“He’s inside. We wanted to check out everything before having him come out.” Diamond was king around here. We all respected him and accepted his words as law. He took over as President after my Gramps passed away with Pops as his Vice President. He was sharp as a tack and knew his shit. He’s a very smart business man and rode with the guys regularly. You’d never know he was pushing seventy.

“I’ll see him in a minute. I need to see Sting.” I needed him more than I needed to breathe at the moment.

“Come on.” G.T. put his arm around my shoulders squeezing me as he led me to the back room.

Blocking the path in front of us was the garage man from earlier. “I’m so sorry. I was just trying to protect him.” His voice was shaky, but who could blame him, I dislocated his nose.

“I appreciate that. Thanks.” I smiled sweetly. I knew he was just doing his job. I just didn’t care, ‘cause no one keeps me away from my man. Could I have handled it differently, sure, but shit happens.

G.T. opened the door, and sitting inside was my man. In the middle of the room, my ’97 Ultra Groundpounder Hardtail stood proudly. His chrome body hard and the beautiful red and black paint graced him like a glove. He was the ultimate man. He felt great between my legs, never let me down, and was always there when I was in need. Warmth and love flowed through my body.

“Anyone been taking him out?” I asked to the roomful of men that piled in behind us.

“I have. He’s in good shape.” Pops’ voice came from behind. I knew could count on him.

“Thanks, Pops,” I said straddling my beast between my thighs. Reaching for the handlebars, I fired him up. The roar of the engine and the rough vibrations had my panties growing instantly wet. They didn’t call this machine a Milwaukee vibrator for nothing.

“Umm… You okay, Princess?” G.T. asked eyeing me, a wide grin spread across my face. “I’m not gonna sit here and watch you get off.”

Looking up at him, I responded, “Then you better get the hell out of here quick.” My body was burning for release. It’d been way too long, and the vibrations were just too damn good hitting my clit just perfectly.

“I’ll watch.” Dagger cut through, crossing his arms across his chest.

“Dagger, you’d stop to watch two dogs fuck,” I said, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

“Damn right, and the only thing better than watching you come would be my dick making you do it.” Dagger’s been in the club for years and was a monumental whore who fucked anything that had a hole, female of course, and made no qualms about it, even to his ol’ lady. Dagger’s a very rugged man. His leathery skin was masked by his long blond hair that’s braided down his back with his red, white and blue bandana covering across his forehead. He’s made no secret over the years that he’d love to take me for a ride. Too bad for him, I stay far away from brothers.

“You’re not watching my girl. Get the fuck out!” Pops barked at the men, but none of them seemed to move, surprising me. G.T. and Pops made a quick exit. I shook my head, swallowing my laughter.

Getting back to the task at hand, I felt my body almost there. My hips rubbed back and forth on the seat, feeling my strong man taking care of me. Closing my eyes, the hot rush of feelings took over while I continued rocking back and forth. I didn’t give two shits if the guys were there. I’ve seen them do more garbage in that clubhouse than I’d care to mention.

Sparks flew through my body, and my breath became sparse. Throwing my head back, I enjoyed the feelings racing through my body. Damn, I loved my man. Opening my eyes, every eye in the room was staring at me, and I couldn’t help the amusement coursing through me. I shut down Sting and pulled myself off of him, feeling my damp panties rubbing against my jeans, making me smile. I needed to take him out for a ride very soon.

“Damn girl.” My eyes landed on Zed’s wide grin. My eyes traveled down his body appraisingly. I could see a very large bulge trying to bust through his leathers. I loved that I had this effect on the guys. I may not sleep with them, but teasing never hurt anyone.

Nodding to his dick, “You may need to have that taken care of.”

“You wanna do it?” He took a step closer to me grabbing his dick. His hair was the color of muddy water, cut short in a buzz and eyes as dark as midnight penetrated me. His solid build was intimidating to most, but not me.

“In your dreams,” my voice said sternly, brushing past him, making sure my arm grazed him just enough to get a reaction out of him.

And sure enough, “Damn, Babe,” he growled making me smile.

“All right, I’m better. Let’s go see Diamond.” Looking over to the side of the room, Cruz was eyeing me. “What’s wrong Big Boy? Can’t handle it?”

“Hell yeah. Just wonder if you could.” As his stare penetrated me, I asked myself that same question, but didn’t need to answer it. My heart rate picked up giving me an answer that scared the shit out of me. But I wouldn’t let it show. Ever.

“Sure, take it out and stroke it.” I wanted to see if this man was just blowing smoke up my ass, or if he was a sure thing. Torturing myself was always fun and I knew I’d never act. Never make the mistake of sleeping with a brother.

The corner of his mouth curled up into a sexy grin as he reached down and started unbuckling his belt. “All right, everyone out. Now.” Pops barked from outside the door not bothering to take a step inside.

“Come on, Pops, Cruz and I have some unfinished business here,” I said, my eyes not leaving Cruz as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled his zipper down.

“You are not doing this shit.” Pops voice grew angry as he walked in the room, coming up next to me. His eyes solely focused on me.

Turning to Pops, I searched the depths of his eyes knowing he was protecting me. “Pops, you know my rule.” I reached up and patted his chest reassuringly.

“Fine, but you’re playing with fire with this one.” Pops stormed out of the room with the guys following behind him. Walking to the door and closing it, I listened to the snap of the handle.

