Would that even be fair to let Reis take the blame? I might not have initiated it, but I’d been a willing participant in that kiss. “Well considering I’m not speaking to him, I doubt we’ll even talk about it. Unless you were planning to tell him?”

“I’d rather not get my face pounded in.” He smiles and I can’t tell if he’s serious or not.

My phone rings, interrupting the silence of this heavy moment. The caller ID says it’s Logan and when I answer, a blast of music invades my ear drum.


“Taylor! We’re at the club, and MJs puking in the girl’s bathroom. Can you come get us?”

I roll my eyes. Was this MJ acting out because I haven’t been around? “Yeah and Reis and I will be right there. Go in there and help her.”

“I tried and I got thrown out of there, just hurry, okay?”

I remember back to the time Colt came into that same public restroom to talk me out of the stall where I’d been crying. No one had questioned his presence in there. Colt just gave off that vibe of authority and confidence that meant he usually got his way.

Reis and I shuffle into shoes and head out into the night. I give him directions and a few minutes later, we’re pulling up in front of the club. The guy at the door won’t let us in without paying the cover charge, not believing that we just need to go in quickly to get my friend. When I tell him that Reis will wait outside for me, he agrees, letting me go inside. Reis isn’t happy about the idea, but I promise him I’ll just get MJ and Logan and we’ll be right out. Reis gives a tight nod and I disappear into the club.

Logan is easy to spot, waiting near the front entrance. He helps me to the back restrooms, parting the crowd to guide me through. I find MJ sitting alone against the wall in the corner on the grungy tile floor. She’s barely coherent, her eyes rolling in her head. “MJ!” I shake her awake.


“Come on, we’re gonna get you out of here.” I help her stand and support her weight as we head to the door.

I sit in the back of the Jeep with MJ’s head resting in my lap while Logan takes the front seat. It’s a silent drive back, Reis doesn’t even turn on the stereo. I cradle MJ’s head across my knees and rub her hair back from her forehead. I hate that I haven’t been a good friend to her lately, too wrapped up in Reis and Colt and my own shit that I hardly had time for her. I’m glad Logan called me tonight. Maybe by being here for her tonight, I’m making up for the past month in some small way.

When we pull into the school, MJ’s just a bit more coherent. She actually walks up the gravel drive on her own. I figured Reis would have to carry her. When we reach the lobby, she gives Reis and I a hug, thanking us for picking her up. I make Logan promise to give her a big glass of water before she goes to bed, when the lights in the foyer suddenly flip on.

Shit. I know we’re busted. It’s way past curfew. I expect to see Vera looming at the top of the stairs, and that’s why it takes me a minute to realize it’s Colt standing there. He pads softly down the stairs in bare feet, pajama pants and a T-shirt. It’s the first time I’ve seen him since he’s been back and my heart rate spikes. Even in his sleepy state, he’s incredibly gorgeous. It’s hard to look straight at him.

He surveys us, clearly noting MJs wobbling stance. “I’m not even going to ask. Everyone go get in bed.” His voice is quiet, yet domineering. It sends a silent shudder through me.

MJ steps toward him and pats his cheek with her hand. “You’ve been replaced,” she says as she passes.

I duck my head as I pass by Colt, not wanting to meet his eyes, especially with the implication that Reis has replaced him hanging in the air.

Chapter 26


The text from Reis says to meet him in the rec room. But when I pull the door open, Taylor sits alone on the couch. She looks up, confusion shadowing her face. Crap. This is a set up. Reis told us both to be here so we could work things out. She stands up. I raise my hands. “Don’t leave.”

She sighs, but sits back down.

“Reis did this to get us to talk, didn’t he?”

She nods.

“I didn’t put him up to it, just so you know.”

“I know,” she says.

I sit down on the other end of the sofa. “He’s a good kid.”

“He’s the best,” she says with a touch of defensiveness in her voice. What the fuck does that mean?

“You guys got pretty close, huh?”

“You weren’t here,” she says. Her voice is harsh. An accusation.

“I didn’t want to be away.”

She huffs. “But that didn’t stop you from enjoying yourself with Bria.”

I turn to her suddenly, my expression serious. “Enough with Bria. Nothing happened. I never cheated on you. I told you I’ve changed.”

Her eyes question mine, she bits into her lip, trying to decide if she should believe me.

“I need a girl who trusts me, not someone who’s always suspicious, who’s just waiting for me to fail.”

She hangs her head, looking down at the floor.

I lower my voice, trying to keep under control. Even if she doesn’t trust me, she doesn’t deserve to be yelled at. I take a deep breath, getting myself under control. “I may have kept things from you concerning Bria, and that was stupid – but it was only to protect you.”

Her eyes lift to mine, but they’re still shadow with doubt and suspicion.

“I’ve learned my lesson. One-hundred percent honesty from now on.”

Chapter 27


“One hundred percent honesty?” I mutter.

He nods.

“Okay, well how’s this for honesty. I hacked into your emails while you were gone.”

He blinks and looks down at the floor.

But I can’t stop there. “What did it mean when Bria said you were a cover hog?”

He curses under his breath. “That girl is fucking trouble. I swear she just does this shit to bug me. Nothing like what she implied happened. I promise you, Taylor. I never fucking touched her. She came into my room – it was the night we broke up actually. She couldn’t sleep and had been rejected by this guy Liam. She just wanted someone to talk to. She asked if she could sleep in my room and I didn’t turn her away. But that’s all we did – sleep. I was crushed, completely broken over you. I didn’t have it in me to send her away just when she’d been dismissed by that guy too.”

