Jonah’s manhood twitched hearing it. He watched Zagiri, obviously beginning to experience real pleasure for the first time. He moved around, leaning above her head, saying, “Open your mouth, Zagiri. You must suck me as you are being pleasured.”

Zagiri whimpered, but she opened her mouth and, taking him, began to draw on his burgeoning flesh.

“You may come in her, but do not bring her to culmination,” the Lord High Ruler commanded the sex slave. “I wish her to taste her first pleasures on my cock.”

“Yes, my lord,” the sex slave answered. “Tell me when you are ready.”

“Ease yourself now,” Jonah said.

The sex slave drove faster and faster into Zagiri, relieving his own lusts while holding the girl off from her peak. She whimpered and protested, but he whispered into her ear again. “Let your master show you paradise, little one.” Then he came, and after a moment or two withdrew from her.

Jonah quickly mounted Zagiri a second time, and, feeling the entry of his wonderful, thick cock into her body, she opened her eyes, and wrapped her arms about him. He kissed her, his tongue moving in her mouth, in perfect time with his cock, which drove back and forth in her now well-lubricated channel. This time he had a mastery of himself, and brought her to a screaming perfection before releasing his own juices into her again. When he came to himself again he saw that the slave had gone. He arose from the bed, and, after bathing his male parts, began to dress himself again.

“What are you doing?” Zagiri said softly.

“I must leave you now, and return to the palace, my golden girl,” Jonah told her. “The word of Vilia’s death will be spread throughout Hetar by dawn. My part is that of the bereaved husband, and I do mourn her. She was a good wife and mother.”

“Lady Farah says she seduced you in your slave days,” Zagiri told him.

Jonah laughed. “She did, but I had been intending to seduce her. I just hadn’t figured out how to do it in safety so her husband would not catch us.”

“When will I see you again?” Zagiri asked him.

“On our wedding day,” he told her. “Until then you will live in my mother’s house away from prying eyes. You will obey Lady Farah’s every dictate, Princess. And you will study hard so that on our wedding night you may surprise me with your newly acquired skills. You are no longer a virgin, Zagiri, but neither are you really a woman. You must be a woman to be my wife, my golden girl.”

“Do not leave me,” she begged him.

“You are a princess, Zagiri, and you know duty. I know duty, too.” He bent and kissed her lips. “I will see you in a few days.” Then he hurried from the chamber. He found his mother in her private salon where earlier he had greeted Zagiri. “You observed us,” he said, irritated.

“And a good thing I did, my son, else Zagiri would have had no pleasures at all although I will admit you recovered most satisfactorily. Did you like Casnar? I thought I would make him one of her tutors. He has a lovely way about him. You saw that Zagiri was not frightened by him.”

“I will send you Doran for her, as well,” Jonah said. “He is extremely skilled. I want her ready and willing to accept a manhood in all her orifices. Do you have a young woman who can show her the pleasures of sapphic love? I want her ready for anything. And I want her mother to have to accept the fact that Zagiri is now mine.”

“You are asking for a miracle in a short time. Of course she must be totally cooperative, Jonah. She seems intelligent enough.”

“I’ll send Doran today,” the Lord High Ruler said, and then he left his mother.

Doran arrived, and the Pleasure Women of Lady Farah’s house giggled and sighed with delight.

“I don’t know how long I will be allowed to keep him,” Lady Farah said. “But you will each get a turn with him, ladies, I promise you.” She turned to the sex slave called Doran. “Will you enjoy all those pretty girls, Doran?”

Doran nodded, giving her a broad smile. He was mute but for a grunting noise he made when using a woman, but he could hear. Then he pointed at Lady Farah, and cocked his head questioningly.

She was surprised, but then she laughed. “Perhaps. We shall see,” she said. “But you must be a very good boy, Doran, if you want to settle into my nest.” Lady Farah tittered coyly.

“Who is the new girl?” one of the Pleasure Women asked at supper that night.

“I cannot tell you right now,” Lady Farah said to her women. “She is to be trained for a very important person. In a brief while I will tell you everything, ladies. Be patient, and inquire no further of me. And speak to no one about this girl. No one must know she is here.”

“Her virginity must have been lodged tightly,” one Pleasure Woman said. “She screamed so loudly when it was taken from her that the lord with me lost his concentration. It took me a full hour to restore it.”

“A true virginity can only be taken once,” Lady Farah said dryly. “The house will remain quiet again as it always is.”

Her women laughed for some of the men coming to take pleasures with them were noisy lovers and it was not unusual to hear shouts and groans erupting from behind closed doors. The magnates and other clientele began to arrive for the evening. When she was certain everything was as it should be Lady Farah went upstairs to the chamber where Zagiri was being kept. She had been given a potion that would keep her asleep until the following morning, for her transportation from Terah and her activities of the previous evening had worn the girl out. But come the morrow Zagiri’s lessons in how to give pleasures would begin in earnest under her future mother-in-law’s eye.

Satisfied that Zagiri was sleeping and safe now, Lady Farah made her way to her own chamber where the sex slave Doran stood waiting attendance upon her. Slipping off her robe with casual grace to reveal a well-toned body, Lady Farah looked Doran over with a critical eye. Her well-manicured hand ran up and down his goodly length. Reaching beneath him, she fondled his heavy sac. Bred to the right female, he could produce marvelous progeny who could be trained as future sex slaves. There was profit to be had from Doran, and it wouldn’t come from selling him away. She must talk to her son about it. They must look for a few beautiful but sturdy girls from the Midlands. Squire Darah would certainly know the right families to visit.

