I just wanted the hell out of there.

It took me a few days to pack up all my stuff, finalize some things, and get everything prepared for the move. But when I was finally ready to take off, all packed up and headed to the gas station before I went roaring off into the sunset, I decided to check my mail one last time. And found a check from DeLuca Winery—three months’ wages. Severance pay, it said on the notes line.

That check both burned my ass and thrilled me down to the bone. I didn’t want to take his pity pay, but I also wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth, as my grandma would say.

I never did quite get that phrase but whatever. It fit.

So I went to the bank, deposited all that money and then hit the road. It took me six days, but I finally made it only to find myself with no prospects, no energy, and sadder than I’ve ever been in my life.

I miss Matt. I was dumb, running away from him and my feelings. He’d been so willing to face the troubles beside me head on, and I walked away. Let him go, let him slip right through my fingers like he didn’t matter.

God, I’d been such an idiot—I could tear up right now just thinking about it.

But crying over our lost relationship isn’t going to bring him back or bring me peace. I messed up, and I needed to face facts. Chalk it up to a mistake made and a lesson learned.

Don’t let a good man go, is what my grandma told me when I explained to her what happened a few nights ago. I’d held onto my story, my blow up with Matt for weeks until my grandma finally found me crying on the back porch and point blank asked what the hell was wrong with me.

That had been her one sentence of advice when I finished.

Don’t let a good man go.

Too late, Grandma.

Sighing, I rub at my forehead with the heel of my hand before I start scooping up more crap. I should’ve worn gloves, but I forgot. At least I’m not touching the poop directly, thanks to the shovel.

God, what a transformation I’ve undergone. One month ago, I was in New York City staying at the most beautiful hotel I’ve ever seen in my life, and now I’m digging out chicken shit.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

I fill up practically the entire bucket with chicken poo, constantly thrusting the shovel in the rooster’s direction when he comes at me, always on the defensive around that guy. I’m starting to sweat, I probably stink and my feet feel all squishy and disgusting in the rubber boots.

I’ll need a shower as soon as I’m done with this horrendous chore. No wonder my grandma doesn’t want to deal with it.


I still, turning my head to the left. I swear I just heard Matt’s voice call my name. Great. Now I’m going crazy and hearing things.

“Lousy men,” I mutter, shaking my head and pointing the shovel at the rooster, who looks ready to jump me at any minute. “You’re all alike. Ready to jump on a woman and tear her apart before she can put herself back together again.”

“Bryn, what the hell are you doing, talking to a chicken?”

Standing completely straight, I turn slowly, the sun suddenly shining in my eyes. I cover them with my hand to find—

Oh my God, to find Matthew DeLuca standing in my grandma’s backyard, on the other side of the chicken coop, looking gorgeous in a pair of khaki shorts and a wine-colored polo shirt.

“I’m not talking to a chicken,” I explain, my voice weak. “I’m talking to a rooster.”

“Same difference?” Matt asks, a hint of a smile curving his lips.

“Don’t tell that to the rooster. You’ll only piss him off,” I mutter, turning and pointing my shovel at the very creature I’m talking about, who’d gotten closer to me what with my distracted state.

My heart is racing, and I can’t believe Matt’s standing here. With me.

But why?

“You uh, look good, Bryn.”

He’s a liar. I look crazy, and I know it. Turning more fully to face him, I kick out one foot, showing off the boots. “You like them?”

“They’re interesting. I prefer seeing you in those tiny denim shorts though.” He whistles low, a rush of pleasure flowing through me at the sound. “Your legs look mighty long in ’em.”

Giddiness courses through me at having him here, with me, in Cactus, Texas, checking out my legs and telling me I look good. If anyone looks good it’s him, all sexy and handsome in the shorts and the polo, his dark hair a haphazard mess, his face covered with a shadow of stubble.

If I wasn’t dressed like a fool and standing amongst chickens and their crap, I’d run over and throw myself at him.

“Shit!” I yell when a sharp pinch digs into the back of my knees. I turn and swat at the rooster who attacked me. Turn my back on him for a second too long and look at how he treats me. “Goddamn asshole!” I screech, swinging the shovel at him. Thankfully he struts away, and I snatch up the bucket, backing out of the coop until I feel the gate directly behind me. I unlatch it in a hurry and slam it shut, leaning against the chicken wire for a brief, relieved moment as I try and calm my racing heart.

Only to turn around and find Matt laughing at me so hard, I’m afraid he’s going to double over and collapse onto the ground.


I SHOULDN’T LAUGH. Bryn just about got the scare of her life, if the expression on her face was any indication. I hadn’t any chance to warn her, and it had been quite shocking to see that rooster fly in the air so fast. One minute we’d been flirting and chatting, the next a wild, puffed-out red rooster came at her, his legs extended and his claws digging right into the back of her legs.

That had been horrifying. The funny part? The curse words flying out of Bryn’s mouth, made even more humorous by her thick accent. She’d been pissed. Furious that the rooster jumped her and tried to take a hunk of her flesh out of her legs.

“That wasn’t funny you know,” she says as she approaches, which launches me into a fresh round of laughter.

“Oh yes, it was,” I say between breaths.

She stops directly in front of me, dropping the bucket by her booted feet. I look at her, really look at her as the laughter dies in my throat. Despite the crazy outfit, she looks hot as hell. The tank top is torn and bleach stained, clinging to her breasts, and those denim shorts should be illegal they’re so damn short. I can’t help but wonder if she’s even wearing any panties underneath because if she is, they’re pretty damn tiny.

