Francesca popped a piece of chicken in her mouth and chewed.
Katie turned to Brenna. “She did?”
“Apparently. She met this guy while on one of her experiments.”
Katie winced. “Not the tattooed biker chick.”
“No. It’s worse. She was pregnant. They talked, she came clean about her disguise, and then they had sex.”
Francesca swallowed. “We went out to dinner, and I did not sleep with him on the first date.”
Both her sisters looked at her. She sighed. “It was the second date, okay?”
Kate and Brenna laughed.
“Well, then,” Brenna said. “It’s perfectly fine. The second date.”
Francesca refused to be embarrassed or apologize. “It just happened. I didn’t mean it to, but I can’t regret it. Sam is really great.”
Katie looked surprised. “Miss ‘I never want to be married again’ isn’t changing her mind, is she?”
“Absolutely not. Sam is in complete agreement with me on that, too. We’re both looking for a monogamous relationship with no risk of too much emotional involvement. He doesn’t want to get married again any more than I do.”
“They’re basically talking about cheap, easy sex and idle chitchat,” Brenna said. “Honest to God, it sounds perfect.”
“I don’t think so,” Katie said. “Where’s the romance in that?”
Francesca looked at her twin. “Ever the soft-hearted one.”
“Not soft-hearted,” Katie protested. “Practical. Do you really think you can have a physically intimate relationship with a man without falling for him?”
“Absolutely,” Francesca said. “I’ve been married. Todd wasn’t the devil, at least not on purpose, but there was very little I liked about being married. And look what Brenna gave up for Jeff.” She touched Brenna’s arm. “No offense.”
“None taken,” Brenna said. “You’re right. I’ve been beating myself up about it ever since he walked out on me. Katie, you were the smart one. You waited to get married until you found the right guy. You fell for Zach and I think it’s great. But neither Francesca nor I is interested in a walk down the aisle again.”
Katie didn’t look convinced. “I’m not sure it’s possible to avoid emotional bonding. What happens if you fall for him? It could get complicated. Especially with him having a daughter. You’ve always wanted kids. And you love to rescue people.”
“Sam is not in need of rescuing,” Francesca said firmly. “And I’ll admit that the kid thing could be a problem, but I will just make sure I don’t bond with either of them. Sam and I want to keep this completely uncomplicated.”
“Life doesn’t always let you choose,” Katie reminded her. “Be careful.”
Francesca laughed. “We’re using condoms. How much safer could we be?”
Teen-zilla had returned, Sam thought on Monday morning. There had been nearly ten days during which he’d thought having a kid around wasn’t such a bad thing. But he’d been wrong.
“She smells,” Kelly hissed. “And she’s weird-looking.”
Sam stood in front of the bathroom mirror and tucked his tie under his shirt collar.
“She doesn’t smell,” he told his daughter, although he’d noticed some sort of decaying plant smell whenever he was around Doreen. As for her not looking normal, Sam thought she was fine. Okay, her glasses were a little thick, and there was something strange about her mouth, but he wasn’t interested in her appearance, just her skills.
“She’s been working with children for twenty years,” he told Kelly as he looped around the narrow end of his tie. “She has a clean driving record, no tickets in three years, she’s bonded and highly recommended. If you want to get to ballet class, she’s your ride.”
“I put up with her for all of last week. I gave her a chance. She’s horrible. She doesn’t talk at all. She has no sense of humor, and she never takes me anywhere but class and home. I asked about going to the movies or the mall, and she just said no.”
Sam didn’t like the sound of that. “You’re allowed to go places after class,” he said. “I never meant to keep you locked up.” Not really. “I’ll talk to her when I go downstairs. I’m sure once she understands that it’s all right, you can start doing more fun things in the afternoon.”
“I’d rather be alone than with her.”
Kelly glared at him in the mirror. She was already dressed for her dance class, in a black leotard, tights, and a short skirt. Her feet were turned out in the classic “ballerina” position-heels together, toes pointing away from the body. It ma de his back hurt just to look at them.
