Well, come to think of it, he had noticed Kaden was a little lacking in the body hair department from the hips up, but he hadn’t really put much thought into that, or what lay below Kaden’s belt. It wasn’t exactly on Seth’s top-ten list of fantasy thoughts, that was for sure.


“Because it looks nicer.” She reached down with her free hand and trailed her fingers along his shaft, which immediately responded, dang traitor. “And, if you use a cock ring, it won’t get caught in your hair—”

“Whoa!” He grabbed her hand and tried to shift his hips away from her. “Holy fucking shit, you’re going to shave my balls?”

“Yes. Besides, it’s better for me. I don’t have to keep spitting out hair.”

Wormhole. He was back to the wormhole theory. “Honey, I don’t mean to hurt your feelings, but I’m not sure—”

“Please, Sir?” She turned the puppy-dog eyes on him.

“Aw, fuck no. Leah, babe, come on. Cut me some slack.”

She pressed her naked body against him. “Please, Sir? I just want you to look your best.”

He wouldn’t be looking his best. That was still probably a month or two away at least, provided he kept up a workout schedule of some sort. He still looked like a pig next to Kaden. Although, compared to many of the people who were regulars at the club, he was stick-thin.

Those freaking lethal green eyes of hers. She’d figured out how to twist him around her finger years ago, nearly from the first moment they met.

She damn well knew it, too. Now she used them to her full advantage.

He closed his eyes and fought the nausea churning in his gut. “You aren’t shaving my legs, right? That’s just freaking creepy.”

She laughed. “No, silly.” She gently pulled him away from the wall. “Just stand here and spread your legs a little. I’ll do everything.”

He refused to open his eyes. “You know, I’ve already been circumcised. Don’t go taking any more off me.”

She laughed again. “Master will tell you I do a very good job.”

“This isn’t exactly a conversation two guys have over coffee. ‘Hey, dude, how well does your wife shave your balls?’”

She laughed, loud and hard.

Okay, well at least got that daily mission out of the way.

When she quit laughing she started on his back, which only took a minute. Not that he’d ever paid much attention, but he must not have been very hairy back there. He stood quietly while she lathered his chest and shaved him, working her way south.

He nervously gulped but still stiffened as she slowly took her time and shaved his groin and sac. He barely dared to breathe. She apparently had total confidence in her skills.

When she finished she rinsed him off, then dropped to her knees again and ran her tongue and lips over his throbbing shaft.

Okay, this made it worth it. No doubt about it. He leaned against the wall and gently fisted her hair as she went down on him. The feel of her fingers over his now nekkid balls felt different, and not in a bad way.

One more adjustment he’d get used to. If she could keep her pussy shaved—and apparently, that was exactly what she did—he supposed he could let her do this.

He’d had more almost-sex in the past few days than he’d had real sex in the past few years. And the best sex—almost or not—of his life, to boot.

How pitiful does that make me?

His best friend’s wife.

She gripped his hips and wouldn’t let go as he came, taking every last drop until he finally had to gently tap her on top of the head.

“Okay,” he hoarsely whispered.

She sat back on her heels and smiled up at him. “Now, wasn’t that nice?”

He laughed and rolled his eyes. “I don’t know why I bother even trying to stand up to you.” He helped her to her feet. “You’re going to drag out the secret weapon every time.” He pulled her into his arms.

“No, Sir. Not every time.”

It felt so…weirdly right holding her. Like she fit his body. How would it feel to have his cock buried in her?

He kissed the top of her head. “Okay, out you go. I’m sure Master wants breakfast. Don’t keep him waiting. I’ll be out in a few.” What he needed was a few minutes alone to settle his brain.

“Okay.” She kissed him before stepping out of the shower. When he was alone in the bathroom again, Seth turned the water as hot as he could stand it, let it practically scorch him, then turned it cold and forced himself to stand there for a minute before shutting it off.

It was going to be a long. Fucking. Day.

Chapter Thirteen

Seth kept his eyes on the road and not on Leah’s short skirt. Fuck, this was the world’s longest, weirdest, and simultaneously the best and worst dream possible. This couldn’t be his new life, could it?

When they pulled up outside the club, Seth threw the Lexus into park and stared at the sign. He felt Leah’s eyes on him as he took a deep breath. He needed to do this. He’d promised.

God, please don’t let me fuck this up.

He shut the car off and stepped out. He walked around, grabbed the duffel bag from the trunk, then opened the car door for her. She didn’t move at first. He realized what he’d done.

Fuck, I’m screwing up already.

He held out his hand to her. She took it, pressing her lips to the back of his hand and casting her eyes down.

“Thank you, Sir.”

It felt creepy and weird and good all at the same time, hearing her talk to him like that.

He’d promised. He had to do this for them. “Let’s go, Leah.”

She held his hand and walked close at his side but let him lead the way.

Inside the foyer, Seth nervously scanned the people there, looking for Tony. He spotted him talking with someone in a corner and held up his hand in greeting.

Tony nodded, finished his conversation, and walked over. He shook Seth’s hand. “Hey, Kaden called me.” He looked at Leah. “How are you?”

Leah glanced up at Seth. For a second, he wondered what the hell was going on. Fuck. His second screwup.

He nodded.

She smiled at Tony. “I’m okay. Thank you for asking.” She was a good liar. He almost believed her, would have if he didn’t know how much this was ripping her up inside.

