"Can we borrow horses?"
"If we're lucky enough to find a sturdy one and no one's around to stop us, then yes, we'll borrow a horse."
"You could get yourself hanged for stealing a horse."
"That's the least of my worries," she said as she shifted in the bed. Every inch of her body throbbed, and there simply was no comfortable position. She moved her bandaged arm down to her side and felt a prick, and only then remembered the surprise she had for Alec.
"I have something for you," she said. "Close your eyes tight."
He bolted upright onto his knees and squeezed his eyes shut. "What is it?"
She held up the dagger. She didn't have to tell him to look, for he was already peeking. The joy in his eyes made her feel like weeping.
"Brodick's dagger," he whispered in awe. "How did you find it?"
"You told me where it was," she reminded him. "I grabbed it from the chest on the way out of the hall. Keep it inside the leather sheath so you won't accidentally cut yourself."
He was so happy to have his treasure back, he threw his arms around her neck and kissed her swollen cheek. "I love you, Gillian."
"I love you too, Alec."
"Now I can protect you 'cause I got my knife back."
She smiled. "Are you going to be my champion, then?"
"No," he giggled, drawing out the word.
"Why not?"
He pulled back and told her what he thought should have been obvious. " 'Cause I'm just a little boy. But you know what?"
"No, what?"
"We got to find you one."
"A champion?"
He nodded solemnly.
She shook her head. "I don't need a protector," she assured him.
"But you got to have one. Maybe we can ask Brodick."
"The mean one?" she teased. He nodded again.
She laughed softly. "I don't think…"
"We'll ask Brodick," he said, sounding very grown up. " 'Cause you know why?"
"No, why?"
"You need him."
Chapter Four
They didn't like the message. Four of Laird Buchanan's elite guard surrounded the young MacDonald soldier, towering over him like avenging gargoyles as he stammered out his important information while quaking in his boots. Three of the warriors were rendered speechless by the announcement. Aaron, Robert, and Liam were outraged by what they immediately surmised was trickery on Laird MacDonald's part. Everyone in the Buchanan clan knew the messenger's laird to be a sneaky, lying, son of a bitch, and therefore refused to believe a word he said. The fourth Buchanan warrior, Dylan, had the opposite reaction to the news. Though he also believed Laird MacDonald to be a sneaky, lying, son of a bitch, he was so amused and intrigued by the message he was eager to hear the details.
Aaron, the most outspoken of the Buchanan group, shook his head in denial and moved forward with the demand that the messenger repeat every word.
"'Tis as I said before," the young MacDonald soldier insisted.
"Then say it again," Aaron commanded, deliberately moving close so that the man would have to crane his head back in order to look him in the eyes. "Word for word I would hear this foul message again."
The MacDonald soldier felt like a trapped rabbit. Robert stood behind him, Dylan faced him, and Aaron and Liam pressed in against his sides. All the Buchanan warriors were at least two heads above him in height, and they could easily crush him with their weight alone.
He turned to the warrior who had made the demand, then tried to step back so that he could put a little breathing distance between them. "There is a young lady who insists that your laird come to her at once. She waits inside the boarded up church near the crossroads below the Len holding. She claims… to be…"
The dark look on the warrior's face so terrified the soldier he couldn't go on. He turned to Dylan, then stepped back in an attempt to get away from his scorching glare and bumped into the warrior named Black Robert.
"My message is for Brodick and Brodick alone," he protested.
"He is Laird Buchanan to you, pup," Liam growled.
"Yes… yes, Laird Buchanan," the soldier hastily acknowledged. "I overstep myself."
"Aye, you do," Robert muttered from behind. Dylan stepped forward to question the messenger. Brodick had already been summoned to the great hall but had not yet arrived, and so the commander over the elite guard of Buchanan warriors decided to take charge of the questioning. He knew the MacDonald soldier was scared, and so he clasped his hands behind his back as a signal that he wouldn't harm him and impatiently waited for him to regain his composure.
"Continue with your message," Dylan demanded.
"The lady, she claims to be his bride," the frightened young man blurted out. "And she demands that your laird escort her to his home so that she may take up residence."
Robert nudged the soldier to get his attention and accidentally sent him lunging forward. He bumped into Dylan, who didn't budge an inch, quickly righted himself, and whirled around to face the warrior. "I do not lie," he insisted. "I repeat only what I was bid to say."
"What is your name?" Robert asked. He thought his question a mild one and therefore was surprised by the messenger's reaction. The young man actually paled like a frightened woman.
" Henley," he blurted out with a sigh, thankful he'd been able to remember it. "My name is Henley."
Dylan demanded Henley 's attention by prodding him to turn around again. The soldier quickly obeyed the order, dizzy now from twirling about in the center of the giants. He tried to concentrate only on the Buchanan commander, but it was difficult, for the other three were deliberately pressing in on him.
"Why did the MacDonald send a boy to give us this message?" Dylan asked contemptuously.
Henley 's Adam's apple bulged and wobbled as he swallowed. He didn't dare contradict the commander by arguing that he was a man, not a boy, and so he said, "My laird felt that a younger man would have a better chance of surviving your laird's temper. We have all witnessed your laird in battle and know of his remarkable strength. Many have claimed that they have seen him fell his enemy with but a flick of his wrist. We have also all heard that it is… unwise… to displease him. Laird MacDonald is not ashamed to admit that he respectfully fears your laird."
