Her husband stilled, his head turning to reveal narrowed eyes. “Boys his age?”

“Yes.” She recoiled slightly, suddenly wary.

“He is the same age as I was when we wed. Did you think I was a boy then?” He rolled on top of her, pinning her to the bed. “Do you think I am a boy now?”

Her heart raced. “Gray, really-”

“Yes, really,” he purred, his jaw set ominously as he thrust his hand under her buttocks and tilted her pelvis to cradle his. He rolled his hips, rubbing his cock against the perfect spot between her legs. “I want to know. Do you think me less than a man because I am younger than you?”

She swallowed hard, her body tense and straining beneath his. “No,” she breathed. Her subsequent inhale filled her lungs with his luscious scent. Grayson was virile, temperamental, and most definitely a man.

He stared down at her for a long moment, his cock hardening and swelling between her thighs. Lowering his head, he took her mouth, his tongue licking between her parted lips. “I have wanted to do this all day.”

“You did do this all day.” Her hands fisted in the counterpane to prevent herself from touching him.

Gray rested his forehead against hers and laughed. “I hope you have no objection to Spencer’s visit.”

“Of course not,” she assured him, managing a smile through her near painful attraction. What the devil was she to do with him? With herself? She could only hope that Lord Spencer would distract him from his single-minded seduction. How long could she truly expect to resist?

“Thank you.” He brushed his mouth across hers, then twisted to drape her body over his.

She frowned, puzzled. “No need to thank me. This is your home.”

“This is our home, Pel.” He settled into the pillows. When she tried to slide off him, he caught her waist. “Stay here.”

When she opened her mouth to argue, he grimaced, which arrested her. “What is it?” Before she could think better of it, her hand was cupping his cheek. He leaned into her touch and sighed.

“Spencer told me that I am his hero.”

Her brows rose. “What a lovely thing to say.”

“But it’s not. Not at all. You see, to him, I am the brother he knew before. That is the man whom he and his friends emulate. They are drinking in vast quantities, associating with questionable people, and showing no concern whatsoever for the effect of their behavior on others. He said he has yet to manage two mistresses, but he is giving it his best effort.”

Isabel winced, her stomach clenching at the reminder of how wild her husband was. His edges might have smoothed some, but he was no less dangerous. So far he had been cocooned with her while awaiting his garments, but soon he would be out and about. Once that happened, everything would change.

He nipped the fleshy part of her palm with his teeth, and held her gaze with his. “I told him he was better off finding a wife such as you. You are more expensive than two mistresses, but worth every shilling.”


“It’s true.” His smile was wicked.

“There is no hope for you, my lord.” But she had to bite her lip to keep a straight face.

His hands left her waist and followed the curve of her spine. “I missed you, dear Pel, these last four years.” He gripped her shoulders, and pulled her gently but firmly to his chest. “I must begin anew. You are all I have at the moment, and I am grateful that you are more than enough.”

Her heart welled with tenderness for him. “Whatever you need-” He chuckled, and her eyes widened in horror. “As far as your brother is concerned, you understand. Not for…” She wrinkled her nose as he laughed. “Odious man.”

“Not for sex. I collect what you meant.” His mouth nuzzled into her hair, and his chest expanded beneath her. “Now, you must understand what I mean.” Cupping her buttocks, he rocked her against his rigid cock. His lips to her ear, he whispered, “I ache for you-for your body, your scent, the sounds you make when we’re fucking. If you think I will deny myself those pleasures, you are mad. A raving lunatic.”

“Stop that.” Her voice was so thready it had no substance. He was like warm marble beneath her-hard, ridged, solid. She could almost believe he would support her, provide her an anchor, but she knew men of his ilk too well. She did not hold it against him, she simply accepted it.

“I will make a bargain with you, dear wife.”

Lifting her head, she caught her breath at the heat that burned in his eyes and flushed his cheeks. “You do not honor your bargains, Grayson.”

“I shall honor this one. The day you stop wanting me is the day I will no longer want you.”

She stared at him, taking in the wicked arch of his brow, before sighing dramatically. “Can you grow a wart?”

Gray blinked. “Beg your pardon?”

“Or overeat? Perhaps cease to bathe?”

He laughed. “As if I would do anything to make myself less attractive to you.” The fingers that combed through her hair were gentle, the smile he gave her tender. “I find you irresistible as well.”

“You never paid me any mind before.”

“That is not true, and you know it. I am no more immune to your charms than any other man.” His jaw firmed. “Which is why Spencer will accompany you when you go out tonight.”

“Your brother has no interest in the tame social affairs I attend,” she said with a laugh.

“He does now.”

Isabel took a moment to absorb the sudden quiet intensity of her husband’s tone, before sliding off of him and leaving the bed. The fact that he let her go without argument made her wary. “Must I be home at a certain time as well?” she asked tightly.

“Three.” He sat up further on the pillows and crossed his arms. The unspoken challenge was evident in his tone and posture.

She picked up the gauntlet. “And if I fail to return by that time?”

“Why, I will come after you, vixen,” he replied with ominous softness. “I’ve no wish to lose you, now that I have found you.”

“You cannot do this, Gray.” She began to pace.

“I can, and will, Pel.”

“I am not chattel.”

“You do belong to me.”

“Does that possession apply to you in like fashion?”

He frowned. “What are you asking?”

She paused next to the bed and set her hands on her hips. “Will you always return at three when I am not with you?”

His frown deepened.

