When Princess didn’t say a word, I looked at Casey, who crossed her arms over her chest and stared at a very pissed off G.T. as Diamond continued, “Princess, who the fuck do you think you are doing this to a potential brother?” Diamond pulled out his gun aiming it at Princess’s head.

Princess’s demeanor didn’t change as she stood up from the crouching position she was in on the floor. When her eyes locked with mine again, the fire was burning heavily, and I knew she meant everything she did to Rocky, but why?

“Princess, why would you do this?” I asked her through gritted teeth. This would for sure exile her from the club, and there wouldn’t be a fucking thing I could do about it.

“Because he’s a traitor.” Princess’s voice was even-toned and hollow, as if she was coming out of a trance or something.

“What?” I clipped, with Diamond right behind me still aiming his gun at Princess who didn’t flinch away from the gun.

“You gonna shoot me, Diamond?” This was so not the time for cockiness, but leave it to Princess to say it.

“Tell me right now what the fuck is going on here,” he demanded, not pulling the gun away instead cocking it ready.

Princess began walking around the small space with her bloody hands behind her back. We were all spectators as she began, “Officer Macaffe here…”

“What the fuck!” Officer? I checked this guy out seven ways to Sunday and had Buzz track him. How the hell could he be a cop? No fucking way.

Princess turned to me, her eyes void. “See the Officer and I got cozy in prison. He’s an ass man… as you can plainly see.” Looking down at his bloody form, blood was oozing from his ass. What the fuck did she do to him? “In order to get the tools I needed to take care of some of those bitches you boys needed dealt with, this fucker here said I needed to fuck him regularly, or he’d stop giving me the shit.”

I saw red… blood thirsty all-consuming red blurred my vision as my hands began to shake. Turning to the brothers, they didn’t acknowledge what had just been said, but having them there in unity helped. As my fist connected with the drywall, it didn’t relieve my anger.

“How do you know it’s him?” G.T. asked, seeming to be the only one thinking at the moment.

Princess continued to pace. “Didn’t, not until last night when I heard him fucking the blonde club momma.” Princess eyed me then continued. “He said, ‘You fucking little whore. Doing this for daddy, huh?’ That’s how I knew it was him, but I couldn’t tell you guys until I knew one hundred percent.”

“Is that what all the hair is from?” G.T. began to step towards Princess.

“Don’t,” she barked at him as G.T. stopped in his tracks. “I had to shave him to know. I also took out the brown contacts; he has green eyes. It’s him.”

“Princess… I… I’m so sorry.” Pops voice came across, but Princess didn’t seem to register it, but the despair in his words hung in the room like a gray cloud.

I couldn’t see shit because his eyes were swollen shut. Princess bent down, reaching into her bag and pulling out a crumpled piece of paper handing it to me as she stared into my eyes. “I knew if I did this, and I was wrong, I’d be out. As much as I didn’t want to be right, I am.”

Opening the paper, a picture of an officer stared back at me, looking nothing like the Rocky that we know today. Shit. Shit. Shit. Handing the paper off to Diamond, he lowered his gun staring at the paper. “Holy fucking shit,” he mumbled as he passed it around from person to person.

“You didn’t know, right?” Princess asked with sadness laced in her voice.

“No, Baby. We didn’t know,” I said, taking a step towards her, and when she didn’t oppose, I stood right in front of her, wrapping her in my arms. Her entire body began to sag as I tightened my grip to hold her up.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered in my chest as the tension from her body began to evaporate.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, Baby. Nothing.” Kissing the top of her head, I felt the sobs begin to take over her body, but as quickly as they came… they were gone again.

Princess pulled away staring into my eyes, “Guess I turned out to be a club whore after all.”

As I stared into the depths of her eyes, this was what was haunting her. I couldn’t let her feel this way. “You are not a fucking whore, never have been, never fucking will be.” I crushed my lips to hers, tasting and swallowing her tears. No more of that shit.

“Do I need to take care of this?” she asked, pulling away and motioning the room.

I chuckled this damn woman. “Nah. We got it.” She nodded, grabbing random things around the room throwing them haphazardly into her bag as if she were just going through the motions. Casey began doing the same. “Princess, meet me in my room.” She nodded as she walked out.

“Casey!” G.T. barked as she jumped and then stared at him.

“What?” Casey looked hurt, but what the hell could I tell.

“Come with me.”

“No. I’m leaving G.T. I’m done with this shit.” Casey continued picking things up, throwing them in her bag.

As she went past G.T., he grabbed her arm, “This isn’t over,” he growled at her.

“It is over. You won’t see me again.” Casey stood on her tiptoes, kissing G.T. on the cheek. “Bye G.T.,” she mumbled, as she walked out of the room.

G.T. started to follow after her, but stopped when Diamond yelled, “Fuck!” as he kicked the man lying in front of us. Fucking shit. This was bad. “I thought you said you checked this asshole out!” His finger pointed in my face as I stood their stoically, not giving any emotion. “This is fucking on you!” he growled. “Shit!”

“Diamond,” Pops warned. He was the only one that Diamond allowed to pull him back, and it wasn’t all the time either. “Talk about this first.” Diamond shook his head as if trying to clear his thoughts.

“You checked everything about him?” Pops asked me; his eyebrow raised; the guilt from this revelation etched in his face.

“Yes Sir, have all the copies in the file. Everything he told us came up on those papers. There was nothing linking him to the prison or to being a cop.”

“Fuck! That means the fucking cops changed everything to get him inside. What the fuck does he know, and what has he reported back? Fuck!” he yelled, kicking this asshole in the ribs.

