"Gillian," he began gruffly.

"Hush," she whispered. "I'm making love to you this time. You said I could."

"May I offer a suggestion?"

"What is it?"

"It'll work better if you let me turn over."

He rolled onto his back, grabbed her, and kissed her hungrily as he helped her untie the ribbon of her gown and watched her blush as she pulled the gown over her head and tossed it aside.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered. He kissed her again.

The teasing ended then as passion flared. Trembling in his arms, she became more demanding. He entered her swiftly, completely, and the pleasure was so intense, so blissful, he closed his eyes and groaned loudly, "Lord, you feel good."

And then he began to move within her, slowly, deliberately until she was writhing out of control. The thrilling sensations drove him on, and when he felt her tighten around him and heard her cry his name, he climaxed deep inside her.

Spent, he collapsed on top of her and stayed there long minutes until his heart stopped slamming inside his chest and he could draw a decent breath.

"You've exhausted me," he whispered gruffly as he rolled to his side and pulled her up against him. Her back was against his chest and her sweet derriere was pressed against his groin. The scent of their lovemaking clung to their bodies; the only sound was that of the logs crackling in the hearth and Gillian's occasional sigh.

"I had no idea I was going to like this so much."

"I did," he told her. "I knew the first time I kissed you. I could feel the passion in you. I knew you were going to be wild, and I was right."

"Because I love you," she said. "I don't think I'd be so… free… with any other man."

"You aren't ever going to find out," he said. "No other man will ever touch you."

Before he could get riled up, she soothed him. "I don't want any other man. I want only you. I love you, now and forever."

Her fervent words pleased him. Lifting her hand, he kissed her wrist. "Does this still bother you?" he asked as he looked at the scars puckering her skin.

"No," she answered. She tried to pull her hand away then. "But it's unsightly."

He kissed her ear. "Nothing about you is unsightly."

And then he proceeded to kiss every mark on her arm, and by the time he reached her elbow, she was shivering.

Just as Gillian was contentedly drifting off to sleep, he nudged her. "Do you trust me?"

"You know that I do."

"Then give me the names of the Englishmen."

She was suddenly wide awake. Turning in his arms, she looked into his eyes. "I want you to promise me something first."

"What is it?"

She sat up, pulled the covers around her, and leaned against the wall. "You know that I have to return to England. You understood that before you married me, didn't you?"

He knew where this was leading and frowned. "Yes," he agreed. "I knew you wanted to return to England."

"I'll give you their names after you promise me you and Iain and Ramsey won't retaliate until I've accomplished my goal and my Uncle Morgan is safe. You're a man of your word, Brodick. Promise me."

"Gillian, I cannot let you go back. You'd be walking into a death trap, and I can't-"

"You cannot stop me."

"Yes, I can." His voice was forceful now, angry. He sat up and roughly pulled her into his arms.

"I have to go."


"Brodick, Morgan is now your uncle too, and it's your duty to look out for him, isn't it?"

"I'll find him for you, Gillian, and see that no harm comes to him."

She shook her head. "You wouldn't know where to look. I have to go back and finish this."

He tried to reason with her. "You told me that the bastard demanded you return with the king's box and your sister. You will be going back empty-handed. How then can you expect to save your uncle?"

"The baron's far more interested in getting the jeweled box back than anything else. I'm going to try to convince him that my sister's dead."

"But you don't have the box, do you? And you don't know where the hell it is, remember?"

"I'm praying that my sister remembers," she said quietly.

"And if she doesn't?"

"I don't know," she cried out. "I have to go back. My uncle's life is at stake. Why won't you understand?"

"I can't let you put yourself in such jeopardy. If anything happened to you…" His voice shook, and he couldn't go on, couldn't even think about Gillian being hurt without shuddering. "I wouldn't like it," he muttered.

"Promise me, Brodick."


"Be reasonable," she demanded.

"I am being reasonable. You aren't."

"You knew… before you married me… you knew what I had to do."

"Gillian, things have changed."

She tried another strategy. "You could protect me. You could make certain I was safe, couldn't you?" He didn't answer her. "If you and Ramsey and Iain came with me, I would be very safe. After I've found out where my uncle is, then you could retaliate… but not before."

"So it's your plan to walk into the demon's den alone? You're out of your mind if you think…"

"You could make it safe for me."

She wasn't going to bend, and he had to have the names.

"All right," he finally agreed, but before she could get excited over his promise, he qualified it.

"If your sister has the box or knows where it is and you then have something to bargain with, and if you do exactly what I tell you to do when we get there, then I'll let you go with us."

"And you will wait until my uncle is safe to retaliate?"

"Yes. I give you my word."

She was so pleased she kissed him. "Thank you."

"I swear to God, Gillian, if anything happens to you, I could not live with it."

"You'll protect me."

Heaven help him, he was already regretting his promise. How in God's name could he let her near the bastards?

She put her head down on his shoulder. "There are three of them," she whispered, and felt him tense in reaction. "All of them are barons and close friends of King John. When they were boys, their antics amused him. Baron Alford of Lockmiere is the most powerful. He's the adviser to the king. My Uncle Morgan told me that he was the one who introduced Arianna to John, and for that reason alone, John will always protect him. You're going to have to be very cunning and careful, Brodick. The king will not care what your reasons are if you harm Alford."