“When you do not return in a timely manner, will I have the right to hunt you down? Shall I barge into whatever den of iniquity you happen to be gracing and rip you from the arms of your lover?”

Gray rose from the bed with slow, predatory grace. “Was that your intent? A lover?”

“We are not talking about me.”

“Yes. We are.” Rounding the bed, he came toward her on bare feet. Somehow she found the sight arousing, which only goaded her temper. The man was everything she did not want, and yet she wanted him more than anything.

“I am not a sex-obsessed female, Grayson, which is what your question implies.”

“You can be as sex-obsessed as you like. With me.”

“I cannot keep up with you,” she scoffed, backing away. “Eventually, you will fill the lack elsewhere.”

“Why worry about ‘eventually’ now?” His gaze penetrated as he stalked her. “Forget the past and the future. If there is one thing I learned over the last four years, it is that this moment is the one that matters.”

“How is that any different than how you lived before?” Sidestepping quickly, Isabel nearly ran to the door that led to her boudoir. She gasped as Gray caught her about the waist. The feel of him behind her-hard, aroused-flooded her with memories.

“Before,” he said harshly in her ear, “everything in my life could wait until another day. Visiting my estates, meeting with my stewards, seeing Lady Sinclair. Sometimes that other day never comes, Pel. Sometimes today is all there is.”

“See how different we are? I will always think of the future and how my actions today will come back to haunt me.”

With one arm banded around her waist, he used his free hand to knead her breast. Against her will, she moaned.

I will haunt you.” Gray surrounded her, dominated her, teased her with his seductive touch. “I am not fool enough to cage you in, Isabel, not when we are already leg-shackled together.” With a curse, he released her. “I will remind you of that as often as is necessary.”

She spun to face him, her skin missing the touch of his. “I will not be guarded like a prisoner.”

“I’ve no wish to lessen your freedom.”

“Then why?”

“Soon others will know you have dismissed Hargreaves. They will sniff after you, and for the moment, I am unable to do aught about it.”

“Staking your claim?” she asked coldly.

“Protecting you.” Linking both arms behind his neck, he stretched and suddenly looked weary. “I returned for the express purpose of being a husband to you, I have said that from the first.”

“Please. We have run this into the ground.”

“Indulge me, vixen,” he said softly. “One day at a time, that is all I ask. Surely you can spare that much?”

“I have already-”

“How else can we live together? Answer me that.” His voice roughened as his arms fell to his sides. “Each craving the other…hungry…I am famished for you. Starving.”

“I know,” she whispered, feeling the great distance between them, even though they stood so close. Shivering with lust, her nipples hardened. She grew moist for him despite her soreness. “And I cannot sate you.”

“I did not sate you either. We spent mere hours together. Not nearly enough time.” Gray moved toward the door to make his egress.

“We have not finished discussing your three o’clock rule, Grayson.”

He stilled, but did not face her. In the candlelight, his hair gleamed with the vitality that defined him. “You stand there clad only in chemise and stockings, your body creamy and begging for a fucking. If I stay here a moment longer, that is what you will get, Pel.”

She hesitated, her arm lifting toward his tense back, a momentary sign of weakness before she could control it.

How else can we live together?

They couldn’t. Not for much longer.

Her hand dropped. “I shall be home by three.”

Gray nodded and left without looking back.

Gerard looked across his desk at Spencer and released a weary breath. There was too much turmoil in his life at the moment. The only time he felt remotely at peace with his return to London was when he was talking with Pel.

Not arguing. Talking.

He wished to God he understood her. Why was she so focused on the unraveling of a relationship that had yet to truly begin? To him that made as much sense as wearing a fur-lined coat in warm weather just because it would one day rain.

“This is not what I anticipated when I agreed to come here,” Spencer grumbled, shaking his head. His hair was overlong, and a thick lock fell over his forehead in a way Gerard knew would urge women to touch it. He knew because it was a style he once sported for that very reason. “I thought you and I would be going about town together.”

“And we shall, once I am suitably attired. In the meantime, I envy you an evening spent in Lady Grayson’s company. You will enjoy yourself, I can assure you.”

“Yes, but I was hoping to spend my evening with a woman I can fuck.”

“You will escort my wife home no later than three, and after that you are free to do as you please.” Gerard almost advised him to enjoy himself, since it was the last such late night Spencer would have in a while. But he held his tongue.

“Mother hates her, you know,” Spencer said, pausing briefly in front of the desk. “Truly detests her.”

“And you?”

Spencer’s eyes widened. “Do you truly wish to hear my opinion?”

“Certainly.” Gerard leaned back in his very uncomfortable chair and reminded himself to toss it out when the study was overhauled. “I’m curious to learn how you feel about my wife. You will be sharing a residence with her. Your thoughts, therefore, concern me.”

Spencer shrugged. “I cannot decide if I envy you or pity you. I’ve no notion how a peeress came to have a body like that. Pel’s beauty is not genteel in any fashion. That hair. Her skin. Her breasts. And for God’s sake, where in hell did she get those lips? Yes, I would give up a fortune for a woman like that in my bed. But to take one to wife?” He shook his head. “And yet both you and Pelham sought your pleasures outside the marriage bed. Can you tell me why?”


“Ha!” Spencer laughed and strolled to the array of decanters. After pouring himself a drink, he turned and rested his hip against the mahogany table. His body was lean with youth, and Gerard studied him, trying to see how Pel must have seen him when they’d wed. Perhaps the contrast between himself and Spencer would facilitate his cause with his wife. Surely she could not fail to note how different he was now.