She pet the dog's tan head, then meshed her fingers through the wrinkles on his back. "What was your first clue?" she asked wryly.
He'd never seen the breed anywhere except television and knew nothing about them except they cost a pretty penny. He'd never pictured Rina with this kind of breed, but he liked the dog immediately. "He's a gorgeous animal."
She smiled. "He was Robert's dog before I ever came along. Now he's mine."
At the mention of a male name, one said with a sadness tinged with regret, Colin's stomach twisted. He couldn't remember the last time any woman had evoked jealousy inside him, not even Julie. Rina was different, as his churning insides reminded him.
Had she left a man behind in New York? At the thought, the pain in his stomach became acute. "Who's Robert?" he asked, his jaw aching from the tension of gritting his teeth.
"My husband."
His gut clenched violently. "You're-"
"But he died," she added quickly. "I just hate the word widow."
That took some of the wind out of him. He started to reach for her then, unsure the gesture was appropriate, merely said, "I'm sorry."
"Thanks." She patted Norton and rose. "It's been awhile now."
As soon as she'd removed her hand from the dog's collar, Norton walked over to Colin and began sniffing at his feet.
"Uh…you should watch out. He peed on my brother's sneakers the first time they met. He's particular about who he likes."
Colin laughed, and the tension broke, but he stepped back just in case. Norton followed, rubbing his head against Colin's pant leg. Following the dog's lead, Colin gave him the attention he desired and scratched the dog's head. In response, Norton flopped into a prone position before rolling onto his back, legs spread open wide.
"Ugh. Norton, have some class," Rina groaned. "He likes to expose himself. It's embarrassing."
She met his gaze, amusement and something more bubbling in the brown depths that he just now noticed weren't covered by the black-framed glasses. He stepped back to admire the change. Her face had the same minimal makeup as he'd noticed the day before, but without the glasses he got an unobstructed view of those gorgeous eyes and he liked what he saw.
"I hope you don't mind, but I need to walk Norton before we go. I'll dress for the party as soon as we get back." She turned toward the coatrack and the ponytail swung behind her, hitting the center of her back. "My landlord's washing machine broke while I was doing laundry and I spent the afternoon at the Laundromat," she explained. "I never had time to change." Reaching for her jacket on a coat hook, she shrugged it on over her shoulders, then grabbed Norton's leash.
"I'll go with you to walk the pooch," he offered.
Sixty minutes later, they finally returned home with Norton in tow. Colin's fingertips were frozen and his nose was numb. "You did this on purpose, didn't you?" he asked.
"Did what?"
Her wide questioning gaze might have fooled other men, but not one with a reporter's instincts. "You waited for me to walk Norton, knowing it was an hour ordeal so I could freeze to death along with you," he said wryly.
Not that he'd minded their time walking, talking and just getting to know one another even more. If anything, she'd defeated her purpose. He felt closer to her now than ever before. The one thing he hadn't been able to bring up was the subject of Corinne and the paper, since Rina had dominated the conversation with stories of her childhood Christmases. Even with little money, they'd always had warm, family times.
Something Joe and Nell had tried to give to him. Looking back, he hadn't made it easy, going so far as to stay at friends' homes to avoid the stark reality of his parents' absence. Listening to Rina, her easy chatter and comfortable silences, allowed him to reflect, to acknowledge his actions and regret them. But it was Joe who needed to know his feelings, and while he was home this time, Colin intended to make amends.
"I just wanted you to share the fun Norton brings to my life." She met his gaze, amusement and happiness in those brown depths.
She made him feel good. "You mean his unique quirks. He hates the ice-cold street so much that he tries to dive for shelter into any home we pass. Doing business is the last thing on his mind."
"He might have a slight problem with weather extremes," she admitted.
"Which prolongs his walk."
She bit the inside of her lip. "I didn't say that."
He let out a feigned groan. "You didn't have to. I figure you wanted my company on Norton's long walk."
"My brother always says I'm chronically late, so you really can't think I stalled walking him on purpose." Her lips twitched, a sure sign she'd been caught.
The desire to kiss those lips grew stronger inside him. He wanted to linger here and to hell with Emma's holiday bash. "Any chance you'd go change so we can get going?"
Because if she didn't, he'd act on his impulses, carrying her to the couch across from the TV and kissing her again. Only this time he wouldn't stop with her lips. He'd feast on her skin, as well, and hoped she'd do the same on his.
"I'll be ready in five minutes." Her voice brought him out of his fantasy.
"I've never known a woman yet who could be ready that fast, especially one with a chronic lateness problem."
She laughed. "Just watch me." Catching her turn of phrase, she blushed. "I didn't mean literally watch me. I meant just wait for me. And see." She started for the open door on the other side of the room. "Norton will keep you company." Then she slipped inside and slammed the door shut behind her.
He refused to let his mind wander to thoughts of her undressing in the next room. He couldn't, if he wanted to be able to walk into Emma's party. Instead, he shot a sideways glance at the pooch who sat at his feet, black tongue hanging out as he panted from the exertion of his walk. "I'm sure there's water for you somewhere." Colin headed for the kitchen, a small room off the living area.
Norton followed, and sure enough, his bowl sat in a corner and he ran for it, devouring the water in thirsty laps. With the dog occupied, Colin went back to the family room for a better look into who Rina Lowell really was.
