“I—I will never beg for you, Kaden, but if you get bored waiting for me, why don’t you hold your breath while you’re waiting.”
“That remark is going to cost you a punishment when you give in, Sawyer.” Kaden stood up. “I have some work to do, so if you’re bored, go and have fun in the kitchen if you want, but remember what I said, Sawyer. I better not catch you handing anyone a glass of water if they’re dying of thirst.” His hard gaze had her nipples tightening. She was so angry at her body’s betraying response.
“Go fuck y—yourself.” His eyes dropped to her nipples before he gave a mysterious smile.
“Why is it you only stutter when you get nervous?” He didn’t give her time to answer, walking away from the lounge chair and leaving her a hot mess.
She ran an anxious hand through her hair, trying to gather control of her body now that he had gone. One thing was for sure, her trying to stay out of his way had been an epic fail. She was going to have to come up with a better battle plan or she was going to be in trouble trying to resist a man who had enough sex appeal that a freaking nun would throw her panties at him, and Sawyer sure as hell was not a nun.
Being given free rein of the kitchen allowed Sawyer a sense of control that she hadn’t experienced since her kidnapping. Jordan helped out by making a run to the grocery store with her list. While she was gone, Sawyer threw together a light lunch that Jordan could serve them when she returned.
Going upstairs, she showered and changed before going back downstairs to help Jordan put away the groceries.
At lunchtime, she forced herself to leave Jordan to go to the dining room, taking a seat at the table. It went against her personality to sit and let Jordan do all the work, but not wanting to be banned from the kitchen, she gave in to Kaden’s demand.
After lunch, the women decided to go into town for an impromptu shopping trip.
They didn’t even ask if she wanted to go, which she was thankful for.
“Let me change my shoes.” Mila, D-mon’s girlfriend, moved away, throwing the women at the table a warning glance before leaving the table. If the woman wasn’t such a bitch, Sawyer would have told her D-mon was a horndog, but since she was one, Sawyer felt no compunction in not giving her a heads up.
“You don’t want to go? I thought you’d jump at the opportunity to get out of the house,” Kaden said as she rose to leave the table.
“No, thanks. I’ll give it a pass.”
Sawyer didn’t try to explain. She had always found it difficult to make friends with women. These women here didn’t want to be friends; they wanted what time they could get with the band, without an outsider trying to get inside their little group. Sawyer really couldn’t blame them; they had to fight against the fans’ attention all the time. Why would they want to during the band’s alone time? She might not like the other women, but she could understand them.
Sawyer went upstairs to her room, planning on taking a nap. Hearing voices, she went to her side window and watched as the band and their guests climbed into two large cars. Kaden was wearing jeans, a t-shirt and sunglasses. The sun glinted on his hair. He was striking just standing there among the other men. Alana was standing next to him and they were talking before they slid into the car together.
Sawyer ignored the twist in her stomach before she went to the bed to lie down. Jordan had told her that she had been given the night off, that as they had made plans to eat out for the night. Alec had paid her a visit before he had left, warning her to stay in the house or by the pool.
Sawyer stretched out on the bed with nothing to look forward to other than another boring night. While the band partied in town, she had remained hiding in her room. Just once she wished she could find the courage to actually go out and be carefree, but growing up in the poorest section of Queen City had shown her the harsh reality of life. It was a lesson that her mother had constantly warned her of, without having to utter a single word.
Her mother had no other option but to move into the large low-income apartment building after her father’s death. While his death had been unintentional, the apartment building had been filled with children being raised without fathers. There hadn’t been a single man trapped by low income within those vicious walls, unless they had been living off one of the women, desperate for their company, or a son who was perpetuating their father’s example.
She had watched Vida’s mother suffer through each failed relationship, while Callie had never even known who her father was before being left in her mother’s sadistic care, using men like used newspaper over and over again.
As she grew up, she had seen the consequences of foolishly loving someone. She had sworn that she would be smarter, wiser. She wouldn’t fall in love and become destroyed. She wouldn’t be held back with invisible chains, her heart held prisoner. She would be free.
Chapter Eleven
Sawyer woke up from her nap energized. Remembering the swimsuits in one of the drawers, she picked out a black one and changed into it before she could change her mind.
The security was at the front gate and Alec had gone into town with the band. Jordan had wanted to use her free time to catch up on some of R.J.’s work, so Sawyer had the house to herself.
She couldn’t remember the last time she had gone swimming. Grabbing a towel, she went downstairs to the pool where she dropped the towel on one of the loungers before cautiously going in. She was pleasantly surprised when she found it was warm, which made her jump in. Coming up out of the water, she laughed, shaking her hair out of her face before she began swimming the length of the pool. Enjoying the silky feel of the water against her skin, she paused to catch her breath, leaning against the side of the pool.
Hearing a splash, she turned around, startled at the sound. As soon as she saw his shoulders, she knew it was Kaden. The other men were broader while Kaden was leaner.
He swam over to her. “I see you decided to quit being a hermit when everyone left.” Kaden was able to stand and touch the bottom while the water was a few inches deeper for her because of her lack of height.
“I—I thought you left,” Sawyer stated the obvious.