Dylan smiled. "Respectfully fears?"
Henley nodded. "My laird also said that Brodick…"
Liam shoved the messenger hard, sending him crashing into Robert. The warrior didn't flinch, but Henley felt as though he'd just run into a stone wall. He turned to Liam then, wishing with all his heart he had the nerve to suggest that if the warrior wanted to gain his attention, he simply say his name.
"Brodick is Laird Buchanan to you," Liam reminded him.
"Yes, Laird Buchanan," Henley quickly agreed.
"You were saying?" Aaron prodded.
Henley turned to his left to answer. "My laird said that Laird Buchanan is an honorable man and that he would not prey upon an unarmed man. I do not carry a weapon."
Henley was forced to whirl to the right when Dylan asked, "And does your laird also tell you that Brodick is reasonable?"
Henley knew that if he lied, the warriors would know it. "Nay, he said just the opposite," he admitted.
Dylan laughed. "Your honesty protects your hide."
Aaron spoke then, forcing the messenger to turn completely around.
"We don't kill messengers," he said.
"Unless, of course, we dislike the message." Robert grinned.
Henley turned back to address their leader once again. "There is more," he said. "I fear the rest will truly displease your laird." The quicker he got his message delivered, the quicker he could get out of their trap, and if God proved merciful, he would be well on his way home before Brodick arrived.
The laird had been summoned from the training fields below the holding and was irritated by the interruption, but when he heard that there was an urgent message, his heart leapt with hope that the news was from Iain Maitland, telling him that his son, Alec, had been found.
Gawain, another one of his trusted guards, dashed Brodick's hopes when he told him that the plaid the messenger wore was from the clan MacDonald.
The disappointment frustrated and angered him. He turned to Gawain and said, "Tomorrow we go back to the falls and search once again. Do you argue with me this time, Gawain?"
The soldier shook his head. "Nay, I know that it's futile to argue with you, Laird. Until you believe in your heart that the boy is dead, I'll continue to search as diligently as you."
"Do you believe Alec drowned?"
Gawain's sigh was weary. " 'Tis the truth I do." Brodick couldn't fault his friend for his honesty. He continued up the hill with Gawain at his side.
"His father taught Alec how to swim," he remarked.
"But if Alec hit his head on the rocks as the blood indicated, he would have been unconscious when he hit the water. Besides, even a grown man would have difficulty surviving the pounding falls."
"Neither Iain nor I believe Alec is dead."
"Laird Maitland mourns his son," Gawain said. "In time he will accept his death."
"No," Brodick argued. "Until there is a body to bury, neither one of us will accept."
"You were just appointed his champion," Gawain said. "Perhaps that is yet another reason you cannot accept. As his new protector…"
"A protector who failed," Brodick interrupted harshly. "I should have gone to the festival. I should have watched out for him. I don't even know if Iain gave Alec my dagger and if the boy knew…" He shook his head and forced himself to think about the present. "Go and take over the training. I'll join you as soon as I've heard what the MacDonald soldier has to say."
A draft blew into the great hall when the doors to the courtyard were thrown open. Henley heard the sound of Brodick's boots pounding against the stone floor and closed his eyes. His panic nearly made him faintheaded and it took a supreme act of courage to stand still and not try to run.
"The message damned well better be urgent. Where's the MacDonald soldier?" Brodick demanded as he strode into the hall.
Dylan nodded to the guards surrounding the messenger. "Move back so our laird may hear this important message," he ordered. He tried to sound serious, but knew he'd failed in that endeavor.
Brodick stood next to Dylan to face the messenger. Henley felt his shivers increase tenfold, for the two warriors were extremely daunting. The Buchanan laird was even taller than his commander. Brodick was a giant of a man, with thick bulging muscles in his shoulders and upper arms and thighs, indicating his raw, superior strength. His skin was richly bronzed, his long hair golden. His eyes bore into Henley with a gaze so intense and probing, the young soldier felt as though he were staring into the eyes of a lion who was about to have him for his supper.
Aye, he was in the lion's den, and heaven help him when he gave the rest of his message.
Dylan had terrified Henley before, but now that the commander stood next to his laird, he didn't seem quite as intimidating. In coloring, Dylan was the antithesis of Brodick, for he was as dark as the night. In size and bulk he was equal, but his manner was less threatening.
"I would hear this urgent message," Brodick commanded.
Henley flinched. He found it impossible to hold the laird's stare, and so he cowardly looked at the tops of his boots while he repeated word for word what he had memorized.
"The lady… she bids you to come to her at the church of Saint Thomas at the crossroads below the Len holding, and the lady, she… demands… yes, demands that you escort her to your home."
Henley darted a quick glance up to judge Brodick's reaction and wished with all his heart he hadn't been so curious. The scowl on the laird's face made the blood rush to his temples, and he feared he might disgrace the MacDonald name by passing out.
"She?" Brodick asked quietly.
"Tell him," Dylan ordered.
"Your bride," Henley blurted out. "The lady, she's your bride."
"This woman claims to be my bride?"
Henley nodded. " 'Tis true."
"The hell it is," Dylan replied.
"Nay, I meant to say only that she claims… She told me to say those very words. Laird, does my message displease you?" He held his breath while he waited for an answer. He firmly believed the gossip about Brodick and therefore thought his fate rested in the laird's reaction.
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