Furious at his indifference to her plight, at his indifference to her, quivering with indignation, she vehemently said, "How dare you back out now, when I need you!"

Her breasts trembled above the precarious neckline of her gown in the most bewitching way, Dermott noted, and whether her indignation registered or the provocative tremor of her exquisite breasts most captured his interest, he suddenly smiled. "You're intent on this?"

"Of course I am. Look at me!" She threw open her arms and he looked at the sumptuous, barely dressed female before him, demanding to be fucked.

He inhaled briefly, counted to about two and a half with the lush sexual gift being offered him, and said, "Fine. I give up."

"Well, thank you," she murmured sarcastically, "for your kind concession."

One dark brow lifted. "Do you want to do this or don't you?"

Her nostrils flared. "Damn you."

"Damn us both, probably, before we're through with this bizarre agreement. Let's go." And walking away, he strode toward the hidden door.

She caught up to him as he opened it.

"I'll go first if you don't mind." His voice was polite, cool. There was no way he could follow her tantalizing bottom up the stairs and act with any semblance of decency. On the other hand, he brutally noted, she was there to have her virginity taken from her, and no one had signed any contracts defining the details. He could overlook gentlemanly behavior if he wished and assuage his burning lust in any way he chose. In fact, she had just demanded as much, he reflected, taking the stairs in a run.

But there was no time left for further musing with her following hot on his heels. As they exited the concealed doorway into the bedroom, she grabbed at his arm, not sure he wasn't running away. "Don't you dare change your mind," she breathlessly proclaimed. Reaching over, she deliberately ran her palm over the stretched fabric of his breeches, feeling the entire length of his erection. "Because I want that."

Perhaps passion always won out over reason, he decided, particularly with the determined Miss Leslie. She was pretty plain about what she wanted.

And when she looked up at him and said "Well?" he jettisoned any remaining scruple, swept her up into his arms, and murmured, "Let's see how much you know."

"The way I'm feeling right now"-her voice was exhilarated-"having won," she added, kissing his cheek as he carried her into his private room, "I'd be more than willing to do anything you wish."

"Very tempting, Miss Leslie. Although I might argue who won," he replied with a faint smile, her soft weight in his arms inciting pleasantly covetous feelings.

"Promise you won't tease me anymore," she breathed as he lay her on his narrow bed, "because I can't wait… even though I should, even though I shouldn't be making you do this."

She didn't realize he was the last man in the world who could be coerced into sex; he turned down dozens of women every week. "You're not making me do anything," he murmured, gently touching her flushed cheek. "No one can." Standing, he swiftly took off his coat and neckcloth and pulled his shirt over his head, his need matching hers now that he'd allowed himself to disregard honor and scruple.

Tugging open the bows on her shoulders, Isabella slid her gown off in a swift wriggle, throwing it on the floor like an heiress might. Her chemise was an insignificant scrap of tulle she lifted over her head, and then, seated in the middle of his bachelor bed, she pulled out her hairpins, tossed them away, and opening her arms wide, smiled at him. "Hurry, hurry!"

"This is hurrying, darling," Dermott said with a grin, tossing his stockings away and reaching for the buttons on his breeches. She was ridiculously pink and plump where she should be plump, and lithe where she should be lithe; her golden hair was tumbled on her shoulders and she fairly glowed with eagerness.


He slid the buttons free, slipped his breeches down his legs, and stepped out of them to the sound of a rapturous, delighted "Ohhhhh!"

"Come closer," she breathlessly said. "I want to touch it." Leaning forward, she fluttered her fingers in anticipation.

Moving toward the bed, he smiled at such enthusiasm. Although his own zeal was hardly less. When he stood before her, enthralled, she touched him delicately, slid her fingers down his length and then up again, intent, studying the object of her attention with a fierce concentration. "I've never seen any at close range," she softly said, gently stroking the very crest of his penis.

"One can be grateful," he murmured waggishly.

She squeezed the swollen head, and his amusement was superseded by riveting sensation. He moaned deep in his throat, faintly arched his back, and looking down, he saw her smile and knew she was pleased with her accomplishment. "Molly said I could do that. And this…" she said proudly, grasping his erection with her small hand, her fingers barely closing the circle, but she squeezed again as her hand moved downward.

"That'll be enough," Dermott said on a suffocated breath, easing her fingers open. "I've been waiting for you too long to settle for this."

"I'm so glad we're done waiting-finally!" she exclaimed, falling back on the indigo-blue coverlet and lifting her arms to him. "Come make love to me."

He didn't need an invitation; he needed a large measure of restraint or he'd ruin the first time for this eager young lady. Sitting down beside her, he resisted her tugging hands, taking them in his and placing them at her sides. "I don't want this to hurt."

"It won't," she lavishly disclaimed, reaching for him again.

He didn't know much more than she on the subject, but he understood losing one's virginity could be painful. "One step at a time, darling," he cautioned, pushing her hands away, easing her thighs open. "Let's take this slowly." Slipping a finger between the sleek moist lips of her labia, he gently stroked her pulsing flesh.

She arched her hips against the delicious sensation. "Ummmm…"

So far so good. He felt like he was fourteen again, although Harvey Nicols's mother had hardly been a novice. He eased his fingers in another short distance.

"More… more…"

He obliged, massaging her liquid interior with practiced skill, slowly sliding deeper and deeper, touching, stroking, until he met the barrier he was slated to destroy.

