“Spent some time at Sisters’ Jewels this morning checking out the new merchandise and tweaking the displays. Then I went with Topaz while she tried on wedding dresses. She found the one she wanted.”
Jake nodded. “That’s good, isn’t it?”
Men could be clueless at times. “Everything starts with the dress. Now she can make all her final decisions about her bouquet, decorations and all the other details.”
“I thought this was a small affair.”
“It is, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be a nice wedding with all the little touches that will make it special. She’s only getting married once so she wants it to be everything she ever dreamed of.”
“Okay, I get that. John mentioned I’d have to get measured for a tux soon.”
She made a noncommittal sound, but her heart sped up as she pictured Jake in a tux. In jeans he was ruggedly handsome, but in a tuxedo, he’d be devastating. She needed to change the subject. “After lunch, I worked on some new jewelry pieces until it was time to start dinner.”
“Anything you can show me?” His interest always warmed her because she knew it was genuine.
Jake rested one elbow on the counter and sipped his wine, a man at ease. She envied him that. They chatted about local news and he asked after her parents. By then it was time for her to drain the pasta and add it to the sauce. She poured it into a large serving bowl and carried it to the table. Then she tossed the salad and vinaigrette together. Jake grabbed her wine and brought it with him. Everything was ready for them to enjoy.
He held her chair for her and she sat, very aware of his large presence behind her. He filled her plate with spaghetti before filling his own. Then he sat and dug into the meal. She picked up her fork, plastered a smile on her face and tried to make conversation while they ate.
Jake wished he knew what was going on with Sapphire. She’d seemed distracted from the moment he’d walked through the door. Oh, she said all the right things and smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. Something was bothering her.
Had she had time to think about last night? Was she having second thoughts about them? His fingers tightened around his fork and he forced himself to ease up on his grip before he bent the metal utensil. No need to borrow trouble. He’d find out what was bothering her before the evening was over.
The meal, as always, was absolutely delicious. He loved sharing dinner with Sapphire, the cozy atmosphere, the obvious care and preparation that went into it. It made him feel as though he belonged.
He couldn’t lose that.
He bided his time, waiting until she’d eaten her fill, which wasn’t much. Her plate was still mostly full. She’d spent a lot of her time pushing around the spaghetti on her plate rather than eating it.
He set his fork down and shoved aside his empty plate. She immediately smiled at him. “Coffee?”
He shook his head. “No. I’d much rather you tell me what’s wrong.”
The immediate tension in her shoulders, the tightening of her mouth told him he was right. There was something wrong.
Whatever it was, he would fix it. He was good at fixing things.
“It’s nothing.” Her gaze fluttered away from his and his gut clenched. She wasn’t telling him the truth.
He reached out, cupped her face in his hand and turned it until she was facing him. “That’s not true. Obviously something is bothering you.”
He willed her to tell him.
She waved her hand in front of her. “It’s really nothing.” She slipped out of her chair, grabbed her plate and carried it to the kitchen. Jake sighed and stood, holding his tongue until the leftovers were cleared away and the dishwasher filled.
She looked good even while she was up to her elbows in soapy water scrubbing pots. The black skirt she wore swirled around her slender calves, while the yellow silk blouse draped over her breasts. With her wild curly hair and bare feet she resembled a gypsy more than a successful businesswoman.
Jake helped where he could, but always watched her, unable to keep his eyes off Sapphire. She drew his gaze wherever she was, whatever she was doing.
When there was nothing left to do in the kitchen, he lifted her into his arms, surprising a gasp from her. “What are you doing?” She clung to his shoulders.
He carried her into the living room and sat on her sofa, keeping a tight grip on her. “I’m finding out what’s wrong. We can sit here all night long but, one way or another, you will tell me.”
He shook his head. “Don’t try to put me off, Sapphire. I need to know what’s going on inside your head.” His arms tightened around her, even though he knew he couldn’t really keep her if she didn’t want to stay. He asked the question that had the power to destroy him. “Are you having second thoughts about us now that you know how far I’ll go in order to protect you?”
He’d feared that she’d think over everything he’d done, the fact that he’d broken the law to get the documents to incriminate Gregor, and decide she couldn’t live with that. “Are you trying to decide how to break it to me that you no longer want to see me?”
That would destroy him. The woman in his arms held the key to his future, but he wasn’t about to give up without a fight.
Sapphire couldn’t believe how far away from the actual truth Jake’s thoughts were. Every muscle in his body was like stone as he waited for her to answer him. “No, that’s not what I’m thinking. Not at all.”
He relaxed somewhat, but not totally.
“Then what is it?” He brushed aside a lock of hair, his touch so very gentle. “’Cause, babe, you’re killing me. I can’t fix it if I don’t know what’s wrong.”
That summed up Jake perfectly. He was a fixer, a doer, the kind of man who took action with no apologies. She knew for a fact he’d followed her this morning on her walk to meet Topaz. She hadn’t seen him, but she’d felt his eyes on her, the constant buzz of awareness she experienced whenever he was around.
“You followed me this morning, didn’t you?”
His eyes narrowed but he nodded. “Yes. How did you know? You didn’t see me.” A statement, not a question.
“No, I didn’t see you. I felt you.” She’d known he’d answer her truthfully even if he didn’t want to. That kind of honesty was priceless. Oh, if he could have gotten away with never telling her, he’d have been happier. She could see that in his eyes. But he wouldn’t lie to her.
