Eddington leaned forward, setting his forearms on his knees. “Welton arranged both of your marriages, and saw a marked increase in his fortunes after your husbands’ deaths. He was quick to introduce you to me after I settled his markers the other evening. Your stepfather has quite a mercenary interest in you. Winter said the same to me once.”

“I fail to see why that is of any interest to you.”

“You know what I believe?” he said softly. “I believe Welton has something he is holding against you, something he has used to gain your cooperation. I can free you from him. I do not expect you to help me without any benefit.”

“Why me?” she asked herself wearily, her gloved hands stroking absentmindedly along the edge of her domino. “What have I done to deserve this misery?”

“The question, I believe, is what haven’t you done?”

How true that was.

“Ascertain what happened to the witness,” he urged, “and I will secure your freedom from both the agency and Welton.”

“Perhaps my soul is black as sin, and I will sell word of your curiosity to the men you seek.” Sometimes, she wished she had no soul. She suspected her life would be much easier if she were as conscienceless as the men who used her.

“It is a risk I am willing to take.”

The earl waited a moment and then rose to his feet. He held out his hand to her. “Think on it. I will call on you tomorrow as an ardent swain and you may give me your answer then.”

Resigned, Maria placed her hand in his.

“My lord,” Christopher greeted tightly. “Lady Winter, may I present to you Lord Sedgewick. My lord, the incomparable Lady Winter.”

Angelica dipped into a lovely curtsy as Sedgewick bowed.

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance,” the viscount said. “I apologize again for my carelessness earlier.”

Christopher stilled a brief moment. What were the odds?

“Please forgive me,” Sedgewick continued when Angelica said nothing.

Maintaining his composure, Christopher lifted a finger to his lips in a gesture that conveyed silence. “Lady Winter is incognito this evening, my lord. You understand, perhaps, how that enlivens the festivities.”

“Ah, of course.” Sedgewick’s smile was broad and smug, his shoulders held back with cocky pride. “I applaud your decision to discard the domino, my lady. A gown as lovely as yours should not be hidden.”

Maria was here. “If you will excuse us, my lord.”

Sedgewick lifted Angelica’s hand to his lips, said some platitudes to which Christopher paid no mind, and then the viscount stepped out of the way.

Freed from his lone duty for the evening, Christopher pulled Angelica out of the ballroom and strode swiftly down a long hall. He had no notion if he was heading in the right direction to find the woman in the black domino or not, but it was the way to the rear garden. From there, Angelica could skirt the house to the front, where she would await him in the coach.

“Thank you, love,” he said, kissing her cheek before seeing her out a set of French doors. He whistled low, calling his men who surrounded the perimeter of the manse to watch her safely to his carriage. Then he turned about…

…in time to see Welton’s companion emerge from a room with Lord Eddington exiting directly behind her. That they’d had a liaison was obvious.

More secrets. Would there be more lies?

Christopher took a risk and called out. “Maria.”

The woman lifted her chin and untied her mask, revealing the features he craved to look upon. She met his gaze directly.

“Enjoying your evening?” she asked coldly, every inch the Wintry Widow.

Apparently, she had seen him with Angelica and did not like it. Good.

He removed his own mask, allowing her an unhindered view of his own displeasure. He waited for her explanation.

Instead, she turned on her heel and walked away.

Enraged, he gave chase.

Chapter 10

Maria heard Christopher exchange curt words with Eddington as she fled down the hallway. She stepped up her pace. It hurt to run and she quickly grew dizzy, but her carriage was waiting. With haste she could reach it and make her escape.

“Departing so early, my lady?”

Startled, she slowed and turned her head to see the man Lord Pearson had identified as “Sedgewick” approaching from an opposite hallway.

He frowned and looked over her shoulder. “Where is your companion?”

She blinked, her steps faltering.

“Ah, there he is,” Sedgewick murmured.

Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Christopher approaching with rapid strides. Lacking the luxury of time to puzzle out the cryptic comments, she resumed her flight.

Her footsteps padded softly along the runner and then grew louder as she crossed the marble-lined foyer. Brushing past a startled footman and several late arrivals, she descended the front steps to the crowded drive and weaved between the many carriages, her gaze darting amongst the liveried drivers and footmen in search of her own.


The call came from before and behind her, the two male voices distinctive in accent and tone-one clipped and angry, the other lower and urgent. She turned quickly to the right, rushing headlong toward Simon, who caught the elbow of her uninjured arm and thrust her into the waiting carriage.

“Better luck next time, old chap!” he crowed to Christopher and then he vaulted up behind her as the equipage lurched into motion.

Christopher’s string of curses made her smile grimly. She hated that the sight of him with another woman had affected her so strongly, and she relished the tiny victory of thwarting his attempt at excuses. That he had hovered over the silver-clad figure so affectionately and kissed her so chastely spoke of much care and also reminded Maria of his recent visit to her home. He had displayed similar affection for her, though his kisses had been far from chaste.

“Care to explain?” Simon asked, studying her intently.

Maria relayed the events.

“Good God,” he muttered when she finished. “What are the odds that you would land in this predicament with Eddington?”

“Has my life not always been a series of unfortunate events?” Closing her eyes, she leaned her head back against the squabs.

“And Sedgewick’s behavior is a puzzle?”

“Delve into him. He approached me as if we had met at some point, yet I’m certain I have never made his acquaintance. Did he mistake St. John’s companion for me? Also he appeared unconcerned to find the pirate in attendance. Very odd.”