Isabella was no longer capable of recalling any of the lessons she'd been taught. Eyes shut, she was lost in sensation, floating in a blissful, heated paradise centered between her legs. The trembling, delicious ache heightened by slow degrees; a fevered longing filled her brain. All she wanted was more heated bliss, and she moved her hips in a slow undulation, reaching for the ravishing pleasure, lifting up into the exquisite, inciting touch of his fingers.

Experienced at bringing women to a frenzied hysteria, Dermott watched the flush of arousal color her skin, observed the panting gasps as he slowly penetrated and withdrew, took note of the increasingly frantic arching of her hips. She was a hot-blooded little minx, as if he didn't know, and she was almost there.

Leaning over, he kissed her, inhaling her fevered gasps while he gently stroked her pulsing flesh, wanting her with an unbridled violence he knew he couldn't act on. But words were safe, piquant stimulation for her, delicious anticipation for them both. "I'm going to make love to you soon," he murmured against her mouth. "You'll feel me deep inside you, all the way inside… until you're filled so full, you'll squirm to get away. But I won't let you go, I'll-"

As he spoke, the coiling heat inside her burned higher with each salacious word. "I'll make love to you until you can't move, until I can't move, and then we'll rest and start all over again. Because I intend to keep you under me or over me or around me-"

Her climax burst over her, and she screamed at the wild, pulsing beauty, at the unadulterated rapture, the exquisite intoxication lasting and lasting and lasting, until finally she lay replete, eyes shut, a half-smile on her lips.

"Satisfied?" His voice was softly teasing as he sat beside her.

"Ummmm…" Her eyes slowly opened and her smile broadened. "You are definitely good."

"We try." His grin was captivating.

"You really aren't selfish," she murmured, reaching up to touch his muscled chest.

"Usually not."

"I see why you're so much in demand."

"The concept of mutual pleasure is more-gratifying."

She stretched like a young sultana. "More gratifying?" she breathed, one brow raised in delicious query. "We'll definitely have to work on that."

He smiled. "My thoughts exactly."

"I don't know though," she hesitantly murmured. "Can I do that again?"

He nodded. "No problem."

Her eyes glowed. "You're sure?"


She smiled faintly. "I think Molly failed to mention a whole lot."

"I'll show you what you missed."

"Because you're not satisfied yet."


"And I'm the other part?" she playfully noted, arching her back in a theatrical, preening pose.

"Absolutely," he said, enjoying the view.

"Am I allowed to say no?"

"You're allowed anything. But I guarantee, you'll like it."

"And I'll feel that delicious, tingly, end-of-the-world thing all over again?"

He nodded again. "All of it."

"How can you be so sure?"

Years of fucking, he thought, but, circumspect, he said, "I just know."

"Because of all the ladies."

"Because of that," he admitted.

"What number am I?"

Was she resentful or curious? He couldn't tell with her brows drawn together like that. "I don't count."

"I think I might. Keep a diary or list. Like Casanova."

"Casanova didn't have a list. He remembered because he liked all those women."

"Do you like them too? Do you like me?"

Her frankness always surprised him. The ladies he knew were more artful. "I like you very much."

"I know I adore you… for what you did just now. I've never felt that wonderful before, not even when Grandpapa and I came upon that map of Galileo's."

"I'm honored." He gracefully bowed his head, amused at the comparison.

"All of a sudden I'm ever so hungry," she abruptly confessed. "Are you hungry?"

His hunger had nothing to do with food. "I am if you are," he politely replied.

"Would you mind if we ate first?"

It took a great deal of restraint to say "No, of course I don't mind. I'll ring for Pomeroy."

"You're an absolute darling," she murmured, lightly touching his arm.

Yes, he was. Because he wanted to fuck the delectable Miss Leslie until he fucked himself to death. Nothing he couldn't put off until after supper.

Chapter Eight

DERMOTT HAD NO MORE than rung for Pomeroy than he was knocking at the dressing room door.

"Was he listening at the door?" Isabella's eyes went wide.

"No," Dermott said, stepping into his breeches, although the thought had crossed his mind; it was at least five minutes from the kitchen. He tossed Isabella a dressing gown from a nearby chair. "Put this on and I'll let him in."

Scrambling from the bed, she slid the robe on, tied it around her waist, then rolled the sleeves up half a dozen times and still looked drowned in the large garment. Lifting the fabric that dragged on the carpet, she searched for a suitable spot to receive a stranger. "Should I sit there?" She pointed to a chair near the fireplace. "Or should I stand? Or better yet, I'll hide in the armoire." She wasn't completely teasing.

Dermott swung around, his hands on the buttons to his breeches. "You could be standing naked in the center of the room and Pomeroy wouldn't bat an eyelash-nor should he." He gave her a reassuring smile. "So do what you like-so long as you stay within reach," he added with a roguish lift of his eyebrows.

"With you as incentive to stay," Isabella lightly replied, her gaze slowly surveying his splendid form, "I shall overlook any momentary embarrassment."

He winked. "Smart girl." And with a small deferential bow to her, he turned to the door and called out, "Come in."

Pomeroy looked neither right nor left when he entered the room, his gaze scrupulously on his employer. Isabella could have been absent for all the notice he took of her. "You rang, sir?"

"Miss Leslie is ready to sup."

"Very good, sir. Here, sir?" The butler's demeanor gave away nothing of the chaos below stairs, where the chef had thrown a tantrum and stalked off when the food that had been ordered hadn't been sent for immediately. He hoped the lady wasn't particular about her menu, because several of the dishes were now cold and ruined and the sous-chefs were frantically trying to deal with the crisis.