Thinking of her father returning to Glenarden alone—with Eleanor not there to take tea with him, to listen to him read from the newspapers, to discuss bizarre and esoteric topics with him—made her eyes fill. Though she reminded herself that her marriage ensured that her father could go on writing his obscure books and eating scones with his tea in a well-repaired house, saying good-bye to him would hurt.
Eleanor lifted her chin, following her father’s advice about ignoring everyone, and she and her father walked forward.
Eleanor swished past them all in her glorious dress, following Aimee, who scattered rose petals along the way. There was no music, Isabella declaring that it was not in the best of taste. The orchestra would play afterward.
Isabella, Beth, and Ainsley stood in the front row near the queen, all three radiant and smiling at Eleanor. On the other side of the aisle, mirroring them, stood Mac, Cameron, and Daniel, tall and formidable in kilts and black coats, the plaid of the Mackenzies swathing their shoulders. They were proud and handsome, with eyes of various shades of amber—Daniel and Cameron, the same height now, looked heartbreakingly alike. Mac reached around the earl and clasped Eleanor’s shoulder, gladness and strength pouring through his touch.
At the very front of the room, standing to one side of the minister, stood Ian Mackenzie, Hart’s second, also dressed in kilt and plaid. Ian glanced once at Eleanor before his gaze was pulled back to that which he liked to look at most: his wife.
Next to Ian, Hart. Hart’s gaze fell on Eleanor, and the world went away.
He wore his kilt and plaid, the ducal sash of the Kilmorgans across his chest. He’d brushed back his dark red hair, which emphasized his hard, handsome face, honed with time and the brutal decisions he’d had to make. Ian at Hart’s side was as handsome as his brother, but Hart commanded the room.
Hart had won. Everything. The dukedom, the nation, his wife.
Eleanor curtseyed to the queen, and her father bowed, then the earl relinquished Eleanor, looking quite cheerful about it, to Hart.
She whispered to Hart as he took her hand, “Don’t look so bloody pleased with yourself.”
Hart’s answer was a smile, wicked and swift.
The ceremony began. Hart stood like a rock at Eleanor’s side as the minister droned the service in a thick Scots accent. The room was warm from the heat of pressing bodies, and droplets of perspiration slid from under Eleanor’s veil and down her cheek.
When the minister asked whether anyone knew of a reason why Eleanor and Hart could not marry, Hart turned and glared down the room so intensely that Daniel and Mac both chuckled. No one answered.
The ceremony was far too short. Eleanor found herself saying her vows, promising to give herself entirely to Hart and to let him worship her body, in sickness and health, in good times and terrible ones, through thick and thin, forever and ever, amen. Hart’s smile when he cupped her face in his hands to kiss her was triumphant.
Eleanor Ramsay was married, and now the Duchess of Kilmorgan. The orchestra played, and over it, Eleanor heard Daniel shout, “That’s forty guineas you owe me, Fleming.”
David shrugged, looking none too worried, and pulled out a sheaf of banknotes.
Quite a lot of money seemed to be changing hands. The three Mackenzie men were the worst, but even Patrick McBride, Ainsley’s oldest brother, was collecting banknotes, and so—the cheek of her—was Ainsley. Daniel seemed to have placed the most bets, followed by Mac, who had switchedsides and wagered that Eleanor would see Hart fairly married.
“I ought to have formed a pool,” Eleanor said to Hart. “I might have won a bundle.”
Before Hart could turn Eleanor and parade her back down the room, Ian stepped close and touched Eleanor’s elbow. “Thank you,” he whispered, and then he was gone, back to Beth and to scoop up his children.
Hart propelled Eleanor through the parted crowd, his arm around her as though he’d never let go of her. His pace was animated, his eyes sparkling.
As they cleared the crowd at the back of the room, a youth darted in through the open French windows. Eleanor saw everything in slow motion, as the lad, perhaps twelve or so and wearing horse boy’s livery that looked too large for him, stared at Hart in rage and then absolute terror. The boy reached a hand into his open coat, brought out a revolver, and fired it straight at Hart.
Chapter 15
Eleanor screamed and shoved Hart out of the way, hard enough to make him let go of her. She heard the roar of the pistol, smelled the acrid scent of gunpowder, felt herself falling, heard Hart swearing. His voice was the last thing she remembered as she succumbed to pain, then numbness.
When she swam to consciousness again, she found herself on the floor, Hart on top of her, Daniel and Cameron on top of him. There was shouting, crying, cursing.
Hart cupped Eleanor’s face in his hands, gaze searching, eyes filled with fear. “El.”
I’m perfectly all right, Eleanor tried to say. She had no energy to form the words. She looked down at her beautiful wedding gown and saw that it was scarlet with blood. Oh, dear. Isabella will be so annoyed.
“Eleanor, stay still.” Hart’s voice was harsh.
Cam and Daniel got to their feet. Cameron bellowed orders at the top of his lungs, the sound hurting her head, and Daniel dashed away.
Eleanor touched Hart’s chest—whole, no blood. Thank God.
“I thought he hit you.” Eleanor’s words came out a slur. She tried to push Hart away, but her hands were too weak.
“Don’t move.” Hart lifted her and cradled her against his chest. “El, I’m so sorry.”
But Hart hadn’t had the revolver. That boy had fired the shot. So young, so young… Poor lad.
Lord Ramsay flung himself on his knees on her other side, his faced creased with terrible worry. “Eleanor. My sweet little Eleanor.”
Hart looked up at the ring of faces surrounding them, singling out Cameron, who’d returned, it seemed. “Tell me you have him. Tell me you got the bastard.”
Cameron nodded grimly. “Fellows is on him. He and the constable are taking him to the village lockup.”
