Sawyer slid off the now-quiet bike. She waited for his response and prepped for a cutting remark. or a joke. or an excuse.
But he didn’t speak. Just grabbed her saddlebag with their lunch and allowed her to lead him through the cobbled pathways to an open area. The ground was still cold, so they settled for the carved benches scattered amidst the towering trees and picked a spot where the Castello was perfectly positioned for study.
She loved riding along the road where the stunning clock tower thrust into the sky, surrounded by a mass of carved stone. A massive water fountain welcomed visitors in, the multiple streams of water spitting out in the marble circle and catching the last rays of light. The cobbled paths wound in an intricate pattern where tourists could stroll, shop, or grab a quick bite from a market vendor. Being close to such antique beauty reminded her that life was long and many things didn’t last, but the things that mattered would.
Sawyer remained silent, as if he too was under the spell of a good ride. He unwrapped their sandwiches, and they shared the food: hard, crusty bread; fat, salty olives; and the delicious small salami strolghino di culatello, paired with creamy sheep’s milk Gorgonzola blue cheese. The scone with strawberry butter added a bit of sweetness to complete the meal.
Her shoulders relaxed even more and she ate in perfect solitude, looking out at the view. Her mind was finally blank, as if she had just departed from the ashrams of India after a weeklong meditation.
“Hell of a bike for a hell of a rider. Mind sharing how you learned to handle that thing, let alone know what it can do?”
Pride etched her face. “My brother, Michael, raced cars on the circuit. His love of good and fast machinery extended to motorcycles, and I got hooked. He was kind enough not to tell me good girls don’t ride bad bikes, and he taught me everything he knew.”
Sawyer shook his head and took a long slug of water.
“Nice. Most women overcompensate for their lack of brute strength. But you used it to your advantage. It was like watching a poetry slam. Heat and beauty and grace at top speed. What’s the best bike you ever owned?”
“I still have it. The classic Moto Morini three and a half Vintage.”
“No. Fucking. Way.”
She leaned forward. “yes way. Bright red, classic lines, and if you ever heard the motor, you’d swear you were dreaming. Took years to restore, and people are begging to buy it all the time.” Julietta pursed her lips. “Like I’d sell to anyone who wouldn’t ride it. That would be a tragedy.”
His gaze dropped and rested on her mouth. Her next breath came at a struggle, but she dug her nails into her palm to ground herself. This man was dangerous, and she refused to mix business with pleasure. even though he had a love and respect for bikes.
“I agree. Beautiful things that are underused is a crime.”
The double innuendo stole her sanity and immediately her nipples peaked to attention. He leaned forward and lifted his hand. Slowly, he closed the distance, obviously reaching out to touch her. Mesmerized by the hunter he was, she took a few seconds to react to his intentions.
“Don’t.” She jerked her chin away. “I thought we agreed to stick to business.”
He lifted his palm up. “Sorry. you have a smear of butter on your cheek. I was just going to wipe it off.”
She ducked her head to hide the faint blush and grabbed a napkin. Again, that distant amusement emanated from his aura. Like he cared. But didn’t. Like he was above all the messiness of emotion and drama, and she was the current plaything. “What was the issue with the contract?”
“Section B, clause three. you forgot to initial.”
She stared at him. “you hunted me down, bullied me into a bike ride, and it was about my signature? our law-yers could have handled the issue in a second.”
“I like to use a hands-on approach. In all aspects.”
Julietta snorted. “Where do you come up with this stuff? It’s like a landmine of a conversation with you, all roads leading to sex.”
That got him. He lifted his brow and shifted his weight on the bench. “Is there something wrong with sex?”
She couldn’t help it. The dare was all over his face, and his desire to play her for a fool using business as an excuse burned within. Julietta moved in slowly and stopped inches from his mouth. His breath caught, then the sweet rush of air from him released over her lips, smelling of mint and sugar and sin. Her tongue slid out to lick her lower lip, and a tiny groan escaped him. Her hand rested on the hard muscle of his thigh and squeezed. “Nothing wrong with sex.
When the situation calls for it.”
His voice dragged like the scrape of gravel. “How about this situation?”
A husky laugh escaped her. “Not gonna happen when we’re working together.”
“you didn’t initial. Technically, the contract is void.”
She caressed upward over the sweep of denim, hit his belt buckle, and slipped her hand under the leather jacket.
This was now fun. Teasing a man and walking away was a game she rarely played, but he needed a lesson. Washboard abs tightened under her touch, and those amber eyes dark-ened. “Still not gonna happen.”
“Care to tell me why?”
She grinned with pure satisfaction, seduction, and a hint of tart. “The one with the biggest balls doesn’t always win, Sawyer Wells.”
He muttered a curse. “So who does?”
Julietta pursed her lips. “The one who can go the distance.”
Satisfaction poured through her. How was that for an innuendo? Heady with getting the last word, she began to pull back out of the danger zone.
Too late.
He moved so fast she never had a chance. With a strength that amazed her, he lifted her off the bench and onto his lap, holding her arms tight at her sides so she was a bit off balance. Her struggle was instinctual but quickly faded under his calm, implacable demeanor.
She had made a fatal mistake.
And now she was gonna pay.
The woman was driving him mad.
