“Come now, Fitzwilliam. I cannot easily believe it. I know you saw me staring quite brazenly and appraisingly, and you must have thought me devoid of every proper feeling. Then I teased you most unmercifully when Jane and I were first invited to dine at your townhouse.” 

“Well, I admit I caught you eyeing me rather blatantly; and although I strived to be perfectly calm and cool as a cucumber, my feelings were quite the opposite. I assure you such warm regard was entirely mutual.” 

“Oh, please do continue and give a faithful account of your vigorous admiration upon first beholding me.” 

“Are you fishing for compliments, my love? Very well, I shall indulge you this once. At first sight, I wondered how I could possibly withstand such beauty; and when you first raised those sparkling, intelligent eyes, I was well on the way to being lost. I could not resist such impertinence; and then you proved the liveliness of your mind, and I … I thought it wrong to be so instantly attracted to my younger sisters’ friend. Nonetheless, I could not stop thinking about you and … desiring you. Forgive me, Elizabeth, but you are a very beautiful woman. When you dined with my family that first evening here in London … well, you must realize the effect you had on me, for I acted like a blushing, stammering schoolboy with a crush.” 

Darcy looked at his fiancée with great fondness as the corners of his eyes crinkled and dimples appeared. “Miss Elizabeth Bennet, since most serendipitously making your acquaintance, I have been a hanson barberin, a buffoon, a cork-brained mooncalf, an alliterate art admirer, a riled rival, a green-eyed monster with the blue devils, a befogged and besotted sot, an old-fashioned prig in a pickled panic, a dancer not bearing waltz fitness, locked in an embrace with Bingley, locked in a library with you, afraid of what might come from the mouth of a three-year old babe, a sparrow’s undertaker, out on a limb, a mortified nephew, Sir Fitzwilliam, Fitz-William the Conqueror, and a purveyor of puny puns … all in a span of less than three and a half months. Whatever shall become of me once we marry and spend the rest of our lives together?” 

“Oh dear. Fitzwilliam, are you getting cold feet?” 

“Most certainly not! I have no intention of walking around with brr-feet. In fact, I have been quite swept off mine by you, Elizabeth. I am head over heels in love and not the sole owner of my heart any longer.” 

“I am relived you have not changed your mind, sir.” 

“There is nothing wrong with the one I have, madam.” 

The heavy moisture in the evening air had begun to bead on their clothing and eyelashes; and not being one for mist opportunities, Darcy said, “Speaking of cold feet, we can return to the carriage now if it is too damp and chilly for you.” 

He very much favoured the idea of being enclosed and alone with Elizabeth; but when she shook her head, he immediately opened his umbrella and was glad, at least, to have an excuse to draw her closer against his side. 

“I am fine, Fitzwilliam. Moisture is good for the complexion; and I will not melt, you know.” 

Five minutes later, she was melting. In order to fully bring Elizabeth under the shelter of his umbrella, Darcy had pulled her tighter; and his hand remained on her waist. Lizzy glanced up and found him staring at her rather intently. To be precise, Darcy was gazing at his fiancée’s dewy mouth, wondering whether or not he should dare attempt a stolen kiss. Because of the lateness of the season and the foggy weather, there were not many others wandering the lanes. His decision was further influenced by the fact Elizabeth had previously mentioned that the pleasure garden’s paths were well known as ideal for romantic assignations, so he opted for boldness and steered her toward a massive horse chestnut tree. When they were under its autumn-gold leafy protection, he lightly brushed his lips across the top of her gloved hand. Darcy entwined their fingers, never losing contact with her magnificent eyes, took another step forward, closed his umbrella, and rested it against the trunk. 

“Elizabeth, there is something I have desired to do all evening and, in truth, ever since I first laid eyes on you. I long to finish what we began amongst the branches of a certain oak tree in another park before we were interrupted.” 

His impassioned, smouldering gaze caused a shiver of excitement as well as a quiver of nervousness, which Lizzy attempted to conceal with a flippant remark. “Cato is now living in the lap of luxury, so our rescue mission was successfully completed.” 

“As you are well aware, I am not referring to the kitten; and you are shivering from the cold.” Darcy repeatedly stroked her arms from shoulder to elbow and back again as he gently brushed his lips against her forehead. She sighed and closed her eyes when he placed light kisses across her damp, rosy cheeks. His deep voice rumbled, “Elizabeth … Lizzy … Lizzabiff … Lisshybit … Deelishybit.” 

She nervously giggled. “Sir! In what manner did you just address me?” 

Darcy smiled down at her and longingly stared at her mouth. “I believe, madam, I referred to you as Deelishybit, a rare, delicious …” He interrupted himself to place a quick, teasing peck on her luscious lips and then another on her delectable jaw. His long eyelashes flicked against her sensitive skin, and the sensation matched the fluttering in Lizzy’s heart. Darcy whispered sweet nothings and then gently held her head with both hands while he tenderly kissed her eyelids. Elizabeth melted into his warm embrace and steadied herself by grasping the lapels of his greatcoat. He took another step forward, and her back made contact with the tree. Darcy dipped his head and ignited new sensations as his lips found her earlobe and then nibbled up and down her neck. 

Again she shuddered as he whispered near her ear, “May I kiss you properly, sweetheart?” 

Laughter threatened to bubble up as she nervously replied, “Properly, sir, or improperly, I hardly know the diff … ” Her words were abruptly cut off, and Elizabeth Bennet suddenly felt the world around her disappear into an overwhelming, mind-boggling explosion of colour, sound, and sensation; and she belatedly realized the fireworks had commenced at the very same instant Darcy’s mouth claimed her own with tremendous passion and fervour. 

