The speeches were over. The cake was cut. The Beef Wellington had been magnificent. And Emma was still holding up.
As the conductor cued up the first waltz, Alex counted his blessings and pulled her into his arms.
“Home stretch,” he whispered, as much to have an excuse to lean in close as to reassure her. She knew her only remaining duty was to throw the bouquet.
To his delight, she almost immediately softened against him, matching his step to “Color My World.” He’d chosen it because it was short. But it also seemed appropriate. He might not be in love with Emma, but she’d brought more life to his cavernous old house than he’d seen in years. He couldn’t help but think his father would gripe about the noise. He also knew his mother would be pleased.
Vaguely aware of the oohs and ahhs of the crowd around them, he was infinitely more aware of the soft, sensual woman, pliant in his arms. Her guard was down, he imagined from exhaustion, but he wasn’t going to dwell on the reason.
He planted a gentle kiss on the top of her head. Yeah, it would look good in the pictures. But, honestly, he felt like doing it. She’d been terrific today. In the receiving line, he’d been impressed with her graciousness all over again.
Maybe they could host some kind of Garrison-McKinley companies social function. Ryan would certainly be thrilled with the personal touch.
“We staying here tonight?” Emma asked, fatigue evident in her voice.
He shook his head. “Chuck will fly us to the airport.”
A genuine laugh left her lips. “A helicopter ride from your backyard to the roof to the airport?”
“That’s right.”
“Okay. I’m not going to complain about that.”
“You’re not?”
She shook her head against his chest. “Not tonight. You can go ahead and spoil me to death.”
He couldn’t help but smile. “You got it.”
The song ended, and a new one started up immediately. Emma would be relieved to have Nathaniel and Katie join them on the dance floor.
Alex caught sight of David scowling in the crowd. It was mean-spirited, but he was glad Nathaniel was making the man think. Taking a cushy job at his girlfriend’s company? That was just tacky.
Nathaniel danced up beside them. “May I?” He nodded to Emma.
Alex’s arms automatically tightened around her. No. He didn’t want to stop dancing with Emma. And he didn’t want lady-killer Nathaniel holding her close.
He felt a sudden pang of empathy for David.
“Certainly,” he said smoothly, smiling at his cousin and forcing his arms to release her.
Then he turned to Katie to complete the switch.
“Great party,” she told him, doing a hop step to catch up to his rhythm.
“Think you’d be willing to host your sister-in-law’s wedding?”
“My who?”
She tipped her chin to look up at him. “Me, of course.”
“Think about it?”
They danced a few more steps. “So what’s the story with your British cousin?”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s very nosy.”
“Is he asking about Emma?”
Was Nathaniel yanking his chain? Or did he still think Emma was a threat? And why was her smile so bright?
“Is that jealousy?” teased Katie.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Alex dragged his attention away from Emma.
Nathaniel wouldn’t flirt with his bride. Or would he? Had he come up with some bizarre plan to prove she was opportunistic?
He glanced at them again.
“You’re as bad as she is,” said Katie, digging her elbow into his ribs.
“You can’t keep your hands off each other.”
Alex’s jaw dropped. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
Had Emma actually told her they’d made love?
Katie waved a hand. “Give it up, Alex. You’re not fooling anybody.”
His heart thudded heavily in his chest. Katie knew they’d made love. Had she guessed how he felt?
He didn’t even know how he felt.
He had to throw her off track. He carefully arranged his features and shrugged, feigning unconcern. “You know the score.” He waited. “That thing on the cruise ship was…you know, just a thing.”
Katie drew back, confusion on her face. “What thing on the cruise ship?”
Alex cursed himself and scrambled for a recovery. “We…had a fight.”
“You two have fights all the time. One more would definitely not be memorable.” Katie peered suspiciously into his eyes. “What happened on the cruise ship?”
He knew the exact second comprehension hit her. “Oh my God.”
“It’s not-”
“And she didn’t tell me? I’m going to kill her.”
“No!” His arms reflexively tightened around Katie. “Don’t you say a word.”
“Why didn’t she tell me? Why wouldn’t she tell me?”
Alex could have kicked himself. “Back off, Katie. She’s had a tough day.”
“There’s only one reason she wouldn’t tell me,” Katie muttered to herself, her feet tangling over the dance steps so that Alex had to recover for both of them.
“Because she regrets it,” he said. She was afraid he would hurt her. And he might still. But then she might hurt him right back.
It was a chance they’d both have to take. They needed to work it out together. And alone.
Katie was shaking her head. “No, that can’t be the reason.”
He steered Katie toward Emma and Nathaniel.
She resisted his pressure. “Oh no you don’t. You’re not dumping me with him again.”
Alex sure as hell was. “He’s your official escort.”
“He’s my inquisitor.”
“Don’t say anything to Emma about the cruise. It was a mistake. We both made a mistake.”
Katie opened her mouth. But then she closed it again and nodded.
“Nate,” said Alex.
Nathaniel glanced up and gave him a cocky, knowing grin. “Need your girl back?”
“I’m sure she’s had enough of you.”
“Why don’t we ask her?”
But Alex latched on to Emma’s arm, forcing Nathaniel to let go of her.
“Ahhh,” said Nathaniel, staring down at his returning partner. “The charming Katie. Where were we?”
“Let me save you some time,” she said, adjusting her arm to keep a careful distance from him. “No. None of your business. And when hell freezes over.”
Despite her efforts, Nathaniel dragged her closer, his voice fading as they spun away. “You know, you really shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep.”
