"I already did that," Alex told her.
The waitress arrived with Dani's coffee. He ordered a second cup for himself. Dani used those few seconds to try to gather her thoughts and return to the real and rational world.
She held up one hand. "What did you say? You hit a reporter?"
He shrugged. "Nobody screws with my family."
"Don't get me wrong-I'm not complaining. I would have done it if I could have, but it's still a surprise." She would have thought Alex would be one of those totally controlled guys who never let emotion get the best of him.
One corner of his mouth turned up. "Tell me about it."
"It's impressive." So there was a lot of passion lurking inside the tailored suit.
"I'm tough."
He was joking, but Dani thought there was plenty of truth in the statement. He was tough and basically a good guy. She couldn't complain about him defending his sister. Which meant he was good-looking and a good guy. That could be a problem, when it came to trying to resist her attraction to him.
"Can you do that?" she asked. "Hit a reporter? I mean I know you can. Obviously. You did it. But is it a good idea?"
Alex's expression tightened. "It depends on whether or not the guy files charges. If he does, I'm looking at an interesting change in my future."
Dani didn't know what to say. Alex was a lawyer. Weren't they supposed to uphold the law or something?
She leaned back in the booth. "Okay, this is all crazy and happening way too fast. Let's start at the beginning. Some sleazebucket coerced Bailey into telling him about me. So the press knows and the story is out. What now?"
"Now we deal. You're going to be hounded by the press, at least for a while."
She'd been afraid that was what he was going to say. "Can we define both 'hounded' and 'a while’? Are we talking days, weeks or do I need to move to Borneo?"
"Moving isn't required, but it could take a while for the story to die down. Do you live in a house?"
She nodded. "A rental. Nothing flashy."
"It's not going to offer enough protection. You might want to think about staying with a friend until all this is over. Preferably one who lives in a secure building."
She didn't know anyone who fit that description. "I hate the thought of being forced to leave my home because of a story in the paper."
His gaze was steady. "There's having principles and there's reality. The press can make your life hell, at least in the short term."
"And I'm not even Paris Hilton "
She laughed. "You're such a guy."
"Good thing. Otherwise, I'd be in the paper."
"An interesting headline. Senator's Oldest Son Secretly a Woman. That would be a complication."
His gaze dropped to her mouth. "In more ways than one"
Was it her or had it just gotten hot in here? She shifted on her seat.
"I'm sorry" she said. "I never meant to make a mess of everything. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I just wanted to find my father."
He reached across the table and took her hand. 'This isn't your fault. You didn't do anything wrong."
His fingers were warm. She was sure he meant his touch to be comforting, so she couldn't blame him if she wanted to stretch and purr and have him stroke her all over.
"So you don't hate me anymore?" she asked.
"I never hated you."
"You came really close. There was a little hate in your heart."
"I didn't trust you. There's a difference."
"And now?"
"Now I think you're who you say you are."
"What changed your mind? My sparkling personality?"
He released her hand. One corner of his mouth turned up. "What else could it be?"
Before she could answer, she caught sight of her watch and groaned. "I’m late," she said. She tossed five dollars on the table as she slid out of the booth. "Thanks for coming to talk to me."
He picked up the money and tucked it into her jacket pocket. "I’m always up for a good rescue."
Dani opened Penny's front door without knocking and burst into the house.
"I’m late, I know," she said. "I’m sorry."
Penny stood and hugged her. "What happened? We were getting worried."
The "we" in question was Penny; Lori, Reid's significant other; and Elissa, Walker's fiancée.
"I have the best excuse ever," Dani said as she handed Penny the newspaper she'd brought with her. "I was chased by the press. I had to call Alex and tell him what was going on. Apparently I’m a story."
Penny scanned the headline, then held out the paper so Lori and Elissa could see what it said.
"It could be worse," Lori told her. "You could have been abducted by aliens."
"Good point," Elissa teased. "No one wants all that anal probing."
Dani laughed, then shrugged out of her coat and collapsed on the sofa next to Elissa. "You've managed to put my life in perspective. Thank you."
Penny sank onto the floor and pulled out a notepad. "So what happened to get all this in the press? Who blabbed?"
Dani explained the situation. The three women were outraged that some jerk had taken advantage of Bailey.
"Tell Walker," Elissa said fiercely. "He'll make the guy pay."
Dani was intrigued by the seemingly gentle Elissa being so willing to attack. Although it made sense. Walker was a warrior at heart-he would need a woman who was emotionally strong and secure within herself.
"Apparently Alex already did that," Dani said. "The senator's eldest son, a card-carrying member of the Washington State bar, punched a reporter."
Lori winced. "That can't be good."
"He said he didn't know what was going to happen. It depends on whether or not the reporter presses charges." Dani had a bad feeling he would. All the more attention on the event. Although the downside for the reporter was that he would come off as a jerk. Would he care about that?
Penny eyed Dani. "So the cool, conservative lawyer has a passionate side."
Dani had thought the same thing, but she wasn't going to get into that with her sister-in-law. Not right now. "Enough about me," she said firmly. "We're here to plan a wedding." She turned to Elissa. "Where do we stand?"
Elissa drew in a breath. "It's going to be a big, splashy affair. I can't help it-that's what I've always wanted. A fairy-tale wedding with lots of flowers and twinkle lights. I want a dress with a big skirt and my hair up."
