Isabel blinked in shock. His rudeness was meant to drive her away, to scare her, and it very nearly succeeded. She’d never had a man speak to her so crudely and in such anger. It did odd things to her insides, making her quiver and her breath shorten.

Standing with her hand pressed against the door, she listened for sounds of him. She had no notion of what she should do, but walking away when he was so inflamed seemed cowardly. And yet…She was no fool. She knew men far better than women, and the best thing to do with a surly man was stay out of his way. She was well aware of what would happen should she choose to enter his rooms again. “Grayson?”

He did not reply.

There was nothing she could do for him, nothing that could change the facts or make him feel better beyond the temporary release of orgasm. But perhaps that was what he needed after hearing the disparagement of his virility. Perhaps it was what she needed, to forget for a short time that both of her marriages had failed. The first time, she had been young and naïve. But this time she had known better. How foolish to have thought Gray would not mature with age, which he appeared to have done by taking responsibility for Lord Spencer. Which left her wondering if perhaps Pelham also would have changed, had he been given the time.

“I can hear you thinking through the door,” Gray said wryly, his voice directly opposite the barrier.

“Are you still angry?”

“Of course, but not with you.”

“I am sorry, Grayson.”

“For what?” he asked in a low tone. “Marrying me?”

She swallowed hard, the word “no” trapped in her throat because she refused to give it voice.


Sighing, she moved away. He was right. Now was not the time to discuss this, not when she couldn’t think clearly. She hated the door between them. It blocked his scent and his touch and the hunger in his eyes-things she should not want. Why could she not be more practical about her wedded state, like the rest of her family? Why did her emotions have to become so tangled up and ruin everything?

“Just so we are clear,” he said gruffly. “I am not sorry, and out of all the things said to me in the last hour, hearing you say we have done something wrong disturbs me the most.”

Her steps faltered. How could he not regret the marriage that caused him such grief? If this was not enough to lessen his determination to have a true conjugal relationship, nothing would be.

Anger filled her at the sudden softening she felt toward him. She should not be melting over him. Her mother would not melt. Neither would Rhys. They would enjoy the great sex until they were sated and be done with it. Her chin lifted. That was what she should do also, if she were practical about such matters.

She left the bathing chamber, and walked slowly into her boudoir. The fact was, she could be practical about her affairs because the rules were set from the beginning and the end was anticipated. There was no ownership, such as she had felt for Pelham and was beginning to feel for Gray.

Drat the man! They had been friends. Then he had returned as a stranger, and took the place of her spouse.

A husband was a possession. A lover was not.

Her stomach flipped.

She is a mistress, Grayson. Not a wife.

Lord Spencer’s angry words were, quite simply, the solution.

Yanking on the bellpull, Isabel waited impatiently for her abigail to come up and then, with the servant’s help, she undressed. Completely. And unpinned her hair. Then she squared her shoulders and quickly crossed the distance back to Gray’s room. She threw the door open, saw her husband reaching for a shirt that lay on the bed, and with a running start, jumped onto his back.

“What in-”

Caught off balance, he tumbled face-first into the bed. Isabel hung on. Reaching behind him, Gray flipped her onto the counterpane with a deep growl.

“Finally, you come to your senses,” he muttered, before lowering his head and sucking a nipple into his mouth.

“Oh,” she cried, startled by the feel of drenched heat. Heavens, the man recovered quickly! “Wait.”

He grunted and went on suckling.

“I have rules!”

Heated blue eyes met hers, and he released her nipple with a loud pop. “You. Naked. Whenever I want you. Wherever I want you. Those are the only ‘rules.’”

“Yes.” She nodded, and he stilled, his large body turning hard as stone. “We will draft an agreement, and-”

“We have a written agreement, madam-a marriage certificate.”

“No. I will be your mistress and you will be my lover. The arrangement will be clear and on paper, since I cannot trust you to keep to your end of bargains.”

“Just for curiosity’s sake,” he began, pushing up from the bed to stand over her. His hands went to the placket of his trousers. “Are you deranged?”

She pushed up onto her elbows, her mouth watering as he shoved his garments to the floor and was suddenly, gloriously naked and impressively aroused.

He pounced on her with little finesse. “Your mental malady will not dampen my ardor, so you needn’t worry about that. You can spout all the gibberish you like while I ride you. I will not mind a bit.”

“Gray, really.”

Catching her knee, he shoved her thighs wide and settled his lean hips between them. “A wife is cherished and treated with a gentle hand. A mistress is a convenient cunt to rut in. Are you certain you wish to alter your status in our bedroom?”

It was then she realized he was still angry, his jaw clenched dangerously. The heavy heat of his erection was like lightning striking her skin. Gooseflesh spread over her body, and her breasts swelled painfully. “You don’t frighten me.”

His body was so hard and hot to the touch, it burned her. “You do not heed warnings very well,” he murmured in a low tone, and before she could process it, he’d thrust his cock into her. Not quite creamy for him and still a bit sore, she cried out and arched upward, the entry both painful and unexpected.

His hand fisted in the length of her hair, keeping her head back and her throat exposed. It also kept her helpless and rigidly in place as he began to fuck her with fierce, powerful lunges.

“When we are through with each other,” she gasped, her determination unwavering, “we will separate. I will return to my old residence. We will be friends, and you can regain face.”

He rammed into her, striking so deep she lost her breath.

“You can have only me,” she managed a moment later, moisture flooding her sex as he took what he wanted and excited her by doing so. “Slide between another woman’s sheets and you void our arrangement.”

