Finally the roofs of his village began to be distinguished amidst the falling snows. The day was ending in a blue-gray light. Reaching the headwoman’s hall, he stabled his horse, instructing the stable boy to see to its comfort. Then he hurried into the hall where the evening meal was just being served. Sholeh waved him to her High Board, pointing to a place to her left.

“Tell me what has happened,” she said. “Has Lara given you her permission to marry with her daughter?” Sholeh pushed a cup of cider into Cam’s hand, nodding to the servant with the tureen to fill Cam’s trencher with hot stew.

Cam drank deep of the mulled cider. Then he told Sholeh what had happened.

The headwoman listened quietly. When he had concluded his tale she said, “I am sorry, Cam. It is obvious some enemy of Lara’s has attempted to strike at her through her beloved daughter. She will learn their identity, and Anoush will then be restored to you.”

“She did not say she would give us her permission to wed,” Cam said.

“But she did not refuse you, either,” Sholeh noted with a small smile. “Lara is a careful woman, and this is Vartan’s daughter you ask for, my lad. When Anoush awakens her mother will ask her what she wants. And if it is you, Cam, then knowing Lara as I do she will, no matter her own reluctance, allow you to marry her child.”

Sholeh was right, of course, Cam thought as he lay in his bed afterward. Lara did not like him. He could sense it even as he sensed her busybody friend, Noss, Liam’s wife did not like him. But Anoush loved him, and that was all that mattered. But what if she didn’t awaken by the time he must reveal himself as the Hierarch? She was an integral part of the plan to get Hetar to accept him. If the Lord High Ruler Jonah had Lara’s daughter Zagiri for his wife, then the Hierarch must have another of Lara’s daughters. Jonah must have no advantage over the Hierarch. And with her two older daughters wed to the husbands they would have, the faerie woman could not, would not, interfere. She would never show partiality. Anoush must awaken!

HETAR WAS SUFFERING THROUGH one of the worst winters in its history. The Forest and the Midlands were blanketed in snow. In The City the snows seemed to fall more heavily. The streets were blocked, a narrow passage being opened down the center of the main avenues. The ground floors of many houses were blocked by the white. The Pleasure Houses, however, were available to the wealthiest of their clients, who somehow managed to reach them. Their lights glittered through the nights as the sound of music and laughter echoed through the unusual quiet of The City. And many of the Razi kiosks remained open, the narcotic drink being the escape of the poor from their cold, their hunger and the dead bodies lying frozen in the streets. The more humane among the magnates tried to feed the poor with what was left in their warehouses. The less humane among them called the charitable fools, and said that with fewer mouths to feed what was left would go further.

The Lord High Ruler of Hetar was becoming more and more concerned by the situation. Especially when his young wife was accosted by beggars on her way to visit her relations in the Garden District, and saw the truth of the situation. Zagari had known only love and comfort in her life. To have skinny fingers clawing at her fur-lined cloak while rasping, whining voices begged her for a coin or two had been a revelation to her. She had emptied her purse as her litter bearers struggled to get her into the safety of the district populated by the Crusader Knights.

“The poor are always among us,” Jonah told her when Zagiri had related her adventures to him. “I’ll hire a troop of mercenaries next time you wish to visit your uncles and grandmother,” he said.

“Poverty like this is not known in Terah,” Zagiri said. “Hetar is wealthy. There should be no poverty here at all. And Susanna is not my grandmother. She was my mother’s stepmother, and disowned Mother after she went to Terah. As for my uncles, other than Mikhail, I find them too rough-natured. It is not likely I will visit them again.”

“But if you do leave the Golden District it will be in the company of armed men, my golden girl,” Jonah told her. “I will allow nothing to happen to you.”

“I want to go home to visit my mother,” Zagiri said.

“Such a journey would prove far too difficult,” Jonah told her.

“Why can I not return as I came?” Zagiri asked him bluntly.

“You were brought to me by means of magic,” Jonah said. “It was not my magic, but that of my late wife’s. You would have to travel overland to the Coastal Kings, and then take passage upon one of their vessels, which would meet a Terahn ship in the middle of the Sea of Sagitta. It is a dangerous journey, Zagiri.”

“If I went to one of the Shadow Princes who is currently on the council he would take me to Terah,” Zagiri said to her husband. “There would be no danger.”

“I do not want you leaving me right now,” Jonah told her. “I have given you everything for which you asked me, my golden girl. Now I ask that you remain by my side for the interim.” He tipped her face up to his. “I need you, Zagiri. I do not believe I could go on without you right now.” Then he kissed her lips lightly.

Zagiri sighed. “Very well,” she said. “But come the spring I want to visit Terah.”

“We shall see,” Jonah answered her. He put an arm about her. “It is a cold night, and I am in the mood to take pleasures with you. Let us call your two sex slaves to our bedchamber, and we shall play together. I very much enjoy watching Doran and Casnar as the three of you give and take pleasures.” He kissed her cheek. “Your appetite for passion is unequaled, my beautiful golden girl. It is quite astonishing.” His hand began to fondle her breasts. “I want all three of your orifices filled tonight over and over again.”

Zagiri turned and, slipping her arms about his neck, ran her tongue over his lips. “And when you fill me with your fine cock, my lord, we shall move together in perfect rhythm and the pleasures will roll over us until we are weak and replete.”

Her sensual and suggestive words excited him. He could feel his male member hardening beneath his robe. “Yes!” his voice grated in her ear. “Yes!”

