“I come from a small town in Iowa. I moved to New York when—“

“Excuse me, did you say Iowa?”

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, Iowa. You have a problem with that?” He held up both hands in defense. “I love Iowa. I just can’t picture you living in a small town. Your personality is a bit too, well, large.”

“My mother agrees.” She thought about those younger years and allowed him access. “I always felt out of place. We lived in a farming community where things were simple. The school, the jobs, the people. I was always. . . wanting.” He reached across the table and snagged her hand. His fingers massaged hers. Their gentle strength soothed her soul and she reached deeper to share part of who she was. “I wanted to move and do something great with my life, but my family was pretty shocked at my ambitions. They never understood who I was, so it ended up with my acting out in high school and gaining the reputation of being a slut.”

“Not very Iowalike, huh?”

She smiled. “No. I got through high school by using my reputation to anger them further.

And then I graduated and moved to New York.”

“How was the transition?”

“Tough.” She shrugged it off as the memories flitted past. “Young attractive girl hits the city with a will to set it on fire. Little money in her pocket. Things were not pleasant for a long time. But I got lucky. I found some girls who wanted to make it in acting and I roomed with them. I waitressed and worked the movie theater and learned retail. I made no money but I kept myself working and I experimented.”

“I bet you did.” His low, sexy tone raked across her ears.

“I dated creative artists and actors. I dabbled in theater and music, but something didn’t feel right. I finally got an office job with a steady income and benefits at a small advertising firm.

Receptionist. I worked hard and started snooping around. When I started dating one of the executives I began learning about working an advertising account. One evening, he was revising his pitch and I had an idea. I came up with a tagline—branding is pretty important, especially now. My idea got him the account, and before I knew it, we were working together. Of course, I was behind the scenes and never got credit, but I learned a lot.” Grant leaned over, seemingly intrigued by her life story. “What happened?” She took another sip of her martini. “I slipped him a mickey one night.” He choked, then grabbed his napkin. “You what?”

Arianna gave a wicked grin. “Put something in his drink so he got sick. Just a little. I showed up for work and took over his position on the pitch that day. Walked right into the conference room and did the presentation like I owned the place. They loved me.”

“You got his job?”

“Hell, no, the creep lied and threw me to the wolves, so they fired me. But after that I had the experience I needed. I lied on my resume and got another job at my current firm. First level assistant. But that’s all I needed. A foot in the door. I made my own luck.” Grant shook his head in admiration. “Heck of a story. What do your parents think?” She fought past the sadness and refused its entrance. “They were happy I was okay, but they’re not interested in the life I built here. They’re more interested in me getting married and having children. I think that will help them believe I’m normal. So far, I’ve been one long line of disappointments. They couldn’t have any other children so they were hoping I’d settle in Iowa, help dad run the farm and have a few kids.”

He squeezed her fingers and startled her out of her reverie. When she looked up, his gaze was dark and haunted, full of raw need and ghosts of his own past. She caught her breath at his own nakedness, and felt her heart pause, just a moment, then resume its beat.

“You know who you are.” His voice filled with urgency, as if warning her what he said was of utmost importance. “You have a gift not many people have, and if they do they refuse to listen. You took risks and you never compromised your soul for another human being. You, Arianna Devlin, are a hell of a woman.”

His words shook her to the core. Arianna struggled to keep her emotions from brimming over the cup which always held a tight lid. This man saw who she was. He watched her struggle in class through postures, had thrust into her body and made her come over and over, but was able to see a part of her she always hid—the shame she felt for never giving her parents what they wanted, for being who she needed to be. Deep down, she had always apologized for those emotions. Grant Madison made her feel powerful. She wondered if she would ever think of herself as that poor, ashamed girl again.

Her fingers trembled over the stem of her glass as she carefully set it down. She used her napkin to pat her lips, then pushed her chair politely away from the table.

“Come upstairs,” she said. “Now.”

Grant didn’t hesitate. He threw a wad of cash on the linen tablecloth and followed her out.

Chapter Four

The door closed behind him.

Grant turned. They stared at each other from across the cheap carpet in the hotel bedroom. The lighting cast a half glow over the queen sized bed, muting the furniture and the walls and everything else that existed. The heat between them rose. Simmered. Pulled.

