“You don’t really want to be alone, my love, do you?” Kaliq asked her softly. He stood behind her, slipping an arm about her waist, kissing the side of her neck.

“I thought I did, but I don’t,” Lara answered, leaning back against him. “The castle is so quiet, my lord. I will be glad to have my son and his friends home.”

“This is the time for a respite, my love. We have put a watch on Ciarda. She considers what mischief she will next create.”

Lara rested her head against his shoulder. “She will be cautious, for she must certainly consider that we will be monitoring her.”

“Like most Darklings she is reckless,” Kaliq said. His free hand slipped beneath the sheer blue silk to cup a breast. His thumb rubbed the nipple slowly.

Lara sighed and relaxed against him. “I am so tired,” she said. “These last days overseeing Kol’s sons, thwarting the Darkling, have been busy.”

“Shall I go?” he asked her, and his fingers closed about her breast, squeezing it gently. “I will go if you wish, my love.”

“Nay,” Lara responded. “Do not go, Kaliq, but then curse you, you knew I would not want you to go. Why do you pretend the choice is mine when you know full well that it is not?” She turned in his arms, taking his handsome face between her two hands. “The passion you hold for me strengthens me, Kaliq. We both know it. But does it weaken you, my lord? I would not harm the great spirit you are in the slightest.” Her eyes searched his face for the truth, but then if he had lied to her she would not have known it for he was skilled at concealing his emotions.

He kissed her. His sensual mouth closed over her mouth as he drew her to him. The magic between them melted their garments away. They stood as the kiss deepened, their lips fusing together as their souls blended them briefly into a single entity before they finally broke apart, both breathless.

Kaliq’s hands fitted themselves about Lara’s waist. Slowly he lifted her up, his renewed kisses touching her neck, her chest, her breasts and belly. Restoring her to her feet, he took her by the hand, leading her to the bed where they collapsed together, limbs intertwined, belly to belly, her breasts flattening against his smooth, broad chest. He began to kiss her again and her lips parted to receive his tongue.

Lara felt as if her bones were melting away. Pleasures with Kaliq were like no other pleasures. His mouth left hers, and now fastened over one breast. He suckled upon the nipple. He played with it, drawing it out as far as the skin would stretch, mashing the tip of it between his two lips until she sighed with the delight it gave her. Releasing the nipple, he took the breast in his hand, squeezing it, kissing it as he traced its shape with his tongue. She sighed a long sigh, and he heard the happiness in that sigh.

His lips now began to travel across and down her torso. He used his tongue, his teeth and his mouth upon her as he traversed the length of her lush body. The chamber was silent but for the sounds of their lovemaking. Reaching her mons, he ran his tongue along the shadowed slash separating her nether lips. Eagerly he pushed his tongue between those fleshy folds seeking, seeking, and then finding precisely what he sought.

Lara gasped sharply as his tongue began to play with the sensitive core of her sex. He fastened his lips about it and began to suck upon it, causing her to cry out, but he knew he was not causing her any pain. He tugged fiercely upon that nubbin of flesh, and was rewarded when her juices began to flow. “I need you inside me, my lord,” Lara whispered into his ear as she licked at it.

He covered her body with his as their fingers laced and unlaced together. She felt his manhood pressing into her, and wrapped her legs about his torso. He thrust hard and deep, and she cried out as he continued the rhythm moving back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Lara began to claw at him as he fiercely pleasured them, and now it was he who cried out as she tightened herself about him, increasing his delight.

Kaliq knew he could have kept up his passion for her for quite some time, but after an hour he brought Lara to complete and total fulfillment, taking his own release at the same time. The purple shadows beneath her eyes told him that she really did need her rest. There would be other times, other nights in which they would revel in each other. For now, however, she needed sleep.

Lying next to him, she snuggled into the curve of his arm. “You always know just what I need, and when I need it,” she told him. “Why is that, Kaliq?”

“You are a part of me, my love,” he told her. “Now sleep, Lara. The days ahead will be busy. Our impatient Darkling will not wait long to make her next move.”

“And I must be ready,” Lara said sleepily. “But not tonight, Kaliq. And not tomorrow. Stay with me, my lord. I do not want to be alone.”

“Meet me tomorrow at the Oasis of Zeroun,” he told her. “You must remember that you are the Domina, and as such have a reputation to uphold.”

“I am beginning to see the advantage in being pure faerie,” Lara murmured. “If I were I should not care what anyone else thought.”

“Magnus is gone but six months, my love,” he reminded her. “I will not allow you to let anyone have an advantage over you. You and you alone must guide Taj until he is old enough and wise enough to reign for himself. This is important, Lara, and while you may not understand why yet, you will eventually. Until tomorrow, my love.” And he kissed the top of her head.

She did not have to open her eyes. He was gone. His scent lingered, but the weight of him next to her on the bed had vanished. With a deep sigh of regret, Lara rolled over and went to sleep. To her amazement she did not waken until midday. “Why did you not call me?” she asked Mila.

“Because you needed the rest,” Mila said.

“But I have much to do, and I wanted to get away briefly today,” Lara grumbled.

“What is there for you to do, mistress? I have seen to the apartment that the Dominus’s young friends will share. I have notified the tutors, and the schoolroom is prepared for three instead of one. Dasras is content. The day is yours, and you needed your sleep,” Mila repeated.

“You take good care of me, Mila,” Lara complimented her serving woman. “Send to the stables, and tell Dasras I would ride out today. Then fetch me something to eat. I find that I am suddenly starving.”

“At once, Domina,” Mila said with a broad smile, and she hurried off to do Lara’s bidding.