Zagiri laughed. “Oh, Jonah, I am so glad to be your wife. I could want no better husband for you know well how to please me.” She kissed him until they were both dizzy with their rising excitement. And Zagiri forgot entirely that she had wanted to go home to Terah to see Lara. Instead she walked with her husband to their apartments, and sent for the two sex slaves. From midnight until the early hours of the dawn the three men and Zagiri amused each other until even the First Lady of Hetar admitted to exhaustion, and dismissed her slaves so that she and her husband might sleep.

The Icy Season began to wane. The snows melted, the rains came, and with them flooding that filled the streets with dirty water as the sewers overflowed. There was much sickness now, and the council ordered carts to traverse the streets on a regular basis, taking up the dead, who were buried in mass graves outside of The City walls. The fields in the Midlands were flooded, and crops could not be planted. In the Outlands there was drought, and great whirlwinds that turned the plains into dust. The vineyards of the magnates were desperate for water, and when none was forthcoming the vines shriveled and died.

In The City there were food riots as the populace demanded the warehouses be opened to feed them. The magnates resisted, for there was no profit in giving grain away. Dogs, cats and rats disappeared from the streets as they were used for food. The markets were empty for the most part. There was nothing to sell, and the luxury goods from the Coastal Kings began to fill up the warehouses, jockeying for space with the bags of rice and grain that were being hoarded by the magnates. By late spring the rains had finally stopped, but so had all trade. There was no work to be had, no food to be sold in the markets, no coin to buy food had there been any. Several smaller warehouses were broken into and robbed. Grain or rice could be had for exorbitant prices if one could find those who were selling.

The City was suddenly quiet during the day for there was no commerce to be done. It was deathly quiet once the sun set for no one dared to venture forth from whatever shelter was theirs. Finally the High Council was called into session in order to discuss the many difficulties facing Hetar. Jonah had resisted this meeting but Lionel, his body servant who was his confidant, had told him bluntly there was no escaping Hetar’s problems.

“They will not improve on their own, my lord,” Lionel had said several months ago.

And they had not. The newly elected Master of the Merchants, Jonah’s late wife Vilia’s uncle, Cuthbert Ahasferus, had told the Lord High Ruler quite frankly that if he did not call a meeting of the High Council and correct the situation he would be overthrown, and in all likelihood excuted for someone had to be held responsible for what had happened to Hetar.

“Now that my dear niece is no longer with us,” Cuthbert Ahasferus said pointedly, “I find it difficult to defend you, Jonah. After all, we have no blood tie.”

“You have a blood tie with my son,” Jonah replied in a hard voice.

“And of course Egon could be protected from your mistakes,” the Master of the Merchants said in a cool tone.

“Remember who my mother-in-law is, Ahasferus,” Jonah snarled.

“The faerie woman’s only interest in Hetar is her daughter, whom you stole to wed when my poor niece died,” Cuthbert Ahasferus snapped at the Lord High Ruler.

“It was Vilia who chose her!” Jonah almost shouted.

“So you say,” Cuthbert Ahasferus replied. “But this is of no matter, Jonah. You must call a meeting of the High Council. We cannot avoid this disaster any longer.”

“It would have been less of a disaster if your merchants had opened their warehouses and distributed some of their grain,” Jonah responded.

“Forgo a profit?” Cuthbert Ahasferus looked appalled at the thought.

“You cannot make a profit if no one can buy the grain because there is no coin to buy it because there is no employment to earn the coin,” Jonah pointed out. “But, aye, you are right. We need a council meeting. I will call one.”

“You had better, and quickly,” the Master of the Merchants told him.

Jonah was not surprised on the day of the meeting to find that the council chamber was filled to capacity. Larger than it had been in past years when the High Council was made up of two representatives from each of Hetar’s provinces, it now contained as well representatives from the Crusader Knights, the Mercenaries, the Merchants Guild, the Guild of Pleasure Women, the Guild of Pleasure Mistresses and two elected members from The City’s General Population. The women of Hetar had lobbied hard to gain a larger council where they might be better represented, but with the death of the Lady Vilia, who had been their most influential member, they had lost a strong voice. The Lord High Ruler’s new wife had been importuned to join with those working for women’s rights in Hetar, but she had declined for she was very young, and seemed only to be interested in pleasures and the acquisition of pretty things.

“I cannot believe she is the Domina Lara’s daughter,” Maeve Scarlet, a famed Pleasure Mistress, said disapprovingly. “I thought the women of Terah modest in their desires and their needs. This girl is more Hetarian than any born here.”

“And it is said that Lady Farah is quite jealous of her for our First Lady of Hetar has far greater influence over the Lord High Ruler than does his mother,” Lady Gillian, retired head of the Guild of Pleasure Mistresses, said.

“Of course,” Maeve Scarlet said. “She is her mother’s daughter there, and knows well how to give pleasures to her husband.”

“I have heard she keeps two sex slaves, and performs with them for her husband’s amusement,” Lady Gillian said. “Then he joins them and they all take pleasures together quite enthusiastically, I am told.”

“What a Pleasure Woman the girl would have made,” Maeve Scarlet replied admiringly. “Can you imagine the fortune you could gain from a girl like that?” She sighed. “What a waste! No wonder Jonah doesn’t want to face up to our troubles.”

Lady Gillian and Maeve Scarlet represented the Guild of Pleasure Mistresses, to the annoyance of the Guild’s Headmistress, the Lord High Ruler’s mother, Lady Farah. But she managed to attend the council meeting with her daughter-in-law, seated in a gallery above the council chamber. Zagiri had brought her servant, Alka, who she knew would answer her questions directly, unlike her mother-in-law.