"But it was so wonderful to see her," Sirena said, "especially since Mama has not come. I do not understand it. Do you think something has happened to Mama, and Steppapa doesn't want to tell me for fear of harming our baby? Well, the baby is born and healthy, and I have sent to Mama two days ago and have no answer. You must go to Morgan Court tomorrow, Ocky, and bring my mother back to me."

"I think that is an excellent idea, sweetheart," the viscount answered his wife. "I shall start in the morning." He kissed her gently. "Go to sleep now, Sirena." Then he left her bedchamber, and hurried downstairs, just catching the duke and Allegra. "Quintan," he called. "Sirena wants to see her mama. What am I to do?"

"You told him?" Allegra's voice was icy.

"I thought it necessary," the duke said.

"Must the entire world know that my ancient stepmother is having a baby, and I am not?" Allegra demanded.

"You had best tell Sirena so she doesn't fret, and you do not have to take the long ride to Morgan Court," the duke advised.

"No. I shall tell her," Allegra cried, and dashed back up the stairs to her cousin's bedchamber.

Sirena was just dozing off. She sat up as Allegra slammed into her room. "Wh… what is it?" she said, startled. "Oh, Allegra, you have come back, dearest."

"I just came to tell you that Aunt Mama will not be coming to see you immediately. Quinton and I stopped at Morgan Court on our way back from London. Your mother is expecting a baby in May, Sirena. Isn't it awful? I didn't want you to be as embarrassed as I am over this state of affairs, but I also didn't want you to worry as to why she was not here with you and her grandson, where she should be," Allegra finished in a self-righteous tone.

"Mama is to have a baby?" Sirena's face shone with a mixture of amazement and delight. "Ohh, Allegra how wonderful! Now we shall be truly bound not just by our mother's blood, but by our little half sibling. How is she? Is she all right? What incredible news you have brought me, dearest. Ocky! Do you know? Mama is to have a baby."

"Yes,'' Allegra suddenly burst out bitterly. "A baby. A child who will take away my inheritance, and make Quinton hate me for not being the richest girl in England. But did our parents consider that when they fornicated like two dogs on the road? No. All they thought about was themselves, and not my happiness. You have a baby, Sirena. Now your mother is to have a baby, but I cannot seem to have a baby!" Then bursting into tears Allegra ran from the room and down the stairs.

Quinton Hunter followed after his wife, watching her as she dashed out the front door of Pickford Hall and mounted her horse. He watched as she kicked the beast into a canter and rode away. The groom holding his mount helped him up, and flipping a coin at the man, the duke followed after his wife. He was torn between the desire to kiss her, to comfort her, and to spank her soundly. She had sounded like nothing more than a spoiled brat, and he was frankly amazed. What had happened to the logical and practical young woman he had married? He encouraged his horse to a (aster gait in order to catch up, or at least keep apace of Allegra.

Sirena had climbed from her bed, and gone to her window to watch her cousin tear off in a temper. "I did not consider that this might upset her," she said slowly. "Lord, I have been thoughtless."

"I think it is Allegra who has been inconsiderate, and heedless," the viscount said to his wife.

"No, Ocky, don't say that. You do not understand. Allegra and her brother, James Lucian, were devoted to each other. Until a few years ago she wasn't the richest girl in England, nor did she care if she was. Then her brother was killed in France. It is not the money that disturbs my cousin, but the thought that her lather could replace James Lucian with another son."

"Did she not say to you that now Quinton wouldn't love her?" Ocky said stubbornly.

"Certainly she knows better than that," Sirena replied with a small smile. "But you will recall that Quinton Hunter with his bluer than blue blood made a match with Allegra first because she was the richest heiress in England. Allegra doesn't really understand the nature of true love so how can she believe, even if he says it, that her husband truly loves her, and would love her even if she were poor? And there is the matter of an heir for Sedgwick, Ocky. Suddenly that becomes most paramount for Allegra for she is faced with the loss of probably half or more of her fortune, or value. Of course she is angry and upset."

"What can we do to help?" Viscount Pickford wondered aloud.

"We can do nothing," Sirena said quietly. "It is now up to Quinton Hunter to convince his wife that no matter what happens he will love her forever and a day, and even beyond. It will not be an easy, or a simple task." Sirena watched as the duke rode after Allegra. She could but imagine how her beloved cousin felt right now. Lost. Bereft. And she was correct about one thing. It really was embarrassing that her own mother was having a baby at this time in her life, although, Sirena thought, I will never say it. I will be happy for Mama, and Steppapa. Then she giggled to herself. She would have never imagined that Olympia Abbott Morgan was still interested, and obviously if one was to believe Allegra, very interested in matters of the flesh. But she and Lord Morgan obviously were.

"What's so funny?" her husband asked Sirena.

"I thought how amusing that at their ages Mama and Steppapa would still be being naughty. 1 did not realize one's interest could last that long," Sirena answered her husband. "Do you think we shall still be interested in being naughty when we are their age, Ocky?"

"I certainly hope so, my darling girl," the viscount replied. "I certainly hope so!"

Chapter 17

“I want to go up to London," Allegra told her husband.

"We have just come back from London," he replied calmly. Living with his bride of six months had not been very easy these past few weeks.

