“He was expecting your dad.”

“I know, but I dazzled him with my charm.”

Jon laughed. “Maggie, you don’t have any charm. Did you bully him? I know you bullied him.”

“He’s a prince, which makes him immune to the whole bullying thing. Besides, I’m a nice person.”

“Mostly, but you’re also driven and determined. I know you.”

“Better than anyone,” she agreed, keeping her voice light despite the sudden tightness in her chest. Losing her dad had been the worst thing that had ever happened to her, but losing Jon had been nearly as bad. Jon had been her best friend, her first lover…pretty much everything.

“How’s the car?” he asked.

Maggie launched into ten minutes of praise complete with technical details. She paused only when she recognized Jon’s “uh-huhs” for what they were. Lack of interest.

“You’re writing an e-mail, aren’t you?” she demanded.

“No. Of course not. I’m mesmerized by, ah, the V-8 engine.”

“It’s a V-12 and I’ll stop talking about it now. I should let you get back to work.”

“I’m glad you got the job. Let me know how it goes. Or if you need anything.”

“I will. Say hi to Elaine.”

Jon didn’t answer.

Maggie sighed. “I mean it. Say hi to her. I’m happy for you, Jonny.”


“Don’t. We’re friends. That’s what we’re supposed to be. We both know that. I gotta run. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”

She hung up before he could say anything else.

Despite the late hour, she was too restless to go to bed. Jet lag, she thought, knowing the twelve-or fifteen-hour time difference had messed up her body clock.

She’d traded in her pantsuit for jeans and a T-shirt. After slipping her feet into a pair of flip-flops, she opened the French doors and stepped out into the cool night air.

Her rooms faced the ocean, which was pretty exciting. Back home she had great views of the mountains, but vast expanses of water was its own special treat.

“Don’t get used to living like this,” she reminded herself. She’d rented out her house for the next couple of months. It was the end of ski season in Aspen and rentals still went for a premium. But once the job was done, she would be returning to the small house where she’d grown up, with its creaky stairs and single bathroom.

She breathed in the smell of salt air. There were lights in the garden below and the sound of voices in the distance. From what she could tell, the balcony circled the entire palace. Curious and eager to explore, Maggie closed her door behind her and started walking.

She passed empty rooms and a lot of closed and curtained windows. One set of doors stood open. She caught a glimpse of three girls cuddling on the sofa with a man who looked a little like Qadir.

A brother, she figured. From what she remembered reading, the king had several sons. No daughters. One wouldn’t want a mere woman getting in the way, she thought with a grin. What would it be like to grow up here? Rich and pampered, being given ponies from the age of three. It must be-

“Qadir, I expect more,” a gruff voice said in the darkness.

Maggie skidded to a halt so quickly, she nearly slid out of her sandals.

“In time,” Qadir said, his voice calm.

“How much time? As’ad is engaged. He will be married in a few weeks. You need to settle down, as well. How is it possible I have so many sons and no grandchildren?”

Maggie knew the smartest thing would be to turn around and head back to her room. It’s what she meant to do…except she couldn’t help wanting to listen. She’d never heard a king speak to a prince before. She couldn’t believe they were arguing, just like a regular family.

She slipped behind a large pole and did her best to stay completely silent as Qadir said, “As’ad brings you three daughters. That should be enough for a start.”

“You are not taking this seriously. With all the women you have been with, you should have found at least one you’re willing to marry.”

“Sorry. No.”

“It’s that girl,” the king murmured. “From before. She’s the reason.”

“She has nothing to do with this.”

Woman? What woman? Maggie made a mental note to get on the computer and check out Qadir’s past.

“If you cannot find a bride on your own, I will find one for you,” the king said. “You will do your duty.”

There was the sound of footsteps, then a door closed. Maggie stayed in place, not sure if both men had left.

She breathed as quietly as she could and was about to go back the way she’d come when she heard Qadir say, “You can come out now. He’s gone.”

Maggie winced as heat burned her cheeks. She stepped into view. “I didn’t mean to listen in. I was taking a walk and then you were talking. I was really quiet. How did you know I was here?”

Qadir nodded toward the plate-glass window that reflected the balcony. “I saw you approaching. It does not matter. My quarrel with the king is common knowledge. It is an argument my brothers and I share with him.”

“Still, I wasn’t eavesdropping on purpose.”

“You seem intent on repeating that fact.”

“I don’t want you to think I’m rude.”

“But I have already hired you. What does it matter what I think?”

“Because you’re my boss. You could fire me tomorrow.”

“True, but per our contract, you would still get paid.”

She fought against the need to roll her eyes. “While the money is important, so is doing a good job. I don’t want to leave until the car is finished. It’s a matter of pride.”

Maybe being über-rich and a sheik meant he wouldn’t understand that. Maggie doubted Qadir had ever had to work for anything.

“Will your father really find you a wife?” she asked.

“He will try. Ultimately the choice is mine. I can refuse to marry her.”

“Why would he think anyone would agree to an arranged marriage?”

Qadir leaned against the railing. “The woman in question will be marrying into a royal family. We trace our bloodline back more than a thousand years. For some, the dictates of history and rank matter far more than any matters of the heart.”

A thousand years? Maggie couldn’t imagine that. But then she’d grown up under relatively modest circumstances in a fairly typical medium-size town. Over the past few years movie stars showed up every winter to ski, but she didn’t have any contact with them. Nor did she want any. She preferred regular people to the rich and famous. And to princes. Even one as handsome as the man in front of her.