“And I’m too old for a baby-sitter,” she said, her voice low but filled with fury. “Just get me a driver and a car and I’ll be fine. Any car. A Town Car, even. I don’t need a limo.”
He adjusted the tie one last time and reached for his jacket. “Good to know that you’re so flexible, but I’m not getting you a car.”
“You don’t have to buy it, you could just rent it or something.”
“I don’t want Doreen around here. She’s creepy.”
“Then you’re not going to ballet class, and you’re going to spend the day in my office because I’m not leaving you home by yourself.”
Kelly’s green eyes practically spit fire. “I knew you were going to say that,” she told him. “You’re so difficult. You never think about what’s right for me.”
If only, he thought grimly. “I think about that all the time. Unfortunately our definitions are different. If Doreen is abusive in any way, then I’ll not only fire her butt, I’ll have her arrested. Until then, you’re stuck, kid.”
“Why can’t Francesca take care of me? She’s totally cool.”
He thought so, too. Unfortunately between Kelly, his workload, and Francesca’s need to finish the outline for her dissertation, he’d only been able to see her a couple of times in the past week, and both of those had been at a dinner chaperoned by his daughter. Not exactly the romantic, sexy, sensual relationship he’d envisioned.
“Francesca has her own life. She’s given you more than enough of her time. I’m not going to ask her to cart you around.”
Kelly folded her arms over her chest. “This isn’t making me like you.”
He figured the fact that she hadn’t called him a bastard and run out of the room meant they were making progress.
“You’re not supposed to like me,” he said. “I’m your parent, not your friend.”
Her gaze narrowed. “You’ve been reading stuff, haven’t you. You didn’t come up with that sentence on your own.”
He was saved from answering by the sound of the doorbell. Doreen was downstairs and would probably answer it, but even so he walked through his bedroom into the hallway. He didn’t usually have visitors at nine in the morning.
Kelly pushed past him and raced down the stairs. She ran to the foyer and spoke to Doreen, who retreated to the kitchen. Francesca entered the house.
Sam’s initial reaction of pleasure turned to curiosity when he saw Kelly hug Francesca.
“You came,” his daughter said as he approached. “You have to save me.” She lowered her voice. “Doreen is awful!”
Curiosity turned to annoyance when he figured out his daughter had called in her version of the cavalry.
Francesca pulled one of Kelly’s red curls. “You barely know the woman.”
“She smells funny,” Kelly whispered.
The corner of Francesca’s mouth twitched. She glanced at Sam. “Ah, the executive look. The power suit is very flattering.”
“Unfortunately I don’t have much power in my own home.” He narrowed his gaze. “Kelly, did you call Francesca and ask her to take you to class?”
Teen-zilla rolled her eyes. “Well, duh. I can’t face a whole summer with her-” She pointed toward the kitchen. “I had to do something. I just knew you weren’t going to get me my own car.”
Francesca looked surprised. “You’re giving away cars? Can I put in my order? I’ve always wanted something flashy. In red or silver.”
“A convertible?” he asked.
“Oh, that would be nice.”
Kelly stamped her foot. “Would you two please pay attention to me. This is important.”
Sam ignored her and took Francesca’s arm. “Have you had coffee?”
“Yes, but I can always use more. I’m not really a morning person.”
“What are you doing?” Kelly asked in a shriek.
“Ignoring you until you can act like a civilized person,” Sam said.
“I’m civilized!” Kelly yelled. “I’m polite and well mannered and you’re just a stupid butthead.”
Sam turned back to Kelly. She stood with her hand over her mouth. At least she looked shocked.
“I guess you’re not going to have class today, huh?” he said quietly.
She dropped her hand, opened her mouth, closed it, then burst into tears. Seconds later she was running up the stairs, sobbing as if her heart would break.
