“You’re right.”
Shoving his hands into his pockets, he turned to his superior. “She’s as much in the dark as we are,” Kane said.
“Seems that way. She’s bright and can hold her own in conversation but if she’s lying about her knowledge, I’d eat my badge, like you said. None of the signs were there. As for the sister, I wouldn’t want to fall into that mouth again, but I doubt she knows anything, either.”
“Kayla’s in danger.” The knowledge sent a flood of emotion shooting through his veins. He welcomed the rush of adrenaline but not the depth of caring she drew from inside him. But he meant to keep his promise to Catherine. He meant to keep her safe.
“That’s debatable. I’m not convinced this was anything more than a bungled job. A druggie wanting cash, hoping for a quick getaway, and coming up empty, maybe.”
Kane shook his head. “Put someone on her.”
“Can’t spare more manpower on a hunch, McDermott, not even yours. The most I can give you is surveillance, an hourly drive-by.”
Kane shoved his hands into his jean pockets. “Not good enough.”
“It’ll have to be.”
“For you maybe. But I’m taking that R &R you seem to think I need.”
Reid raised an eyebrow. “To do what?”
“Babysit her myself if I have to. Instinct has kept me alive and I won’t ignore it now.”
“You too personally involved with this one?”
The words hit the intended target, but Kane refused to back down. “No.”
“Whatever you say. You’ve got one week, but this is strictly off-duty. What about the sister?”
“I don’t need two targets and, considering she’s not involved in running the business, she’s not in any immediate danger.”
“I agree.”
“So I want her out of the picture.”
Reid glanced over at the two sisters with their heads bent close together and his chuckle filled the small room. “Good luck,” he said and laughed again.
Kane didn’t know whether the older man referred to Kane’s ability to lose Catherine or his self-imposed week alone with Kayla. Either way he needed all the luck he could get.
THE ICE HAD BEGUN TO HELP her head. Even the nausea was no longer as bad. And then Kane spoke. “I’m taking you home.”
His deep voice-still sexy to her ears-penetrated the remaining fuzziness in her brain. Kayla’s stomach revolted at the thought. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
Catherine grabbed for the nearest garbage pail, gaining a smile from Kayla despite how lousy she felt. “I don’t think that’s necessary.” She turned on Kane. “I’m not going anywhere with you.” Although her talk with Captain Reid had been enlightening, she still didn’t know enough.
Apparently Kane’s superior knew nothing about Kane and Kayla’s late-night activities. Unlike other men, he hadn’t been quick to brag that he’d scored with Kayla Luck. She wondered what that meant other than the fact that he didn’t want to jeopardize his career.
The captain had questioned her about her business and clientele but was less than forthcoming about the reasons behind the police interest. He said he’d leave the divulging to his best detective. She suppressed a cynical laugh. Kane was good all right, at more things than just his job.
He crouched down until they were eye level. Razor stubble covered his cheeks, adding to the dangerous edge she’d only imagined before. The musky scent of his skin mixed with subtle aftershave heightened her awareness and put her senses into overdrive.
He bore no resemblance to the salesman who’d wined and dined her the day before, yet he was still the same man who intrigued her on a primal level. A man she didn’t know. Yesterday’s clean-cut appearance had obviously been another lie for her benefit. She had the distinct impression she now faced the real Kane McDermott.
She cradled her head in her hands and glared at him.
“You might not like me much right now. Hell, I’m not too thrilled with myself. But you aren’t going home alone. It isn’t safe.”
“I agree,” Catherine said. She folded her arms over her chest and waited.
“Would you please find something to do?” Kane muttered. “I’ll talk to you later.”
Catherine glanced at her sister. Kayla didn’t like it, but she and Kane had unfinished business. “It’s okay.” With a nod, her sister headed for the back room.
“She always act like your mother?” he asked.
“Only when I’m being threatened.”
“And that’s what you think I’m doing?”
“I don’t know that any more than I know who you really are. Last night was obviously a setup.” She ignored the hurt the knowledge brought. “You’re investigating me and my business. What for?”
His deep inhale warned her she wouldn’t like what came next. “Prostitution.”
Her hand moved of its own volition, cracking across his roughened cheek. Tears quickly followed. She swiped at them with her sleeve but he’d seen anyway. He didn’t flinch, but in his eyes she viewed the same glimmer of emotion she’d caught last night. He masked it just as fast.
He was good at hiding his feelings and even better at hiding himself.
She swallowed over the painful lump in her throat that threatened to grow larger. Not only had he treated her like a hooker, but he’d thought she was one, too. “I didn’t know detectives were into such hands-on investigation.”
“Last night had nothing to do with the investigation.”
Kayla folded her arms across her chest and remained silent. Her mama had another expression she’d ingrained into her girls: Give a man enough rope and he’d hang himself with it.
“The date, the setup, the dinner…those were part of the job,” he admitted. “What came after wasn’t.” The subtle darkening of his eyes spoke of sexual heat and need. The softening of his features hinted at something more. “By the time we finished dinner, I knew you were innocent,” he said.
Kayla inhaled. Mama was wrong in this case. Kane wasn’t hanging himself. He’d taken a step toward redemption, not further condemnation. Yet how could she believe his words when everything that came before had been based on a lie?
She’d given her body to him in ways that bespoke trust. She could have given her heart. He’d repaid her faith with the deepest violation she could imagine. But she still sensed an innate decency. One she wanted to believe in.
