“Just like I’m going to hold you to your promise to put the case behind us until we get home tomorrow. We spoke to Lydia, we talked about what we found out. Now we take the rest of today and tonight as ours. Tomorrow, once we get back, we’ll figure out what to do next. But tonight is ours. ”
Molly had no desire to argue-she was in desperate need of his arms around her and his ability to make her forget her problems, at least for one night.
WHEN HUNTER HAD CALLED and booked the suite, he’d asked that a few simple luxuries be waiting for them. Sure enough, when they walked into the room, the lights had been dimmed and his request had been filled.
Molly strode around him, taking in the setting. A bottle of champagne sat chilling in an ice bucket, and a platter of fruit and an assortment of sandwiches and desserts had been left by the window, next to a large arrangement of flowers.
“This is great. I’m starving and there’s food waiting.” Her gaze swept over the rest of the goodies. “And champagne. Expensive champagne,” she said, turning to Hunter. “You shouldn’t have.”
He shrugged, embarrassed. When he wasn’t sure what to do, he had a tendency to overdo. Like ordering enough food for half a dozen people because he hadn’t been certain what Molly would like.
He slipped his hands into his front pants pocket and shrugged. “I wanted you to enjoy.”
Her lips curved up in a sensual smile. “I’m with you. How could I do anything else?” Walking closer, she pulled up to her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips. “You’re generous and kind,” she murmured. “Not to mention sexy.” She ran her fingers through his hair, taking obvious pleasure in just touching him.
That easily, Molly chased his embarrassment away and desire filled Hunter instead. “You said you were hungry,” he forced himself to remind her.
“I am hungry. For you.” She slid her hands around his waist, letting her fingertips dip into his pants. Her warm fingers splayed against him.
A low growl escaped his throat. “You’re playing with fire,” he warned her.
“That’s because I want to get burned,” she said as she undid the closure on his slacks.
His pants slid to the floor and he stepped out of them, then kicked off his shoes and socks. He pulled off his shirt and added it to the pile.
Hunter looked up and met Molly’s steady gaze. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes filled with yearning for him alone, and his heart did a crazy flip in his chest. He ought to heed that warning, he thought, but he was too primed and ready to listen to anything that resembled common sense.
Without warning, he lifted her into his arms. She squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I don’t need you to carry me,” she said, but her laughter told him she enjoyed his display of masculine dominance.
“I know. You’re an independent woman.” He strode to the bedroom beyond the outer suite and lowered her onto the bed. “But just this once, you’re going to submit to me.”
Though he laughed, he hadn’t realized how much he wanted just that. Her submission. He needed Molly to admit how much she cared, that she could trust-not just any man-but him.
“Oh, come on. You don’t want me to submit. You want me actively participating.” She practically purred as she slid her fingers beneath his briefs until she clasped his erection in her hands and slid her thumb over the sensitive head.
He groaned, growing thicker in her grasp. “You do have a point.” She lay on the bed as he stood over her, but he had to admit that as long as she cupped him in her hand, she had control. And he didn’t mind a damn bit.
“You planned everything else, so please tell me you brought protection?” Her voice forced him to open his eyes.
“I did. In the outside zipper of my duffel.”
“God bless men who think ahead.” She released him and waved toward the bags which had been set in the corner.
He gritted his teeth and walked over to find his stash of condoms, returning to the bed to find she’d already kicked off her shoes, tossed her shirt, and was wriggling out of her faded jeans.
When she finished, she was clad only in a skimpy bra and matching panties. His hot gaze swept over her and he shook his head. “Damn, you are sexy.”
“I’m glad you think so.” She came up on her knees so she was level with him and braced her hands on his shoulders.
He thought she was going to kiss him again but instead her lips found his cheek. Whisper light, warm and enticing, she trailed a path to his neck, ending by nibbling softly on his earlobe. The soft biting sensation sent a shock of awareness straight to his groin.
“God,” he muttered. “What you do to me defies description.” His body shook with raw need.
She arched her back and her breasts brushed his chest, her hard nipples pushing through the flimsy fabric of her bra. Her light teasing touches aroused him to the breaking point. “Molly?” he asked through his clenched jaw.
“Hmm?” Her face had nestled in his neck and he felt her soft breath against his fevered skin.
“I like foreplay as much as the next guy, but I think it’s going to have to wait until next time.” If she teased him anymore, his cock might break in half, Hunter thought.
She lifted her head and sealed her lips over his mouth, sweeping her tongue back and forth over his.
Unable to take it, he grasped her hips and pushed her back onto the bed.
“I like it when you’re forceful.” Her eyes laughed but her expression told him her need was equal to his own.
While he shucked his briefs and began to make fast work of the condom, she wriggled her panties off first, then unhooked her bra and shimmied out of the garment.
Her nipples were peaked and hard and the blond triangle of hair beckoned to him. Before he could react, she swung one leg around his hips, rolling him onto the bed and under her, teasing the head of his erection with her slick heat.
His body shook and he gripped the bedcovers to keep from thrusting his hips upward. He needed to be inside her now. She levered herself until she was sitting over him.
Her gaze locked on his. Never breaking eye contact, he grasped her hips and together they rocked their bodies in unison until her body slid down over his and she encased him in her tight, wet sheath.