“No, I want him here.” Hart’s voice cut through the noise. “Put him in my study and hold him there.”
Cameron didn’t argue. He nodded once and pushed away, his big body parting the crowd.
“How did he get past you?” Hart was bellowing to his men, and really, Eleanor did have a headache.
He was just a boy. Who notices a boy sent to hold the horses?
Eleanor heard them answering Hart, but dizziness spun the room about her, and she had to close her eyes. The next time she opened them, Isabella, Beth, and Ainsley hovered over her.
“Let us take her, Hart,” Beth was saying. “She needs looking after.”
Hart didn’t want to let Eleanor go. He held Eleanor on his lap, against his chest, great rage on his face. His eyes were wet, though, making the golden light in them glitter.
Eleanor tried to reach for him, to comfort him, but her hand fell back. Don’t worry, Hart. They simply need to help me fix my dress. It will be all right.
Her words came out a mumble, which worried her. Beth shoved a glass under her nose. “Drink this.”
Eleanor obeyed because she was suddenly very thirsty. The water tasted wrong, but she drank. It slid down her throat, and her limbs went limp.
We should go and greet our guests now, she tried to say. Isabella’s planned everything so carefully…
When Eleanor woke again, she was lying flat on her back in bed, her left arm stiff and hot. Her fine wedding dress was gone, and she was in her nightgown. From the way the light slanted through the windows, it was late afternoon.
She threw the covers off in panic. Today was her wedding day. Why hadn’t Maigdlin or Isabella woken her? She had dreamed of the wedding—the crowd, the queen, Hart fine in his plaids, his eyes holding triumph.
Eleanor sat up, but her head spun so much that she fell back to the pillow. After taking a few deep breaths, she lifted her head again, carefully this time.
She discovered that her left arm was wrapped, wrist to shoulder, in a tight bandage. Eleanor stared at it in surprise. No wonder it felt so odd.
The arm’s soreness cleared the fog of sleep, and Eleanor remembered. She’d been walking back down the aisle with Hart, a married lady, when the lad in a horse boy’s livery had darted through the windows, aimed the pistol, and fired. In panic, she’d shoved Hart aside. The bullet must have hit her as she and Hart tumbled to the floor.
She lifted her arm, and pain rippled through it like fire.
Her cry brought hurrying footsteps, then Maigdlin. “My lady, are you all right? Do you need more laudanum? I’ll fetch it.”
“No.” Eleanor lay down again, being careful not to move too quickly. “I don’t want to sleep. Where is Hart? Is he all right?”
“His Grace is in his study, my lady. I mean, Your Grace. He’s been shouting something fierce. The constable took that boy with the pistol away, even though His Grace told him not to, and now His Grace is threatening to sack him if he don’t get the boy back here. But the constable says he answers to the magistrate, and now His Grace wants the magistrate here too. And the guests don’t know what to do—about half have left, but the others are staying the night here, and it’s a right mess.” Maigdlin related the tale with relish. “His Grace is torn up about the bullet hitting you. Right off his head, he is.”
“It grazed my arm. I remember now.”
Maigdlin’s eyes rounded. “No, Your Grace. It went right through. Doctor says it’s a mercy it didn’t lodge in the bone or rip open all your blood vessels. Went clean through and out the other side. He says if you hadn’t dodged just right, it would have gone straight through your heart.”
“Oh.” Eleanor looked at her arm again. The revolver had been much too heavy for the boy’s thin hands. He must not have been able to aim it properly. “What about my dress?” Eleanor bit her lip. She thought of its froths of lace and roses, and felt a pang of loss. It had been beautiful, and she and Hart hadn’t yet posed for the wedding photograph.
“Their ladyships are working on it now. Lady Cameron says you’ll want the gown, but she keeps crying over it. So do the other two.”
“Tell their ladyships I will be perfectly fine, and that they must save that dress. Now, help me into my dressing gown. I’m going downstairs to speak to my husband.”
My husband. How readily the words came to her tongue.
“His Grace says you’re not to get out of bed. Not for any reason.”
“His Grace is too certain that I will obey his orders. Now, help me.”
Maigdlin’s worried face creased with a sunny smile. “Yes, Your Grace.”
The magistrate finally crumbled under Hart’s commands. Hart’s pugilist footmen and the constable dragged the young man back to Kilmorgan, with Fellows accompanying them, and brought the culprit to Hart’s study.
The constable dropped the lad into the chair in front of Hart’s desk. It was a comfortable, padded chair, reserved for Hart’s important guests. Mackenzie ancestors glared down from the walls in the huge room, the deceased Mackenzies all swathed in the same dark blue and green plaid as Hart. Their gazes seemed to fix on the young man cringing before them.
Hart leaned back against his desk and looked at him too. Hart was still tight with rage, the bile of it in his mouth. When he’d seen the blood, and Eleanor falling, he’d experienced a horrible helplessness he never wanted to feel again, a knowledge that, no matter how hard he fought, he would lose her. Now, this instant. As he had Sarah, as he had Graham.
The assassin was a child. He couldn’t be more than thirteen, fourteen at most. He had a clear white face, his skin almost translucent, the hue of Celtic tribes from northern Ireland or the Hebrides. He had black hair badly hacked short, eyes like blue glass, ruddy cheeks, and an expression of abject terror.
Hart said nothing. He’d discovered long ago that silence made a fine weapon. Forcing someone to wait and wonder what Hart was thinking gave him the upper hand from the outset. The youth stared back at him, his defiance and bravado evaporating under Hart’s gaze.
“What’s your name?” Hart asked.
“He won’t give it,” the constable said from the far end of the room. “Not even when we hit him.”
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