“Drake … and Charles … they fought. It was all about you. Drake got Charles on the ground and made him tell about locking you in the mausoleum. Charles said it was his affair and he was only teaching you a lesson. You needed to be taken down a peg or two because you gave yourself too many airs for a servant.

”Drake shouted at him and said he was a cad … and worse than that. He said he had sent that stable boy to get you in the place so that he could lock you in. Charles said he didn’t deny it and what business was it of Drake’s? Drake said it was every decent-minded person’s business and as he was so fond of giving lessons he was going to get one himself. We couldn’t believe it. They were quite different from what they are normally. Drake being bigger than Charles was able to pick him up as though he were a dog, and he just shook him. At the end he threw him into the lake. Julia was crying. I was near to it. I have never seen anything like it.”

“What about Charles in the lake?”

“He walked out. He wasn’t very far in but by that time Drake had gone back to the house. He packed his bag and presented himself to Mama and said he had to leave. He was called away suddenly. Mama was in a terrible state. But, of course, she had to say goodbye to Drake, and he came out and asked one of the stablemen to drive him to the station … and then he was gone.”

“How … awful! What about Charles?”

“He’s going tonight. He won’t say where … except that he is going to stay with a friend and he will go straight on from there to the University.”

“So … they’ve both gone … and it was all because of me.”

”Drake couldn’t stay in a house where he had had such a fight with his host. As for Charles, perhaps he is ashamed of what happened. Philip is very worried about you.”

“Philip has always been kind to me.”

“I think he will be along soon. He wanted to see you last night but Madame Cleremont said it was best you were not disturbed.”

“What a dreadful end to the holiday!”

“I don’t suppose anything like this has ever happened before, do you?”

“I should think it would be very rare.”

When she left me I lay back thinking about Drake coming into the mausoleum, picking me up and bringing me back to the house. I should probably never see him again. He certainly would not come to The Silk House as Charles’s guest. They must hate each other. I felt a mingling of feelings. I was gratified that he had defended me; it was almost like fighting in the lists or in a duel. It made me feel important and after the humiliation Charles had inflicted on me, I needed that. But I was sorry that I should not see Drake again.

Philip came to see me.

“My dear Lenore,” he said, “this is most upsetting. What a terrible time you had!”

“It is good of you to come to see me,” I answered. “You might have felt you didn’t want to after all the trouble this has caused.”

”You’ve heard then about Drake?”

“Cassie told me. …”

“I ‘m so ashamed of my brother, Lenore.”

“I always knew he was not as kind as you are.”

“I think he is rather arrogant… going through a phase just now. He wants to assert himself. I’m sure it will pass. He is not such a bad sort really.”

I smiled at Philip. He was one of those people who mean well towards the whole world and think everyone else is like themselves.

“How are you feeling now?”

“I’m being cosseted by Grand’mere, and everyone seems to be very kind. Even Mrs. Dillon said I must eat porridge.”

He laughed, then he was sober. “It must have been very frightening for you.”

“It was. And I should be there now if it wasn’t for Willie and Pepper.”

“Good for Willie. I suppose Drake felt he couldn’t stay after such a violent quarrel with Charles.”

”And Charles is going, too.”

“He’s going this evening.”

“I’m afraid I’ve broken up the party.”

“Charles did that by behaving like a brute. I’m not surprised that Drake was angry with him and gave vent to his anger, too.”

“You can imagine how I feel to be the centre of it all.”

“The centre of it is Charles’s beastly vanity. He’s had a big lesson.”

”But Drake has been driven away.”

“He wouldn’t stay after that. How could he … as Charles’s guest. He’s had a good thrashing and been thrown into the lake. Don’t be afraid of what Charles will do now.

We shan’t see him here for a while, I reckon. All you have to do is get well.”

“I’m not ill… just shaken.”

“It was enough to shake anybody. You’ll be all right in a day or so. I’m going to look after you. Cassie and I have decided we must do that. My father is coming home soon. He wants to talk to us very seriously about the business. He’ll want to talk to Charles as well as to me, of course.”

“But Charles is leaving.”

“I don’t think Charles cares very much about the business, He happens to be the elder, but I am the one my father really wants to discuss things with. I’m going to persuade him to let me finish with my education. I want to go into the business … now.”

“Do you think he will agree?”

”I have an idea he might. He is so pleased that I am interested in it. Charles isn’t in the least and that upsets him. But at least there is one of us.”

It was pleasant talking to him. I liked his enthusiasm and his kindness. There was something very natural about him. When he left me I felt a good deal better. I was glad Charles would be leaving that night and I should not have to see him again perhaps for quite a long time.

I was unprepared for Julia.

After Philip left she came into my room. She looked as if she had been crying and she was very angry. She stood at the foot of my bed glaring at me.

“It’s your fault,” she said. “I thought Drake was going to kill Charles.”

“I’ve heard about it. I’m sorry it happened.”

“You started it.”

”I? I did not ask to be locked in the mausoleum.”

“You told tales. You told Drake. I’ve watched you. You were always trying to get his attention … and you thought this was n good way of doing it.”

“Julia, what are you saying? Do you think I wanted to be locked in that awful place? I was scared almost out of my wits. It was awful… with all those coffins.”

