The night before they left, Vanessa sat next to Charlie's bed and told her about her life in New York, Teddy and Linda, the baby. “Don't you have a boyfriend?” Vanessa shook her head, and she looked disappointed. “Why not?”

“I just don't. I have friends.” She thought of John Henry and felt a little shiver of guilt. She owed it to him, in a way, that she had come to Athens. He had made her promise to do it. “And there is one nice man I see.”

“What's his name?”

“John Henry.”

“Will I like him? Is he handsome?” She looked suddenly very much sixteen as she snuggled in her bed and Vanessa smiled at her.

“He's sort of handsome, I guess. And I think you'll like him.”

“I'm going to find a boyfriend.” She said it with determination, and Vanessa grinned and stood up.

“Well, first get some sleep.” They had said very little about Andreas. It seemed odd to Vanessa, but Charlie seemed as though she had made her peace with the situation. There was something fatalistic about her, as though she were wise well beyond her years. Andreas had prepared her well. “Sleep tight. I'll see you in the morning.”

“Good night.” And then as Vanessa stood in the doorway, “Are you going to Andreas?” Did she know? Vanessa looked stunned.

“Why?” She stood very still.

“I just wondered. He loves you, you know.”

And then Vanessa had to say it. “I love him too. Very much.”

“Good.” Charlie didn't seem disturbed. “Then we will love him together.” It was as though, as he had said, they would be taking him with them on the morrow.

Vanessa gently closed the door and went down the hall to Andreas, where they spent the night in his bed, holding each other tight, and at last he slept soundly in her arms. She knew at that moment that for the rest of her life she would take him with her.


“I love you, Andreas.”