I turned slowly around; Cruz held his hard thick dick in his hand stroking himself up and down methodically. Watching him had my body heating up again, catching on fire actually and my mouth watering. “You like this, Baby?” God, that deep southern twang to his voice could make me shatter into a million pieces alone.

“Oh yeah. It’s been two years too long. Maybe you could help a girl out.” I dropped my voice to a quiet, seductive purr and did that stupid girl batting eyelash thing. Guys always loved that shit.

He stepped closer. My mouth began watering as the scent of him assaulted me. I wanted him. Badly. Reaching up, I ran my nails over his chest, feeling the hard defined pecks underneath his shirt while my fingers bounced along. Before I could move away, Cruz grabbed the back of my head hard, crashing his lips to mine. The kiss was rough and seriously intense, sucking every bit of breath out of my body. My body was telling me I needed this.

But, my brain kicked in, and I knew I needed to break away. One thing I didn’t do was sleep with brothers. It caused too much tension, and I didn’t want to deal with that shit. Mustering every bit of energy I could, I pulled away from him trying to catch my non-existent breath. I stared into his penetrating blue eyes, and I for once wished my brain would shut the hell up. I wanted this man.

Licking my lips, I walked to the door reaching for the door handle. “Too bad for you, I don’t fuck the brothers.” I didn’t give him a chance to respond. I turned quickly strolling out of the shop towards the clubhouse leaving him with his dick in his hand.

My body was ignited from the taste of his lips. I wondered what that body of his could do to mine. After our brief exchange, I knew he’d turn me inside out. Sad part was; I wanted to know how his touch would feel… how he would make me scream because there was no way a man like him wouldn’t make me scream… repeatedly.

G.T. was waiting in the common area. Sitting out on the park bench, his eyes were not on me. His focus was on the hot blonde bending over the engine in the shop, Casey, which really didn’t surprise me. She’s a very beautiful woman, and my brother, God love him, loved women. “You think I can’t handle myself, Brother?” I said climbing up sitting next to him on the bench, trying to calm my raging body down, and catching his attention away from Casey.

G.T. held out his pack of smokes, and I reached for one. Placing it between my lips, he lit, and I inhaled slowly, feeling the burn. While inside, I wasn’t allowed to smoke, new rules, some shit about fire codes, whatever. I sat there actually feeling a little head rush from the nicotine, which made me suck harder.

“I know you can take care of yourself. How are you?” We stared out across the courtyard watching the action around the shop, people coming and going, mechanics working on cars and bikes. Everyone going on about their lives without a care in the world.

“I’m good, now that I’m out.” I hadn’t felt this good in a long damn time. Being locked in a cell was something one should never have to do, especially if you’re in there for something you didn’t fucking do. Blackmail, yeah, right. If I’d actually did that shit they accused me of, I wouldn’t have been so stupid to leave so much evidence around. “I’m so sorry you were in there. I should have done something,” he said shaking his head back and forth. I knew he felt guilty just like the other brothers, but there was nothing that any of them could have done. The lawyer said so.

Placing my arm on his back, I began rubbing it up and down. “There was nothing you could do. I was set up, and somehow she had her shit together. That’s no one’s fault, but hers.” And mine for not trusting my gut.

“You gonna take care of it now?” G.T.’s eyes wandered back to Casey, who was talking animatedly with her hands to one of the mechanics.

“Hell yeah. Those bitches won’t know what hit ‘em.” Spending the last two years planning their demise, I went from fast and furious to slow and painful. It would all depend on my mood that day on how it’ll all play out. It took a year of being locked up to figure out it was even Babs that did the set-up. I didn’t want to tell Ma because I knew she’d tell the brothers, and I wanted that bitch. But I did anyway, knowing they deserved to know what happened. But Babs disappeared off the radar for a while. I didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. “But, I need to think and get my shit together first.”

“You need to be smart. I don’t want you back there… ever.” His eyes bore into mine at the seriousness of his statement. I took it deep to heart.

“I’m not going back. I made a mistake trusting the wrong person. I should have known better. It won’t happen again.” Stomping out the smoke on the table, I leaned back feeling the heat of the sun warming my skin.

“Love you.” G.T.’s hand landed on my leg and squeezed. My heart warmed instantly.

“Love you, too.” Sitting there in silence for quite a while, we let the everyday noises of the garage fill the void. It was nice having the sun on my skin and not having to move for anyone. If I wanted to stay all damn day, I would. Yeah… never going back. “So, what’s new around here? Ma couldn’t tell me much when she came up.”

“Sorry, I couldn’t come.” None of the club members had been up to see me the entire two years. Part of me felt deserted by them, but deep down, I knew they were doing it to protect the club. One wrong word and they could all go down. I couldn’t live with that.

“No worries. Tell me.”

Blowing out a deep breath, G.T. began laying out the new shit going down and even some old shit. I knew he couldn’t tell me club business, so he just kept to the basics and more about the people and families than anything.

“What about my studio?” Two years before I went in, I started Studio X. The club owned the business, but it was mine. I built it from the ground up, making it the number one strip joint in Sumner. Every town needed one, and people came from miles around to partake, mostly married men who needed a little escape. I’m not one for cheating, but in my world, it happened all the time. As for me, I’d never tolerate it.

I took really good care of my girls and paid them exceptionally well. The club provided me with security that I was too busy to handle, and I handled the girls and money. The manager, Liv, handled all the scheduling, and whatever the girls needed she brought to me. Or that was how it was before I went inside.