“You’ve kept the truth from me so many times, Colt. I don’t know how can I trust you again. First your Dad, all the girls in your past, Bria, London, everything. It’s too much.”

“I agree. It is too much, and I can’t live in constant fear of screwing up. If you don’t believe in me, this will never work.”

We stand in silence for several minutes, confused emotion radiating between us. I wish there was an easy way to fix this. It scares me that there might truly be no fixing things this time.

“I guess that’s all there is to say then,” he says.

I don’t argue. There’s nothing else I can say. I’m judging him for keeping secrets from me, when the fact that I kissed Reis hangs over my head. And there’s no way I can tell him that.

I watch Colt walk away, my heart contracting painfully with each step that carries him away from me.

I realize for the first time, I’m not worthy of Colt. I head upstairs, intent on hiding in the dorm when I pass Reis coming out of the rec room. His face lights up when he sees me, which makes the ache inside me twist painfully. The guilt clawing at my nerves is more than I can take. I’ll be reminded of that kiss and my lie to Colt each time I see Reis.

“Why do you still look sad? Are you guys back together?”

I shake my head. “It’s not that simple, Reis.”

“Shrimp, come here.” He pulls me inside the rec room. Logan is there, playing video games, but when he sees us, Reis gives him some type of guy-code glare, because he shuts off the game and disappears a few seconds later.

We sit side by side on the couch, alone in the quiet room. “You know how I feel about you. And if you’re not going to get back with him…” He takes my hand, holding it softly in between both of his, stroking his thumb over my wrist.

I swallow and shake my head. “It wouldn’t be fair to you, Reis.” I look down, fumbling with the hem of my shirt. “I’m not over your brother. You deserve to be more than someone’s second choice.”

He releases a deep sigh and nods. “Yeah, alright.”

“Reis. I’m going to tell him.”

“Are you sure you want to do that?”

“I have to.”

Chapter 28


It’s fight club tonight and though I’m not on the official line up, sometimes I still get talked into competing, so I’m keeping it in the back of my mind and not drinking too much. I nurse a bottle of beer and lean against the far wall, watching everyone come in. I’ve been keeping an eye on the door waiting for a glimpse of Taylor, but she’s not here yet. When MJ and Logan come in my heart constricts, expecting Taylor behind them, but she isn’t. I wonder she’s not coming, or if she’ll be coming with Reis. Bria and Britt talk in the corner, stealing glances my way every few seconds. I know they’re talking about me, but I don’t care. If Bria starts anymore shit with Taylor though, I’ll have to step in.

I hear Reis’ laugh before I see him. That dry chuckle he has whenever Taylor does something cute grates against my nerves. My head swings toward the door and there she is. She’s dressed in a tight pair of jeans that hug her ass, and a little T-shirt that skims all her curves. Damn. She looks good. It was hard enough seeing her last night, when I was hardly awake enough to process everything, but with the dull buzz of the alcohol and the energy of the party tonight, she has all my senses on high alert. I’m completely attuned to her, but she hasn’t noticed me yet. Reis keeps his hand at her waist, guiding her inside. My stomach clenches when I see how damn comfortable he looks touching her.

Taylor’s gaze flicks to mine and she sucks in a breath when she sees me. She momentarily stops walking and then turns and faces Reis, cowering away from me. He looks over at me to see what’s thrown her off course and she wraps his arms around her, pulling her in for a hug. What the fuck? Reis whispers something near her ear, and she nods, pressing her face into his shoulder. He pats her on the back.  Jealousy spikes through me. And feeling jealous of my little brother with my girl is not an emotion I tolerate well. I ball my hands into fists, trying to get myself under control before I go over there and rip her away from him. I don’t like seeing her in someone else’s arms. I now sort of get why she always felt jealous about me with other girls.

A few seconds later, Taylor releases herself from Reis’ hold and without looking in my direction again, goes to sit with MJ. Reis heads over toward me.

“What the fuck was that?”

“This is hard for her, Colt. She didn’t think you’d be here since we heard you’re not fighting.”

As much as I hated seeing her being comforted by someone else, I hate even more that it’s hard for her to see me. She used to run into my arms. Now she can’t even look my direction. It kills me that Reis knows more about her than I do. “Tell me what’s going on with her.”

“You two are both idiots. She’s convinced you cheated on her with Bria. And you’ve let her slip through your fingers. And into mine,” he adds under his breath.

“What the fuck does that mean?”

He looks me straight in the eye, his tone serious. “You weren’t here. I took care of her.”

“I asked you to make sure she was okay, not to fucking put the moves on her!” I take a step closer, blood pumping through my veins. “Did you touch her?”

Reis swallows and looks down.

“Did. You. Touch. Her. Answer the fucking question.”

He swallows, and still looking at the ground, says, “She wanted me to.”

A wave of nausea courses through me. “What the fuck does that mean?”

“We kissed. Once,” Reis says, unable to look me in the eye.

A hot rage rips through my chest. My own brother, who I trusted with Taylor kissed her. That little fucking snake. “When?” I growl.

“At my dance.” All color has drained from his face.

Now her breaking up with me makes more sense. It was the night of the dance. She wanted to be with Reis. And they’ve been hiding it from me.

I don’t even think, I just react, letting my anger erupt. I shove him. Hard. He stumbles back several steps.