"Hmm," he said, sounding severe. "This'll teach you to question your husband's veracity. I will have you know that I do, in fact, sell sporting goods. Ever hear of-"

" London 's!" she said, sitting upright and turning in his arms to stare at him. "Oh, my… word. That's you? London 's Sporting Goods? I don't know why I didn't make the connection. I always thought that meant the city. Is that really you?"

"Us," he corrected her, hauling her back into his arms.

There was a thump and a low whistle, followed by a muted explosion. Star-bursts lit up the summer sky and cascaded down like sparkling rain.

Theresa cried "Oooh…" in wonder and delight, and then, with triumphant glee, "Maddy, I see Zack kissing you!"

Maddy erupted into helpless giggles.

"Get used to it, squirt," Zack growled. "Real parents do that a lot!"

As he reclaimed Maddy's mouth, skyrockets exploded again, some of them in the sky…


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