“Is that what this is about?” he asked. “I didn’t want you out on the street by yourself even with my guy still watching Gregor. I won’t apologize for it.”
Her man was getting tense again. His arms were like steel around her shoulders. She patted his chest. “It’s okay. I understand why you did it.”
“Then if you’re okay with me following you this morning, what’s bothering you?” He brushed his thumb over her bottom lip and the innocent stroke sent a flush of warmth cascading through her.
It was now or never. If she didn’t do this in the next few minutes she’d lose her nerve. She pushed out of his lap, but his arms tightened, refusing to release her. “Just for a second. Please, Jake.”
She felt his reluctance as he let her go. Sapphire hurried to her studio where she pulled the bracelet and ring out of a drawer. Keeping both tightly clenched in her hands, she marched back to the living room.
Deciding it was better for her not to be sitting on his lap while she was having this discussion, she stood in front of him. Jake sat forward on the sofa, legs spread wide, elbows resting on his knees. But he wasn’t relaxed. She could practically see the tension rolling off him.
She licked her suddenly dry lips and launched into her prepared speech. “I know you like to be in control in the bedroom.”
If it were possible, Jake’s tension grew until it filled the room, permeating the air around them. He was like a living statue, not moving, barely breathing. She wished she knew what was going through his mind.
Dinner churned in her belly, but she was committed now. “I never imagined acting that way in the bedroom. Giving up control to a man.”
Jake linked his hands together, knuckles white. She had a feeling he was trying to keep from reaching for her. “I know it’s a lot to ask of you,” he began.
Knees weak, she perched on the edge of the coffee table. “It is a lot, but it’s what you need.” Keeping her hands closed around the bracelet and ring, she wrapped her arms around herself. This was much harder than she’d anticipated. And it shouldn’t be. This was Jake, the man she loved and trusted.
“Where do you see us going from here?” Now that she’d started, she wanted everything laid out between them. “I mean, do you want to continue as we are, having sex but keeping our own apartments? Do you see us living together somewhere down the road?” She held her breath, her heart pounding in anticipation. Please say yes.
Jake bolted from the sofa, his face hard as stone, his gaze narrowed. “Fuck no. I don’t see us living together.” He moved toward her, but she pulled back.
Jumping up from the coffee table, she took a step away. She looked down, expecting to see a hole in her chest where her heart resided. He’d just ripped hers out. So, he didn’t see them living together. All her hopes and dreams for the future went up in flames, leaving her feeling numb.
“I see,” she began. She had to bring this conversation to an end and get rid of Jake before she started to cry. That just wouldn’t do. “So you just want the occasional night of sex. That would work for you.” She’d be sophisticated and adult about this even if it killed her.
“Fuck.” He dragged his hand through his hair. “I’m not doing this right. No, I don’t want to live with you.”
“You already said that,” she snapped. He didn’t have to sound quite so appalled by the idea.
“Sapphire.” He took another step in her direction, but she moved away again. She couldn’t let him touch her. She’d fall completely apart if he did.
“Babe,” he began again, his gaze softening as it fell upon her. “I don’t want to live with you. I want to marry you.” He reached into his jeans pocket and drew something out. He opened his palm to reveal a platinum band with a single solitary diamond.
Thunderstruck, she stared at the shiny stone. Jake went down on one knee in front of her. “Marry me.”
Sapphire trembled. There were no words of love from Jake, just the blunt proposal. But she knew her man well. From Jake, a ring was an undying promise of love and devotion.
“I have something for you first.” She ignored his dark scowl and opened her own hands in front of her. “I made these, for you, for us.”
He studied the ring and the bracelet. “Why?”
She licked her lips. “I know how much you need control, need to know I’ll surrender to you in the bedroom.” She held up the bracelet she’d crafted. “It has the logo from your company, the shield with two swords. That’s you. The protector. The knight in more than name.”
His eyes grew darker and if she weren’t mistaken his cheeks were tinged red. “Babe, I’m no hero.”
He was, he just didn’t realize it. “I put sapphires on it to represent me. The two of us together. A promise. A pledge.”
Jake swallowed hard as he studied the bracelet. “What does it mean?”
Sapphire felt as though her heart would explode, it was so filled with love. “I’ll wear the bracelet as a constant reminder that I’m yours.” She opened her other hand to reveal the ring she’d crafted. “This is for you if you want it. It’s the same design and would fit on your pinky finger.” Her fingers itched to close around it, but she kept her palm open, displaying the ring. “That is, if you want to wear it. You don’t have to.”
Jake had never been in love with a woman before, wasn’t even sure he knew what the feeling was like, until now. Sapphire stood before him, making herself more vulnerable to him than if she was standing naked.
He studied the two beautiful pieces of jewelry she’d created with her creativity and own two hands. His heart thudded heavily in his chest and his dick grew hard. This beautiful, special woman was pledging herself to him, willing to give him what he needed from her. He’d never met anyone as selfless as Sapphire.
Furthermore, she saw him as some kind of hero, a knight. Maybe a tarnished one, but that was okay by him.
He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I’d love for you to wear the bracelet and I’d be honored to wear the ring you made.”
Her smile lit up the entire room. Hell, it lit up the entire world, his world. “But you still haven’t answered my question. He held the diamond engagement ring up. “Will you marry me?”
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