"Just don't get any big ideas about turning your back on us," Reid muttered.
"I won't," she promised. "So that's my life. New father, new siblings and I'm loving my job at Bella Roma. What about with you three?"
Walker cleared his throat. "I'm hiring on permanently. Inking over the company." He looked at Dani "I know it's what you wanted, but you said you'd changed your mind."
It was so like him to worry about her, she thought happily, feeling the love and support from all three of them. "I never wanted the company," she corrected. "I wanted to run one of the restaurants. Now I have something close to that. Sure it's not Buchanan's or The Waterfront, but it's still good. I'm glad you're part of the business, and a little surprised that Gloria would be so willing to leave you in charge."
"She's getting older," Walker said. "She knows she can't handle it all now."
"I'm not that old."
The strong voice came from the woman standing in the doorway. Dani looked at Gloria Buchanan, well dressed as always, as straight-backed as ever, barely leaning on the cane she now used to get around.
"I can handle it if I want to," Gloria continued. "I simply choose not to."
Dani's brothers rose as Gloria walked into the living room. Reid ushered his grandmother to a chair and everyone sat.
Dani eyed the woman who had been such a large part of her childhood. Doing well to impress Gloria had once meant everything to her. The praise had been hard-won and more meaningful because of it… until Dani had entered her teens and there hadn't been any more praise.
The old woman had been difficult and cruel, yet Dani still found herself missing Gloria. Which probably meant she, Dani, needed some serious time in therapy.
"Thank you all for coming," Gloria said, smiling at them, then leaning forward and touching Dani's hand. "I know you're all busy."
The touch was familiar and made Dani's chest tighten. A few years ago, a hint of kindness would have meant the world. After years of rejection Dani had done her best not to care what the old woman thought of her. Now Gloria was trying to reconnect and Dani wasn't sure what to do about that. Did she trust again or not?
"I want to talk about my estate," Gloria continued.
"Why?" Walker asked bluntly. "What aren't you telling us?"
"Nothing. Don't get too excited. I'm not dying anytime soon. I'm simply getting things in order. I'm unlikely to live forever."
Dani wondered if Gloria's recent medical trouble had made mortality seem more real. She wasn't sure how she felt about that.
“I'm worth a lot" Gloria said. "My shares in the family business alone are worth several million. I have investments, this house, some real estate, that sort of thing. I'm dividing it up for all of you."
Dani wanted to run. She didn't want to hear about all this. She was happy for her brothers, but as she wasn't actually Gloria's grandchild, there was no reason for her to-
"I'm dividing my estate into fourths" Gloria added.
None of her brothers reacted, but Dani felt as if she'd been struck by lightning. She couldn't hear, couldn't speak and sure as hell couldn't understand what was happening.
"Why?” Dani asked without thinking. "I'm not a Buchanan."
Gloria turned to her. "Of course you are, child, I'm sorry about what I said before. How cruel I was to you. There aren't any excuses. Not really. I wish I could have been different for you. I can't change the past, but I can make sure you know that you matter to me. That you all matter. The estate will be divided equally in value. Reid and Lori will get the house in a few years, when they're done with that ridiculous houseboat of his and are ready to start their family. Walker is taking over the business, so he'll get more shares. Dani will get my jewelry, along with a stake in the company. Cal, I happen to be a major stockholder in the Daily Grind. I'll turn that over to you."
Cal frowned. "I know the major stockholders. You're not one of them."
"You don't know the name of my holding company."
He swore under his breath. "You're good."
"No, but I should have been. Now don't expect to get anything right away. I haven't changed that much. But I wanted you to know it was there for you."
Reid stood and pulled Gloria to her feet. Then he hugged her. Dani rose and found herself pulled into the embrace. Soon they were all hugging and for Dani, it felt long overdue.
A few minutes later, the party broke up. Her brothers headed out, but Dani lingered. Gloria settled back on the sofa.
"Tell me about your meeting with your father."
Dani gave her a brief outline of what had happened. "I thought there would be more," she admitted. "I guess that's not fair."
"Sometimes we don't know our expectations until we're in the situation," Gloria told her. "Alex sounds interesting."
Dani laughed. "Are you matchmaking? Don't bother. My luck with men is hideous. Besides, he's so the wrong guy for me. We're practically related."
"You're not blood relatives at all. How was Katherine?"
"Elegant. Gracious." Dani sighed as she remembered the other woman's patience with her children. "Their family is like something out of a movie. All those kids and the household runs smoothly. Ian's in a wheelchair and a couple of the kids have Down's syndrome. Trisha's deaf. I know the others are special-needs kids, as well, but I don't know the reasons."
"Why that woman would burden herself and her husband that way is beyond me," Gloria said. "Who needs eight children with problems? It's ridiculous. She's practically a martyr. Does she want to be on a stamp?"
The mini outburst was vintage Gloria. Dani couldn't help smiling. "So you haven't changed totally."
Gloria sighed. "Apparently not. But I'm working on it. I've met Katherine a few times. She's lovely and gracious-reasons why we were never close."
"She was so nice to me. I don't think I would have been able to act that way if I'd been her."
"Perhaps not. Still, watch yourself. The situation is complicated." Gloria shook her head. "You'll do what you want to do. You've always been stubborn."
"I get that from you," Dani said, then pressed her lips together. "I mean-"
Gloria grabbed her hand. "Stop! Stop backtracking. You do get that from me. Maybe it's just from watching me be stubborn all your life. Dani, I still want to be your grandmother. We have a history. I want you to think about forgiving me for all I did. Is that possible?"
