While she waited for Lucille's reply, she'd formulate a logical list of questions to ask her sister regarding ways to prevent pregnancy.

And hope she would have a reason to make use of the information.

At nine o'clock that evening Sammie entered Lucille's cozy drawing room, but froze in the doorway as she met the inquisitive stares of three pairs of eyes.

"Good evening, Sammie," Lucille, Hermione, and Emily chimed in unison.

Oh, dear. This was not at all what she'd had in mind. Normally she'd be happy to spend an evening with all her sisters, but these were not normal circumstances. Clearly she'd have to wait to discuss the topic uppermost on her mind until another time, but she chafed at the delay. Swallowing her disappointment, she walked into the room and hugged her sisters.

Once the greetings were complete, they settled themselves on chintz-covered chairs around the fireplace. As Lucille poured generous glasses of sherry, she asked, "All right, out with it, Sammie. What's going on with him?"

Sammie's hand froze in the act of reaching for her glass. "I beg your pardon?"

"Oh, don't be coy," Hermione scolded, scooting her chair closer to Sammie. "We're absolutely dying to know all about it."

Sammie took her sherry and immediately quaffed a hefty mouthful. Oh, dear. She had a sinking feeling she knew which "him" and "it" her sisters referred to. Her suspicions were confirmed when Emily, who shared the settee with her, shifted so close she nearly sat in Sammie's lap. "Oh, he's ever so handsome, Sammie," Emily said, her eyes shining. "And wealthy and-"

"Titled," Lucille cut in, setting the decanter on the table next to her chair. "A very impressive lineage. He's the eighth earl, you know."

"No, I didn't know," Sammie murmured. "But-"

"The earl's aversion to marriage is well known, but it appears he's changed his mind about taking a wife if he's courting our Sammie," Hermione said, accepting a tray filled with sweet biscuits from Lucille.

Sammie nearly spewed a mouthful of sherry. Instead she swallowed the liquor and nearly choked. While she knew no one else would believe the earl was pursuing her, she should have known her loyal sisters would accept such an unlikely notion.

Emily thumped her on the back several times and added, "Imagine him claiming he'd never marry. What nonsense. We all knew he'd change his mind when he found the right woman." Tears shimmered in her eyes, and she gazed at Sammie with something akin to awe. "We just never knew you would be the right woman."

Sammie coughed and frantically waved her hand in front of her watering eyes. "No," she gasped. "Not right."

"Pass me her glass to refill, Emily," Lucille instructed. "And keep thumping on her back. Look there, her color's returning."

"When is he planning to call upon you again?" Hermione asked, accepting more sherry while Lucille was pouring. "You must make it a point not to be available every time he calls."

"Hermie's right," Emily said. "And make certain you keep him waiting at least a quarter hour before you appear. Don't worry that he won't wait. A sophisticated gentleman such as the earl is quite used to such things."

"And," chimed in Lucille, "you must spend at least a half hour a day practicing your flirtatious looks in the mirror. The one that always worked best for me was this." Lowering her chin, she cast her gaze demurely downward. Then she slowly raised her gaze and fluttered her lashes.

"Oh, marvelously done," Emily said, nodding her approval. "Or peek at him over the edge of your fan-"

"-and pout your lips like this," Hermie said, puckering her mouth into a perfect 0. "And be sure to-"

Sammie held up her palm. "Stop. Cease. You must listen to me."

Her sisters fell silent and looked at her with a trio of eager, inquisitive, rapt expressions. Heavens, what a tangle. She needed to nip this disastrous state of affairs in the bud before it bloomed into a full garden. Shoving her spectacles back into place from where they'd slid down her nose during her coughing fit, she said, "You've quite misinterpreted the situation. There is nothing going on between me and the earl."

"But Mama said he called upon you and brought you flowers," Lucille protested.

"Every unmarried gentleman in the village has done the same since my abduction, all seeking to question me about the Bride Thief. Lord Wesley is not besotted. Like all the others, he is merely a curiosity seeker."

Emily emptied her sherry glass, then held it out for a refill. "But Mama said he invited you to his home and-"

"Sent his carriage for you," Lucille finished.

"Then surely Mama told you the earl invited both Hubert and I for the sole purpose of viewing his Herschel telescope. His invitation was purely scientific in nature."

A frown crinkled Hermione's perfect brow. "Has he called upon you since?"

"No," Sammie said, quickly rationalizing that him finding her at the lake today did not qualify as calling upon her. "Nor would I expect him to. Mama has read far too much into his actions." Good lord, if Mama even suspected what half the earl's "actions " had included, she'd chirp herself into a real faint.

Emily's lovely smile collapsed with obvious disappointment. "Then you mean he's not-"

"You mean he hasn't-" cut in Lucille, her expression matching Emily's.

"Indeed not," Sammie said in her briskest tone. "There is absolutely nothing between me and Lord Wesley." She pursed her lips and settled her features into her most prim expression, praying the flush heating her face wouldn't give evidence of her blatant lie. "I suggest you dismiss the matter from your minds."

Although obviously let down by this turn of events, her sisters all mumbled their consent. Then Emily reached out and squeezed her hand. "Well, if Lord Wesley spent an evening in your company yet failed to recognize how special you are, well, then the man is simply…"

"A dolt," supplied Hermie, laying her hand on top of theirs.

"An ass," Lucille pronounced in a too-loud whisper, followed immediately by an unladylike hiccup. "More sherry, anyone?"

