The two youngest men, Evan Gardiner and Daniel Burke, were already well acquainted; they sat together at the table and amused themselves by watching Darcy and Dun. The latter two gentlemen alternately pretended the other did not exist at all or exchanged glares that indicated they wished the other some grim reaper-cussions.

Fitzwilliam Darcy impatiently waited for his host to signal it was time to rejoin the ladies; but the older men were enjoying their chitchat and showed no interest in leaving. He wanted to see Elizabeth again, to stake his claim, to ascertain her feelings, to whisk her away with him into the night … perhaps to Scotland. Most of all, he wanted John Dun out of the picture. Instead, he settled for another drink.

When Mr. Gardiner noticed Fitzwilliam Darcy imbibing a bit more than advisable, he leaned across the table and casually suggested, “Young man, never drink beyond the pint of no return or you will be sorry the mourning after.”

Lieutenant-Colonel John Dun also noticed his rival’s distress; and, with a cheroot clenched between his teeth, he raised his snifter of brandy and saluted the Friday-faced fellow. Fitzwilliam Darcy blearily glared back at Dun through the noxious vapours that hung in the air around the blowhard, windbag bloke; and Darcy hoped his dreams of a future with Elizabeth had not all turned to smoke.

When Mr. Bennet finally looked at the clock and realized they should have joined the ladies long ago, it was almost time for the guests to take their leave. Instead of conversing with Elizabeth, Darcy had to settle for gazing at her with a goofy grin on his face, as he was a wee bit foxed.

The next day, Miss Charlotte Lucas arrived at the Bennet townhouse for a stay of several nights’ duration. Sir William’s eldest daughter, at two and twenty, was a pretty lady with lustrous café au lait hair and large cobalt blue eyes. She was the particular friend of the eldest Miss Bennet but more closely resembled Lizzy in temperament, as she had a lively sense of humour and was more outgoing than Jane.

The females of the family and their guest gathered in the sitting room. As they settled in, Mrs. Bennet, Jane, and Elizabeth picked up their workbaskets, spoke of their stay thus far in London, and asked about the news from Hertfordshire. Some ladies, while sewing and chatting, needle little something to catch the thread of a conversation; however, Charlotte and the Bennets were as close as family and very comfortable with one another.

A servant interrupted their gossip by announcing, “Lieutenant-Colonel John Dun wishes to pay a visit to the ladies of the house.” Everyone’s eyes shifted immediately to Lizzy. Mrs. Bennet conveyed her permission, and the dashing officer stayed for a full half-hour. Before he departed, Dun requested of his hostess he be allowed to return on the morrow for the purpose of a private conversation with Miss Elizabeth. Dun was done with pussyfooting around while tomcat Darcy lurked in the shadows.

Over breakfast at another London townhouse, George Darcy and Lady Anne discussed their enjoyment of the previous night’s dinner with the Bennet family and their guests.

“I must admit, my dear Anne, after meeting the two eldest daughters and witnessing our son’s reaction to Miss Elizabeth at our own dinner, I did a little snooping into her family’s status. Although they eschew the ton, the Bennets are actually quite well connected and wealthy, despite having some relations in trade.”

Lady Anne slipped several slices of ham under the table to her Italian Greyhounds, Geoffrey and Chaucer, and said, “I was rather surprised to discover those relations to be genteel people of fashion. Edward and Madeleine Gardiner did not seem at all coarse or crude. In fact, I would say they are more polite and refined than many of the so-called noble aristocracy with whom we are, unfortunately, acquainted … my own family being no exception.”

George Darcy slipped several cubes of cheese under the table to his Dalmatians, Rex and Regina. “I agree they are not the money-grubbing, uncouth merchants I had expected and would not be opposed to furthering the acquaintance. I found Mr. Gardiner to be a man of intelligence and good moral character, and the only reservation I have about the entire evening is the trite sense of humour enjoyed by the Bennet family and their relatives.”

The couple was soon joined by their three offspring. As Fitzwilliam, Georgiana, and Anna took their places at the table, their parents were concerned the Bennet influence and trite sense of humour may have rubbed off on their eldest as he tucked into his breakfast, grinned, and said, “A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat, and I believe there are four dogs under the table enjoying a swine and cheese party.”

Before long, the two men separately took their leave. Lady Anne, Georgiana, and Anna decided to go for a stroll in their townhouse garden. The three ladies shared their impressions from the night before, and Georgiana expressed her concern Elizabeth might favour Lieutenant-Colonel Dun over her more deserving brother.

Lady Anne replied, “Georgie, from my limited observations, Miss Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam are forming a rather strong attachment; and although the officer is certainly a fine, attractive young man, I cannot believe she would prefer him over your brother. Still and all, as a doting mother, I just might be an impartial judge of the matter.”

Her mother’s smile went unnoticed by Georgiana because her mind’s eye was focused on the future, and that future involved her dear friend becoming her dear sister. She knew, without a doubt, Elizabeth was the perfect match for her beloved brother. “Mother, would you actually approve of Miss Elizabeth as a match for Fitzwilliam?”

“As you know, my exposure to the young lady has been limited to two dinner engagements, but from what I have gleaned, she comes from a good family, is a healthy woman, and seems just the sort of clever wife your brother needs. Miss Elizabeth does bring out his hidden liveliness. Although your father had hoped Fitzwilliam might marry a lady with a title or wealth, you know my wishes are only for your brother’s and your own future happiness. So, if she encourages him to loosen up and be jocular, then yes, I would approve wholeheartedly.”

Like Georgiana, Anna also rejoiced in her parent’s apparent acceptance. “I am very pleased you like Elizabeth, Mother; yet I am afraid there is someone of our acquaintance who does not share our fond regard for the lady.”

Lady Anne looked askance at her youngest daughter, and Anna turned to her older sister for support in broaching the subject of Caroline Bingley. Georgiana explained the snub and nasty attitude Elizabeth had graciously suffered through at the Royal Academy. Their mother was not at all pleased to hear of Miss Bingley’s catty treatment of the young lady who was her daughters’ good friend and just might, possibly, even become part of the Darcy family in the future.