Dani felt a twinge of envy. Elissa was happy, in love and getting married. Not that Dani felt any burning need to be married this second, but she would like to fall in love with a great guy.
Not going to happen anytime soon, she reminded herself. In the past year she'd been left by her husband, who claimed she hadn't grown enough in their marriage-a total sham to cover up his cheating. She'd fallen for and been seduced by a seemingly perfect man who turned out to be married. Last but certainly not least, she'd met a kind, quiet guy who had only recently left the priesthood. It was a challenge she hadn't been willing to take on.
Her love life had become a cautionary tale.
"You should absolutely have the wedding you want," Lori said firmly. "Fluffy dress and all."
"I agree," Penny said with a sniff. "Even if you're not concerned about the food."
Dani groaned. "Don't go there," she told Penny. "It's Elissa's choice."
Elissa shifted to the edge of the sofa and touched Penny's shoulder. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I should have talked to you about this before. I don't want you catering the wedding."
Penny's eyes darkened. "Yes, I know. That's been made very clear."
Elissa continued as if Penny hadn't said anything. "It was a tough decision for me. I know you're the best chef I could ever hope to find, but you're going to be my sister-in-law. What kind of sister would I be if I made you work on my wedding? I want you to enjoy yourself. I refuse to be selfish. Our guests will simply have to understand."
Penny shrugged. "It's your call."
"I would love for you to cater the rehearsal dinner, if that isn't too much trouble. I know it's still work for you, but we're talking maybe fifteen or twenty people. That's nothing for you."
"True," Penny said slowly. "I guess that would work, I could give you some names for the wedding. I know a few people who won't screw things up."
Elissa smiled. "I would really appreciate that."
Dani leaned toward Lori. "Impressive. Penny could have held a grudge for years."
Lori lowered her voice. “Penny and Reid already had this out a while ago. He's the one who first pointed out Elissa wanted her family having fun, not working in the kitchen."
Reid and Penny had always been friends- through her first marriage to Cal, their divorce and now that they were married again.
"What about your wedding plans?" Dani asked Lori.
Lori ducked her head and blushed. "Nothing's set," she said. "I wouldn't do this. A big wedding isn't my style. We've talked about flying off somewhere and eloping."
"Take pictures," Dani told her. "Otherwise, there'll be hell to pay."
"I will."
Elissa said something to Lori and talk returned to the wedding. Dani looked at the three women her brothers had fallen in love with. A year ago Cal, Walker and Reid had been drifting-now they were settled and happy. Maybe she would be next. All she needed was one good man.
Alex immediately popped into her brain and she pushed him out just as quickly. Not him. Their mutual, nonrelated father was running for president, the press was all over her, and he had an ex-wife beautiful enough to start a cult. Did she really want that kind of trouble in her life?
Absolutely not. Although the man sure could kiss…
"We need to find a way to spin this," John said.
John was Mark's media expert. He was single-minded, which Alex guessed was required for success in the position.
"Damage control," someone else said. "Something public. This has to be handled, and quickly."
The "this" in question was Dani Buchanan. Alex wondered what she would think about the meeting. He had a feeling she would hate being the cause and resent anyone using the word handled in a sentence about her.
"A charity event," John said. "Katherine does them all the time. She's on committees and crap like that, right?"
Alex raised his eyebrows. "It's her life's work," he said mildly. "That raises it up above the level of crap, don't you agree?"
John looked momentarily uncomfortable. "Sure. Whatever. My point is she's visible. What if she and Dani worked some charity together? If they were copresenters or cohosts? Whatever they have. A luncheon, a benefit. Something good, though. Not obscure and not foreign. A happy, local, media-friendly charity."
Mark nodded slowly. "Katherine would agree to that."
She wouldn't like it, Alex thought. But she would do it because Mark asked.
"Will Dani?" John asked. "Can you make her?"
Mark looked at Alex. "Will she do it?"
Alex wondered when he'd become the resident expert on Dani Buchanan. Or had his father sensed the sexual tension between them? Alex had done his best not to let his interest show, but every now and then Mark surprised the hell out of him.
"Once she understands what's at stake, she will," Alex said.
"Good." John entered some information into his BlackBerry. "We need to work on spinning the story. Right now it's just out there and they're running with it. We need some control. They're going to find out Dani's mother was married when you slept with her. That's not good. Of course you weren't married, which helps, but still. I'll have to work on this."
The meeting continued for another ten minutes. When it ended, Mark asked Alex to stay behind.
When they were alone, Mark looked at him. "Anything else happen with the reporter?"
Alex wasn't surprised Mark already knew. "You mean did I really hit him? Yes."
"There's nothing in the paper yet, but I got a call. You're in deep shit on this."
Alex had been expecting a bad reaction. Even so, he felt a tightening in his gut. If he was convicted, he was screwed. Not that he would change anything about that moment. The bastard had deserved it.
Mark stood and glared at him. "What were you thinking?"
"I wasn't. Someone had used Bailey. I was defending my sister."
"You think Bailey appreciates what you did? Do you think she understood what was happening? You could get disbarred for this."
"I'll handle it."
"As long as no one pisses you off, right?" Mark paced the length of the conference room. "Dammit, Alex, you're going to ruin your career. Don't you care about that?"
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