They all held out their empty glasses. As Lucille refilled their drinks, she said, "If you didn't want to discuss your relationship with the earl-"

"There is no relationship to discuss," Sammie managed through gritted teeth.

"Right. Then why did you wish to speak to us?"

She did not bother to point out that she hadn't wanted to speak to all of them-only Lucille. But clearly Lucille had dispatched messages fetching their sisters with the promise of finding out the details of Sammie's relationship with the earl. She was tempted to abandon her entire scheme, but her sisters were her only hope of gaining the information she sought. So long as she made it crystal clear she wished to know simply for scientific reasons, all should go well.

After swallowing another bracing mouthful of sherry, she said, "Actually I need your assistance on a scientific matter."

Her announcement was met by three completely blank expressions. "We know nothing about such things," Emily said after taking a dainty bite of biscuit. "You should ask Hubert."

Sammie prayed her embarrassment didn't show. "The topic is one I'm afraid I cannot discuss with a… man."

Hermione frowned. "Then perhaps Mama could help you."

Sammie somehow managed not to wince at the suggestion. "I don't think so. You know how excitable Mama is, and I fear she would misinterpret the meaning behind my questions."

"You may ask us anything," Lucille said with an encouraging smile.

"Excellent. I need to know how one goes about preventing pregnancy."

Three completely slack-jawed, bug-eyed expressions met her announcement. Her heart sank. Botheration. Did her sisters not know? But surely they must, as they were all married. Didn't all married women know such things? The three of them exchanged odd glances, then returned their attention to her. Sammie suddenly felt like a specimen under a microscope.

Lucille took a healthy sip of her sherry. "I thought you said there was nothing going on…"

Emily gulped her sherry. "Between you…"

Hermione tossed the remainder of her drink down her throat. "And the earl."

Heat rushed through Sammie like wildfire until even the tips of her ears burned. "There is nothing between us." Yet. "My inquiry is strictly to gather information for a scientific experiment I wish to conduct. Of course I realize this is a highly sensitive topic, and I couldn't ask just anyone."

"It's highly improper to discuss such things with an unmarried woman," Emily said with a frown, her words slightly slurred.

"Yes," agreed Hermione. "What sort of experiment would require such information?"

Adopting the monotone she knew bored her sisters to tears, she stated, "I wish to conduct a comparative study of the reproductive cycles of several species, among them frogs, snakes, and mice, as they relate to humans." As if on cue, at the mention of frogs, snakes, and mice, her sisters immediately looked as if they'd all bitten into the same sour lemon. Pretending to warm to her subject, she continued. "Take for instance, the snake. After it sheds its skin-"

"Fascinating stuff, Sammie," Lucille broke in quickly, "but it's not necessary to go into detail." She shoved the platter of biscuits at Sammie.

Sammie accepted a sweet, and swallowed her guilt at manipulating her sisters in such a shameful manner.

Emily cleared her throat, then imparted in an undertone, "Well, so long as it's for science, I heard that some women wash themselves you know where with vinegar afterwards."

Sammie stared at her in stunned surprise. Finding her voice, she murmured, "Is that so? And, er, why would they do that?"

"To wash away the you know what." Emily's face turned crimson, and she quickly reached for another biscuit.

Fascinated, Sammie opened her mouth to question Emily further, but Lucille interjected, "Well, I heard…" She paused, glancing quickly around the room as if to ensure no one had entered, then leaned forward. Her rapt audience strained forward, Sammie leaning so far she nearly slid off the cushion. Lowering her voice to a whisper, Lucille continued, "some women go so far as to douche themselves with vinegar."

Emily's eyes rounded. "Never say so!"

"Or lemon juice," Hermione added, nodding. "Although that is more difficult to come by." She picked up the decanter and refilled everyone's glass to the rim. "But I heard tell of some women using sea sponges."

"What do they do with them?" Sammie asked, wondering where on earth she might obtain a sea sponge.

"Soak them in vinegar-"

"Or brandy," Emily broke in.

"Then insert them you know where" Hermione finished.

"And, urn, what does that do?" Sammie asked, hoping you know where was where she thought it was.

A delicate burp escaped Emily's bow lips. "It prevents the you know what from going you know where and making a baby."

"Oh, yes, I understand that's quite common," Lucille said, "But I also heard that there's a device gentlemen can put on their you know what that keeps the you know what from going you know where." She waved her hand in front of her face and loosened her lace fichu. "My goodness, it's hot in here!"

"Well, I heard," Emily said, "about a method that requires the man to remove himself from you know where before he you know whats."

The group froze for several seconds, then Hermione collapsed into giggles. "Good heavens, Emily, I'm not certain I wanted to know that!"

A spurt of laughter sprang from Emily's lips, and she clapped her hand over her mouth. Her giggles were contagious, and within seconds the four of them were bent double with laughter.

"Well, I for one would not dream of employing any of those methods," Lucille said, wiping tears of mirth from her cheeks with the hem of her gown. "I very much want to be a mother."

"As do I," said Hermione. "Although the thought of giving birth is more than a little scary. One of us needs to have a baby so she can tell the rest of us how it feels. Emily, I vote you go first."

"Me?" Emily glared at her sister. "Why don't you go first?"

Hermione turned to Lucille. "You've been married the longest, Lucille. You should have the first baby."

"All right. Since you insist, I shall give birth before the year is finished."