Gray lowered his head and sucked hard on her neck. He grunted with every deep plunge of his cock, his heavy balls slapping against her with each downward stroke. The result of having her head held back was her breasts thrusting upward, and the coarse hairs on his chest scraped across her nipples. She whimpered at the feeling, her wits slipping rapidly.

She should not feel so good. Her position was uncomfortable, his touch bruising, his mouth and teeth hurtful against her tender throat. His hips pummeled hers, his shaft a thick intrusion that pumped through swollen tissues…And yet the absolute certainty in his touch, the complete lack of hesitation, his supreme arrogance in using her body for his pleasure was nearly rapturous.

“Yes…” As her body shivered on the verge of climax, she moaned a low plaintive sound. She clawed at his sides, dug her heels in his ass, and gave as good as she received.

“Isabel,” he growled, his mouth pressed to her ear. “Brazen enough to tackle a man naked, but so swiftly mastered by a hard cock.”

It would not be like it was before! “My rules,” she reminded, then she sank her teeth into his chest.

“Damn your rules.” Gray yanked out of her, his free hand gripping his cock and pumping, guttural sounds accompanying the spurting of his cum across her belly. It was base and raw, very different from his lovemaking of just a day before, and it left her writhing in an agony of lust.

“Selfish bastard.”

Tossing his leg over her hips, he rolled and came over her, straddling her. His beautiful mouth was hard, his face flushed and eyes glazed. “A man is not required to pleasure his mistress.”

“So you accept the arrangement,” she bit out, her teeth clenched together. She was in control, regardless of how he might wish it otherwise.

As his hands began to rub his seed into her skin, his smile was cold and tight. “If you have a wish to make a devil’s bargain, so be it.” He caught her nipples between damp fingertips and rolled them.

Isabel slapped at him. “Enough!”

“I should allow you to leave, all angry and hot and wet. Maybe then you would feel a little of what I do.”

“Spare me,” she scoffed. “You had your pleasure.”

He hummed a soft chastising sound. “Do you truly believe I could be sated while you are not?”

“Do I misunderstand the semen on my stomach?”

Gray leaned back to give her an unhindered view of the hard length of his cock. The sight of it was nearly too much for her overheated body. Even his arrogant smile did nothing to dampen her desire. He was built for a woman’s pleasure, and he damn well knew it.

“I believe we have already established your stamina, Grayson.”

His gaze narrowed, which aroused her suspicions. She could see his mind at work. Considering something devious, no doubt. “Any man kneeling over your creamy cunt would be ready to rut in it.”

“How poetic,” she murmured dryly. “Be still my heart.”

“I save my poetry for my wife.” He slid downward, his smile wicked enough to make her tense in apprehension. “If it were she in my bed, I would not leave her so distressed.”

“I am not distressed.”

He licked the edge of skin that prefaced the damp curls of her sex. She gasped.

“Of course not,” he said, grinning. “Mistresses do not expect orgasms.”

“I always have.”

Ignoring her, he dipped his head and swiped his tongue through the lips of her sex. Her hips arched involuntarily. “I would tell my wife how I love the taste of her and the feel of her petal soft skin. How the scent of our combined lust arouses me further, and keeps me hard despite the many times I come on her.”

She watched his strong hands with their neatly trimmed nails and unfashionable calluses press her legs open wider. The sight of his dark skin against her paler flesh was erotic, as was the lock of dark hair that fell over his brow and tickled her inner thighs.

“I would tell her how much I love the color of her hair here, the rich chocolate with glints of fire. It is like a beacon that lures me to her, promising untold delights and hours of pleasure.” Gray pressed a kiss against her clitoris, and when she keened softly, he suckled, stroking his tongue leisurely back and forth across it.

Releasing the counterpane she held so tightly, she reached for him, her fingertips sliding through the thick silk of his hair to caress the sweat-dampened roots. He made that noise she adored, a cross between an arrogant grunt and a groan of encouragement, and then he rewarded her with faster licks.

Draping her legs over his shoulders, she tugged him closer, lifting her hips to swivel against his expert mouth. Any moment she expected him to stop, to tease her cruelly by leaving her wanting. Desperate to come, she begged, “Please…Gray…”

He mumbled reassurance, his large hands gentling her as he brought her to orgasm with the gentle fucking of his tongue. She froze, every muscle and sinew locked with the pleasure that unfurled slowly and increased in intensity until she shivered uncontrollably.

“I love that,” he murmured, shrugging carefully out from under her and crawling up the length of her body. “Almost as much as I love this.” He surged into her spasming depths with a growl.

“Oh my God!” She could not open her eyes, even to look at him, something she enjoyed so much she often stared. She was drunk on him-the smell of him, the feel of him.

The sight of him would ruin her.

“Yes,” he hissed, sinking deep, his cock as hard as stone and hot enough to melt her. Curling his arms beneath her shoulders, Gray embraced her from head to toe. His mouth to her ear he whispered, “I would tell my wife how she feels to me, so hot and drenched, like dipping my cock into warm honey.”

She felt the tight roping of his abdomen flex against her belly as he withdrew in a slow, torturous glide and then pumped back inside.

“I would love her body the way a husband should, with care for her comfort and an eye toward her pleasure.”

Her hands caressed the curve of his spine, cupping his steely buttocks. She moaned as they clenched on a perfect stroke. “Keep doing that,” she whispered, her head falling to the side.