Lara went off to her bath and bathed quickly. Then she dressed in her riding breeches and a white silk shirt, pulling her boots on over her stockinged feet. Mila returned with a tray, and Lara ate heartily of eggs poached in a cream sauce flavored with celery seed, a thick slice of ham and fresh bread, butter and cheese. Then she was off to the stables where Dasras awaited her saddled and ready to go. “Take his saddle off, Jason,” she told her horse’s stable man. “I intend riding him bareback today.” Jason obeyed the Domina but thought it odd. Still, when he saw her mount easily, grasping the stallion’s heavy, thick mane, he realized she knew what she was doing.

“We are going to the far meadow overlooking the sea,” she told Dasras. “You will wait for me there until I come again.”

“And you will be where, mistress?” the horse asked her.

“I go to Zeroun to meet the prince,” Lara told him.

“And as you value your reputation you wish this meeting to be private,” Dasras said. “That is very wise, and good advice the Shadow Prince gives you.”

“Can I not make a sound judgment without the prince?” Lara said.

“Indeed, mistress,” Dasras answered her, “but in this case I believe you have been well advised.”

Lara laughed. “You are right, of course. How did you know?”

“Sometimes your faerie nature overcomes your common sense,” the horse answered her. “Prince Kaliq is a prudent man.”

Dasras had trotted from the stable, and moved into a loping canter, and finally a long gallop. They arrived at the small meadow overlooking the sea. The grass was still lush enough to graze upon despite the fact is was midautumn. And there was a stand of trees for Dasras to escape the sun should he wish it, along with a little brook. Lara slid easily off his back.

“Wait for me. I shall return by nightfall,” Lara told her horse.

“Come before sunset, mistress, or they will be out looking for you,” he warned.

Zeroun, Zeroun, is where I would be. Transport me now across the sea! And Lara was gone in a puff of green smoke to reappear upon the sands of the oasis. The tent was there awaiting her, and Kaliq was standing in its entrance. Lara ran to him.


“YOU TOOK YOUR TIME IN answering my call,” Ciarda said to the young man before her. “Remember your fate is in my hands. I control you.”

Cam of the Fiacre looked at the beautiful Darkling and smiled his charming smile. “It is you who should remember that without me you cannot continue on with your plans, Ciarda,” he told her bluntly.

“Where were you?” she demanded to know.

“With Anoush,” he replied, knowing the answer made her jealous.

“That vapid girl? Really, Cam, can you do no better than that weak Halfling?” Ciarda’s color was high as she imagined his time with Anoush.

“You tell me I am the Hierarch,” Cam answered her. “Whether that is true or not I do not know, but I do know that your magic will make it appear so. But we will need more than that, Ciarda, to convince the people of Hetar to accept me. Remember I am an Outlander. We will not be able to hide that fact, and Outlanders are still scorned and believed savage by Hetarians. The Lord High Ruler is wed to the daughter of Magnus Hauk. Her mother is my aunt Lara, the faerie woman. Should not my wife be one of Lara’s other daughters? I have known Anoush since childhood. She is perfect for me.”

“What of the other of Magnus Hauk’s daughters?” Ciarda wanted to know. “The twin of the young Dominus. Would she not be more suitable? I am told she has magic, which could be to our advantage, Cam.”

“She is too young, and besides, Anoush tells me she is with her grandmother Ilona now. You are forbidden from Ilona’s kingdom, Darkling,” he taunted her. “No, I want Anoush. She has the Sight, which could be valuable to me, and she is a healer.”

Ciarda hissed angrily with her frustration, but she knew she had no choice. She needed this mortal man if her plans were to succeed. The origins of the legend of the Hierarch had vanished in the mists of time. When she had lost the opportunity to manipulate her twin half brothers she decided to use that legend to her own advantage. Times were hard in Hetar, and the rumors among the poor had already begun of a savior who would rescue them all from their misery, and restore Hetar to its glory.

What fools these mortals were! Did they not realize they alone were responsible for their own miseries? And only they could overcome them? Mortals were odd creatures, for they always hoped for a better tomorrow. Well, she would give it to them, if only briefly. The Hierarch was central to her plans. And Cam of the Fiacre was the perfect mortal to play the role. He was beautiful, charismatic and had incredible charm. The people would flock to him. She knew she already had him half-convinced that he was what she proposed he be.

She had found him quite by chance. Her plans were blooming and ripening within her mind’s eye, but she had yet to consider the unfortunate mortal she would use to bring these plans to a conclusion. And then one evening as she lurked unseen in the hall of the headwoman Sholeh, Ciarda had seen him. At first he appeared to her to be just a beautiful young man whom she might seduce. But then as she watched she had seen him charming Sholeh. The headwoman was known for her practical nature and no-nonsense attitude, yet Cam had her eating out of his palm. Ciarda was impressed.

Over the next few days she watched Cam, and the more she saw of him the more Ciarda realized that fate had put the Hierarch into her hands. His way with the people around him was quite amazing. His smile was infectious. His public manner patient. He was quick to reach out to others when help was needed. He was really quite perfect. And yet he was perhaps too perfect, which meant that he certainly had a dark side.

Ciarda revealed herself to Cam one afternoon as he sat beneath a tree watching one of the herds belonging to Sholeh. To her complete amazement he did not seem shocked by her dramatic appearance in a burst of fiery flames. Indeed, he smiled at her. Ciarda struggled to maintain her composure. Mortals facing her were usually frightened. This man was not taken aback in the least by her. “I am the Darkling known as Ciarda,” she announced to him, tossing her head so that her ebony hair swirled about her.