“I came back early,” Kaden said with amusement glinting in his eyes.
Sawyer wasn’t sure, but somehow she thought she had stepped in a trap. Not liking the feeling, she decided to go back inside.
“Not thinking of running away, are you?” he taunted.
Sawyer stiffened. “I’m not running away from you, Kaden. I just don’t want to spend any time with you.”
“Sawyer, you are definitely a woman not afraid of speaking her mind. “ His eyes lowered to her scantily covered breasts. Placing one hand on the side of the pool next to her and another on the other side of her, he effectively trapped her between the pool and himself.
“You said you wouldn’t touch me,” Sawyer said in challenge.
“I haven’t touched you yet, Sawyer,” Kaden mocked her. “That doesn’t mean I don’t want to. I want to just as badly as you want to touch me.”
Sawyer opened her mouth to give a remark, but he forestalled her. “Don’t lie, Sawyer. I know you do.”
“And how do you know that? Your vast experiences?”
“No, because of that hungry look in your eyes when you think I’m not paying attention. Don’t be embarrassed.” His eyes went to the flush rising on her cheeks. Sawyer would be damned if she wasn’t able to control that reaction one day.
“I’m not embarrassed,” Sawyer lied about her reaction without any qualms.
“Good. Because there is no reason to be. We’re attracted to each other. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I think we should explore it further.”
“I bet you do,” Sawyer muttered under her breath.
Kaden laughed before staring intently into her eyes. “For example, I’d like to explore your breasts. I see your hard little nipples and I want to see what color they are. Are they pink, red or brown? How do they taste? That’s what I need to know.”
Sawyer stared back, the sexual tension between them escalating.
“Untie your top, Sawyer.”
Sawyer shook her head, feeling like the water around her had just become deeper and she hadn’t moved an inch.
Sawyer’s fingers moved to the tie behind her neck without knowing why; she only was aware that she didn’t want to refuse him. Her fingers fumbled with the tie before it finally loosened.
“Take it off and hand it to me.”
Her mind was screaming at what she was about to do, but for once, Sawyer ignored it. Her hand went behind her back to untie the last string. Removing her top, she placed it in Kaden’s waiting hand. He laid it on the concrete beside her head where she could see it from the corner of her eye, a sure reminder that she was the one to give it up. Her eyes went to his face to see his eyes were staring at her breasts.
“There’s only one question left, Sawyer. How do you taste? Do you want me to touch you? Suck that little bead into my mouth? Is that what you want, Sawyer?”
Sawyer didn’t speak for several minutes before finally admitting the truth. “Y—Yes.” Her voice was low and confused.
“What did you say?”
“Yes, Kaden.” This time her voice was sure.
He had lied; he didn’t make her beg. Instead, his head immediately lowered to her breasts, taking one of the nipples into his mouth, latching onto her tender nub with his teeth, while using the tip of his tongue to torment the captured nipple. The pressure caused her pussy to clench in need.
Her body responded to him quickly. She stiffened, arching her body, wanting him to take more of her breast into his mouth, but instead, he raised his head.
“Your nipple was pink. Now, it’s a little, red berry,” he said, giving it a final stroke of his tongue before lowering his head and capturing her other nipple, biting down on it slightly harder than the other. The small bite of pain had her clenching her thighs together under the water.
Again he raised his head. “Stop it, Sawyer.”
Sawyer looked at him, understanding what he wanted her to stop.
“Spread your legs. If you need relief, I’m the only one allowed to do that for you.” His firm jaw had her unclenching her thighs as his hands circled her waist, lifting her to sit on the edge of the pool.
Wildly, Sawyer looked around the empty backyard.
“Everyone went into town, and the guards at the front gate can’t see through the trees.”
Sawyer was still about to protest when his hands went to her hips again, untying the bottoms of her swimsuit before tugging them out from underneath her.
“Kaden…” Sawyer started to protest, yet before she could get out another word, Kaden’s head went between her thighs, his tongue searching the fleshy lips of her pussy as his hand gripped her thighs, spreading her wider.
Sawyer was lost. She had never had a man go down on her and the unbelievable pleasure had her leaning back on her hands, raising her hips toward his exploring mouth.
When she had graduated high school and began waitressing, she had started seeing one of the managers at the restaurant she had worked for. She had never even told Vida.
He had explained to her it would make life difficult at work if it became known they were together, as he was one of the managers and her one of the staff.
For two months, he had weakened her resolve until she had broken down and had sex with him. He had been more experienced than her, and had enjoyed her inexperience. Their time together was always rushed because of his long work schedule. He had never really taken the time to explore her body.
She had began to feel dirty after each encounter, as the only time they spent together was just long enough for him to reach his own climax before he was out the door. She hadn’t been searching for love from him, but she had wanted to enjoy a sexual relationship like many women her age. Sadly, only one of them received all of the pleasure, and it sure as hell hadn’t been her.
It was only when another waitress began working at the restaurant, and she noticed the attention he was paying her, that she came to the conclusion it was a challenge for him to get the new waitresses. When one of the older waitresses had confirmed her thoughts, Sawyer had been upset at herself because she hadn’t chosen her first lover more wisely. Sawyer was a believer in live and learn.
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