Kaden walked over to her and struck her ass with his bare hand, from the looks of it hitting her squarely between the legs.

Seth winced. Even through the ball gag he heard Leah’s moan.

And it didn’t sound like she was in pain.

Kaden struck her again. It looked like she tried to grind herself against her husband’s hand. He whispered something to her, and she moaned again, louder.

Two more swats and her whole body trembled.

Kaden quickly stepped back and nailed her ten times in quick succession with the whip, each strike hitting her squarely in the center of her now-red ass cheeks.

She screamed around the gag, her hips bucking.

Holy fuck! Seth realized she was coming.

Kaden swatted her bare-handed several more times, followed by another round of ten with the whip. When he finished he said, “Where are we, love?” His tone had softened to the tender voice he’d used with her the night before in the playroom.

She panted but flashed an okay sign.

Kaden quickly coiled the whip and put it away, then knelt beside her, stroked her forehead. He whispered something, and she nodded and closed her eyes. He quickly released her from the cuffs and pulled her into his lap. He removed the ball gag from her mouth, and she cuddled in his arms, recovering.

Seth swallowed hard. He wished it was his arms around her. Couldn’t he skip the beatings and go right to the recovery phase with her? That would sure as hell make his life easier.

He was watching them when he heard loud voices from another part of the dungeon. A middle-aged, overweight man dressed in tight leather pants and a leather vest dragged a young woman around by a leash. The woman had something that looked like a gag in her mouth, and her hands were bound behind her.

He berated her, swatting her on the ass with a crop. “Fuck, didn’t I tell you not to embarrass me tonight? You stupid cunt.”

Tony’s face hardened. Seth wasn’t sure if it was part of their play or something else but the energy he felt from the crowd watching them didn’t set him at ease. Kaden’s scene had felt controlled, disciplined, respectful even. This asshole looked like, well, an asshole.

From the disgusted looks on some of the other people’s faces, Seth got the impression the man wasn’t very popular.

“How the hell did he con someone into playing with him?” Tony muttered.

“Who is he?”

“Baxter. He’s a real asshole. That’s not just play, what he’s doing. I mean, some people are into humiliation, and that’s fine if it’s their kink. This guy really is an asshole. He goes through subs like some people change their socks, sometimes more. He’s a fucking poser.”

“Why do they let him in?”

“He hasn’t violated any rules…yet. I guaran-damn-tee you, the first time he does he’s out on his ass.”

Seth watched as the guy dragged the poor woman around. She fell to the floor, and even from where Seth stood he heard her scream something.

Baxter looked down at her. “You’re shitting me? You’re safe wording me? We haven’t done anything yet!”

She screamed something else. Tony looked like he was about to go over there when one of the dungeon monitors stepped in and whispered something to the guy.

“Aw, fuck. Fine! I was going to let her up.”

As soon as the woman’s arms were free she ripped the gag out of her mouth and spewed a stream of obscenities at the guy. She yanked off the collar and threw it at him. “Fuck you, Baxter!” she screamed, then stormed off.

Tony laughed. “Well, another one bites the dust.”

Seth turned his attention back to Kaden and Leah. He was speaking to her now. She nodded, stood, and started dressing while he unclipped the cuffs from the bench, wiped it down, and put their accessories away. He slipped his shirt on and looked at Seth, tipped his head at him, indicating for him to step over.

Leah finished dressing and knelt before the two of them.

“Thank you, Master,” she said.

He reached out his hand to her and she took it, kissing the back of it. He pulled her to her feet.

Kaden was about to say something to Seth when Baxter walked over.

“Kaden! Do you still have room in that class next weekend?”

“No.” He turned from the guy. Seth noticed that Leah had tensed.

“Well, how about the one after that?”

Now Kaden looked tense. “I’m cancelling my classes for a while. I’m taking some time off.”

Baxter struck Seth as one of those kinds who couldn’t take a hint, had maybe learned his social skills on the free porn sites. “Why are you doing that?”

Tony stepped in. “None of your business.”

“I wasn’t talking to you.”

“Well, you are now. Leave them alone. They’re not done with their scene yet.”

“You’re here, and that guy’s with them. What’s up?”

Kaden grabbed the bag. He motioned Seth to follow him and made a beeline for the exit, Leah’s hand firmly clamped in his.

Seth stayed close behind them and glanced back to see Baxter hurrying after them.

“Hey, Kaden, wait up,” Baxter called.

Kaden swore under his breath and tossed his keys to Seth, handed Leah off to him. “Get her in the car. Now.”

Seth didn’t question him. He hurried Leah to the car and put her in the backseat. Then he locked her in and returned to Kaden’s side. He wasn’t sure what this asshole’s problem was, but he’d be damned if he’d let Kaden face him alone.

Baxter glanced at Seth standing behind Kaden. “Kaden, look, if I pissed you off I’m sorry. I just want to sign up for a class.”

“I told you, I’m taking time off from teaching. You’ll have to take a class from someone else.”

Seth wanted to deck the asshole.

“What’s going on?” Baxter asked.


“No offense but it’s none of your business. Come on, Seth.”

“Look, I want to learn to treat my subs the way you treat Leah. Everyone says you’re the best—”

Kaden whirled, suddenly in the guy’s face. Seth worried he’d have to pull Kaden back. “Don’t you ever think what you do and what I do are even remotely related, Baxter.”

