He set her on her feet and unbound her hands. Her face was as red as her cheeks. “Clothes off, Jennifer. Then sit in my lap.” She was still for a moment. “You hurt me.”

“No. I tortured you a little. If I had really hurt you, you would have said your safe word. You would have fought me.” He held his hand up, showing her the juice glistening on his fingers. He brought them to his mouth and sucked them inside, tasting her for the first time. He sucked every ounce of her tangy cream off his fingers. “That pussy of yours is throbbing, isn’t it? Do you know how delicious you taste? Do you know what a meal I could make of you?”

“You’ll be the death of me, Stef.”

Her hands went to the hem of her shirt. She pulled it over her head and tossed it aside. They would go over proper procedure later, but for now he wanted her against him more than he wanted to follow protocol. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Stef stared at her perfectly formed breasts. They were small, but adorable. They would fit perfectly in the palm of his hand. Her nipples were brown and pink and tight with arousal. She shimmied out of her skirt and panties and placed herself on his lap. Her arms went around his neck.

“You’re beautiful, love.” He pushed her hair back. Why had he waited? It felt so right to have her in his arms. His anxiety had fled, leaving only a sense of joyous anticipation. Jennifer was naked, her breath warm against his neck. This was where he needed to be.

“I feel beautiful when you look at me like that.” She cuddled close, all of her previous worry seemingly gone.

“Give me your mouth.”

She turned her face up obediently. Stef brought his lips down on hers and kissed her the way he’d wanted to from the moment he’d met her. He devoured her. His mouth ate at hers hungrily, tongue invading the moment she opened her lips. He swept in and tangled their tongues together in a lustful dance. He wanted her like he hadn’t wanted anyone before. All the gorgeous submissives he’d claimed before couldn’t hold a candle to the way she moved him.

Before he knew it he was on top of her, spreading her legs and making a place for himself at her silky pussy. He didn’t hold his weight off her. He wanted to sink into her and lose himself.

He let his hands find her breasts, and his mouth followed close behind. He popped a pink nipple in his mouth and sucked, delighting in the way she groaned and moved beneath him. His hips pumped against hers.

“Stef.” She moaned his name again and again.

“Do you want me, love?” He needed to hear her say it.

“So much.” Her eyes pleaded with him.

His hands went to the fly of his pants. He knew he should get off her. He should take control—of her, of himself. He tore open his pants and shoved them and his boxers down. His cock sprang free.

“Wow,” Jen said in a breathy little voice that did amazing things for his ego. Her small hand came out and touched him. He stared at the sight. He had always been fascinated with her hands. He loved how they moved across a canvas as she stroked a painting to life.

Now they ran across his cock, making him feel more alive than he had in years.

“Stef, I’m on the pill. I’m clean.”

It was all he needed. He’d had a physical and hadn’t ever had sex without a condom before. He wanted her with nothing in between them. He pushed her hands away and lined his cock up with her soaked pussy. He pulled her legs around his hips to open her up and started to push his way in.

Tight. She was so tight around him. She was a vise on his cock.

He had to move carefully, advancing and retreating in a maddening dance. He wanted so badly to shove himself in balls deep, but he wouldn’t hurt her for the world.

“It feels so good, Stef.” Her nails had found the bare skin of his ass and sank in, urging him on.

“It feels right,” he heard himself say. He shoved against her and sighed as he finally was as deep as he could go. Every inch of his cock was surrounded by hot, delicious pussy. He held himself steady, allowing her to accept him. The muscles of her cunt quivered around his dick.

Jen’s throaty plea cut through the silence. “If you don’t move soon, I’m going to die.”

He was more than willing to give her what she wanted. Stef pulled out until just the head of his cock rested in her pussy and then slammed back in. And he was off. All thoughts besides fucking her were blasted from his brain. She was everything in that moment. He was surrounded with her. The touch of her skin. The smell of their fucking. The sound of her breath as she pushed against him, fighting for her orgasm. It was primal and out of control and perfect. She was everything he’d ever wanted. His perfect mate.

“Oh, Stef. Stef. It feels so…I…” She stopped trying to talk. Every muscle in her body seemed to tighten, and she cried out. Her legs clamped down on his hips, her pelvis thrust up.

Stef followed her. He let himself go. He pounded away at her until his balls drew up, and it was impossible to stave off the inevitable. He came in long, glorious jets of cum. He pumped into her, delivering every ounce he had in his body.

He fell forward, shocked at how his heart was still pounding. This was supposed to be his quiet time, but he wasn’t satisfied. He wanted something more, something he’d never had before.

“I love you.” Her words were whispered as her fingers sank into his hair. He felt her lips on his head.

Still, he wanted more. There was something else he was missing, something that would complete the scene they had just played out.

His heart stopped as he realized what he wanted. The words were right there on his lips, practically dripping from his tongue. Foreign words. I love you. He’d never said them before. He needed to say them to her.

He held back and let himself rest on her breasts. Eventually her breathing slowed and steadied into the rhythm of sleep. She rested, her arms wrapped around him.

Stef lay there, unwilling to wake her, but his mind raced all night.

What the hell had he done?