“Do you always offer money to the women you sleep with?” she asked.
Silence greeted her. Apparently she trod on sacred ground. “How reassuring,” she said dryly. “My sister will take me home.”
“Not unless you want her in the line of fire.”
“There’s no danger.” Kayla swept her hand in the air, gesturing to the expanse of the room. Her head pounded in time to the motion. She winced but continued. “Look around you. No valuables, no merchandise…nothing. The guy didn’t find what he was looking for. He won’t be back.” Despite the pounding pain, she put all her energy into convincing him so he and his lies would disappear.
He shrugged. “Depends. Is that why you don’t have an alarm system here? There’s nothing anyone would want?”
She nodded, then regretted the jerky motion. She gripped the armrests of the chair until the dizziness and pounding subsided.
He placed a firm hand on her thigh. He might have meant to steady her, but his touch did more than reassure, it aroused-aroused buried feelings as well as sexual need.
“Do you have a burglar alarm at home?” he asked.
She cleared her throat. It still hurt to speak. “Don’t need one. The guy probably thought he’d get money, then he was interrupted. He won’t bother me again.”
“I disagree and if I’m right and your sister gets hurt, will you be able to live with yourself?”
He’d hit her weakness and obviously knew it. Kayla wouldn’t risk Catherine’s life just to get Kane McDermott out of hers. “You’re slime, you know that, Detective? You want to act as my personal home safety system? Fine. Park your car in the driveway and have a blast. Just remember to turn on the heater. I don’t want your death on my conscience.”
“Careful, Kayla,” he said in that husky voice that caused an erotic tingling deep inside. “I might begin to think you care.”
“Fat chance.”
“Same with me hanging out in my car. The paramedics said you vetoed the hospital so you need someone to watch over you.”
She narrowed her eyes. “And you’re offering your services?” The thought of spending any time with this man who pulled her mind, her heart and her body in opposing directions was impossible.
She didn’t trust her response to him, yet she trusted him to keep her safe. The contradiction wasn’t lost on her. It was just one of many. “No way are you staying with me.”
“You won’t put your sister at risk, which leaves you alone. What if the guy shows up again? You were no match for him the first time. What makes you think you’ll do a better job injured?”
“Like I said, you’re slime, McDermott.”
“I never argued the point, Ms. Luck.”
Kayla saw Captain Reid approach. “I’m through here. Feeling better?” he asked.
“If I don’t move,” she said wryly.
He turned to Kane. “Remember what I said. Call if things turn serious-and enjoy your time off.” The older man walked out into the cold afternoon.
“Time off?”
“Looking after you,” Kane said. “And before you argue, remember I already won this argument. I’ll go square things with Catherine.”
She opened her mouth and shut it again. He might have played on every weakness she possessed at the moment, but he was right. Catherine wouldn’t leave her for the night unless she knew she had protection. Kayla wouldn’t be comfortable alone in the first floor of the old two-family house in which they lived. She loved the many windows because they let in light, but they left her vulnerable. Besides, she could barely lift her head.
Like it or not, she needed Kane.
“THIS PLACE IS A burglar’s dream,” Kane muttered to himself. He paced the kitchen and small family area of the rented house. One step inside the unprotected home had cemented his decision to stay no matter how high the personal risk.
He’d waited outside the bedroom while Kayla changed into a T-shirt he’d found in a drawer filled with satin and lace, scented with the tempting fragrance his body associated with Kayla Luck. Her full breasts and soft flesh were known to him now. Desire and arousal would be his companions as long as he remained in this house.
Apparently so would longing and misplaced dreams. He’d settled her into bed, a pastel, feminine mass of ruffles and pillows. A safe haven that like Kayla reminded him of warmth, home and a sharing of lives. Things he never had and never would.
She was a luxury he couldn’t afford. They hadn’t just shared quick and easy sex, the kind that left both parties unfulfilled after the initial peak subsided. With Kayla it was complicated, involved and made him inefficient in his job, the one area of life he’d always been able to count on before.
He scrounged through the old wooden kitchen cabinets and found a can of soup. She needed something to eat and this was about all he was capable of making without turning her stomach even more. He’d check her again and then fix her a warm meal.
He entered her room and watched her in silence. Eyes closed, pale skin and blond hair falling over her cheek. She looked like an angel. His angel, he thought and stifled a curse. More softness he didn’t need. Focus on the job, McDermott. He eased himself to sit beside her on the bed. The mattress shifted under his weight. She rolled toward him and moaned.
The sound twisted his gut. “Are you in pain?”
“Is that a rhetorical question?” Her eyes remained tightly closed, her arms wrapping the down comforter even more tightly around her body.
“I can’t give you anything except Tylenol.”
“I…took…some.” Her teeth began to chatter. “Can you turn up the heat?”
“I already did.” He’d anticipated the chills. Once the aftermath of her ordeal hit and her adrenaline levels decreased, he’d expected some reaction.
“How about a cup of hot soup?”
“Can’t sit up.”
Kane muttered a prayer for strength and slid beneath the covers. She curled into his waiting warmth. Her soft curves molded against him and her satisfied sigh echoed in his ears. Two things hit at once. A hot, urgent desire to be inside her, and the need to protect her from further harm.
Reminding himself she needed his body heat and not him, he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair, the only advantage he’d take under the circumstances. “Better?” he asked.
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