The stench of sweating Shifter didn’t seem as bad now. Niall had, well, an honest smell, one that came of hard work and caring. He protected the people of this village like he protected his children, a fact Alanna wouldn’t tell Kieran. If her brother thought the villagers were important to Niall, Kieran would find some way to use that against him.
When Niall said the sword needed to rest, he shoved it into a barrel of ash, wiped the sweat from his face, and led her from the forge. The dirt track outside hugged the cliffs above the sea, Niall’s shop being at the very end of the high street — if the muddy track between the houses could be termed a high street. The western ocean pounded away below them, the moon glowing on the black bulk of the nearby island.
At first Alanna worried that Niall had brought her to the cliffs for some nefarious purpose, but he simply stood looking out over the dark ocean, breathing in the bracing air.
«You know we’ll never finish on time,» he said. «Blades have to be heated and rested a number of times to make the metal strong, and then I have to grind the blade and make the hilt.»
«You’ll finish.»
«You sound certain.»
«The spells I’m using will temper the blade faster than your process by hand,» she said. «When we go back, you’ll be ready to grind it.»
Niall’s voice went low. «I’m not ready to go back yet.»
He had to be freezing out here without a shirt, the icy wind from the sea whipping his short braid. His eyes were green even in the faint moonlight, hard green, not Shifter white-green.
Alanna didn’t flinch when he cupped her neck with his big, rough hand. The touch of others had always sickened her, until she’d met Dubhán. She wondered what sort of strange Fae woman she was that she’d fallen in love with a human man and now didn’t mind that a Shifter pulled her into his embrace.
Niall’s face was lined with dirt and soot, but by now hers couldn’t be much better. His hard body cut the wind, and she melded into his as he scooped her against him and kissed her.
His kiss was harder even than Dubhán’s, firm mouth opening hers, his whiskers burning her lips. He tasted raw, of this wild land of Eire, of a bite of ale and of himself.
Niall eased back, and Alanna shivered, not willing to let go his warmth. The wind cut right through her, but she scarcely noticed it.
«This might be our last night, you and I,» he said.
Niall kissed her lips, her cheeks, her neck. «You agree that it’s our last night? Or are you saying you’ll share my bed as I suddenly wish you to?»
He cupped her face in his hands. «Be certain, Alanna.»
«I am. Very certain.»
He nodded once, his eyes darkening. He took her hand and led her behind the forge and into a neat cottage with a garden in front. She saw signs of his family — small boots, scattered tools, half-whittled pieces of wood, animals the boys had been carving when they’d been snatched by Kieran’s men.
Niall avoided looking at the carvings as he led Alanna to the loft, where neat pallets had been made up for the night. Niall stripped without word, revealing a body of solid muscle, male beauty sculpted by nature and the ancient Fae. Shifters had been bred to be superior in strength, speed and stamina, and they’d also been made to be beautiful.
He put his hands on his hips, unashamed that his wanting was plain to see. «Are you not getting undressed? I might start to feel ridiculous like this.»
Alanna untied the complicated tapes that held her gown to her body and let it fall in one piece. She liked the appreciative way Niall looked at her nakedness, instead of with the loathing or indifference she’d expected. His gaze lingered on her breasts, his eyes dark and soft.
Alanna went to him. He raked his hands through her braids and tilted her head back to kiss her deeply. His hardness pressed her belly. She’d always heard that Shifters were more endowed than humans or even Fae, and she decided that this rumour was true.
Niall’s huge, work-worn hand cupped her breast, thumb brushing the tip. He kissed her neck, nipping her a little before he kissed her mouth again.
Alanna had loved Dubhán, and she always would. The fact that loving him had caused his death had haunted her for a century. But this Shifter would never go easily to her brother’s men, would never give up without a fight. Niall could have killed her outright when she’d announced Kieran had kidnapped his cubs, but he was giving her the gift of his trust — well, perhaps not his full trust, but at least his hope.
Niall lifted her and set her gently on the pallet. He came down with her, stretching his warm body on top of hers.
«You’re such a bit of a thing,» he murmured. He closed his hand around her wrist. «See? So fragile.»
«I’m stronger than you know.»
«I know, lass. You have Fae strength, but I’ve never seen it packaged in such beauty.»
Was he trying to melt her heart? The big, strong Shifter with loneliness and sorrow in his eyes? She suddenly wanted to hold him to her and heal all his hurts.
Niall had something else on his mind besides healing just now. He parted her thighs with a soothing hand and slid himself inside her.
Alanna’s eyes widened as he filled her. What a wonder that a huge, barbaric beast of a Shifter could be so gentle.
He stayed gentle as he began the rhythm of lovemaking, his head bowed, his braid sliding across his shoulder. Alanna cupped his hips, urging him with hands and mouth not to be too careful with her. Niall groaned as he sped his thrusts, kissing her as she met him stroke for stroke.
Alanna’s frenzy began a few seconds before his did. They peaked together, both crying out, both holding hard, kissing and panting, hot breaths tangling. They wound down together, Niall smoothing her hair with a tender hand.
«You see?» Alanna whispered. «I’m perfectly fine.»
«That you are, love. And so am I. As you can feel inside of you.»
«You mean I’ve not yet worn you down?»
Niall grinned and licked her upper lip. «Not by a long way, my love. Not by a long way.»
He started again, this time more playfully. In spite of knowing that Niall was right, that this might be their only night together, and in spite of her worry about his sons and the choices she’d made before coming here, Alanna pulled him inside her and let herself drown in his loving.