“Come on, I told you, I’ll pay a lot of money to have a private training session with her! Please?”

Kaden shoved the guy. Seth pulled him back, getting between them. “He’s not worth it,” Seth growled in Kaden’s ear, now worried. He’d never seen Kaden blow his cool before. Ever. And if he didn’t stay focused on getting Kaden in the car, Seth knew he would deck the slimy son of a bitch himself for even thinking about touching Leah. “Let’s go, Kade. Dude, let’s get Leah home.”

That broke through Kaden’s anger. He let Seth guide him to the car, then slipped into the backseat with Leah while Seth slid behind the wheel.

Baxter stood with his jaw gaping, watching them leave.

“Who the fuck was that?” Seth glanced in the rearview mirror. Leah was curled in Kaden’s lap, his face buried in her hair.

“Baxter’s a prick. Real estate attorney. He’s one of the assholes I was talking about who abuses subs. I had him in one of my classes. He was only worried about how hard he could hit someone. He’s a real jerk.”

Kaden didn’t have to say anything else. Seth fought the urge to turn the car around and pound on the guy himself. The thought of that bastard wanting to lay a finger on Leah…

At home, Kaden helped Leah from the car, then scooped her into his arms and carried her inside. Seth followed them and dropped the duffel bag on the couch, unsure where it should go. He started for the kitchen to pour himself a drink when Kaden returned from their bedroom. Without a word he hugged Seth. After a moment, he released him.

“Thanks, man.”

Seth nodded. “Yeah.”

Kaden stepped back and took a deep breath. “That’s why I need you,” he hoarsely whispered. “That’s why she needs you. Assholes like him. Problem is, there’s a lot of assholes out there who aren’t as obviously obnoxious as Baxter, who can sucker a sub in and then they abuse them. Or they play and drop them. They look like nice guys on the outside.”

“Is she afraid of him?”

He nodded. “Not just him. After a scene she’s extremely vulnerable. We never hang around after. We go, scene, and I bring her home immediately. If we hang around, it’s before, never after.”

Seth understood. That made sense. He could feel it in her, the way she seemed so…docile wasn’t the right word, but it was close.

“Tell her good night for me.”

Kaden smiled. “You can go tell her, if you want.”

Seth shook his head. “No. I’m good.” His cock had finally softened. The last thing he needed to see was her in that outfit. Or wearing even less.

Kaden patted him on the back and returned to their bedroom.

Seth found a bottle of bourbon and started to get a glass, then took another look at it.

No, maybe this wasn’t the best way to go tonight.

He walked to the den and closed the door behind him. His guitar was way out of tune. He hadn’t played it in ages. It took him a little while to tune it. He spent an hour trying to remember his way through old favorites. Mostly folksy stuff like Gordon Lightfoot, and even some Jimmy Buffett.

It felt good to play again. Their moms had made Kaden and him take guitar together. While they fought it at the time, when they realized they were both decent at it and the girls loved it, they quit complaining and had fun with it.

How many hours had he and Kaden played together, Leah sitting at their feet and leaning against Kaden or even against him, singing together? Playing for her.


His fingers fumbled the chords. He tried again, blinking back tears.

The soft snick of the latch startled him. The den door swung open, and Leah stood in the doorway.

“Hey,” he said.


“Are you okay?”

She nodded and stepped into the room. She wore the smaller black collar and a long T-shirt. “I couldn’t sleep.”

“Neither could I.”

“Can I come in?”

He started to say of course she could, it was her house, then he remembered Kade’s advice.

He nodded.

She pushed the door shut behind her. “We’ve had some good times,” she wistfully said. “Lots of nights singing together.”

Seth nodded, feeling guilty that those times hadn’t been as many lately as they once were.


How many more nights did they have? “Yeah.”

She sat at his feet and rested her head against his knee. It was something she’d done countless times over the years, but now the gesture took on a poignant new meaning for him.

For her too, probably, he suspected.

“Play ‘Come Monday’ for me,” she softly asked. “Please?”

One of her favorites. While he knew his voice wasn’t as good as Kade’s, he softly sang to her, trying not to cry his way through the words.

He realized at the end of the song that she’d fallen asleep. The door swung open again and Kade looked in.

“Is she finally out?” he whispered.

Seth nodded and carefully put his guitar aside, trying not to jostle Leah. “How long have you been standing there?”

“I knew she came in here. I wanted to make sure she was okay.” He walked in and carefully scooped her into his arms.

Seth beat his jealous pang back into submission.

He didn’t care what Kaden said. She was still Kaden’s wife.

“Good night, Seth,” he whispered.

Seth nodded and waited for a moment, until he was sure Kaden had returned to their room.

He quietly closed the den door and picked up his guitar again.

Chapter Six

Seth awoke the next morning, feeling drained and sluggish. He’d made it to bed a little after three a.m., but his sleep was anything but soothing.

So many conflicting emotions swirling through him—


—mixed with the fear he couldn’t step up and be enough for Leah no matter what he promised her.

He had class at one. Thank God tomorrow was Saturday. He felt he’d need a couple of days to vegetate. It was a little after seven when he stepped into the shower. Not having to work, he could at least get some study time in this morning.

The image of Leah bent over that bench…

He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against the cool shower tile. He fisted his cock, stroking, trying to work out a little tension. He wouldn’t deny he’d love to sink his dick into her or feel her lips around him, but she wasn’t his.