He splayed his hands in front of him as if fending her off and grinned. “You said yourself you wanted to experience everything. I’m just helping you along. Besides…” his voice dropped in direct proportion to his deepening feelings, “I want to be with you, too, and right now we’re all alone here.”

She looped her arms around his neck and leaned against him, bringing them together in a teasing, tempting way. His body, never relaxed when she was around, grew hard with wanting. He’d started this by dunking her, now he could live with the consequences.

“How can a girl argue with a man who’ll go to such extremes to get her in his arms?” she asked.

“She can’t.” He extended his hand, easing her back so he got a full-bodied view. Her light-green cotton dress clung in all the right places and had turned sheer enough to reveal her puckered nipples through the wet fabric. Suddenly those soul-deep kisses she mentioned held tremendous appeal.

“Is this what you meant?” He grasped her face in his hands and feathered a light kiss across her damp lips.

She purred in response. Juliette arched her back until she felt his rigid arousal against her thigh, but his lips lingered and teased not letting her any closer. Nowhere near the heavenly kisses she knew he could give. “Not even close,” she murmured.

His laugh rumbled deep in his chest and settled heavily inside hers. “How about this?”

His tongue traced the seam of her lips with languorous strokes. A delicious fluttering arose in her stomach, accompanied by a wave of longing so strong her knees nearly buckled. As his hands threaded through her hair and tugged at her scalp, an erotic rush of sensation and emotion washed over her, then eased away. Much like the water surrounding her now, the carnal stirring beckoned to pull her deeper, yet it remained steadfastly out of her reach. A prelude to the indulgences they could share if only he weren’t torturing her with slow and seductive moves.

Since meeting Doug, the wanting and yearning inside her had built to epidemic proportions. Not only did she want to experience the full range of desire, she yearned to do it with Doug-the man who’d given her back both her confidence and belief in herself and relationships.

If she had to stoop low to get him to cave, she had no problem doing so. After all, they’d both benefit.

“Well?” His lips vibrated against hers.

No man could resist a challenge, especially one to his sexual prowess. She felt herself smile as she spoke. “You can do better.”

“You have no idea.” He grasped her around the waist and hauled her close.

He held her head steady with his hands. His tongue slipped inside her mouth and the explosive fireworks in her body began as he devoured her with a completely masterful, seductive kiss. The kind she’d sought and needed. The kind that left no doubt as to how he felt, no doubt they both desired the same thing.

He splashed his hands into the water, shifting and moving her wet dress until he held her waist in his palms, giving him easy access, enabling him to ease his long fingers upward, to tease the underside of her breasts.

An urgent pull began between her legs, a steady pulsing that resulted in damp heat she recognized despite being surrounded by water. “Oh, my.”

He groaned in response. “Are you satisfied yet?” he asked, even as he left a damp trail with his mouth, from her lips, across her cheek until he reached her neck and nuzzled insistently.

She’d never be completely sated, not until he was joined deep inside her. “Satisfied with the kiss?” she asked. “Yes. Satisfied, satisfied? No way.” Between kisses, she sucked in a ragged breath. “How about you?”

“Satisfied means you’ve had enough and I’ll never have enough of you.” As he echoed her earlier thoughts, the rough timbre of his voice touched her soul. His words touched her heart.

In response, she reached for the waistband of his trunks and slid her fingertips deep inside, until she touched the coarse line of hair on his stomach and the smooth, wet tip of his penis.

“Aah, Juliette.”

No man had ever said her name with such passion or reverence. And she’d never needed another man as much as she needed this one. She needed him deep inside her, filling her, easing the ache and emptiness. She pressed her palm down more firmly, then cupped his rigid shaft in her hand, learning his hardness and length, his velvety softness.

Behind her, she heard a distinct rustling of bushes, a sound that brought her out of the desirous haze that had surrounded them. Her surroundings became clear, from the empty pool to the shifting of leaves, a similar sound to the one she’d heard earlier. She jerked her hand free and stepped back quickly.

Doug ducked under the water, cooling himself off, she assumed, while hiding from view. A couple passed the outskirts of the pool, hands held tightly, and neither looked Juliette and Doug’s way.

He surfaced and she braced her hands on his shoulders. “That was close,” she said.

“We were closer.”

She inclined her head. “And does that bother you?”

He ran a frustrated hand through his wet hair but didn’t answer.

“Us being intimate and your fantasy…Do they have to be mutually exclusive?” she asked.

He looked into her eyes, his deep blue gaze unwavering. “I’m not sure.”

“But I am. You said you needed to see you could put a woman’s needs before your own. You’ve done that with me. Physically, you walked away when your body would rather have stayed. Emotionally too. You’ve listened to my stories and half answers about my ex-fiancé and my family without ever pushing for more.”

He let out a harsh laugh. “It’s not like I’ve bared all to you either.”

She smiled and touched his cheek with her hand. “I’ve told you about my fear of storms and a tree house my dad built. You’ve admitted you were adopted and explained how you were starving on the streets,” she said in a low, soft voice. “That’s hardly comparable.”

“Maybe not. But you listened to everything I said and you understood without passing judgment.” A hesitant yet charming grin edged the corners of his mouth.

“That was easy. I’m interested in you.” Juliette made her way to the edge of the pool, her wet dress heavy and restricting.

“Where are you going?”

After pulling herself out, she wrung out the soaked cotton material. She shivered, surprised the air that had been so hot and sticky earlier, could now cause a chill. Especially when her body was still so overheated and warm. “Back to my room to take a long, hot shower.”