He gently stroked the back of her hand with his thumb, trying to comfort her. He wanted to pull her into his arms and hold her and let her cry on his shoulder, but that wasn’t something she could probably ever do.

If he wanted to help her, he needed to do what Kaden told him to do.

What she needed him to do.

Tony guided him through check-in and helped him sign up for a turn at the bench. In his mind, Seth tried to run through everything Kaden had taught him, the list he’d memorized. The rules.

He looked at Leah. “Do you need to go to the bathroom?”

She nodded.

He led her to the doorway, waited for her just outside.

Never take your eyes off her unless she has to go to the bathroom.

Never leave her alone.

Never turn your back on her when she’s bound. Always keep your eyes on her.

Never let anyone else touch her unless it’s an emergency and they’re trying to help you get her free.

He patted his back pockets again, felt the Leatherman tool and the paramedic scissors. He’d clip them to his belt when they started playing.

Leah emerged from the bathroom, and this time he remembered to extend his hand to her. She took it without hesitation, pressing her lips to his flesh.

“Thank you, Sir,” she softly said.

He led her back to Tony to talk. In a few minutes, it was their turn.

Kaden had told Seth he wouldn’t make him memorize all the lines, that he would eventually learn them over time and come up with his own routine for her.

But Seth wanted to do this for her as well as he could. He wanted this to be as right for her as he could make it. Not that he ever imagined he’d be as good at it as Kaden.

They stepped to their designated play area. Seth dropped the duffel bag at his feet while Tony stood nearby, silently watching. Seth made the hand gesture and Leah dropped to her knees in front of him, waiting.

The dungeon monitor walked over and talked to Tony, then to Seth. “Safe words?”

Seth nodded. “Leah, tell him.”

She didn’t look up. “Green, yellow, red.”

Kaden went easy on Seth tonight. He told Leah no ball gag, so she could verbally reassure Seth throughout the scene.

The DM nodded and stepped back. “Have fun. You have one hour.” He set up a timer that was on a nearby table for sixty minutes. It started counting down.

Seth glanced at Tony. Tony nodded, stepped back, his arms crossed, watching.

Seth looked down at Leah. “Tell me what you want, love,” he said, hoping his voice sounded strong enough.

“I want to serve my Master, Sir.”

“And how do you wish to do that?”

“However my Master thinks is best, Sir.”

He so could not get used to her talking to him like this but supposed he’d better.

“Do you want to feel the bite?”

Her skin flushed, the same way it did when she played with Kade.

“Yes, Sir. I need to feel the bite.”

Ah, fuck. He’d screwed up again. But she seemed to be okay with it. “Prepare for me.” He knew his tone wasn’t as firm and stern as Kaden’s, but he couldn’t make himself talk like that to her. Not yet, at least.

She stood and walked to the bench, undressed, neatly folded her clothes, and laid them nearby, as if stripping naked in front of a room full of strangers was an everyday occurrence. Then again it was, in a way, for her.

Seth fumbled the buttons of his shirt because his fingers trembled.


He finally got it off and dropped it on a nearby chair. Somehow, he didn’t think he looked nearly as imposing as Kade did despite his larger frame. Kaden radiated a quiet, calm confidence and strength.

Seth felt scared to death.

He rummaged through the bag, feeling slow and stupid when he couldn’t find the fourth cuff. He finally located it and tipped his head to Tony, motioning him over for this part.

Without speaking, Tony pointed, indicating the connection points. Seth secured her legs and arms to the bench, leaving her ass an open and prime target. Next, the rope.

Kaden had drilled the pattern into Seth’s brain. He quickly secured her legs, from knee to ankle, with the wrapping pattern. When he finished, Tony looked, examined Seth’s work, and nodded. Seth spoke to Leah.

“How does that feel, love?”

“Green, Sir.”

Tony nodded to Seth and stepped out of the way, to the edge of the play area.

Seth nervously studied her, noticed her breathing had quickened, her entire body now flushed. She wiggled a little on the bench as if trying to rub herself.

He knelt beside her head and dropped his voice, trying not to fuck this up. “Are you ready to feel the bite?”

Her eyes were squeezed shut, and she nodded, almost eagerly, squirming against her bindings now.

“Show me your hands.”

As much as she could, she lifted her hands, made several fists, and wiggled her fingers. He knew it wasn’t as important now, because he only had her in wrist cuffs, not arm ropes, but he needed to get a handle on this routine.

He held her hands. “Squeeze.”

She squeezed, hard.

“Very good. Your feet.”

He was more worried about her circulation down there because of the ropes. She wiggled her feet and toes, flexing them. He felt them, and they weren’t any cooler than the rest of her body.

He stepped back to the bag and dug out the flogger. “Fifteen, love.” It felt strange calling her that, but it was part of their game and he was determined to get this as right as possible for her.

For Kaden.

“Fifteen, Sir,” she repeated.

“Count.” He swung, admittedly not very hard the first time. She didn’t even flinch.

“One, Sir.”

Around the fifth swing he finally found his stride. He took his time, frequently glancing at Tony, who nodded but remained silent and out of the way. Leah counted every stroke, her voice deepening, tinged with arousal as the count rose. By the time he reached fifteen she was squirming on the bench—and he was ashamed to realize he had a raging hard-on.

He took a deep, steadying breath. “What is the count, love?”