I grinned at him. “I don’t know, anal was pretty life altering.”

He groaned. “You better start working that ass open, because when I’m done I’m going to shove my cock in.”

“But you just…” I trailed off, the twitch of his cock against his stomach drawing my eyes down.

“Just the thought of fucking your sweet ass gets me hard at any time.”

I looked up from the entrancing sight of his hardening cock. “All right, baby.”

“And bringing me back to the subject.”

“Life altering?”

“Yes.” He paused, seeming unsure of how to proceed. “We haven’t talked about it, but what do you think about kids?”

I was frozen in shock. “What?”

His eyes were locked on mine as he spoke. “I want us to have a baby.”

I sat up and backed away slightly, swallowing hard. “Nate, I… I don’t know anything about babies or being a mom.”

He sat up as well, his hand brushing my hair behind my ear. “No, but we can learn. You are so loving, Honeybear. I know you’ll love our children with all that you have. And, you already know how not to treat them.”

My eyes were wild, looking around the room for anything to get away from the conversation. Once again, it was a subject I’d never broached. I didn’t have a yearning for children, even with my biological clock ticking down. Maybe it was because a loving family was never in my reality scope before I met Nathan.

He changed everything, and now he was still changing me, making me face what I’d thought was an utter impossibility.

“You want a baby? Really?” Another fear popped up, almost like I was willing him to say I was right, but at the same time starting to dream about that future. “What about the Marconi?”

“They’ll always be there, and Darren’s right—I don’t want them to stop me from living my life. I want you to have my baby more than anything. I want a family with you, Lila. So why wait?”

I was shaking slightly at the thought. Nathan, my husband, was asking me, begging me, to have a family. How could I deny him when I could feel how much he wanted it?

My mind drifted back to a long ago dream at one of the worst times in my life. In it, we had three children, and our lives seemed to be filled with nothing but happiness. A warmth spread through me at the romantic ideals my subconscious had come up with.

Yes, I did want the dream. I was afraid, very much so, but that warmth, the love, overpowered the doubt.

“Okay,” I said in a low voice, then tried again. “Okay, let’s make a family.”

His face broke out into one of the most brilliant smiles I had ever seen. He took my face in his hands and brought my lips to his in a heated kiss.

“Thank you.”



Waking up in paradise was bittersweet. It was the last day of our honeymoon, and we were heading back to Indianapolis in a few short hours. Lila was snuggled into my side, naked, as the sounds of the ocean filled my ears and the warmth of the sun coming through the windows heated my skin.

A part of me wanted to stay. If we were two thousand miles away, Marconi would never know what transpired a week ago. Going home meant the possibility, a very good one, of him finding out about Lila. No matter how much I tried to beat back the fear, it still sat in the back of my mind—the beast prowling in his iron cage. He knew and tore at my insides to remind me. My chest tightened at just the thought of it all.

I stroked my fingers up and down her arm, staring at the white gold band on my hand, still in awe that I’d done it.

“Fuck. Me,” I whispered as I watched the ring on my finger while my hand drifted up her side.

She twitched, but otherwise she kept still and was completely relaxed as she continued to dream.

I smiled—even while she was out of it, she was still so damn beautiful.

I ran a fingertip down her arm and watched the flesh turn from pale to a light pink.

It took me back to the moment when I decided to ask Lila to marry me. The second morning she woke in my arms after officially moving in with me was when it hit—I wanted to be with her every day for the rest of my life.

Just like today, we had woken up together, but there was something surreal about that moment. It wasn’t her place and my place. It was our place—our home. Lila’s clothes took up residence in the master closet hanging opposite of mine. Her furniture and décor filled the rooms. The spare bedrooms were no longer empty.

I was no longer empty.

I sighed and looked at her face. She was still sleeping—my mild attempts to wake her didn’t work, but I wasn’t trying that hard.

She was mine, and I was hers.

And I wanted everyone to know it.

I blew across her skin, smiling as the goose bumps rose. Her face scrunched up in annoyance and she snuggled deeper against me.

I loved Lila, and I never wanted to be without her.

With her, I was reborn.

I lightly ran the tip of my nose across her temple and inhaled the scent of her hair.

“No more hiding for us. We were never very good at that anyway, but that doesn’t matter now. None of it does. What matters is I’ll always be here for you. Through the upcoming trial…” My gut twisted. Would it break her to live through all those fucked up memories of Adam she’d buried so deep? In some ways it was good that he came after her. It made me realize exactly how much I loved her and needed her in every way. “No one will ever hurt you again, and we won’t ever be separated. I promise.” I kissed her shoulder and released a soft breath across her skin. “I’ll protect you with my dying breath. You’ll always be safe from now on.”

I stared out the open window, watching the palm fronds sway in the breeze and listening to the waves crash against the shore. Every day should have this kind of peace, but my memories wouldn’t shut off, and neither would my fears that she might be a target now.

There was a smile on her lips as she slept, one I’d put there. I wanted to see her dreams, but I was content knowing she had peace and happiness.

Anything. I’d do anything to make her happy. My lips passed over her forehead. She was my missing half.