He felt her body pulse and tighten around him. He watched her face as she closed her eyes while accepting him deep, deep inside her until their bodies ground together at last. He clenched his teeth and breathed in, fighting his body for control.
He focused on Molly. Her hair tossed wildly around her shoulders and her lips were damp and full. He loved seeing her like this, wanton and wild, just for him.
His hips thrust upward without his consent and she moaned, arching her back and clenching her inner walls around him.
She forced her heavy eyelids open. “Yes?”
“I know I said I wanted you submissive but I’d rather have you be in control.” As if to argue, once again his hips jutted upward of their own volition and his erection swelled inside her.
A slow sensual grin took hold of her lips. “Are you sure about that?”
He nodded. “Whatever you want. Whatever you need.”
Her eyes glittered with a combination of desire and delight. “If you say so.”
And then she began to move her hips in a circular rhythm. Deliberately slow and teasing, she clenched her thighs tighter and milked him for all he was worth. She gyrated her hips first in circles, then from side to side, finally rocking her body forward, then back, forward-then back again.
That was the motion that did him in. She knew exactly how to make him hotter just when he thought he’d reached his limit. With each motion, she proved she could ride him harder, take him further than he’d ever imagined. Each time she rolled her pelvis forward, her body clenched him inside her and her breath came faster and faster still.
His climax was building quickly but so were the feelings inside him he’d been working so hard to keep at bay. It wasn’t just his body involved. His hips thrust upward to satisfy his body’s need for release but his heart pounded in his chest, declaring his emotions with each and every beat. And each time he heard her soft moan, his throat swelled with a feeling he could no longer deny.
He’d loved her once.
He loved her still.
Hunter knew it and had fought against it since seeing her again. But it didn’t matter that she was destined to hurt him in the end, he’d give everything to have this for as long as he possibly could. He must have known it, too, or else why set himself up for a night he’d never forget?
She clenched him in her damp wet heat, rocking her body against him, moaning and calling his name as she built closer to release. He couldn’t wait much longer and he damn sure wanted to make certain they came together.
He reached out and touched his index finger to her mound, above where their bodies met. The moisture they’d created dampened his fingertip and he pressed against her. She let out a soft cry and tried to grind more deeply against him. His rock-hard member created intense friction between them, and her sensual noises told him she felt it, too. All the while, he worked his fingertip up and down, increasing the force on her clitoris, driving her into a frenzy.
Without warning, she leaned down, flattening herself against his body, so she could not only ride him but gain more pressure against her most sensitive spot.
“That’s it,” he whispered in her ear. He thrust his hand into her hair and kissed her cheek, pumping his body up and into hers. “You’re in control, you make us come,” he urged, knowing he was seconds from doing just that.
Her breathing quickened, her hips thrust against him and she groaned. “Now, now, God, Hunter, I-” She immediately buried her face in the pillow beside him, muffling whatever she’d begun to say as her massive climax hit.
Her body stiffened and he let himself go then, pumping hard and fast against her body until the quaking spasms finally took hold and rocketed through him over and over.
No sooner had her orgasm seemed to end, than she suddenly squeezed her thighs, clenching him tight and convulsing against him once more. She called out his name again, her voice weaker this time but no less sweet to his ears.
MOLLY SLEPT on the car ride home. Hunter didn’t mind, as he needed the time to think and regroup. Last night had been spectacular. From the first time they’d made love to the last, and the food, teasing and fun in between. Yeah, taking advantage of getting away from Molly’s home had been pure genius, he thought, glancing at the sleeping beauty in the passenger seat beside him.
She leaned against the headrest, her mouth slightly open, and didn’t move a muscle, not even when he swerved to avoid a car that had cut him off in the left lane. He’d obviously worn her out. The notion made him grin.
He loved her and the truth settled like lead in his stomach because though he didn’t doubt her feelings for him, he doubted her ability to commit. Even if she was head over heels in love with him, he knew from experience the minute her life got rocky, all bets were off. Molly ran away better than anyone he knew.
And if the worst happened and he couldn’t get her father’s murder charges dropped or him acquitted, her turmoil would be unimaginable. All Hunter could do for now was concentrate on her father’s case. As long as he was tied to her family, he was connected to Molly.
He pulled back into the driveway of her father’s house late in the day and parked.
“Wake up, beautiful.” He placed a hand on her thigh and jostled her awake.
Her eyelids fluttered open, her gaze settled on his face, and a warm smile settled on her lips. “Hi,” she murmured.
“Hey there.”
“I’m really bad company, aren’t I?” she asked, stretching her arms out in front of her.
Hunter laughed. “I wouldn’t say that. Are you ready to go in?” He hit a button, releasing the car-door locks.
He turned back to her.
“I had a really good time. A great time, actually. I’m glad you put so much thought into everything.” She bit down on her bottom lip, uncharacteristically shy.
He slid his hand around the back of her neck. “You needed the distraction.” He inched as close as the middle console would allow. “And I needed you.”
Hunter followed his gut-honest statement with a slow, deep, long kiss. One that would remind her of their night together and hopefully convince her that his feelings were solid and real.
“Mmm.” A low, throaty purr escaped from deep in her throat, the rumbling sound traveling through his body and settling low in his groin.
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