“Vilia raved about you enough,” Lady Farah said. “Frig yourself, and let me see what you have to offer.”

With a smile he reached down, grasping his manhood, and began to rub himself. He was quickly hard, and Lady Farah nodded, impressed at the sex slave’s girth and length. “You show well,” she said dryly. “Now give me pleasures so I can see that you are worth your keep, Doran.”

She moved toward her bedchamber behind the salon, but the sex slave grabbed her by her long dark hair, and forced Lady Farah down over the rolled arm of a couch. She protested his action, but, ignoring her, he kicked her legs apart, and drove into her without further ado. Then he proceeded to use her most thoroughly for a full hour, his thick rod plunging in and out of her channel until she was dizzy with delight, and almost ready to gain pleasures. Each time she reached that point he would pull back so that the sensations waned, and then he would begin all over again. He withdrew from her female channel at one point and pushed firmly into her ass. Farah groaned, but she did not forbid him. She squeezed the cheeks of her buttocks about his thick rod.

When he finally withdrew from that second orifice he held her down, a hand about her neck, as he bathed his member. Then he thrust into her female channel once again and gave her pleasures such as Lady Farah had never known. When she fainted away from the sheer joy of it he carried her into her bedchamber, laid her down upon her bed and then sat at her feet to await her further commands.

WHEN THE NEW DAY dawned Zagiri awoke slowly, stretching her limbs, feeling a soreness between her thighs. Briefly she thought of Terah, and her family. But then she put it from her mind. She was going to be the First Lady of Hetar soon, and she was in love with the man who would be her husband. Certainly her mother could understand that. Her mother had been in love at least twice. She considered her sexual initiation. And realized in retrospect how ignorant she had been in her innocence. Now she was eager to learn all the things that would give Jonah pleasures.

“Good morning, Princess,” the same servant who had tended to her before said as she came into the bedchamber. “Are you now well rested? Lady Farah says that when you have eaten and bathed she will see you in her private salon.”

“What is your name?” Zagiri asked the servant.

“Alka, Princess,” came the answer.

“I will bathe first,” Zagiri said. “See that my tub is brought to me.”

“But, Princess,” Alka responded, “this is a great house. We have a bathing chamber. Come, and I will bring you to it.”

“We have several bathing chambers in my parents’ castle,” Zagiri replied. “I did not think Hetar would be as civilized. I am pleased to see it is.”

“Not civilized?” Alka was shocked by the girl’s words. “Princess, Hetar is certainly the most civilized kingdom in all the worlds known and unknown.”

“My brother is King of Belmair,” Zagiri volunteered. “It is a beautiful world.”

“Belmair is a star, Princess,” Alka pointed out.

“And when you are on Belmair it is Hetar that is the star,” Zagiri told her.

Alka looked as if she didn’t believe the girl but she said, “If you say so, Princess.”

“You are ignorant,” Zagiri remarked. “It is not your fault.”

The bathing chamber was actually several tiled rooms. In the first one Zagiri was stripped of her sleeping garment and rinsed with warm water. Then she was scrubbed down with a fragrant soap and a rough cloth before being rinsed thoroughly a second time. Her long golden hair was washed, her fingernails and toenails carefully pared. Then she was told to soak in a small fragrant tub while a bath attendant toweled and brushed her hair dry. A massage with scented cream followed. She was re-dressed in a lovely pale green silk gown, and taken to Lady Farah.

“I have no shoes,” she protested as she left the bath.

“You do not need them indoors,” Alka said.

Lady Farah was waiting for Zagiri. She welcomed the girl, kissing her on both cheeks, and then dismissed Alka. “How do you feel, my dear?” she asked.

“I slept well last night,” Zagiri answered.

The older woman laughed. “You have slept two nights and a day,” she told her. “I felt it best you do so. Your initiation not to mention your trip across the Dream Plain had to be exhausting. Now, are you ready to begin your lessons?”

“Aye, I am,” Zagiri said. “I want to know everything you can teach me that I may please my lord Jonah. I am not afraid of pleasures, and, like my mother, my lusts run hot.”

Lady Farah smiled broadly. “I knew you were a sensible girl, and once we rid you of that silly maidenhead of yours you would understand. I think you will be pleased with the tutors I have chosen for you, Zagiri.” She clapped her hands, and two men emerged from an alcove. “You will remember Casnar, of course, and this other fine specimen is Doran. He is mute, but he hears, and he is very talented. Casnar, however, will be in charge. Doran will assist him. Casnar will teach you what pleasures a man, and will therefore pleasure you. He will answer any questions you need to ask him. Go along now, my dear. You have much to learn, and little time in which to learn it.”

“Come along, little one,” Casnar said, taking Zagiri’s hand. Both he and Doran were naked but for gold breech clothes. Where Casnar was tall and slender Doran was of medium height with a heavier build. Both men, however, were well muscled, and had very impressive manhoods, from the looks of the fabric.

“Where are we going?” the girl asked him. “I have not eaten yet.”

“To your chamber. We will begin by examining each other’s bodies. There are several erogenous zones that when touched properly give pleasure. You must learn them all, and learn how to touch them in the correct manner. When you can satisfy me that you have educated yourself and have gained the skill of touch you will be rewarded.”

“What will you give me?” Zagiri wanted to know. “I’m hungry!”

“You will receive a most thorough reaming from one of us. It will be your choice, little one, as to which of us receives that privilege,” Casnar told her. “Food later!”

“What if I want to be reamed by both of you?” she asked teasingly.

Casnar’s blue eyes twinkled. “We shall see, my greedy little one.” He chuckled.