A high-pitched squeak accompanied her body stretching against mine, her mouth open in a long yawn. I chuckled to myself, looking over her well-sexed body. It was complete with multiple bite marks to let everyone know she was taken.

Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled up at me. “Good morning.”


“What time is it?”

I peered over to the nightstand. “Just before eight.”

“Were you talking to me a little bit ago? I was dreaming you were whispering in my ear, making me all sorts of promises.” She hummed for a minute.

I simply grinned. “What kind of lawyer makes promises to someone who’s unconscious?”

“One who’s up to no good.” She rubbed her eyes.

“Mmm… Good point.” I chuckled. “I guess I was trying to take advantage of every moment we have here together.”

She thought on that for a moment, probably doing the math of how much time we had left. Her lips moved to a pout. “We don’t have time to take a last swim, do we?”

I shook my head. “But, if we hurry, we can take a last walk on the beach after breakfast. We’re mostly packed.”

She nodded. “It’ll only take a few minutes to finish up.”

I leaned down and nipped at her shoulder, earning a squeak and a smile. “And we can save time by showering together.”

Her gaze narrowed on me. “I don’t know about that.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll still fuck me in the shower.”

I nodded. It was nothing new. “Exactly. This way, we can kill two birds with one stone.”

She rolled her eyes and pushed on my chest. “Shower now or after breakfast?”

I looked her over and licked my lips. “After.” She sighed. “What?”

“You just want everyone to see that I’m well fucked.”


She shook her head and sat up all the way. “Once a possessive perv, always a possessive perv.”

“You should be used to it by now. It’s not going to change anytime soon. I like marking what’s mine so fuckers know.”

She tried to give me a look of disapproval, but she couldn’t pull it off. There was no denying it—she loved me claiming her. The world would know she was desired, wanted, and loved.

Her hand slithered under the light sheet, nails gently pressing into my thigh as she moved up. I hissed and bucked when her hand wrapped around my soft cock, stirring it awake.

“And how am I supposed to show the world you’re mine?”

“I think the world knows my devotion to you.”


“The ring on my finger and my constant hard-on for you.” She pursed her lips, the playfulness leaving her. “Or, I could eat you out, not wipe it off, and cover my body in your sweet juices.”

She licked her lips as she thought it over, her eyes dark and her hips rotating. I knew how to get her wet. She was probably thinking about my tongue sucking on her clit, fingers pinching and pulling her nipples.

“I think that would work. Especially for the Boob Squad.”

“Guess we’ll have to save it for when they’re around. Besides, I don’t have time to do it properly today.”

She smiled and let go of my now hard dick. “I’ll hold you to it.” She turned, slipping her legs off the edge of the bed to stand.

When she tried to get up, her legs shook, then gave out, sending her back down to the bed. I leaned back against the headboard, figuring I’d get a good view of the show from there. Another attempt left her standing, but bracing herself against the wall.

Nice, naked ass centered perfectly in my view. I groaned and squeezed my cock.

“Trouble?” I smirked, remembering the activities that left her muscles weak.

She turned her head, glaring at me, then pushed off the wall. It was a valiant attempt on her part to make it to the bathroom, and she did…barely. I tried not to laugh as I watched her walk around like a cowboy in a western who’d spent too much time on a horse.

Try as I might, the laugh came out, despite her constant glares in my direction.

“You, stop. This is your fault.”

I licked my lips. “Oh, baby, I take pride knowing I fucked you so long and hard you can’t walk straight.”

“There goes our beach walk.” She threw her hands up. “What am I going to tell everyone? I pulled a muscle…saving a baby…from a runaway moose?”

I stood up and walked to her, showing off my smooth and natural gait—even with my bad leg.

“A moose? In Aruba?” I was to the point of cracking out to full-blown, hysterical laughter.

She stuck her tongue out at me. “It could happen.”

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck, giving it a little nibble that made her sigh. “I don’t think we need to tell them anything. It was our honeymoon—they understand.”

She slumped against me, her hands slipping up and around my shoulders. “I hate that we have to go home.”

“Me, too.”

After freshening up, we had our last meal on our paradise. The ominous cloud that always surrounded us drew closer after its week-long exile. I could almost see it in the distance—its gray skies and turbulent winds whipping around.

Instead of walking on the beach, we stopped at the point where the waves licked at our feet. It was enough for Lila and her still shaky legs. Her smile tugged at my chest, and I squeezed her hand, savoring each moment, knowing we’d be gone in a few short hours.

When we got through the trial, I could take her away again, even if it was just for a long weekend.

Anything to see her smiling like she was at that moment.

Ten hours later, the elevator doors opened to the fourteenth floor, dropping us feet from our door. We were both tired from travel, but happy to be home. Suitcases in tow, I pulled out my keys and unlocked the deadbolt.

I stood there for a moment, staring at it, then turned to Lila.


I leaned down and swept her off her feet and into my arms.

“Nate!” Her eyes were wide in surprise as her fingers clawed up my shirt and around my neck. “What are you doing?”

“Tradition.” I smiled at her and walked forward, over the threshold and into our home.

She shook her head. “This is utterly ridiculous.”

“Yes, it is. That’s why I’m doing it.” I grinned at her.

She rolled her eyes, but I caught the smile she tried to hide from me.