And no man had ever asked. Another contrast brought to life by Colin. Another place where Colin stood head and shoulders above the rest. In one breath, she wished he weren't so compelling, in another, she thanked her lucky stars she'd found him and they'd share whatever moments fate allowed.
"So I was wondering. Did you ask what I wanted so you could please me?" She rolled her eyes, embarrassed by her naiveté. "Or because you just liked to hear, oh, I don't know, sex talk. Which I've never done and don't know if I'd be good at. Any more than I'm good at this." She gestured around her. "God, I'm killing the mood, aren't I?"
He laughed, but she inherently knew he wasn't laughing at her. "Trust me, there's nothing you could do to kill this mood." He grasped her hands and brought them to his lips for a kiss, then he replaced each hand by her side on the counter once more. "Now we're back where we started. Now you need to know that I asked because I want to please you. But-" His lips twitched and he grinned. "I wouldn't mind hearing some sex talk from your lips."
Settled back with her breasts thrusting upward, Rina felt a little wanton and a lot daring. He picked up where they'd left off, his tongue embarking on another sensual exploration, and her body responded immediately. Hot darts of desire flickered through her.
"Now tell me what you want."
His roughened voice hit her already sensitized nerves and made her bold. "I want you to stop teasing me."
In response, his tongue swirled in circles around one nipple, heightening her arousal and causing her body to shake and her hips to pivot back and forth in search of something even more fulfilling than the treatment she was receiving now. But he didn't give in, didn't offer her what she desired. Instead, he just slowly teased her distended nipple, never providing her the relief she sought.
He lifted his gaze, stopping the arousing sensations, and she wanted to cry out in frustration. "Trust me enough to tell me what you want," he coaxed, holding her gaze.
"Take me into your mouth." She struggled for an even breath. "Hold my breast in your hand and take my nipple into your mouth."
His pupils dilated and his eyes burned hot, as hot as the flame he ignited inside her. "Like this?"
He cupped her breast in his palm, kneading the soft flesh and plumping it in his hand.
"Mmm." She leaned her head back and moaned. "More."
And then finally, he drew her nipple into his hot, wet, greedy mouth, biting down lightly with his teeth. Alternately grazing, then soothing with his tongue until the fire he lit exploded in a haze of passion. Her hips began gyrating of their own accord. She needed to ease the ache and he understood.
This time he didn't wait for her to ask, just lifted her so she could wrap her legs around his waist and thrust the most needy part of her against his thick shaft. Her body soared at their first intimate contact, which felt so good yet wasn't nearly enough. She bucked against him, her hips pushing, writhing and gyrating into him until her world exploded in a sensational climax she hadn't expected. One unlike any she'd experienced before.
She hadn't made love to him, but the contractions shaking her body were as strong and vigorous as if she'd taken him inside her. She was still trembling as he set her down on the counter between the sinks. "Oh, God."
He ran a hand through his hair. "That about sums it up." He stepped back and leaned against the flowered wallpaper behind him. "You sure know how to knock the wind out of a guy."
Glancing down, she realized that although she'd been satisfied, he'd been far from it. "Colin…"
He waved a hand in the air, cutting her off. "Don't even suggest it. The first time's going to be the right way, honey. Not with you trying to give me something back just because I made you come."
She blushed at his blunt words, but before she could conjure a reply, he picked up the shirt she'd left on the corner counter, holding it out for her to slip into.
Her heart pounded in her chest and her legs felt like Jell-O as she stood and let him help her dress. As he buttoned her blouse, the act of him dressing her felt more intimate than what he'd just done to her, and the incongruous thought made her smile.
"Something funny?" he asked.
She shook her head. "I'm just thinking."
"Just that I picked the right guy to get back into the swing of things again."
He tangled his hands through her hair, groaning as he fingered the tousled strands she'd taken great pains to create. "Why's that?" he asked.
"Because you cared about what I wanted. No man's done that for me and it's a gift I'll always remember."
"Rina, I-"
A loud knocking sound interrupted them. "We'll be right out," she called.
Colin clamped his hand over her lips. "I'll," he mouthed, obviously wanting to protect her reputation. "I'll be right out," he whispered.
"I'll be right out," Rina called, a heated blush rising to her cheeks. "Do you think anyone will know what we've been doing?" she asked softly.
"It's Corinne. Emma said I could find Colin upstairs."
He muttered a curse. "I don't want her finding us like this. It's not fair to you."
Rina cared more about how much she liked the sound of us rolling off his sexy lips than she did about what Corinne thought. But she appreciated that he cared.
He started for the door she'd thought was a linen closet. "I'll catch up with her in the hall."
"It's about Joe," Corinne called when no one answered her.
"Uh…Colin's in the room next door," Rina replied.
"You get dressed and I'll meet up with you downstairs." He offered her a quick wink and he was gone.
But her body reminded her, he wouldn't be forgotten.
HE SHOULDN'T HAVE touched her. Knowing they were on opposite sides, knowing he had to convince Joe to ax her beloved job, Colin should have walked out of the bathroom without looking back. He couldn't, of course. He wanted to be with her too damn badly.
And now that he had, he was shaken. During their intense conversation at the party, they'd connected as though no one else was in the room. Once they were alone, that connection had deepened, both physically and emotionally. When she'd admitted that she'd never asked a man for what she wanted, not even her deceased husband being the implication, Colin had been compelled to put her feelings before his own. He wanted to be the first man she trusted in such an intimate way, and she hadn't disappointed him.
