She again said nothing and I waited.

Then she said something.

“You’re right, child.”

“I know, Shirleen.”

“Still, gonna kick his ass if he knocks up some skinny white girl.”

I laughed and said, “I’ll help.”

“Good to know,” she murmured. “Later.”


I put my phone on the desk and my eyes to the computer. I had them there approximately three seconds before the door to the suite opened.

Ren was sauntering in. Trousers. Dress shirt.


“Hey,” I called, getting out of my chair and moving around the desk.

His lips were quirking when he said, “You know, you don’t have to get up, babe.”

I made it to him, got on my toes, put a hand to his abs and touched my lips to his before I replied, “Yeah, I do.”

He shook his head, lips still quirking, and he asked, “Got a sec?’

“Sure,” I answered.

He jerked his head to my desk as it hit me we hadn’t broken that in yet, and I made a mental note to schedule that for the near future.

I moved to sit in my chair. He moved close and leaned against my desk, arms crossed on his chest, chin dipped, eyes on me.

“Vito and I just had it out,” he declared.


Ren kept going.

“It was ugly and I’m done. I resigned.”


Ren wasn’t done.

“I got shit to tie up and Marcus isn’t quite ready. Vito’s got a month of me around to make the transition. Then I figure you and me can spend a couple of weeks on a beach. That’ll give Marcus time so when we come back I can get down to that.”


Me. Ren. And a couple of weeks on a beach.

One could not say I liked why he had time for a vacation. But I was not going to argue with it.

Therefore, I agreed, “Okay.”

“Can you arrange it so you’re not workin’ anything and you can get away?” he asked.

“Absolutely,” I answered.

“Good,” he muttered, but the look on his face said that nothing was good.

I reached out a hand and slid my finger down his thigh. “You okay?”

“Always had hope,” he told me.

People always did when shit was going down with families.

“He still has a month,” I reminded him.

Ren shook his head. “No. I’ve committed to Marcus. It’s done.”

I got out of my chair and got close. He uncrossed his arms and wound them around me, pulling me off my feet so I as leaning into him. I returned the favor and settled in, curling my arms around him.

“He’s stubborn. His loss,” I said gently.

“Still sucks.”

It totally did. Ren excommunicated by Vito and us not able to carpool.

Not that we rode to work together much.

But still.

I pressed closer and gave him a squeeze. “Well, the good news is, you’ll have another desk we can break in.”

His eyes warmed and he grinned at me.

I pressed even closer and whispered, “I’m sorry, baby.”

“Me too,” he whispered back on his own squeeze.

“How about we go out tonight? Maybe to Brother’s. Relive our first date with food this time. And, of course, sex on the stairs at home,” I suggested.

His eyes seriously warmed and he replied, “Works for me.”

I grinned. “Cool.”

He bent in and gave me a quick kiss before pulling away and saying, “Gotta get back.”

“Yeah. I gotta go grab some lunch and meet Matt. Since we’re in separate cars, I’ll meet you back at the house. Say five thirty?”

“Yeah, honey.”

He leaned in and gave the top of my hair a kiss before he moved me back and disengaged.

“Later, Ally,” he called as I watched his broad shoulders in his dress shirt as he walked away.

“Later, honey,” I replied.

He gave me a look over his shoulder and a low wave before the door closed on him.

I gave some thought that made my happy place tingle as to how I was going to take away Ren’s bad day that night. Then I turned my attention to my computer.

I sent Roxie some changes, sent approvals of the proofs to Ava and shut down my computer.

I grabbed my phone, shoved it in my back pocket, and tagged my purse. I took off, locking up, and thinking about where I’d hit in order to get lunch.

I took the elevator down to the parking garage, texting Ren as I went, On my way to lunch and Matt.

I knew I wouldn’t get his return text until I drove out because the signal was lost under the building. I also knew I’d get it when I drove out because he always returned my texts.

I had my keys out and was close to my car when I felt it.

I wasn’t alone.

I braced and turned to see Darius baring down on me.

He did not look happy.

Oh man.

“Hey,” I greeted.

“Fuck hey, Ally and,” he lifted a finger and jabbed it at my face when he got close and stopped, “fuck you.

What the hell?

“Darius, why’re you—?”

He cut me off, his handsome face twisted with fury. “I know it was you.”


“Me what?” I asked hesitantly.

But I had a feeling I knew what.

“I know it was you. Ally, always up in everybody’s shit, tellin’ me you’d be up in mine. So it was fuckin’ you,” he jabbed his finger in my face again, “that set Lee and Eddie on Malia.”

They’d had the talk.

They hadn’t told me, but Darius sure found out.



He got in my face and I snapped my mouth shut.

“You stupid, nosy, fuckin’ bitch.

My back snapped straight, but Darius wasn’t quite finished.

“We’re done,” he clipped. “You and me. And ‘cause of you, me and Lee and Eddie. We’re done. It’s all done. It’s…”

He kept blasting me with angry words, but I felt another presence. My eyes went around him and they got huge.


Darius!” I shouted, grabbing his hand.

But it was too late.

Snookie Rivers, or at least the man in the DMV picture Brody got, was there and he was ready.

As Darius turned, Rivers slammed a tire iron in the side of Darius’s head. I saw the blood start to flow even as he went down.