In the morning he was waiting for her. He’d untangled himself and gotten dressed again. He’d sat at her tiny table and scolded himself in every way imaginable. She wasn’t ready for a relationship.

She was too young for him. He wanted too much from her. He didn’t have the right to demand that she settle down, and he wouldn’t, couldn’t, settle for less from her.

He’d played out the scenarios in his head. He’d thought about simply starting a D/s relationship. That would be the easiest way to keep her close. They could have their own separate lives and come together for play. It was the way he’d handled his relationships for a very long time.

He’d watched her sleep, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep it there. He would have her moved into the estate and under his thumb before she knew what was happening. It was his nature.

He could see clearly the way it would go. They would be happy for a while, but then she would need more. She would grow and change and leave him behind. It would be just like…

He didn’t want to think about his father right now. This was about Stef and Jennifer. His own parents were simply an object lesson as to why an older man should not marry a much younger woman.

Jennifer stirred, twisting as though seeking something in her sleep.

She obviously didn’t find it, and she went up on one elbow to look around the room. There was slight panic in her eyes, and then she softened as she saw him.

“Hey, good morning,” she said in a sleepy voice that went straight to his cock.

He wanted to strip down and climb back on the couch with her.

He would push her legs apart again and be where he always wanted to be—inside her.

“We need to talk,” he forced himself to say. If he gave in now, it would be disastrous for both of them. She had a whole career ahead of her. She didn’t need a man in her life who would try to take over.

She sat up, clutching the quilt he’d pulled over her. “Do we have to? I liked it better when we didn’t talk.” He did, too, but this was morning, and they had to face reality.

“Jennifer, last night was a mistake.” Her eyes slid away from his. “You bastard.” He didn’t argue. He was a bastard. He’d taken her last night when he’d known it was wrong. “It was a mistake, and I take full responsibility. It wasn’t your fault. I took advantage of you.” Now she looked at him, tears shining in her eyes. “Because I wasn’t here at all, was I? Because I didn’t make a choice? What the hell am I to you, Stef?”

“You’re a friend,” he said gently.

“No, I am not. People trust their friends. You said once that I knew nothing of trust, but you’re the one who doesn’t trust me. You think I’m a child, but I’m not. I know what I want, Stef. I want you.” She leaned toward him, holding her hand out. “Last night wasn’t a mistake. This morning is, can’t you see that?”

“Jennifer, I remember being twenty-three. It’s not the easiest time in your life. There are lots of things that you think you want, but you simply don’t have the experience to know.”

Now she stood. “Fuck you, Stef. Get out of my house. I’m not some child, but you’re never going to see it. You’re never going to see me as anything but some airhead kid.”

“I’d prefer to talk about this reasonably.”

“Screw reason. I’m done reasoning with you. I’ve begged and pleaded and made a fool of myself. Well, I’m done with all of that, Stef. And I’m done with you, so feel free to leave.”

“Last night you loved me, and this morning you’re through.” Everything she said just made his point.

She shrugged. “Well, I guess you were right about me, then. Out!” He left, the door slamming behind him and the worst feeling in the pit of his stomach telling him that he’d fucked everything up. He’d intended to be gentle, to talk it out. As he walked away, he thought he heard her cry. He’d knocked on the door, but it was locked this time.

He’d stood there, hand on the door, and wished he could go back in and hold her.

He left a few moments later, but that afternoon he’d been back like a moth to the flame. He’d come with flowers he’d bought at the Trading Post and plans to, at least, talk this out. He couldn’t stand the thought of her feeling down. Maybe, he’d thought, maybe, they could try.

Her apartment had been empty of anything that was personal.

Only the furniture remained. She’d packed up and left in a matter of hours.

He’d walked out, tossing the flowers in the trash. It was better this way, he’d told himself. It was better that she left now, rather than later.

Chapter Four

Stef was jarred awake as the chair he sat in was forcefully kicked.

He sat up straight, forcing himself to come out of the dream he’d been having. It was a familiar dream, one he had every night. He’d made love to Jennifer again. He’d chased her down and taken her. He’d made her his. She’d been soft and utterly submissive by the time he’d gotten her underneath him. It had been perfect in his dream because this time he’d said the words he wanted to say. This time he’d made it right, and she hadn’t left him.

When his vision cleared he saw the reason he couldn’t say the words. His father was asleep in the chair across from him, his eyes closed and a blanket around his body. He was older, more fragile than Stef had ever seen him. His father was a rock. His father was a workaholic who never seemed to have an emotion, much less show one.

Except that one day. The day his mother had left them alone. He remembered very little besides shouting and his mother’s pronouncement that no amount of money made up for being tied to a husband and a kid. But he remembered his father’s knees hitting the floor. He remembered the way his father had clung to him as he cried.

The next day, Sebastian Talbot had been back to smooth, CEO

perfection as if nothing had happened. He’d divorced his young bride and never mentioned her name again. It had been years before Stef had heard anything about her, and then it had been a single e-mail explaining she’d remarried and requested contact. He’d been twenty.

He’d deleted it and blocked her from his e-mail.

Stef let his eyes slide to Jen’s sleeping form. She was even younger than his mother had been when she married his father.

“You want to explain to me why your father thinks you’re going to marry my wife?” Nate’s low growl brought Stef out of his revelry.