But now he faced a more difficult truth. Rina was the first woman he was scared to lose.
A knock sounded loud again, drawing him from his thoughts. Buttoning the shirt he'd grabbed from Logan's closet, Colin stepped into the hall to head off Corinne.
"I could hear you banging from in here." He left the bedroom door open so she could glance inside and see he was alone. Although he wished he wasn't…But he meant what he'd said to Rina, and any satisfaction he received wouldn't be found at her hand. "What's wrong with Joe?" he asked Corinne before his damn erection became obvious again.
"He had a ministroke."
Colin's stomach plummeted. This wasn't news he wanted to hear.
"The hospital called my cell phone and I've been searching all over the house for you."
For a brief minute, Colin softened toward the woman who not only looked extremely upset but who'd bothered to take the time to find him before heading out for the hospital. "Thank you. Can I give you a lift there?" he asked.
She nodded. "I'm too upset to drive."
He grasped her elbow and started for the stairs. Corinne was an enigma, a woman he didn't understand. One minute her feelings for Joe seemed genuine, the next she acted erratically without thought for Joe's wishes. Colin groaned, knowing Corinne and his feelings about her weren't important. Joe's health was. "What did the hospital say?" he asked.
"Just that he was stable," she said as they rushed down the long, circular stairs.
He retrieved their coats. "Wait here," he told Corinne.
Colin sought out Emma and Logan to make sure one of them let Rina know why he'd disappeared and covered her ride home. Though he could wait and tell her himself, he didn't want to waste a minute getting to Joe, nor did he want to give her some explanation that was bound to be awkward after what had just transpired between them.
He couldn't spare the time to make her feel as special now as she deserved, and he would have to make it up to her later for leaving. She deserved it. But Corinne had given him an excuse to run now and he grabbed the chance.
Because Joe's scare came at an opportune moment, at a time when Colin needed space.
He was a man who always left before things became intense, and he didn't know what to do with his craving to be closer to Rina now. He felt crowded by his emotions because never in his life had he connected with a woman on such an elemental level.
Rina humbled him. He'd had more invested than just sex in that one encounter, all the while knowing he'd hurt her in the end. Hurt himself, as well, since losing her was inevitable.
For himself, it was better he build in some emotional distance now. For Rina, it was better she know up front that she couldn't count on him for the long run.
RINA ACCEPTED another glass of punch from the server and turned to the good-looking man who'd approached her, then proceeded to talk about his portfolio for the last fifteen minutes. He bored her to tears but at least he was paying attention to her.
Unlike Colin, who'd ditched her. He could have waited and told her about Joe himself or taken her with him to the hospital. He could have done many things. Instead, he'd opted to leave her at the party alone. His actions spoke volumes about something she'd known all along. Colin Lyons was the love-'em-and-leave-'em type. As hurt as she was, she reminded herself she'd wanted a fling and Colin had just proven he was the right man for the job.
Rina squared her shoulders, determined to make the best of the party and gather information for her column. "So tell me," she asked Edward Worthington III. "Is your portfolio really as large as you claim?" She leaned in closer and batted her lashes.
He leaned closer. "Come home with me and I'll show you," he said, his implicit meaning obvious.
"Rina already has a ride home," Emma said, grabbing her by the hand and pulling her away. "What do you think you're doing?"
"Research. And tonight I've discovered that men like outgoing, friendly women."
"Men like to think they'll get lucky, and Edward is out to prove himself ever since his fiancée ditched him because his mother took over their wedding plans. Now wave goodbye and let him move on to someone who's really interested."
Knowing Emma had a point-she always did-Rina waved goodbye to Edward. She'd only been flirting to take her mind off Colin anyway. The column was the last thing on her mind.
"Research my patootie," Emma muttered. "You're sulking because Colin left, and that's completely unbecoming."
Rina agreed with the unbecoming part, but since she refused to enlighten Emma as to what had transpired in the bathroom, she clenched her jaw shut tight and followed the older woman into the foyer.
"My driver is ready to take you home," Emma said, patting her hand. "We'll talk more tomorrow when your head is clearer."
"Nonsense. I'll drive Ms. Lowell home." Stan Blecher stepped up beside them. "I heard you tell your driver where she lives and it's on my way home."
"Eavesdropping's rude," Emma muttered.
"So is your attitude, but you don't see me complaining," the older gentleman said.
Rina had never seen Emma put in her place before and bit the inside of her cheek to contain her laughter. "If you're sure you don't mind, I'd appreciate the ride," she said to Stan.
"Of course not. It's been ages since I had someone as young and beautiful as you in the seat beside me." He glanced at Rina and winked. He obviously wanted to make Emma jealous.
"I told you he was a lecher." From the sulking pout on the other woman's face, his tactic had obviously worked.
"He's a gentleman, Emma," Rina said softly.
"Then let him take you home. I don't give a fig if I ever see him again." With a haughty raise of her chin, Emma pivoted around and walked away. But not before adding, "Colin's a little boy at heart, Rina. Give him the chance to explain."
Rina rolled her eyes because she didn't see her friend giving Stan any chances at all. She met Stan's gaze and shrugged, unsure of what to say now that Emma had taken her leave.
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