“But Drake came and rescued you, didn’t he? That was what you wanted.”

“He came because Willie heard me there and went to find someone. It just happened that he found Drake.”

“He’s gone and I don’t suppose I shall ever see him again.” Her lips trembled. “We were getting on so well … and you had to spoil it.”

”Julia,” I said firmly,’ ‘it wasn’t my fault. It was Charles …”

She just looked at me stonily and ran out of the room. I could see that she was ready to burst into tears.

I knew, of course, that she had felt deeply about Drake, and now she was blaming me because she had lost him.

The Engagement

Although I could never pass the mausoleum without recalling the terror of my incarceration there, my dreams were no longer haunted by that dank underground chamber with the rows of coffins and the lifelike statues.

Charles stayed away for a long time. He even spent the next Christmas at the home of a friend, coming home on Boxing Day just to see the family and not even staying the night. Our first meeting was a little embarrassing, but he had obviously determined to behave as though that distressing incident had never taken place, and I was glad to do the same. He was distant, cool, but not unfriendly. It was the best way to behave.

Julia had recovered from her disappointment because at Easter she was to be presented at Court and such an undertaking demanded all her attention. I imagined she hadn’t time to spare many thoughts for Drake. His name was never mentioned except by Lady Sallonger on one occasion who said: “What was the name of that rather charming young man who stayed here once? Was it Nelson or something?”

“Something like that, Lady Sallonger,” I said.

“I’d like you to read to me now, Lenore. It will send me to sleep. I had a rather bad night. I think I want more cushions … not that green one … the blue is softer.”

So Drake Aldringham seemed to have passed beyond our horizon.

It was decided that Julia should spend a week or so in London under the guidance of the Countess of Ballader. There were so many things she had to learn and she must be ready in every way for the great occasion.

Grand’mere was to go with her, so that she could study the current fashions, for although her work was excellent and she had that something which is called by the French “je ne sais quoi” and was entirely hers, there was a possibility that she might not be au fait with the very latest fashion. She might also acquire some new materials other than those which came to her from Spitalfields. Miss Logan, who knew of these matters having served in a very aristocratic family, assured Lady Sallonger that this was necessary.

I was with Lady Sallonger—as I often was now—when Grand’mere came to her. I was always struck by Grand’mere’s dignity. It was so much a part of her and it demanded immediate respect.

“Forgive me for disturbing you, Lady Sallonger,” she said, “but I must speak to you on a matter that is very important.”

“Oh dear,” sighed Lady Sallonger, who had an aversion to matters that were important and might be left to her to decide.

“It is this. I am to go to London. Yes, it is necessaire for Miss Julia to go. And we must see what is being worn and what we can do to give her the finest wardrobe of the season … yes, yes. I am happy for all this, but I could not go without my granddaughter. It is necessaire that I should have her with me.”

Lady Sallonger opened her eyes very wide. “Lenore,” she cried. “But I need Lenore here. Who will read to me? We are re-reading East Lynne. I need her to look after me.”

“I know that Lenore is of great service to you, Lady Sallonger, but I could not work well if she were not with me … and this is for one week only … perhaps a day or so more. Miss Logan is very good. And there is Miss Everton. They can all serve you.”

“It is quite impossible.”

They looked steadily at each other—two indomitable women, each accustomed to having her own way. It was a tribute to Grand’mere’s character and perhaps her unusual position in the household, that she won the day. Self-absorbed as she was, Lady Sallonger realized die importance of getting Julia launched into society. Grand’mere must go to London and it was clear that she would not go unless I went with her.

Lady Sallonger eventually pursed her lips into a pout and said: “I suppose I shall have to let her go, but it is not very convenient.”

“I know how you appreciate my granddaughter,” said Grand’mere with a touch of irony, “but I must have her with me. Otherwise I could not go.”

“I do not see why not… .”

“Ah, my lady, it is not always easy to see the ‘why not’ for what is necessary for others. i do not see why Miss Logan cannot look after you, and since Lenore is such a comfort to you, you will readily see why i cannot do without her on this very important occasion.”

Grand’mere was triumphant.

“It is time you had a little rest from her,” she said when we were alone. “She is demanding more and more of you. I can see that as the years pass … unless something happens to prevent it … you will be her slave. It is not what I wish for you.”

I was very excited at the prospect of going to London. Cassie was downcast because she would not be accompanying us. There was a suggestion that she should come but Lady Sallonger had very firmly said that she would need her to share some of my duties with Miss Logan.

“It is only for a week or so,” I told Cassie, “and I shall tell you all about it on my return.”

So Julia and I set out with Grand’mere on a rather blustery March day, travelling by rail, which was far more convenient than going by carriage. Cobb met us at the station and took us to the house in Grantham Square.

I was very excited, riding through the streets of London. Everyone seemed to be in a great hurry and there was bustle everywhere. Hansom cabs and broughams sped through the streets at such a rate that I feared they would ride over people in their haste. But no one seemed to think this extraordinary so I supposed it was the usual state of affairs.

As we came into Regent Street Grand’mere was alert. She spoke the names of the shops aloud. Peter Robinson’s… Dickens and Jones … Jay’s. I caught glimpses of splendid looking goods in the windows. Grand’mere was purring like a contented cat.