town with her and grab something to eat. Then they could pick out some wine and groceries to make dinner. Maybe some movies, too. The thought of spending a quiet evening at home getting to know Abby better filled him with contentment.

Five months was a long time to wait to get a relationship started, but he knew Abby was worth it. He’d known it the very first day he’d shown her around the neighborhood. Fresh from California, she was adventurous and ambitious, with a fun-loving personality that enabled her to make friends quickly. Combine that with fabulous eyes and a great ass, and Abigail Garvey was his idea of the perfect date. After last night, he knew she was better than a great date, she was his dream girl.