Dani wasn't sure. Did forgiveness imply trust? Because she wasn't totally ready to believe Gloria wouldn't turn on her again. Still, under the circumstances, saying "Of course it's possible," seemed the right thing to do.
Dani flipped through the receipts for the night. Not bad for a Wednesday, she thought as she did a quick mental tally. Nick's pasta special had been a huge hit and they'd sold a fair number of her wine pairings, as well.
It had taken Dani the better part of a week to convince Bernie to offer wine pairing suggestions. He kept telling her that guests found it insulting to be told what wine went with what foods. As if the management assumed they were too stupid to figure it out themselves.
Dani argued that people liked being given ideas that allowed them to try a wine they might not have taken a chance on otherwise.
Their compromise had been to add a wine pairing to half the specials and see if they sold. She had a feeling Bernie would want to add more pairings to other items on the menu.
Her minor success pleased her. She wanted to do well in her work. This was her first real job outside the Buchanan empire, so in her mind, it was a make-it or break-it situation.
"Dani, one of our guests wants to talk to you. He didn't say why."
Dani smiled at the server. "Thanks, Eddie. Which table?"
"I'll head right over."
A request to see a manager could mean anything from a tirade to praise for exceptional service. Things ran smoothly enough at Bella Roma that Dani wasn't worried.
She rounded the corner and was halfway through her "Hi, I'm Dani Buchanan. How may I help you?" when she recognized the lone diner. The power suit was familiar as were the dark eyes and stubborn jaw.
"This is a surprise," she told Alex Canfleld.
"I heard the food was good."
She glanced at the menu in his hand. "I take it you haven't ordered. Would you like a few suggestions?”
"Are you going to spit on my food before they bring it to me?"
She grinned. "It depends on why you're really here."
"Maybe I just want to get to know you."
"Oh, please. I may not have gone to law school and lost my humanity, but I'm not an idiot."
"You went to Cornell, which is tough to get into, and I never said you were an idiot."
As she stared down at him, it occurred to her she wasn't disappointed he'd shown up at the restaurant. Interesting. She also noticed she sort of enjoyed bantering with him. They were both verbal and quick.
But he hadn't answered the question-why was he here?
"Being an idiot was implied," she said.
He motioned to the chair across from his. "You could join me."
"Or I could not."
He glanced around at the dining room. "It's after nine. Your dinner crowd has left. Have dinner with me. We'll get to know each other. I'll even let you pick the topics we discuss."
Somehow she doubted that. He'd been less than friendly the last time they'd been together. She was ambivalent-understanding his need to protect his family and hating that she was considered the enemy. Still, she pulled out a chair and sat down. "I want to order the food," she told him.
"Why am I not surprised?"
"And the wine."
"Will you cut my food into tiny pieces and feed me, as well?"
"Only if you have bad table manners."
Eddie walked over and looked at her.
"Mr. Canfield and I will be having dinner together, Eddie." Dani placed the order, picking her favorites, then chose a bottle of Leonetti Cellar Sangiovese.
"Nice," Alex said when Eddie left. "The wine's a little pricey."
"It's worth it. Besides, you're rich. You can afford it."
He raised his eyebrows. "You're assuming I'm buying."
"You did the inviting."
"This is your place."
"Fine. You can take advantage of my employee discount."
He nodded. "I appreciate that." He passed her the bread basket. "How are you enjoying your job here?"
The implication being it was a new job. She wasn't surprised he knew that-no doubt dragon-boy had investigated every aspect of her life.
"I like it a lot. Bernie and his mother are great. I know Mama Giuseppe makes everyone crazy, but I think she's very entertaining. The kitchen staff are terrified of her. I like the food, the staff and the regulars. I hope to be here a long time."
"Why the restaurant business?" he asked.
"I never thought about doing anything else. I grew up as a Buchanan. I want to say it's in my blood, but I guess that isn't true. It's what I know. Why did you go to law school?"
"My soul was getting in the way of being a ruthless bastard. I knew they'd suck it out of me."
She glared at him. "I answered your question seriously."
"Fair enough. I wanted to do the right thing. Be on the right side of the law. For that, I needed to understand it."
That surprised her. "You consider yourself an idealist?"
"Why not?"
"You're in corporate law and you're working on a presidential campaign. Is there idealism left in either place?"
"Democracy is alive and well."
"So is the need to raise millions of dollars for nearly every kind of campaign."
"We can still make a difference, either on a local and individual basis, or nationally and globally."
He was serious. She hadn't expected that.
"I'm getting worried," she admitted. "I don't want to have to like you."
"I'm totally charming."
"Not to me."
"It's a subtle charm."
Eddie appeared with the bottle of wine. After he opened it, she hesitated, as if not sure who would do the tasting. Alex gestured to Dani. "Please. It's your party."
She nodded at Eddie, who poured her a sample. Dani swirled, inhaled, then tasted. "Excellent," she said. "Thanks."
Eddie poured, then left.
Alex sipped the wine. "Nice," he said.
"I like it." She eyed him. She had a feeling she knew the reason for his visit. So did his friendliness mean she was Mark's daughter or not?
"You're being nice, in a twisted kind of way" she said, deciding there was no reason to be subtle. "It's been two days. You have the results. I'm trying to decide how your presence here and attempts to get to know me figure into things."
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