As for the gentleman, he was not as inexperienced as his innocent fiancée; and their first real kiss definitely left something to be desired … more of her. Fitzwilliam Darcy had never felt anything that even came close to that earth-shattering smouldering smooch. When they finally surfaced for air, he marvelled that his timing had been so well synchronized with the onset of the fireworks display. He breathlessly exclaimed, “My God, Elizabeth, that was … positively … astounding!” 

Elizabeth finally opened her eyes as he spoke; still all she could manage was to nod in agreement and utter, “Oh, yes!” 

After being far too occupied to keep track of time, the engaged couple discovered at last, on examining their watches, it was way past the hour to join the others. Darcy grasped Lizzy’s hand as he led her out onto one of the lanes. 

“Um, that is the wrong path to take, Fitzwilliam.” 

“It most certainly is not, my darling. I have an impeccable sense of direction, and this lane will indubitably lead us back to the agreed meeting place.”

When their course did not indubitably bring them to the assigned spot, the disoriented gentleman looked around in bewilderment. “Perhaps my faultless sense of direction is a bit hazy this evening because of this confounded fog.” He motioned for her to take a left turn down what Lizzy was sure was another incorrect pathway. 

After going around the bend, Elizabeth said, “Fitzwilliam, your sense of direction is, indeed, impeccable. We have just completed a circuit and have returned to the exact spot from which we left not ten minutes ago. Are you ready to admit you have lost your way hereabouts in the lanes? We can always solicit someone for direction.” 

“Absolutely unnecessary! We have not passed another soul; and, furthermore, I realize precisely where we are now, so we most certainly do not require anyone else’s assistance.” 

“Well then, which avenue will lead us to your family?” 

After leading her along the garden path, the two lovers ended up at a dead-end. Darcy took advantage of another golden opportunity to thoroughly kiss Elizabeth yet again … and again … and again. 

“Fitzwilliam, as much as I have enjoyed the benefits of privacy with you, we really must return to the others at once. It is certainly becoming quite late. How do we find our way out of here?” 

“I am unsure. Kissing you has obviously left me befogged.” 

“It is not my fault you do not have the foggiest idea where we are.” 

“I admit my senses are somewhat clouded this evening.” 

“So you finally admit to being mist-ified and lost?” 

He sheepishly nodded. 

Despite several hit and mist attempts, Elizabeth finally guided her fiancé in the right direction; and the two met up with the rest of their party. Georgiana and Anna waited beside one of the carriages while George Darcy, his wife, and Ellis Fleming paced back and forth in the cool, damp night air. 

“My dear Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam, where have you two been wandering?” was the question they received from Lady Anne as soon as they appeared and from all the others as they approached the carriages. They only said in reply that they had wandered about till they were beyond their own knowledge; however, the guilty couple coloured up as they spoke and awakened suspicions of the truth. 

Fitzwilliam Darcy put his foot in his mouth and further raised their skepticism when he changed the subject. “I am sorry we did not join you at the appointed time. All the same, I hope you enjoyed the magnificent display of fireworks as much as we did. Tonight’s pyrotechnic spectacle was truly … breathtaking.” 

Anna gave her brother a puzzled look, Georgiana giggled, Lady Anne sighed, and a smirking Ellis tried to warn his friend with an ‘ahem’, a frown, and a slight shake of his head. 

Elizabeth inquired, “Mr. Fleming, did you not consider it a most dazzling extravaganza of stimulating sight and sound? Why, it was almost beyond belief.” 

Feeling somewhat awkward, Ellis scuffed his foot and said, “Well, yes, Miss Elizabeth. Beyond belief is definitely one way of putting it.” 

George Darcy scowled at his son and announced the evening’s fireworks had been cancelled due to inclement weather. 

Lizzy Bennet and her fiancé turned matching shades of pink. Fitzwilliam Darcy tugged at his cravat and again changed the subject by saying, “Ah, yes, how unfortunate. Speaking of inclement weather, it is regrettable the cooler temperatures at this time of year cause more and more people to burn coal. The fog we are experiencing tonight is not only natural but man-made as well, because of all the smoke.” 

“Where there is smoke, there is fire,” remarked his frowning father, “and perhaps smoke and mirrors, as well. Somehow you two magically managed to conjure up your very own personal fireworks. Fitzwilliam, I hate to dis-illusion you; nevertheless, as soon as we return home, remind me to remind you about proper public comportment.” 

Chapter IV

Aberration, Altar-ation, Fabrication,

Aspiration, and Anticipation

Almost two weeks previously at a country assembly in Tutbury, near the border between Staffordshire and Derbyshire, Miss Caroline Bingley was obliged by a deplorable scarcity of interested gentlemen to sit down for all the dances. She impatiently listened to Miss Endura Chatsworth’s blathering until the third last set ended. At that moment Miss Bingley’s attention was not at all on her wearisome new female acquaintance but rather on the fascinating young male who had mingled and danced all evening but, to Caroline’s frustration, had apparently not been interested in obtaining an introduction to her. He was tall, devilishly handsome, smartly attired, and somehow familiar; but she could not place where she might have seen him previously. Miss Bingley knew he was intelligent and well-spoken, because by then the fellow stood not five feet away conversing with her aunt and an elderly neighbour, Sir Lance Boyle. The three suddenly looked in her direction; and Caroline fidgeted and played with her bracelets while she watched the smiling, swaggering stranger approach.