Emma blinked up at Alex. “What was that all about?”
“I don’t think Nathaniel likes David.”
She moved into step with him. “Well, neither do you.”
Alex grunted. “That’s because he’s hiding behind Katie’s skirts.”
Emma punctuated her opinion with an exasperated sigh. “He’s got an MBA. And he’s a respected project manager.”
“Then why’s he hiding behind Katie’s skirts? Why not make something of himself?”
“I’m way too tired to have this fight.”
Alex felt like a heel. “Sorry.”
“Hey, will you look at that.”
“At what?”
Emma nodded across the floor. “Philippe is dancing with Mrs. Nash.”
Alex followed the direction of her nod. Sure enough. And they were laughing about something.
“I guess they finally found some common ground,” he said.
“That’s good to see.” Emma settled back in. “So what time is our flight to Kayven?”
“Whenever we want to go.”
“You haven’t booked the tickets yet?”
Alex smiled as he shook his head. “We don’t need tickets. I have a plane.”
Her shoulders relaxed, and she closed her eyes. “Naturally you have a plane.” Then she rested her cheek against his chest, just the way he liked it. “And I’m not going to complain about that one either.”
He rubbed his hand up and down her back. “I have to say, I really like your attitude.”
“Don’t get too used to it. All I need is a good night’s sleep.”
Alex was a perfect gentleman all the way to Kayven Island.
They’d stopped in L.A. for a late dinner. After which, Emma had had a surprisingly restful sleep across the Pacific, arriving at the local Kayven airstrip in the early morning hours.
Partway between Hawaii and Fiji, the island boasted white sand beaches, world-class reefs and turquoise seas dotted with brightly colored sailboats. The McKinley Resort consisted of a main building with traditional hotel rooms, an open-air lounge and a restaurant, along with several dozen bungalows scattered between towering palm trees.
Emma and Alex’s bungalow opened onto a wide, covered patio with three steps down to the beach.
They quickly discovered their PalmPilots didn’t work. Neither did their cell phones. Internet service was only available in the main building, and it was intermittent at best.
So, after an open-air breakfast of pastries and tropical fruit, Alex declared they should chuck their business obligations and rent a catamaran for the day. Inspired by the salt breeze and laid-back atmosphere of the island, Emma wasn’t inclined to argue.
So, at 10:00 a.m., along about the time she usually attended her senior staff meeting, she was dressed in a lilac bikini, skimming over the waves of the South Pacific, the breeze in her hair and the salt spray dampening her skin.
“Dolphins,” Alex called from the stern, and she twisted on the pontoon seat to see a dozen dorsal fins cutting through the green water.
“How do you know they’re not sharks?” For the first time since leaving the dock, Emma cast a suspicious glance at the clear water below her.
Alex pulled the tiller. “Let’s take a closer look.”
“No!” she squealed. What did Alex know about sharks and dolphins? He’d spent his entire life in a city center just like her.
He laughed. “Chicken.”
“I like my legs, thank you very much.”
“They’re dolphins.”
“No offense, but you’re hardly an expert.”
He corrected their course to follow the towering cliffs of the shoreline. After a set of rudimentary instructions on sailing the two person catamaran, the man at the rental shop had provided a map to a snorkeling beach and one of the islands scenic coral reefs.
“I’ve watched the Discovery Channel,” said Alex, his tone tinged with mock offense.
“I rest my case.”
“You’ve got to learn to trust me on something.”
“I’m letting you drive, aren’t I?”
“Letting me?”
She whooped as they crested a particularly big wave, then sang out, “My turn on the way back.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Hey, Alex. You’ve got to learn to trust me on something.”
“You can decorate the main floor.”
“The main floor of what?”
“Of my house.”
She turned to stare at him. “We’re decorating your house.”
He stared out over the waves, and she had to fight to keep from ogling his wet, tanned body. His calves were sculpted with muscle, and his pecs were something out of a beach-boy magazine. His face was handsome as ever, but the rakish swirl of his windblown hair left him looking softer, less intimidating than he had in NewYork.
She was suddenly aware that they’d be spending the day on a deserted beach, far away from the problems and constraints of their real lives. She’d sworn up and down, to herself and to Alex, that they were never, ever making love again. Now she found herself questioning that promise, exploring the rationale and trying to remember exactly why it was so important that she keep her hands off him.
“I thought we’d decorate before the party,” he said.
She shook herself out of the fantasy. “Huh?” What party?
“I thought a Garrison-McKinley company party might be a nice idea. Ryan is always after me to soften my image.”
She gave her head a shake. “You want another party? After yesterday? Or was it the day before?”
“Actually, I think this might be our wedding day.”
“Don’t mess with me.”
“I’m not messing with you. The International Date Line takes a funny jog around Kiribati.”
She refused to be impressed by his knowledge. “Well, it’s only noon,” she retorted. “That means we’re not married yet.”
He squinted. “Hmmm. That means there’s time for one last fling.”
Emma made a show of glancing around the empty ocean. “With who?”
Alex waggled his eyebrows.
“In your dreams.” Or in her dreams, depending on how you looked at it.
“Look,” he said. “There’s the point and the bent palm tree.” He abruptly turned the tiller, sending the blue-and-red sail swinging crossways over the catamaran.
Emma shaded her eyes as a sparkling white, crescent-shaped beach came into view. Cliffs towered over it on both sides, and a white, frothy waterfall spilled into the little cove.
“Wow.” She let out a long breath of appreciation. “I don’t think we’re in Manhattan anymore.”
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