"Is Alford the one who killed your father and laid claim to your estates?"

"Yes," she answered. "He's called Alford the Red because of the color of his hair and his temperament. He's the one who struck the bargain with the Highlander, but he had help from the other two. Hugh of Barlowe and Edwin the Bald are always at Alford's beck and call. Both have estates adjacent to Alford's."

"Where is Alford now?"

"Waiting for me in Dunhanshire," she answered.

"Do you think your uncle is there as well?"

"I don't know."

"You're going to have to accept the possibility that Alford has already killed your uncle."

"No," she replied. "Oh, I know Alford would if he could and not suffer a minute of remorse, and I've heard him proudly declare that he has never kept his word, but he needs to keep my uncle alive in order to gain my cooperation. Alford knows he won't get the box unless he can produce my uncle… and in good health… first."

"And then he's going to try to kill both of you."

"You won't let that happen."

"No, I won't," he agreed. "This is a dangerous game you're playing, Gillian, and I promised to let you go with us if you had something to bargain with."

"You'll take me with you," she said. "With or without the box."

Brodick didn't agree or disagree. For the next hour he made her describe in minute detail both her Uncle Morgan's estate and Dunhanshire, and once he was satisfied, he questioned her about the number of soldiers under Alford's command.

It was past midnight when he finally let her rest. She fell asleep sprawled on top of him, safe and protected in his arms.

He stayed awake another hour while he formulated his plans, and when he finally fell asleep, he dreamed of killing the man who had dared to touch her.

Aye, he dreamed of revenge.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Gillian was sick and tired of waiting for her sister to come to her senses. She was also angry with Ramsey because he still hadn't kept his promise to speak to Christen on her behalf, and though she had threatened that she would give him until noon today before she would take matters into her own hands, noon had come and gone, and so had Ramsey. One of the servants told her that he had left the holding early that morning with Brodick and a small band of soldiers. The servant didn't know where they had gone or when they were coming back.

She finally decided to find Brisbane and demand his help. With that intent she got up from the table just as Bridgid came running into the hall, carrying two sets of bows and arrows. She paused to smile at one of Ramsey's soldiers standing guard near the entrance, then continued on until she reached Gillian.

"Shall we go to the lake and swim?" she suggested in a loud voice.

"I don't want-"

"Yes, you do," she whispered. "Play along," she added with a barely perceptible nod at the guard.

"I'd love to go swimming," Gillian replied in a near shout.

Bridgid's eyes sparkled with merriment. "I've brought bows and arrows for both of us," she said. "If we're clever and quick, we will have rabbit stew for supper."

Gillian slipped the pack of arrows over her shoulder and carried the bow as she followed Bridgid through the buttery to the back door. They were outside and across the clearing in a matter of minutes.

Once they reached the cover of the trees, Bridgid, in her excitement, clasped Gillian's hand. "I know where Christen lives. Anthony didn't forget after all. He followed Brisbane yesterday morning just like he promised he would, but then he was ordered to relieve one of the border guards and didn't get back to the holding until dark. It was too late by then, of course. He even apologized," she added. "He's such a dear man."

"Yes, he is," she agreed. "Will you take me to Christen now?"

"Of course I will, but slow down, Gillian. People will notice if you run. Anthony's hidden two horses near the lake, and if luck stays on our side, we'll be on our way soon. You can't tell anyone where we're going. Anthony made me promise, and we can't let anyone know he helped us."

"I won't tell," she assured her friend. "I wouldn't like to see him get into trouble for doing a good deed."

"I doubt anyone will give us a second notice. It's the perfect opportunity. Brodick and Ramsey have gone to settle some trouble on the western border."

"Do you think Ramsey will be angry because I didn't wait for him to speak to Christen?"

"Probably," she replied. "But if he is, he'll talk to Brodick about it, not you. He would never let you see his anger."

"I'm worried about you," she countered. "I don't want you to get into trouble."

"Then we'll hurry and get back before anyone knows we've left," she said. "Besides, I'd be more concerned about your husband's anger if I were you. Brodick's known to have a fierce temper."

"He won't be angry with me. I told him I was going to take matters into my own hands if Ramsey didn't keep his promise to me. And he didn't," she insisted vehemently.

"He would have," Bridgid said in defense of her laird. "Ramsey's a man of his word."

"I don't know what I would do without your help. I even thought about pounding on every door until someone told me where Christen was."

Bridgid lifted a tree branch for Gillian to duck under as she said, "You never would have found her. It's peculiar really. Your sister lives in a very remote area. I've never been that far north, but Anthony assured me it's part of the MacPherson territory."

"Did he tell you how long it will take us to get there?"

"Yes," she answered. "We should be there by midafternoon."

They finally found the horses Anthony had hidden for them. "The gray's yours," Bridgid decided as she ran to the chestnut mare and climbed into the saddle.

Gillian took one look at the beautiful horses and the ornate saddles and shook her head in disbelief. "He borrowed Ramsey's horses?"