“Sounds good.” His eyes dilated and she knew he had the same longings she did, both of them sharing a steamy enclosed shower together.

And she wanted it to happen. Desperately. But she also knew about waiting for the right time and now wasn’t it. He obviously wanted her, but his fantasy was keeping them apart. She looked around for her sandals and saw them floating in the pool. She shrugged, knowing they were a lost cause anyway. “Right now you need space. Time to think. But when I catch up with you later, you should know one thing.”

“And what would that be?”

She met his gaze, hoping her heart and her desire were there for him to see. “Our fantasies can coexist and I know just how to convince you. By the time I’m finished, you’ll no longer be uncertain.” She heard the certainty in her tone and realized her bravery and boldness came much easier now. Outwardly, anyway. “And Doug?”

He swallowed hard, his throat moving upward with the force of the movement. “Yes?”

“You won’t be unsatisfied either.” Before she could blush or tremble or exhibit anything else that would betray her nervousness, she turned and left him alone in the pool.

Alone, unsatisfied and wanting her. But if she had her way, they wouldn’t be apart for much longer.

DOUG WATCHED her sassy retreat. He wondered if she realized her outward bravado hadn’t fooled him a bit. She was learning boldness as she went along. The closer they became, the more sure of herself she grew. He was glad to know he had a hand in something good in her life.

He took her sandals in one hand and lifted them out of the water. Her laughter when he’d pulled her in still rung bright and cheerful in his ear. She’d been a good sport and they’d had fun. He’d laughed at first, and was aroused the entire time.

Doug hefted himself out of the pool and made his way back to his room. He spent the day reading the paper on the terrace and generally making himself scarce while he digested his situation. His life. His feelings.

Feelings for Juliette. There was no denying her impact. Like a comet, she’d hurtled into his life and, if he never saw her again, he’d never forget the view or its effect on him. Without a doubt, she redeemed him, something he hadn’t realized he’d needed. But he’d been a one-track, career-minded nearly lost soul before meeting her. He hadn’t thought of anyone’s feelings when it came to a story. Except his father’s, Doug thought wryly. And the irony wasn’t lost on him. Ted Houston had a bigger heart than anyone Doug had ever met. It had taken Juliette to make Doug realize he wanted to be like his old man in more ways than being a journalist.

Juliette. She’d enabled him to forget all the trouble in his life, even if just for brief moments in time. She’d allowed him to feel more than guilt, pain and concern over his father’s health and his own personal agenda. More than mere arousal, although the stimulation was carnal and strong and wouldn’t abate anytime soon.

And she’d obviously made it her mission to seduce him. She believed if they slept together, he wouldn’t be doing so at her expense, but at her pleasure.

His heartbeat tripled and his pulse kicked into high gear. She was as persuasive as she was beautiful. In the pool, he hadn’t been able to keep his hands off her, despite his self-imposed promise. And for the first time since laying eyes on Juliette Stanton, he didn’t care one bit. Why? He slammed his hand against the bed in his room. Why? Could it be because he was falling in love with his Runaway Bride?

Doug jerked back, reeling as if he’d been hit over the head with a sledgehammer, though a sledgehammer would probably be more subtle. His past relationships had fallen so far short of love, he figured he wouldn’t know the emotion if it bit him. But here he was contemplating the possibility. A complication he’d never anticipated, but should have.

He couldn’t pin down the moment she’d become a part of his life. He’d been subconsciously studying her each time he’d seen a picture of Juliette and Stuart Barnes, or Juliette and her father, the senator. He’d admired her even then.

He’d been blindsided in Secret Fantasy’s lobby a few short days ago. And he’d been putting her feelings, emotions and needs before his own from the minute they’d been introduced. He rubbed a hand over his eyes. So was he falling in love? He had no idea, but he couldn’t deny his feelings were strong.

And he hadn’t a clue how to handle the emotions or what they meant for his personal or professional future.

A knock sounded at his terrace door. As if he’d summoned her, he turned to see Juliette. She stood by the closed screen, appearing fresh in her lemon-yellow, loose flowing skirt, camisole and blouse. She was obviously nervous, twisting her hands together, then clenching and unclenching her fists. She couldn’t hide her emotions and he loved…Doug coughed. He loved that about her.

He waved her inside. She walked in and slid the screen door shut behind her. “Hi.”

“Hi, yourself.” He rose from the bed, wondering if her timing had been heaven-sent. To force him to face his feelings before he could go into denial.

“Doug? What’s wrong? You’re looking at me like you’ve never seen me before.”

An apt description. She could read his thoughts too well. He needed to push those emotions to the back of his mind and concentrate on what Doug, the reporter, needed.

As if. There was no way he could maintain that promise to keep his distance any longer-because that promise had been made a lifetime ago. Before his earth-shattering revelation. And with each passing second, his certainty grew. He’d fallen in love with Juliette Stanton.

Had he been blindsided? Definitely, but he could list the reasons he’d fallen with ease. She was everything he’d never experienced in a woman and everything he desired. Fresh, unjaded, despite past hurt, and as open and honest as she could be under the circumstances. She knew how to reach out to him when he was in pain and just being around her eased his distress.

He remembered the time his father had attempted to encapsulate his relationship with Doug’s mother. Always a man good with language, sensible words had failed him. “Your mother has the screws that fit the holes in my head,” Ted Houston had said. Doug had merely stared at his father, baffled by the description he’d thought was crazy when he heard it. One he’d never truly understood, not even after going through several unsuccessful affairs of his own.