“Only one way to find out.” Dagger nudged Rhys as he left the room. I knew he was going to get his kit. Let the fun begin.

Chapter 17—Harlow

My body was drained, no energy no feeling… nothing. Cruz has been gone for hours, and I didn’t expect him back anytime soon. Casey talked Ma into keeping Cooper for me, and I knew that I would have a talk coming from Ma very soon.

Staring at the blonde beside me, Casey’s eyes were slowly shutting as I felt mine doing the exact same thing. This time, I hoped the nightmares would disappear.

* * *

“Babe.” The slight rocking of my body was arousing me from my sleep, sleep I so desperately needed. Opening my eyes, Cruz was peering down at me. “Babe as hot as it is to have two very hot-ass chicks in my bed, I only want one.” Looking over, Casey was sound asleep, and the clock said 6:06 a.m.

“Got it,” I croaked out as my voice decided it didn’t want to wake up.

“Gonna take a shower, be out in a minute.” He kissed the top of my head and moved to the bathroom.

Nudging Casey’s body, she began to groan, “G.T. stop.” Rolling my eyes, I moved her harder. One thing I didn’t want to hear this morning was about her and G.T. fucking.

“Wake up, Casey.” As her eyes slowly opened, she smiled.

“Morning beautiful.” Casey rubbed her eyes appearing to clear the fog out of them.

“Hey, girl. Cruz is back. Gotta go.” Casey rolled out of bed without a word. It’s something else I loved about her. She knew this life and knew what was expected. I’d never have to explain anything to her.

Putting her shoes on, Casey’s words killed me. “I leave tomorrow.”

Closing my eyes, I held in everything… all the thoughts, feelings, anger, sorrow… Casey needed this, and I was gonna be strong. “I’m gonna miss you.”

She turned in the bed hugging me, “I’m gonna miss you, too. You take care of yourself.”


The bathroom door swung open as Cruz stepped out wearing nothing but a towel around his hips. “Unless you both wanna fuck me, Casey, you gotta go.” I glared at him as the sexy smirk made an appearance on his lips.

“Bye, girl,” I said giving her one last squeeze as she walked out of the room.

“I heard she’s leaving,” Cruz said as he approached the bed.

“Yeah, going to school. Really, she’s getting away from G.T.”

“Yeah,” he grunted. I wasn’t shocked he knew. I expected it, and even though he never said anything to me, it didn’t piss me off. Or maybe it’s just been a hell of a night… or morning now.

“She’s leaving tomorrow.”

“Sorry, Babe.”

“I just want her happy.” Cruz threw the towel off his body, giving me an awesome view of his toned abs with the V ever so present, and his throbbing cock bouncing against his abdomen. I knew I would never get tired of seeing this fine specimen of a man.

“Speaking of happy. You’re not going back to the apartment. You’re moving in with Cooper and me. I’ll have the Prospects pack your shit and move it over.”

I nuzzled closer. “Okay.” Cruz’s body stilled.

“You’re, not gonna put up a fight?”

“Nope, too tired,” I said as I yawned.

“Not too tired, ‘cause my dick needs you, right the fuck now.”

Smiling I spread my legs open wide for him as he let out a low grumble moving in between them. Cruz slid inside my pussy; my body always seemed to be ready for him. Closing my eyes, I relished in the feel of his weight on top of me as his thrusts became more powerful and needy. My body rose higher and higher as we exploded together in the heat of passion.

“I love you,” I whispered.

“Love you.”

As I drifted off to sleep, Cruz’s words filled my ears. “It’s all over babe.” His words lulling me into a deep, nightmare free sleep.

Chapter 18—Cruz

What we got out of Rocky, or should I say, Officer Macaffe, blew my fucking mind. Cops knew more than we thought. They apparently had been tracking the runs we were doing and our connection to Rabbit long before any of this shit went down with Princess. She was just a means to their end.

Drugs. It all came down to drugs. Cops wanted Rabbit, not us at the time, but I guess that shit changed. They knew we ran through Rabbit’s territory and were going to use Princess to get information, which really she had none of. They soon realized she wouldn’t flip no matter what, even if she did know something.

It wasn’t our local cops; it was the big time feds. Those fuckers were ruthless. When I asked if fucking Princess was part of the deal, Rocky actually had the fucking balls to tell me it was just for fun. Fucking prick. After a few stabs into his flesh, I still didn’t feel better. Nothing about this situation was making me feel better.

And the fucked up part now was, we knew the cops were gonna come. One of their own was missing and wouldn’t be found. We knew they’d sweep the club and try to take us in, but we made sure that nothing was around to connect us to Rocky. All evidence from that day burned up in smoke or was bleached away. It’s only been a couple of weeks, since everything went down. I thought for sure the cops would have come to the clubhouse, and ripped it up by now, but nothing.

Now, we were just waiting.

After Diamond lifted the lockdown on Princess, I didn’t waste any time getting my family into our home. I’d always spent more time in my club room than here, but now I can’t seem to stay away. Princess just lights every damn room up when she enters. I couldn’t get enough of her.

Cooper’s the best boy a man could have. I kick myself in the ass for missing his day-to-day shit before, but now I wouldn’t miss a single fucking second of it. Princess was the best thing that could have happened to that boy. After everything that happened with him, she’s fiercely protective. I’d be surprised if she lets him go to school in a few years. I chuckled at the thought. She’ll probably want to be behind him in class with her fucking hand on her gun.

Shaking my head at the thought, I moved over and wrapped my arm around Princess, who lay next to me as naked as the day she was born. Tracing her shoulder tattoo, my dick instantly became hard. There was no taming that boy down when it came to her.