Sam sighed. “I know you said to be patient, but nothing about this is easy.”
Francesca squeezed his arm. “I’m sorry. Things were going so well last week.”
“Probably because Kelly was getting her way. She’s one determined kid.”
They walked into the kitchen. Doreen sat at the table, reading the paper. She looked up at them and smiled.
“Good morning, Mr. Reese.”
“Doreen. This is my friend, Francesca.”
The nanny nodded pleasantly. “Is Kelly about ready to leave? I know she doesn’t like to be late for her class.”
“She won’t be going today. She needs to learn to control her temper.”
Doreen nodded. “She’s at that age, Mr. Reese. They get human again in a few years.”
Sam wondered if he would survive. He poured two mugs of coffee.
“I would like Kelly to stay around the house today so she can think about what went wrong this morning. Tomorrow she’ll be heading back to class. As those are only in the morning, feel free to take her shopping or to the movies in the afternoon.”
Doreen nodded. “Certainly.”
She spoke pleasantly enough, but Sam had the idea that hanging out with a twelve-year-old at the mall wasn’t Doreen’s idea of a good time.
He and Francesca took their coffee onto the deck. Sam was careful to shut the French doors behind them.
“I don’t think Doreen likes children that much,” he said.
“She’s probably more into babies,” Francesca said. “Plus, Kelly can be a handful.”
“She swears she’s being pleasant to Doreen, and when I’ve asked, there haven’t been any complaints. I don’t know.” He sipped his coffee.
Francesca leaned close. “I know you’re going to hate me for siding with your daughter, but, Sam, the woman smells.”
He groaned. “Great. So I have to find someone else.”
“That’s your call.” She leaned back in the wooden chair. “It’s just too bad Kelly can’t get into some summer programs and meet kids her own age. Has she made any friends at her dance class?”
“A couple. She went home with one Friday afternoon. I guess it went well. The mother wasn’t screaming when I picked Kelly up.”
“That’s something.”
“My daughter can be pleasant when she chooses to be, but the rest of the time, she’s a complete…”
Francesca looked at him. “Are you editing?”
“Yes. You’d be shocked if you knew what I was thinking.”
Francesca grinned. “I doubt that. For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing a terrific job.”
“Thanks. It means a lot.”
He smiled at her, taking in her long thick hair, and the tank top and shorts. She was sexy, pretty, intelligent, and caring. Talk about a tempting package. He’d met a lot of lying, cheating, using women in his life, and she was nothing like them.
“I have my grandfather to thank for you,” he said. “All those years he pounded good manners into me. They finally paid off.”
She raised her eyebrows. “What are you talking about?”
“If I hadn’t stopped to help you that day you were in the building, we never would have met.”
“You could try telling Kelly that story,” she said. “Maybe it would convince her manners have merit.”
“I doubt it.” He brushed his fingers against her bare arm. “I’ve missed you.”
“Me, too.”
“Want to have a sleepover?”
“More than you know, but what about Kelly?”
“Are you interested in sneaking around?”
One corner of her mouth twitched. “I’ve never done it before. Is it fun?”
“I’ve heard it’s exciting and erotic.”
She laughed. “You wouldn’t happen to know this from personal experience, would you?”
“Me?” He pretended shock. “I don’t do that sort of thing. I’m an upfront guy.” He leaned toward her and brushed her mouth with his. “Kelly’s usually in bed by ten.”
“I’ll be at your front door at eleven,” Francesca said.
His blood surged at the thought. “I can’t wait.”
“You can’t,” Sam said sometime close to two in the morning.
Francesca stretched out next to him, her bare leg brushing against his. “Of course I can. I want to. There’s no way you’re going to get anyone new for a couple of weeks. Tell Kelly she only has to deal with Doreen full time this week. The Fourth is Friday and that’s a holiday. Next week I’ll take her Tuesday and Thursday. I’m sure Doreen will appreciate the break, as will your daughter.”
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