“Bonnie’s not psychic. She tilts her head because she had a series of ear infections when she was younger,” Pandora replied, finally relaxing enough to lean against the desk. Then she paused, thinking back to both the cats’ unnatural behavior toward Russ and Kendall. “I mean, as far as I know, she doesn’t actually read minds.”

His face impassive but his eyes still laughing, Hunter nodded and walked over to a small refrigerator and took out a bottle of water. He handed it to her with a small smile.

Wow. Maybe he wasn’t that scary.

Pandora bit her lip, then unable to help herself, she blurted out, “What does Caleb do for you? He’s…what? A cop? DEA agent? Why does everyone think he’s an unemployed no-good drifter?”

“Because I am an unemployed, no-good drifter.”

Pandora only jumped a little before turning to see Caleb standing in the doorway. Hunter just slanted his gaze toward the other man, then nodded and headed out the front door.

His hand on the knob, he turned back and told Pandora, “It was good to meet you. We’ll talk again.”

Her heart slamming against her chest, Pandora gave a jerky nod. She waited for the door to close before asking, “What’s going on?”

“Russ Turnbaugh and Jeff Kendall are under federal arrest. We’ve commandeered the sheriff’s holding cells until a team arrives to take them in.”


“Hunter’s with the FBI.”

“And you?”

“I was with the DEA, but I quit a while ago. Right now I’m exactly what I’ve said. Unemployed and clueless about what I’m going to do next.” His words were as guarded as his expression. He looked as if he wasn’t sure if she was there to talk or to beat the living hell out of him.

Pandora nodded, then looked away. A part of her wanted to beg him to make sure whatever it was, he did it with her. Another part, burned one too many times, warned her to hold back until she had the truth. All the truth.

“Are you working for the FBI, though?” Her chin high, she crossed her arms over her chest and tried to look in control, instead of on the verge of being a blubbering mess again.

“Hunter was my college roommate.” He sounded less cold, more like himself now. She could actually see him starting to defrost. Whether it was because she wasn’t hitting him, or he was shedding his interrogation-cop attitude, she wasn’t sure. “We’re friends. I was doing him a favor.”

“I didn’t realize the FBI looked into small-town drug problems.”

“Not usually.” He shrugged. “But there were extenuating circumstances in this case, and the drugs are a new blend. Something they wanted to stop before they gained a foothold.”

“And you offered to help out of the goodness of your heart? Because you were bored being all unemployed and clueless?” Pandora winced, not sure where the anger was coming from.

“Don’t blow this out of proportion. The bad guys are caught and they won’t be using you or your store any longer. You’re cleared and everyone knows it.”

Cassiopeia was right. He had staged that little scene for her benefit. Pandora’s heart pounded, emotions flying about so fast she didn’t know if she should be thrilled, grateful or simply furious.

She settled on a combination of all three.

“Oh, no. No blowing things out of proportion. I should be relieved I won’t have to go through weeks of grilling questions, false accusations and the loss of my computer and privacy this time.” She was yelling by the last word. Apparently she’d glommed on to the fury more than all the other emotions.

Needing to get a handle on herself, Pandora held up both hands, took a deep breath. Calm, center and collect yourself, she chanted in her head.



Another breath, and she was pretty much collected.

“Look-” he said.

“No,” she interrupted with a snap, whatever she’d collected scattering again. “I’m not finished. You came on to me. You poked through my computer, you made yourself at home in my house. You slept with me, over and over and over. And the whole time, you were investigating me?”

“I told you, you were cleared. I never suspected you, not really. Hell, you’re not even the person I came to town to investigate.” His jaw snapped shut. For the first time, Pandora saw Caleb angry. Not the stoic hard-ass thing he did so well, but really, truly angry.

Smoldering heat flared deep in her belly. It was kind of a turn-on.

“Look. You know the truth now. What’s the big deal? Can’t we just move forward from here?”

Move forward? Where? How? Wasn’t this where he mounted his big black hog and rode off into the sunset?

The idea of that, of saying goodbye to him forever, was like a knife in her gut.

“The big deal is that I was falling for you and you were investigating me,” she shouted. Horrified, she clapped both hands over her mouth. That was so not the way to dial back the drama.


The rush of the bust, with its extra dollop of happy that he’d been able to take a schmuck like Kendall down, was gone. Now he was faced with the reality of what he’d done. With how he’d hurt Pandora.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he said, knowing the words were totally inadequate, but having no idea what else to say. Pissed, he shoved his hands through his hair. He hated this. Hated not having a clue how to fix things with her.

“You lied to me,” she said, her chin wobbling a little. Oh, God, no. Please, don’t let her cry. Caleb wanted to grab her tight and kiss her until she forgot everything. Especially how he’d hurt her.

But he knew she wouldn’t let him until he’d cleared up this mess.

“Not lied,” he corrected scrupulously. “Just…withheld information.”

“If not me, then who did you come to town to investigate?”

Caleb hesitated. Not only was it an open investigation, which meant the information was still confidential, but this was his father. Sure, the FBI had an entire database dedicated to cons they suspected him of. But most people, especially here in Black Oak, were clueless.

“Look, I’m not at liberty to divulge the details,” he started to say. Her eyes chilled and her expression closed up.

“Because, what? You might lose your job? Oh, wait…”

“No. Because Hunter trusts me.”