"Nevertheless, Quinton, I wish to go. I am bored here. I have nothing to do. If you do not wish to come, I will understand," she responded coldly.

A message had come this morning from Aston, he knew. "You have heard from Eunice?" he attempted to change the subject.

"Yes," she said shortly.

"She is well, and Marcus, too?" He tried to elicit more information from her than she seemed willing to share with him.

"They are both well. Why wouldn't they be? She is expecting a child. She says Caroline believes she is with child, too. I, however, am not expecting a child, and I wish to go up to London. If you really loved me you would not question my motives, Quinton. I repeat. I am bored here in the country. I may even want to go to Brighton this summer. I obviously have nothing in common with my friends any longer. Why would I? They are fertile, and I, it would appear, am barren."

"If you wish to go up to London for a few weeks," he told her, "then I see no reason why you should not. I, however, must remain here at Hunter's Lair, Allegra. I have an estate to manage. And we cannot go to Brighton this year. I want you home, Allegra. I know that you are shocked by the fact your father and his wife are expecting a baby. You need time to come to terms with it. So if going to London is what you want to do, go. You shall not conceive an heir for me if we are apart, but that is your choice, my dear."

He was angry at her. He couldn't help himself. Allegra had become a self-pitying little bitch these past few weeks. He had done everything, he thought, to reassure her of his love, but for some reason he could not fathom, she didn't believe him. It was irritating to say the least. What was the matter with her?

"I'll tell Honor to pack a trunk, and be gone tomorrow," Allegra said. "I will not need much for I intend having Madame Paul make me an entire new wardrobe."

"She made you one seven months ago," he reminded her.

Allegra shrugged. "I thought while I still have the ready, Quinton, I would have a fashionable wardrobe made. When Papa's new child comes along there will be little for me."

"You do not know that," he almost shouted. "Until a few years ago you had a brother, James Lucian, and your father denied you nothing," the duke told her.

"This will be a boy," Allegra said angrily. "I just sense it. He will become Papa's heir, and I will have little. Papa is besotted with his new wife. She will influence him, and her first interest will be for her son, and not for me. Do you not understand, Quinton? You bartered your good name, and now you have been cheated."

"I love you!" he shouted at her. "I have not been cheated, damnit! I am only cheated if you run away to London and do not stay by my side where you belong, Allegra." He caught her by her shoulders. "Do you not understand, my darling duchess. I love you."

"Youare kind," she said, tears welling up in her violet eyes, "but you cannot possibly want me now, Quinton."

"I have wanted you since the moment I first saw you, Allegra," he insisted. "I want you now, and I don't give a damn about your father's wealth. I love you. I want you." And then he was kissing her passionately, his hands moving beneath her chamber robe to caress her slender body. His palms cupped her buttocks, and pulled her close. She moaned softly in his embrace, unable to help herself from pressing against him. His lips slid down her throat. He pushed her robe off, and kissed her breasts. He knelt before her, his mouth engraving a line of hot kisses down her torso. He could feel her trembling beneath his lips. He pulled her down upon the floor before the fireplace. His knee nudged her soft thighs open.

"Tell me you don't want me, too, my darling duchess," he murmured hotly against her kiss-swollen lips. "Tell me!"

"No," she replied softly. "I won't tell you that because it isn't true, and you know it. I love you, Quinton." She opened herself to him, and cried out with pleasure as he entered her body. "Ahh, yes, my darling! Yes!"

She was warm, and welcoming. He buried himself as deep as he could within her luscious body. Her hips met his in rhythmic splendor. Slowly he withdrew from her, then he plunged again, and again, and again until he was dizzy with his passion for her, and she for him. When his desire for her finally burst and mushroomed into a bloom of incredible pleasure, he thought he would die from the excess of it. "I love you," he cried. "I love you, Allegra. Do not leave me."


When he awoke in the morning, still before the embers of the dying fire, she was gone, and he cursed to himself that she did not believe enough in his love to trust him. Yet she must care, he thought, noting the down coverlet had been taken from the bed and carefully tucked about him. Scrambling up he yanked at the bellpull.

"Yes, Your Grace?" Hawkins had answered his summons rather quickly, the duke thought.

"When did Her Grace leave for London?" he asked his valet.

"About an hour ago, my lord," Hawkins said grimly.

"She took Honor?" God, had she not remembered her maid's wedding was to be celebrated on Sunday?

"She did," Hawkins said sourly.

"Damnation!" the duke swore softly, and then he said to his valet, "I am sorry, Hawkins, but they'll be back."

"It had better be sooner than later," the valet told his master.

"I know," the duke said. "When does Honor believe the baby is due, Hawkins?"

"Late autumn, my lord. You would have thought that Honor would tell Her Grace now that we are to be wed," Hawkins despaired.

"Do not be angry at Honor, old friend," the duke advised his valet. "She has been with her mistress since Allegra was a child. Her loyalty to the duchess is very great as is yours to me."

"If the parson had already said the words over us I should not worry so much," Hawkins told his master. "I don't want anyone thinking my Honor a loose woman. What happens when her belly begins to show?"

"They will be back long before then, Hawkins, I am certain of it. Her Grace is frightened by her father's new child. She believes I shall not love her because she is not the richest girl in England any longer," the duke explained.