“You must have all kinds of women throwing themselves at you,” she said. “Aren’t there any you want to marry?”

Qadir raised his eyebrows. “You take my father’s side in this?”

“You’re royal. Doesn’t having heirs come with the really plush surroundings?”

“So you’re practical.”

“I understand family loyalty and duty.”

“Would you have agreed to an arranged match if it had been expected?”

Maggie considered the question. “I don’t know. Maybe. If I’d always known it was going to be that way. I’m not sure I would have liked it.”

“Such an obedient daughter.”

“Not on purpose. I loved my father very much.” He’d been all the family she’d ever had. She still expected to see him in the house or hear his footsteps. One of the big advantages of her job in El Deharia-besides the money-was that she could escape the sad memories for a few weeks.

Qadir shook his head. “I am sorry. I had forgotten your recent loss. I did not mean to remind you of your pain.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m kind of bringing it with me everywhere I go.”

He nodded slowly as if he understood what it meant to lose something so precious. Did he? Maggie realized she knew nothing about Qadir beyond what she’d heard on television. She didn’t read gossip magazines. Or fashion magazines for that matter. Her idea of a great evening was when Car and Driver arrived in the mail.

“You must have other family back in Aspen,” he said. “How will they cope with you gone?”

“I, ah, I’m kind of alone. It was just my dad and me. I have a few friends, but they’re busy with their lives.”

“So you had no one to call and tell about your new job?”

“I called Jon. He worries about me.”

Qadir’s dark gaze settled on her face. “Your boyfriend?”

“Not anymore,” she said lightly. “He’s someone I’ve known forever. We grew up next door to each other. We played together when we were kids, then kind of fell in love in high school. Everyone assumed we’d get married, but it never seemed to happen.”

She’d always wondered why they hadn’t taken that last step. They’d dated for years, been each other’s first time. He was the only man she’d ever been with and until Elaine, Jon had only been with her. She still loved him-a part of her would always love him.

“I think we fell out of ‘in love,’ if that makes sense. We still care for each other, but it’s not the same. I think we would have broken up a long time ago, except my dad was sick and Jon didn’t want to dump that on me, too.”

But she’d sensed the changes in their relationship. “I ignored the obvious because of my dad dying. After he was gone, Jon and I talked and I realized it had been over for a long time.” She forced a smile she didn’t feel. “He’s met someone else. Elaine. She’s great and they’re crazy about each other. So that’s good.”

She mostly meant that. Jon was her friend and she wanted him to be happy. But every now and then she wondered why she couldn’t have met someone, too.

“You are very understanding,” Qadir said. “Even if it is all a mask.”

She stiffened. “I’m not pretending.”

“You’re saying there is no anger at Jon for replacing you so easily?”

“None at all,” she snapped, then sighed. “Okay, there’s a twinge, but it’s not a big deal. I don’t really want him for myself, exactly.”

“But he should have had the common courtesy to wait a while before finding the love of his life.”

“I can’t agree with that. It makes me sound horrible.”

“It makes you sound human.”

“I’m emotionally tough.” At least she was trying to be. There had been a single breakdown about five weeks ago. She’d called Jon, sobbing and trembling with pain. She’d hurt everywhere, not only from the loss of her father, but from the loss of her best friend.

Jon, being Jon, had come over to comfort her. He’d hugged her and held her and she’d wanted more. She’d kissed him and…

Maggie walked to the balcony and stared out into the night. Thinking about that night made her so ashamed. She’d seduced him because she’d wanted a chance to forget all that had happened in her life. And maybe to prove she still could.

At the time, he’d only known Elaine a couple of weeks, but Maggie had sensed they were getting serious. In a way it had been her last chance with Jon.

When it was over, neither of them had known what to say. She’d apologized, which he’d told her wasn’t necessary. Things had been awkward between them. They still were.

“Life is complicated,” she murmured.

“I agree.”

She looked at him. “You’re not going to get any sympathy from me, Prince Qadir.”

“You’re saying my life of wealth and privilege means I don’t deserve to complain.”

“Something like that.”

“You have many rules.”

“I like rules.”

“I like to break them.”

Hardly a surprise, she thought as she smiled. “Of course you do.”

He laughed. “I still do not intimidate you. What was it you called me? A guy with a checkbook and a car?”

“Is reverence an important part of the job?”

“Not at all. You may even call me by my first name, without using my title.”

“I’m honored.”

“No, you’re not, but you should be.” He took a step toward her, then touched her cheek. “Do not mourn for the man unwise enough to let such a prize go. He was born a fool and he will die a fool. Good night.”

Qadir disappeared with a speed that left Maggie gasping. She didn’t know what to think about first. The soft brush of his fingers on her cheek or what he’d said.

She wanted to protest that Jon wasn’t a fool. That he was actually a really bright guy, which was one of the things she’d always liked about him. Except she liked Qadir’s attitude about the whole thing. She also enjoyed thinking about herself as a prize to be won…by a man who was not a fool.

Chapter Two

Maggie finished getting ready, then hovered by the door, not sure if she was just supposed to go down to the garage or wait to be called or what.

“Palaces should come with instruction books,” she murmured to herself as she reached for the door handle. She might as well see if she could find her way to the garage and…

Someone knocked on her door. She pulled it open to find a pretty blonde about her age in the wide hallway.