In a bookcase, he found mystery novels, which didn't surprise him since the woman appeared to be an enigma herself. He also discovered a framed photo of a dark-haired man and a woman with her arms around his neck. Since the man had similar features to Rina, he assumed the guy was her brother, Jake, and the woman his wife, Brianne. An older couple with palm trees in the background waved for the camera. Her parents, he assumed. And finally another of Rina, hair pulled back as usual, her arms around Norton. Colin grinned, liking the mix of family photos. His own rented condo held similar ones. An old shot of his parents and more recent ones of Joe and Nell. It seemed both he and Rina had a soft spot for family.
Already and without trying, he'd discovered common ground. The explosive, hot chemistry they already shared went without saying. Their caring for family was a strong indication that they shared other needs, as well. Needs he'd be only too happy to cultivate while satiating their mutual desires at the same time.
It didn't escape his notice that he hadn't seen a picture of her late husband, and his curiosity grew. The corner of the room had a small wooden desk. A small photo sat on the corner and he found himself drawn there. And because the picture was a small, framed wallet-size one and set apart from the photos in plain view, a twinge of guilt nudged at him, but he picked up the picture anyway.
A too-good-looking guy stared back at him. Colin hadn't known Rina long, but he didn't see her with the suit-and-tie, corporate type. Then again, he wouldn't have envisioned her with a sharpei, either, and the dog was back, slobbering at his feet. Proof that where Rina was concerned, he should expect the unexpected. He liked the intrigue and challenge she presented.
Why not? He was a man who thrived on extremes. Rina, who lacked artifice and possessed extraordinary depth offered him many layers to uncover and revel in.
He replaced the picture and stepped back to the center of the room just as Rina reentered. He took one look at her, and his libido, which he'd been barely controlling, kicked into high gear. How was it this woman managed to look sexy in a tuxedo?
Colin wore black pants and a sport jacket with a mock turtleneck sweater beneath, the most he'd do in the way of dress-up. Rina had her own mode of dress. His gaze traveled from her black pumps, up her tailored slacks to the white-collared shirt with suspenders and red bow tie. His exploration didn't end there, but continued to her face, adorned only by the sheer foundation and blush, her wide eyes, which had some shadow and mascara, and settled on her red lips. She wasn't in a sexy dress, nor did she display ample cleavage, yet she simply took his breath away.
Was it his imagination or had the oxygen been sucked out of the room? He drew a shallow breath.
"I'm ready to go." She glanced at her watch. "With thirty seconds to spare."
"And a damn fine job you did in those five minutes." He extended his hand and she came toward him.
"Well, thank you. Did I mention you dress up nicely yourself?"
He grasped her elbow, then without warning he realized what else was different about her tonight. "Your hair."
"It's still here, right? I haven't gone bald since I left you earlier?" She lifted a hand to the shoulder-length strands and laughed.
"No, but it's a damn sight shorter than the ponytail led me to believe."
"The art of illusion, Colin. Women are masters. I take it you liked my extension?"
Enough to give him a damn hard-on, as he'd daydreamed about wrapping himself in the silken mass. "I liked it," he said blandly.
She leaned closer and a hint of peppermint drifted toward him. He wasn't sure if it came from her toothpaste or her shampoo, but she smelled fresh, clean and distractingly sexy. No expensive perfumed scents for Rina. And Colin found himself even more aroused by her natural scent.
"Liar," she said softly in his ear. "You loved the ponytail. Because men love long hair. It's the stuff of fantasies."
"Says who?" He folded his arms across his chest in a deliberate attempt to play dumb. He might act like a stereotypical male, but damned if he'd admit to it. Besides, the feelings she aroused in him weren't contingent on what she wore or how she looked.
"Every woman's magazine printed."
"Oh yeah? Then why does this shaggy hairdo turn me on?" He went for the personal question instead of pursuing his professional agenda. Rather than jump on the opportunity to ask if she'd ever considered taking her talents to a more appropriate venue, like one of those magazines she'd mentioned, he opted to let her know what she did to him. He turned her way, capturing her between his body and the wall, not allowing her room to maneuver away.
She sucked in a breath and her nipples tightened, pressing into his chest. He wanted desperately to run his fingers through her tousled hair but refrained, knowing they were ready to leave and he'd cause yet another delay if he did. "You could test a saint," he said with a low groan.
"I'm not trying to test a saint," she said in a teasing voice. "I'm trying to test you."
"And you're doing a damn good job." But this physical thing between them had to wait. "Time to party." He held out his hand.
Confusion settled in her eyes.
"Didn't you say you wanted to use Emma's family party to research?"
She nodded. "I did."
"Well, I don't want you to resent me because you didn't get your job done." He didn't want to give her an excuse to push him away-and not just because Joe's legacy was at stake. He wanted Rina to believe what she wanted and needed was important to him. Because suddenly, it was.
She tipped her head to the side. "Are you for real?"
"Last time I looked." Though he admitted to himself that he was sure off balance now.
Colin had promised both the man who'd lent him money for the paper and their biggest advertiser that he'd get things back on track. And the only way that would happen was if the Times returned to hard news.
He couldn't afford to care for Rina or her needs.
Unfortunately, he already did.
AFTER THE HEATED sexual tension in her apartment and later in the car, Rina welcomed the relief brought by the cold winter air. Snow flurries fell around them, making it feel like Christmas. With Colin at her side, his hand beneath her elbow, she walked into the Montgomerys' incredibly beautiful Tudor-style home.
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