The ice in her eyes melted a little, but she still looked hurt. Then she nodded. “Okay, I get that. It’s not fair to ask you to break a confidence.”

But it was fair of him to ask her to take him at face value? After everything she’d been through, unless he told her who it really was, she’d never believe it wasn’t her. Caleb scrubbed his hands over his eyes, then blew out a breath. “Okay, you have to promise that this stays between us. You can’t even tell those psychic cats of yours.”

She nodded, a tiny smile playing over her lips.

“The FBI had tips that there is more going on than just the drugs. That someone with a lot of influence was using the town as their own crime ring.”

She nodded, then gestured toward the door in the back that led to the jail cells.

“The sheriff, right?”


“The mayor?” she asked, sounding appalled. Then Pandora slapped both hands over her mouth and grimaced. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I forgot she’s your aunt. But, I mean, who is higher than the sheriff?”

Caleb gave her a steady look.

It didn’t take her long. Her eyes widened and she shook her head in denial.

“Noooo,” she breathed.


“No way. I mean, I don’t know what kind of evidence they have, but it’s wrong. There’s just no way.”

“That’s what I said.”

“So you came home to prove your father’s innocence?” she asked. Then her eyes rounded again. “And what? You had to prove mine, as well?”

“It’s been an interesting month,” he said with a laugh.

“No kidding,” she agreed. “You must have been so worried. So scared of what you’d find.”

Her brow creased in empathy, she took those two mile-long steps and gave him a hug.

And just like that, everything was okay.

Caleb’s shoulders sagged as he returned her hug. He let out the breath he’d been holding and gave a half shrug. She understood. Totally got it. Instead of running disgusted from the room because his father was the kind of guy who triggered a major FBI investigation, she offered comfort and understanding.

He was so freaking in love with her, it was scary.

Tension and a fear he hadn’t even realized was eating at his guts faded as Caleb tightened his arms around her, never wanting to let go.

Needing to taste her, desperate for more, he swept his hands down to the delicate curve of the small of her back, pressing her tight against him. Lifting her head from his shoulder, she arched a brow. Whether she was shocked or impressed by his burgeoning hard-on, he wasn’t sure.

He took her mouth in a deep, desperate kiss. Tongue and lips slid together, tasting. She was warm and delicious. Everything he needed. Everything he wanted. Everything he hoped to keep, forever.

Then she kissed him back. Her lips moved against his in welcome, then in passion. Their tongues wrapped together in a familiar dance. Caleb groaned, feeling as if it’d been years since they’d been together instead of twenty-or-so hours.

They needed to get this all settled so he could have her again.

Gently, slowly, he pulled his mouth from hers. He couldn’t stop touching her, though. His hands stroked up her back, down to her butt, then made the trip again. A part of him was worried that if he let go, she’d walk out and not come back. He had this one chance with her.

And he’d damn well better not blow it.

“So what now?” she asked, her hands loose around his waist as she stared up at him.

She probably wasn’t referring to the investigation.

Time to put up or shut up. Nerves jumped in his stomach, but Caleb was ready for this.

“This is a pretty nice office,” he noted dryly, looking around at the barren two-desk setup. “And now it’s empty.”

“I’m not doing it with you in here,” she warned. “There’s not enough Foreplay Chocolate Cake in the world to get me to, either.”

He snorted a laugh. Grinning, he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Had he ever been as happy as he was with her? Had he ever felt as good about himself as he did when he was with her? Was he ever going to find anyone who made him want to share himself, his life and his heart, the way he wanted to with Pandora?

The answer to all of those was no.

Still grinning, Caleb looked around the office again. Maybe it was time to stop bullshitting around.

“No, I didn’t mean sex. At least,” he corrected as he pulled her tighter between his thighs, “I didn’t mean now or here. I meant…”

Pandora reached up to frame his face in both of her soft hands. Smiling, she arched a brow and asked, “Meant?”

“I meant, the position as sheriff will be open. I’ve got an in with the mayor, could probably snag an interim appointment until the next election.”

Her eyes lit up and her smile was huge. Then she gave a little wince.

“What about Tobias?”

“He’s not interested in the position. He runs the town just fine without all the crap that goes with an elected job.”

She smirked. “No. I meant, can you live here, in the same town as your father? Does he know you were investigating him? Will you be able to handle being his son and the sheriff in his town? That’s a pretty big challenge.”

A huge one. Because rather than clearing Tobias’s name, this bust had only pulled him deeper into things. Kendall had claimed he answered to one person, and one person only. Then he’d invoked the Fifth and refused to say another word. Clearly, the first official job of the new sheriff would be to find out who was trying to turn Black Oak into their own little crime den.

But Caleb wasn’t worried about handling the investigation. His old man was a lot of things, but he wasn’t involved in this mess.

“Can you live here, Caleb? In the same town as your dad?”

“When I was a kid I guess I thought I had to leave, get as far away from him as I could so I could be myself. And those are just about the most touchy-feely words I ever want to say,” he added, making her laugh. “But, really, he was always there. He’s a big part of who I am. He’s shaped my choices and my strengths. So living in the same town? That just means he’s talking to my face instead of being a nagging voice in my head. As for the rest? It’ll all work out fine. I have faith that he’s innocent in this, and I have faith that the law will prove it.”

And wasn’t he all freaking grown-up and stuff. Caleb noticed the look in Pandora’s eyes. Sweet acceptance mixed with pride and just a tiny bit of lust.