Alanna awoke hours later to see Niall leaving the bed. She lay in the warm nest they’d made, enjoying the view of his buttocks as he bent over to fetch his tunic. Their gazes met when Niall straightened up to slide it on.
His eyes changed to the feral cat within him before returning to dark green. «You’re such a beautiful lass.» He leaned down to kiss her, his lips warm.
«Where are you going?»
«The sword won’t get finished by itself, love. It’s not going to be a very good weapon made so hasty.»
«My spells will hold it together.» The point was for Shifter craftsmanship and Fae magic to join. Alanna wasn’t certain what Niall might make of that knowledge, so she kept silent.
Niall descended to the lower floor, and she heard him poke up a fire and clatter crockery. She pulled on her robes and followed him downstairs to find him setting out ale and bread and a hard chunk of cheese.
«I’ll do that,» she said as he started to slice the bread. «You go to the forge, and I’ll bring the breakfast.» Niall raised his brows, and she smiled. «I used to make Dubhán breakfast. He was surprised I could do it.»
Niall shrugged, set down the knife, and kissed her cheek. She turned her head to meet his kiss with her lips, determined to enjoy this very brief time they had together. Her hand closed around the knife handle, and she gasped.
«Damn,» she said. Alanna looked at her fingers, which were creased with light burns. «The spell is wearing off.» She sucked on her fingertips.
Niall picked up the knife and quickly cut slices of bread and cheese. «What did you do when you lived in the human world before?»
She took her fingers out of her mouth. «Dubhán found copper and bronze knives for me.»
«You need to go back to Faerie.»
«When the sword is finished.»
They assessed each other again, like enemies who’d learned to respect each other’s skills. Niall brushed her hair back from her face and kissed her forehead.
«Eat your breakfast, love, and then we’ll finish the sword. Whatever comes, we’ll make the best damn sword that ever was.»
Alanna didn’t reach for the plate. «Let’s finish now. I don’t need sustenance the same way Shifters and humans do.»
«Eat the damn food, woman. You’re weak here, and with all this iron about, you’ll just get weaker.»
«Yes, dear.» Alanna sat down, slanting him a demure glance. «Whatever you say, dear.»
His eyes narrowed. «Your brother doesn’t know what a feisty witch he’s harbouring, does he?»
She sent him a grin. «’Tis best that way, do you not think?»
«Vixen.» Niall leaned down and kissed her. «To think, when you walked into my forge, I thought you cold and brittle.»
«You warmed me, Niall.»
«Aye, I wrapped that cloak around you.»
«That is not what I meant.»
Niall gave her another seductive kiss. «I know.»
He grabbed bread and cheese, took a gulp of ale, and banged out of the cottage, sending chill air sweeping through the room. Alanna shivered again, but without the loathing she’d had last night. It was cold in this human place called Baile Ícín, but with Niall to keep her warm, she thought she could weather it.
Whatever else Alanna’s magics did, they certainly sped up the forging process. Alanna chanted more spells, and Niall watched runes appear and disappear as he formed the tang, made the hilt, and ground the blade. Alanna closed her eyes for the last spell; sweat stood out on her brow as her musical voice pronounced the words.
The last set of runes faded to be replaced by fine lines that etched themselves all over the sword and hilt. Those lines didn’t fade but joined in continuous, interlinked patterns, as though they bound the sword and hilt together.
Niall raised the blade, finding the balance perfect, the edge sharp. If he didn’t know better, he’d swear he held a sword of the best, strongest Damascus steel. He made a few sweeps, amazed at what he’d wrought.
No, what they’d wrought.
«We make a good sword, you and me,» he said. «Now, do you mind telling me what it’s for?»
Alanna hugged her chest. «Ceremonial purposes. For my brother.»
«Aye, and what kind of ceremonies will he be conducting?»
«I do not want to tell you that.»
Niall brought the sword around until the tip was an inch from her throat. Alanna didn’t flinch, didn’t move, though he saw her draw a breath. «You had better tell me, love.»
«If I do, you’ll try to kill Kieran, and he’ll destroy you. Probably very slowly so that you will beg for death. Please, do not make me watch that.»
The anguish in her eyes was real, but Niall shook his head. «Sweeting, he will kill me anyway. I’d rather go out trying to take him with me.»
«Niall.» Alanna took one step closer, letting the tip of the sword nick her skin. A drop of Fae blood, so dark red it was almost black, welled up from the cut and trickled across her throat. Niall quickly withdrew the sword and wiped the blood away with his thumb.
«I pledged myself as hostage to you,» Alanna said. «I made a promise that I would get your sons released. I will fulfil that promise. But to do it, I must again ask you to trust me. Let me take the sword to my brother, let me finish my part of the bargain. Your sons will come home to you today. Please.»
«You’re a daft woman, do you know that? You aren’t planning to take this blade and stick it into your brother, are you? Tell me you’re not going to try something so stupid.»
Alanna shook her head. «It’s tempting, but no. He would expect me to do something like that. I imagine his bowmen would shoot me dead the moment I raised the sword.»
«Good.» Niall set the weapon down and pulled her close. «I’ll not have you throwing yourself away on vengeance. ’Tis not worth it.»
«You were ready to kill me when I first came here.»
«That was instinct. You’re Fae, I’m Shifter.»
«And now?»
Niall smoothed her hair, loving the satin feel of it. Even sleep-tousled and sooty, Alanna was beautiful. «Now I’m thinking you’ve made me feel something I’ve not felt in a very long time. Can a Shifter love a Fae?»
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