But those white rubber boots are the finishing touch. I’ve never seen Bryn look like this.

I kinda like it.

“What are you doing here, Matt?” she asks, sticking the shovel into the ground, her fingers still gripping the handle.

“I came looking for you.” My mouth goes dry the longer I stare at her. A faint sheen of sweat covers her skin, and I can smell that addictive-as-hell scent of hers wafting all around me, despite the bucket of chicken shit sitting at her feet.

“Why?” Her voice is so soft, so full of doubt I wish I could pull her in and hold her close.

But I don’t. Not yet. I might have to wait until she takes a shower or at the very least washes her hands, but I will be holding this woman very soon in my arms, I promise.

“I want you to come back with me, Bryn,” I tell her, keeping it simple. “I miss you.”

Her lips part, and she grips the shovel handle so tight, her knuckles go white. “What?”

“I miss you. Have you missed me too?” I step closer to her, notice the way her eyes widen, her tongue sneaks out for a quick swipe of her lips. Damn, I want to kiss her. “After being without you, I realized I need you.”

“As your assistant?”

Ah, my silly Bryn. She just can’t believe someone would actually want her, can she? Wouldn’t she be surprised, knowing I was a complete wreck while she was gone? “Not as my assistant. I need you in my life. I want you by my side, helping me run the winery.”

“Working for you,” she says, her voice flat.

“I’ll pay you, yes, since technically you’ll be my employee but not as my assistant. You’ll be my partner.” I smile gently and take another step toward her, until I’m standing directly in front of her, reaching out my hand to settle it over hers still gripping the shovel handle. “I’m in love with you, Bryn. And I don’t want to live without you anymore.”

“Matt,” she starts, but I squeeze her hand, silencing her.

“Don’t protest or tell me you don’t want to bring me down or whatever other crazy excuse you came up with the last time we talked. I don’t want to hear it.” With my free hand I reach for her, cupping her cheek, savoring her soft, soft skin. “I want you in my life. I want you living with me in California and working with me. I want us to be partners and grow DeLuca Winery together. What do you think?”

She smiles, her blue eyes bright with tears. “I think you’re crazy.”

“You’re right.” Unable to resist any longer, I lean in and press a soft kiss to her tempting lips. “I’m crazy for you, Bryn. Now say that’ll you give up scooping chicken shit for the rest of your life and come work with me.”

Bryn laughs, the tears flowing freely now. “I don’t know. Let me think about it.”

“Stubborn woman,” I murmur just before I kiss her again, this one deeper, hotter, full of plenty of tongue and sweet, low murmurs of pleasure coming from my woman.

My woman. Mine. That’s the only way I’ve thought of Bryn since she left me. It just took me this long to work up the courage to finally go after the woman I want.

“What about . . . what will everyone say?” she asks when she pulls away. “They’ll talk about us. About how you’re screwing your assistant.”

I’m completely offended she would simplify our relationship like that. “I’m not screwing you. I want to be with you. I want you as my partner. In business, in life, in everything. I want you. Fuck anyone who questions that.”

She gapes at me like she can’t believe what I said. Clearing her throat, she murmurs, “I’ve been so worried how all of this will affect me. Being with you. I’ve not had the best luck with men, you know.”

“I know,” I say softly, my heart breaking for her. She looks scared. Nervous. The very last things I want her to feel. “I would be proud to call you my partner in all aspects of my life, Bryn. You’re smart and strong. I need you in my life. More than you can even imagine.”

Her eyes shine with unshed tears. “Really?” she asks incredulously.

I dip my head, my mouth hovering above hers. “Really. I love you,” I whisper against her lips, as I thrust my fingers into her thick, beautiful hair. “Come home with me, Bryn. Be with me. I need you.”

She smiles, a tremulous laugh escaping her before she nods. “I love you too, Matt. I missed you so much. I—I couldn’t stand being without you.”

“I missed you too, baby. And trust me, I’ll never make you scoop up chicken shit at my house. It’s one hundred percent chicken shit free.” I kiss her again because I can’t resist and we both release our grip on the shovel handle at the same time, grabbing hold of each other, our bodies colliding. She feels so damn good next to me, her sexy little body barely covered, looking like my every dream come to life.

Even in the crazy white rubber boots.

“Are you saying you’re my own personal savior again? Coming in to rescue me from a life of scooping chicken crap?” She blinks up at me, and I smile, nuzzle my nose against hers.

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Only when you call me your savior, I gotta say, you’ve become mine too.” I lower my head and kiss her, wanting her to know how ready I am to take her out of Cactus and bring her home with me for good.

Where she belongs.


I HAD A lot of fun writing about these billionaire bachelors and their ridiculous million dollar bet. Creating the perfect matches for them, watching them fall hard, I enjoyed every minute of it. I want to thank my editor Chelsey Emmelhainz for her endless support, for helping me make the books better every single time and her infinite patience with me while I flailed and generally worked myself into a complete frenzy throughout the summer of 2013. I appreciate you more than I think you know, and I look forward to working on something new with you!

To everyone at Avon Impulse, I think you’re a fabulous publisher full of amazing support. To Caroline Perny for being so responsive and for all the help. I’ve had a great time being an Avon Impulse author and hope to continue this journey.