“I must also thank you for saving my life. Again,” said Lord Lytchett. “And beg you to join with my officers tonight after dinner to discuss our plans for the capture of Lady Plathenden.”

“Really?” asked Truthful, clapping her hands. Excitement was definitely winning out.

“I have learned my lesson,” said Lord Lytchett. “And I have been spoken to by your great-aunt. As the Chevalier de Vienne or as Lady Truthful, I think you must be part of any action we take to reclaim your Emerald. Indeed, as all our success to date can be laid at your door, it shall be as you asked in your last letter. No details will be kept from you.”

“Thank you,” said Truthful. She hesitated, then added shyly, “Will everything be as I asked in my letter? Will we only meet on the business of the Emerald and Lady Plathenden?”

“I trust not,” said Lord Lytchett decidedly. “I hope you will stand up with me for several dances tomorrow night at the Masquerade?”

“I will,” allowed Truthful, looking up at him through her eyelashes. “Perhaps here I might even waltz?”

“Indeed I believe it is unexceptional in Brighton, and you will be masked,” said Lord Lytchett enthusiastically. “May I also say that my . . . my foolishly-offered opinion as to not wanting to marry anyone has undergone a change and in due time I would—”

“Oh!” interrupted Truthful. “Charles, I had forgot! There was a mermaid’s head in Agatha’s hatbox!”

“A mermaid’s head?” asked Charles. He made the connection immediately. “A costume? I must see it!”

Truthful took his hand.

“It’s in my aunt’s parlour. If we hurry there will be just time before dinner.”

She opened the door, surprising Lady Otterbrook who was about to come in. Seeing Truthful’s hand clasped in her nephew’s she exclaimed, “Oh, Charles! Truthful! I am so happy!”

“No, Aunt!” said Charles in passing. “Not what you think, not yet. We’re off to look at a mermaid’s head. And it is all right to combine the dinners!”

“Combine the dinners?” asked Truthful.

“Left-hand and right-hand houses,” said Charles. “I wasn’t sure . . . that is if you didn’t wish to hear me out . . . the fact of the matter is I have your cousins staying here. And the real Major Harnett. My friend James. His book is finished and I have recruited him to join our efforts against Lady Plathenden.”

“Oh, I am pleased his book is finished,” exclaimed Truthful. Even though they were now in Lady Badgery’s parlour, she did not relinquish Lord Lytchett’s hand. “Now he and Miss Gough can marry.”

“He is a capital fellow and I wish him very happy,” said Charles. “Is that the head? Very fancy. Those are small emeralds, are they not? It must be for Lady Plathenden herself.”

“That is exactly what I said to my great-aunt,” said Truthful.

They beamed at each other, pleased at their mutual intelligence.

“So she intends to go to the Masquerade,” mused Charles. “It must be for some fell purpose . . . we have to tell Uncle. He had best warn off the Prince Regent.”

“My thought exactly,” cried Truthful.

“It will be one less thing to concern us,” said Charles. “Though I fear it means we will miss our dancing, Truthful. Unless of course you would rather—”

“No!” protested Truthful. “I will be part of whatever you . . . whatever we plan.”

“The thing is,” said Charles thoughtfully, “if she is going to come to the Masquerade, she will certainly have the Emerald on her person. She may intend to use it, in which case you will be one of the few who might be able to resist its powers. And there lies our opportunity.”

“Our opportunity?” asked Truthful.

“We will finally know exactly where Lady Plathenden and the Emerald are located,” said Charles. “And we can capture both at one fell swoop!”

“Very good,” said Lady Badgery from the door. “Now unhand my great-niece and come downstairs. The dinner gong has sounded twice!”

* * *

The dinner, combining the ladies of the right-hand house with the menfolk of the left-hand house was a jubilant affair. Truthful was greeted by her cousins with exuberant tales of their activities in pursuit of Lady Plathenden and her many accomplices, interspersed with apologies from Edmund and Robert for not, after all, going to get her new gemstones as they had promised in their cups. She was delighted to meet the rather shy Major Harnett, and promised that she would buy copies of his Badajoz Diary for everyone she knew, and wished him very happy with Miss Gough. The Marquis, informed of the possibility of Lady Plathenden somehow attacking his guests seemed rather more pleased than otherwise and had to be constrained by Lady Otterbrook from having another look in his divining fire just in case he could get a glimpse of what might occur.

After the last remove, when it would have been normal for the ladies to retire, the whole company instead moved to the library, where Charles laid out everything that was known about Lady Plathenden’s activities in Brighton, the smugglers, pickpockets and other criminal riff-raff who served her; and the forces of the Crown that might be arrayed for the purposes of her apprehension and the reclamation of the Emerald.

Much discussion was then to be had on the necessity of calling up the militia, the marines from Portsmouth, or even the Sorcery-Eaters of the Tower, but in the end it was decided that Harnett’s existing force of a dozen men and the local constabulary — who had already been drafted in by the Marquis to manage the traffic expected to congregate around the Assembly Rooms of the Old Ship — would suffice, particularly as General Leye was posting down the next morning and would bring half a dozen more men with him and the Sorcerer-Royal, Sir Everard Loraine.

The Prince Regent also had his own guards, but as they would remain with him in the Pavilion, they did not enter into the plans, other than in the necessity of informing their commander of what was going forward, the Marquis indicating that he would ensure this was done, while also speaking with the Prince Regent so he would not venture out and put himself at risk.