He was uncomfortably hard, his erection tortur-ing the hard denim and roaring for freedom. The wind caught her scent—full of leather and musk and cocoa— and drenched his nostrils, wrecking his brain and his dick in one effective swoop. Her body was trim yet full, from the curves of her breasts to the lush swell of her rear, now firmly cushioned in the notch of his thighs. Her face reflected the uncertainty of her position and a slight regret at pushing him too far. Good. At least the woman sensed his need to dominate and take. A crazy lust swirled through his system from the mind-blowing twist of hidden sensuality, cool snarkiness, and razor wit of the woman on his lap.
He had almost hit the floor when he pulled up on his bike and caught sight of her. Dressed in bad-ass black leather with thigh-high boots and her hair stuffed up in a red helmet, she was droolworthy. He didn’t know any woman who rode a bike, let alone appreciated them. The way she bore down in their race showed the hard-core spirit of a woman who enjoyed winning, and her ability to pick through every obstacle in front of her without slowing almost made him have an embarrassing situation.
And she’d won. He revered a good competition and rarely lost. The idea she was even able to cross the finish line before him made him want to rip off her clothes and win in another way. A much more pleasant one.
He tightened his grip. He figured she wanted to taunt him, but now his goal was to make her mad enough to lose some of that precious control. For some reason, his gut told him anger would get past her barriers and allow some of that seething sexual energy to spout out. She held back bigtime, and there was something else other than the obstacle of business between them. Until he found out what, he wouldn’t be sleeping soundly at night.
Her hair had come undone—her clip had broken.
Sawyer had only before seen the coal-black strands neatly twisted up on the top of her head. What he now spotted sealed his decision to get her into his bed at all costs.
A shimmering waterfall of silk spilled past her shoulders and hit her waist. rapunzel hair. He had nasty visions of holding all that hair while she was on her knees taking him deep, of the glossy pin-straight strands brushing his thighs, his stomach, and his chest as she reared up over him.
For a second, his mind blanked, and he didn’t know if he was capable of not taking her right here in the public park.
Her clipped words dragged him back to the moment.
“What do you think you’re doing? Let me go; this is unprofessional.”
Damn, she was hot. He kept hold and chuckled. “And what you did was professional? Taunting me?”
She stuck out her chin. “you deserved it. you need to stop talking about sex in hidden meanings.”
“Fair enough. you’re wet, aren’t you?”
A combination of shock, outrage, and lust glimmered in her eyes. “you did not just say that to me,” she hissed. “you go too far.”
“your body gives you away.” He slid a hand over her rear, under her jacket, and around to her front where he cupped her breast. Her nipple stabbed into his palm past the fabric of her sweater, past the barrier of her bra, and demanded freedom. “I can see your pulse hammering at your neck. your nipples are stiff, your pupils are dilated, and you can’t catch your breath.”
“It’s cold and the ride was hard.”
His dick twitched. She was fucking magnificent, refusing to surrender even a bit. She could be his greatest challenge.
“I know another thing that’s hard,” he muttered.
“See! Another innuendo. Let me up.”
“one kiss.”
She stilled. Was that fear or regret on her face? What was she so nervous about? “Why?”
“Prove it. Prove you’re not interested right here, right now.”
She rolled her eyes. “you’ve dated too many blondes.
This has ‘sucker’ written all over it.”
Sawyer fought a grin. “you kiss me. Just once. you’re not into it, or me, I won’t push anymore. you hold the reins.”
“you won’t try to touch me?”
“Nope.” regretfully, he removed his hand from her breast and dropped his arms to the side. She shifted her weight so she wasn’t off balance, and Sawyer swallowed a painful groan.
“My terms? Then you leave me alone?”
A tiny frown creased her brow. He waited patiently until she finally nodded. “okay. Then we move on as business partners. No weird stuff.”
As if preparing for a test, she dragged in a breath, shut her eyes, and leaned forward. Her lips touched his, super soft and sweet, like the spun cotton candy he lusted after as a kid and beyond. Tentative. Honest. Pure.
Her body softened on his lap, and all the signs of her arousal flared to life. It took every ounce of power in his being to accept her kiss on her terms, but when she finally lifted her mouth, the surprise in those dark eyes told him more than he’d learned about her so far.
oh, yeah, she was afraid. of him. of her reaction. She wanted him as badly as he wanted her. But she didn’t know what to do with it, and there was a major blockage in the way of her physical reaction, as if she didn’t allow herself to ever slip over the edge of not being in control.
Another piece of the puzzle slid into place.
She drew back. Her tongue slid over her bottom lip and probably caught his taste, since her body gave a tiny little shudder. Sawyer realized that chaste kiss was sexier than an openmouthed, tongue-mingling mating, because it was the first time she’d given him something on her own.
He swore she’d be giving him a hell of a lot more.
“okay? Satisfied?”
She hesitated, as if not trusting him to give up so easily.
But she quickly pulled herself together, scrambled off his lap, and began packing up the bag. “We better go. It’ll be dark soon.”
He didn’t answer. They threw out the trash, walked to their bikes, and donned their gloves. “Thanks for letting me ride with you. I’ll express the page to your office and have my assistant come get it when you’re done.”
“Fine.” She tried to stuff her glorious hair back into the helmet, and Sawyer caught the tremble in her fingers. “I assume you’ll stick with your word and not bother me again in a—personal way?”
Her head shot up. “What?”
He rocked back on his heels, enjoying the hell out of her. “I said if you didn’t respond to that kiss, on your terms, I’d leave you alone. But you did. you want me just as badly as I want you.”
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