“I will investigate both peers.” There was a pause, and then Simon said softly, “Eddington’s offer-if it is sincere-would be a godsend, mhuirnín.”

“How can I trust him beyond a doubt? Eddington desires two things-the capture of St. John and the identity of the killer responsible for the deaths of Dayton and Winter. He is ambitious. What a coup it would be for him to capture me in the bargain, yes?”

Simon tapped one booted foot restlessly against the floorboards. “I agree. I feel as if a net is closing around you, yet I can do nothing.”

She felt the same.

The ride to Mayfair was lamentably long, and after the night’s exertions, her injury throbbed and tormented her. Battered by her roiling thoughts and confusion, her equanimity was askew. Once again, she was reminded that she was a pawn and valued only for her usefulness. But one day she would be rid of all of the people who chose to exploit her. She and Amelia would leave, start anew, find happiness.

Once they reached home, Simon escorted her up the stairs. He dismissed Sarah, preferring to undress Maria himself, his large hands gentle and mindful of the ache the permeated every cell in her body. He tucked her gently into bed and then changed her dressings, murmuring his concern at the fresh blood that stained the cloths.

“At least it is a clean wound,” she whispered, her eyes closing in relief as she settled back into the down-stuffed pillows.


A spoon was placed at her lips and a moment later laudanum slipped down her throat. It was quickly washed down with water, and soon the potent effects were evident by the easing of the pain that plagued her.

“How do you feel, mhuirnín?” Simon’s fingers drifted across her brow and kneaded gently into her temples.

“Grateful for you.” Her words slurred together, ending in a soft purr as his lips brushed across hers. She inhaled deeply, absorbing the beloved scent of his skin deep into her lungs. Her hand caught his and squeezed.

“Rest now,” he admonished, “so you can heal. I need you well.”

She nodded, and drifted into sleep.

Her dreams were unpleasant, her heart racing with distress as she chased after an elusive Amelia while Welton’s laughter echoed through her mind. Maria thrashed, which aggravated her shoulder. With a whimper, she awoke.

“Easy,” rasped a voice beside her.

Turning her head, she found her cheek pressed to a warm, nude chest. Coarse hair cushioned her head and strong arms held her as immobile as possible without hurting her further. Moonlight poured in through the windows, revealing the one sash that was pushed upward, inviting in a cool evening breeze-as it had apparently invited in the man who shared her bed.

“Christopher,” she breathed, finding comfort in the familiarity of his embrace.

He exhaled as if the sound of his name affected him, his chest falling and then rising beneath her. The room was dark, and though she could not see the clock, she knew that hours had passed since she’d first fallen asleep.

“Why are you here?”

He was silent for a long moment, then, “I don’t know.”

“How did you slip past my men?”

“With great difficulty, but obviously, I managed the task.”

“Obviously,” she said dryly. Her fist, which rested over the taut cords of his stomach, relaxed, opening to press her palm against his skin. Her touch slid downward, reaching his waistband.

“So you are not entirely undressed,” she noted.

“Would you wish me to be?”

“I admit the thought of you caught without your breeches does have its amusements.”

“Bloodthirsty vixen.” His raspy voice was tinged with affection. He pressed a hard kiss to her forehead and pulled the dislodged counterpane over her injured shoulder. “I came to berate you for leaving me as you did. My temper was high and in need of release.”

“Are you enamored with me?” she teased, hiding the strength of her anticipation for his answer.

“I expect the promises made to me to be kept.” The warning was clear.

“You made a like promise to me.”

“I kept mine,” he murmured. “Can you say the same?”

Maria leaned back to look up at him. “What sexual feat can I perform in this condition?”

“A touch, a kiss.” He stared down at her with glittering eyes. “A suggestive glance would be too much.”

Maria considered him a moment, carefully taking stock of her reactions to this man. She wasn’t quite certain why he appealed to her so strongly. As much as there was to like about him, there was even more to be wary of. “You kissed a woman.”

“It was worth it to see your reaction.”

A soft laugh escaped her, a sound both wry and derisive. A heartbeat later he joined her, the rumble of his merriment a joy to hear.

“We are an unfortunate pairing,” he said.

“Yes. If we had the option, I would suggest we stay far away from one another.”

Christopher’s hand stroked down her back. “The woman you saw was Angelica. Quinn knows her quite well.”

“Ah.” Maria nodded.

“Quinn occupies the room next to yours. If his position in your household is so important,” he asked gruffly, cupping her chin and forcing her to once again meet his gaze, “why is he not at your side?”

“You should not care about Simon or Eddington. I should not care about Angelica. What we do when we are apart should be of no consequence to any business between us.”

His lips firmed. “I agree that is the way it should be. But that is not the way it is.”

“It was sex between you and me. If we indulge again, it would remain nothing more than sex.”

“Very good sex,” he corrected.

“Did you think so?” She studied what she could see of his features in the darkness.

He smiled and her breath caught. “I knew it before the fact.” His fingers drifted across her lips. “You need to heal so we can resume our bedsport. In the meantime, tell me. What did Welton want of you that forced you to go out in this condition, rather than recuperating as you should be?”

“Why did Sedgewick approach me as if he knew me and assume that you were my escort?”

They stared at each other in silence, neither willing to make an admission. Finally, she sighed and snuggled tighter against him. How she missed the feel of a man in her bed, the comfort of a strong embrace and the warmth imparted by a handsome man’s desire. Somehow the things left unsaid brought her closer to Christopher. There was no denying that they were impossibly alike.