It was further decided that while the Newington-Lacys and Major Harnett would remain outside the Assembly Rooms, with their horses nearby in case a pursuit became necessary, Truthful and Charles would go to the Masquerade, it being easier for them as guests to survey the interior than in any other guise.

“I will be there also,” said Lady Badgery. “With cutlass and wand! If Amelia Plathenden comes within lunging distance, I won’t answer for the consequence.”

“Thank you, milady,” said Charles gravely. “Let us hope we can capture her alive.”

“Is any more known about what she may be able to do with the Emerald?” asked Truthful. “As far as I know, it was only ever used to raise or quell storms in my family, and that seems of little use for a malignant sorcerer of Lady Plathenden’s ilk.”

“We know little more,” said Charles. “Sir Everard may, when he arrives. He has been searching the archives. General Leye was perturbed to see a report on an emerald that matches the description of the Newington gem in a very old inventory from the Canterbury codex.”

“The Canterbury codex?” asked Stephen, with a whistle. “Lor! That means it was once owned by King Canute!”

“Perhaps,” said Charles.

“Speaking of Canute,” said the Marquis. “Prinny didn’t like the idea. So I decided to take it on myself. Must go and practice with the footmen who are going to be my waves.”

“Oh, Athelstan!” said the Marchioness. “I cannot like this notion. Just think of how much space they will take up. They will be forever getting in the way!”

“Nonsense!” replied the Marquis. “I’ll have a throne put up in the north-east corner, keep ’em there. Bit of fun, hey?”

He rose to his feet, advised all present not to drink too much before going into action as it were tomorrow, and left. He was soon followed by his wife and Lady Badgery, who in her turn offered the advice that everyone should stay close at home before the Masquerade, though her particular stare at Truthful made it clear who she thought most needed her counsel.

“I think I will stay here tomorrow,” said Truthful thoughtfully to Charles, who was seated at her side. Major Harnett was perusing the bookshelves, and the three Newington-Lacys were arguing the merits of racing curricles, messenger pigeons and steam locomotives in delivering messages and freight.

“Really?” asked Charles. He hesitated, then said, “I did not wish to ask you to do so, but it had occurred to me that if Lady Plathenden intends to use the Emerald, then she will make an even greater effort to either have you assist her, or ensure you cannot play any part against her.”

“That thought had also occurred to me,” said Truthful. She shivered, and added, “So I will be sensible and stay out of sight. I am not exactly afraid, but I do remember that bone wand, and how she ordered us drowned . . .”

“I was afraid,” said Charles quietly. “I fear drowning, perhaps more than any other kind of death. I have been in several battles, and half a dozen skirmishes, but I was never so afraid as when I was tied to that bowsprit.”

“You never showed it,” said Truthful. “I thought you were just angry.”

“That is how many men hide their fear,” said Charles. “I must look up Commander Boling one day and make more fulsome apologies and offer greater thanks.”

“For rescuing us?” asked Truthful.

“Not just that,” said Charles. “I had our people keep watch on him, for he was in London for some days. Drunk or sober, he never said a word about you. Not one word, not even a hint about a beautiful young lady on a traitor’s ship. Few people are so discreet, and even fewer naval officers!”

“Drunk or sober?” asked Truthful, thinking of many of her father’s parties. “That is no idle boast.”

She fell silent then, and gazed at the fire, listening to the familiar chit-chat of Edmund, Stephen and Robert. They had moved on from transportation to boxing, and were heatedly discussing a championship match that had taken place when they were all in short pants and none of them could have seen.

“You are tired,” said Charles.

“A little,” admitted Truthful. She yawned, covered it with her hand and forced herself to get up. “I was thinking that by this time tomorrow night it should all be over. We will have the Emerald safe, and I can go home, and make my father well.”

“We will have the Emerald safe,” said Charles, bowing over her hand. “Good night, Newt. Sleep well.”

Chapter Twenty-One

The Masquerade Ball

The day of the Masquerade ball dawned very bright, the weather promising a perfect Spring day. Very few of Lord and Lady Otterbrook’s guests saw the actual dawn, but Truthful was one of them. She had awoken with the first rays of the sun, and half-asleep had called out, “Agatha!” as she had done so many times before, to ask for her chocolate to be brought up.

Having uttered that name there was no more sleep to be had. Truthful slipped from her bed and though she was not as a rule particularly religious or a great church-goer beyond every second or third Sunday, she found herself kneeling by her bed and offering up a prayer for Agatha’s soul, and for her own. She was uncertain on the theology of whether someone of fay parentage actually had a soul, but thought it better to err on the side of caution.

Thinking of caution, she afterwards prayed for Charles as well, that he be safe, and then she went through her cousins, and her great-aunt, and the Otterbrooks and even Sergeant Ruggins, so that by the time she finished it was considerably later and she had very sore knees.

After hot chocolate brought by a maid whose mumbled name was either Maude or Mary, Truthful bathed and dressed, far more carefully than she had for many days. But when at last she went down to breakfast in the most charming dress of Italian crape lined with exquisite Flemish lace, that effort proved to have been wasted. Her intended audience, Charles Otterbrook, had already breakfasted and left the house to supervise a cordon around the Old Ship and to have the Assembly Rooms searched, to be sure no infernal devices had been secreted there.

True to her word, and once again erring on the side of caution, Truthful did not leave the house that day. She saw Charles once, when he returned to see that she was still safe and to confer with Sergeant Ruggins, and she saw her cousins several times, severally and together, as they returned for fortifying drinks and snacks and even a hasty luncheon.