No, no, no, no, no.

I screamed, reaching into my purse for my pepper spray as Rivers turned to me.

I started backing up quickly, still screaming.

He was on me before I had the pepper spray out, but I got my hand on it and pulled it out as he shoved me into the side of my car. He swiftly lifted a hand, and I felt a sharp stab in my neck just as I got the pepper spray out and up between us. I blasted him in the face and he reeled away, choking.

I wanted to go to Darius but to get him help, I needed to get away and find somebody.

So I ran.

The problem was I got five steps in, and on the sixth, my leg weirdly gave out under me. I hit the deck on my hands and knees, still shouting, but weaker now, as a strange lethargy invaded my limbs.

I kept crawling, fell to my stomach and started dragging myself before my cheek planted into the cement and everything went black

* * *

I heard the gunshots.


Then two.

It took effort but I forced my eyes open.

I managed this, but I couldn’t get my wits about me. My head was fuzzy and I couldn’t focus on anything.

I struggled to get it together and sensed movement.

It was then I struggled to focus and saw something looming over me.

“Shot him in both legs.” I heard. “He wakes up, he can watch, but he can’t move.” Then the voice went on musingly, “If he doesn’t bleed out first.”

I had no idea what whoever that was was talking about, and I didn’t have it in me to put it together.

I did have it in me to feel that whatever I was laying on moved and the thing looming got closer.

So I could focus.


It all came back to me.


His fingers came to my face. “Now it’s just you and me, Ally. Just you and me. Finally.”

Fuck, shit, fuck.

I realized I was drugged, but that didn’t mean I didn’t try to scoot away as he bent over me.

I didn’t succeed and I felt his mouth wet on my neck, shifting up to my ear.

My stomach roiled.

“When we’re done, I’ll get rid of him. Your man. The black one. Then I’ll find the other one, the Italian, and get rid of him, too. And then it’ll really be just you and me,” he whispered in my ear.

He’d seen me with Ren and Darius.

He’d so totally been watching me.


“Get away from me,” I pushed out between my lips.

His mouth moved from my ear and his face came close to mine. “Never, Ally. Never.

It took a lot out of me, but I focused on his eyes.

They were burning with a light that scared even me.

Not a little.

A lot.

I was terrified.

God, I had to get my shit together.


I took stock.

I was on a bed. And I could feel my phone still at my ass.

This was good. I didn’t know where my purse was, but Brody had a lock on my phone. I had no idea how much time had elapsed since Rivers took me, but when I didn’t meet Matt or even before, when I didn’t text Ren that I was with Matt, they’d mobilize.

I needed to buy time

“Is Darius here?” I asked.

He tipped his head to the side and his eyes moved over my face. Then he moved into me, curled his arms around me and lifted me up so my torso was pressed to his and my chin was to his shoulder.

I squinted then swallowed, my head swimming, my heart clutching, my eyes seeing Darius prone on the floor about ten feet away. He was bleeding from two gunshot wounds to his thighs and a wicked gash on his head.





Let Darius be okay and let Ren have mobilized Lee.

My mind went off that thought when Rivers’s hands went into my tee and pulled it up. Unable to do anything else, my body not at my command, my arms went up and it was gone.

This was not getting better.

He laid me gently and sickeningly lovingly in the bed, still bent to me.

“I’ve been waiting for this for a long time,” he told me, his hand moving on the skin of my side, stroking me.

I tried to lift a hand. I got it up, weakly, and rested it on his forearm.

I took this as good.

“We need to talk,” I told him.

“I like this,” he replied and I was hoping that was an affirmative on our talking. Though, what he wanted to talk about when he spoke again, I didn’t like all that much. “I didn’t expect him to be here, but I like it. He had so much of your time. You smiled at him. You laughed with him. You teased him. So now, if he wakes up, he gets to watch me with you.”

I lifted my other hand and tried to push it against his chest, but I didn’t have enough in me to do anything but rest it there.

“Snookie, please,” I said softly. “I feel funny.”

His hand slid over ribs and toward my breast, his lips curling in a creepy smile. “You know my name.”

“Yeah. Now, please—”

“I like that you know my name,” he told me.



He leaned in closer.

“I’ll make you feel good, Ally,” he promised.

Oh God.


“Just five minutes. Please. Just five—”

His mouth came to mine and he brushed it there, back and forth, and again, and again before he replied, “No, Ally. I’ve been waiting too—”

He stopped speaking and my body jerked in surprise as two hands cuffed together came between us. They yanked back at Rivers’s throat and Rivers was gone.

I struggled to sit up and saw Rivers on top of Darius, his back to Darius’s front. Darius’s cuffed hands were pulling back hard on Rivers’s neck, and by the sick sounds he was making, it was clear Darius was choking him.

I rolled to my side. It seemed to take years while Rivers gurgled and he and Darius grappled on the floor as I went for my phone. I fumbled with yanking it out of my back pocket, cursing to myself and keeping my eyes to the men on the floor.

Then Rivers took one hand from pulling at Darius’s cuffed wrists at his neck and it went to his belt.

My eyes went to his belt.

He had a knife there.

“Darius,” I whispered, swallowed, and went for it again, trying for louder, “Darius! He has a knife!”