“Take off your clothes.” His demand was rough, controlling. She shivered. His grace and gentleness all day in the studio vanished, leaving a hungry sexual male predator who wanted all aspects of power. She recognized her physical soul mate, recognized the sheer need within her core to be the one in charge, to be the one who held the command and made her mate bend beneath her and melt to her sexual will.

Tonight, she was a creature of surrender.

Arianna felt on the edge of an ancient discovery and fought the fall. “I want to see you. I want. . . . “

He took a step forward. His voice whiplashed across the room. “I won’t ask you again.

Take off your clothes, Arianna.”

The woman a few days ago would have laughed and walked across the room, confident in her nature of dominance. That woman would pull off Grant’s shirt, massage his erection, and make sure her rules were followed.

Arianna hesitated. He watched her with a fierce command. Waited for her surrender.

She reached up and unbuttoned her green satin blouse. Unhooked her pants and let them slide down her legs. Her fingers trembled as she pulled down her red lace panties but his nod of encouragement kept her going. She hadn’t been wearing a bra, so her breasts felt heavy and ripe immediately under the heat of his gaze. She stood before him, naked, and waited.

A pleased smile curved his lips and he seemed to relax. He crossed the room and stopped in front of her. His hands lifted to unhook her hair from the clip, and combed his fingers through the silky, straight strands. Murmuring low endearments as if to soothe a frisky mare, his hands began a slow exploration of her body. Using the lightest touch, he teased each nipple to a tight red bud. Stroked the flat lines of her stomach, her hips, and up and down the length of her spine.

All the while he touched her, he kept whispering erotic demands, for her to relax and submit to him, until his voice in her ear was like an aphrodisiac, and her eyes half closed as she gave herself completely up to the sensation of being under his control. He traced the line of pubic hair, brushing with the barest of touches, giving her teasing glimpses of his finger against her swollen folds and growing wetness. Arianna moaned and opened her legs for him for better entry.

Grant rewarded her submission by giving her more. His head bent and he took her nipple in her mouth, sucking hard and deep, his tongue flicking the hard nub back and forth. Arianna felt the cry of need start in her belly and tear out of her mouth, and he laughed deep, one fully clothed leg nudging her ankles fully apart so she was completely exposed to him while he remained covered.

Arianna gulped for air and fought the last moments of her surrender. “No,” she gasped.

“Take off your clothes. Let me take you in my mouth. I want to feel you.” His teeth carefully bit her nipple in punishment. A mingle of pain and fierce pleasure shook through her. “My rules, baby. No more talking. Just let yourself go and give me everything you have. I want it. I can take it.” And with that, his fingers plunged hard between her legs.

Arianna screamed as the orgasm ripped through her and she convulsed around his fingers.

He never stopped or paused to allow her breath. As she toppled, his thumb stroked and played with her clitoris and he used his knee to push her thigh upward, high against the wall so his palm could stroke over her swollen, wet lips and tease her back to the edge. One peak climbed to the next. Her head thrashed against the wall as she fought the pleasure, the sheer powerlessness she felt with his hands and mouth and teeth in control of her every will, every feeling. But still he pushed, he slid down her body and then his lips had replaced his hands. He held her wide with his thumbs so her pussy was completely open, and then his tongue licked and sucked at her clit, making her swell and drip with wetness, and he massaged her vulva with that hot, wet tongue until the orgasm came again, and again and again.

Sometime in the midst of the sexual frenzy, he had moved her to the bed, limbs exhausted and sated, her mind foggy,she realized he had removed his clothes. Her gaze took in with hunger his lean litheness and dark hair swirling over olive skin, the hard, thick erection between his thighs, the power and grace he used in class to instruct now focused completely on her pleasure.

He used his body on her mercilessly, his skin hot against hers, as he flipped her on her stomach and separated her buttocks, his tongue licking again at her center, separating her and lifting upward so she had no defenses against his whim.

His hard cock pushed in and took her from behind. He thrust deep, in a slow, steady rhythm calculated to drive her insane, keeping her final climax from coming with a determination and will she had never glimpsed in a man. He brought her to the edge over and over, backing off with his thrusts and pausing as he laughed when she thrashed and bucked, trying to make him do it, come inside of her, as she yelled his name over and over.

Her demands became broken hearted pleas as the sexual torture went on and she felt slowly driven insane. Her clit felt the friction and she reached hard for the edge, for satisfaction, until he slowed his thrusts while his hands massaged her heavy breasts. Teasing. Teasing. And then starting all over again.

“Tell me what you want,” he demanded, his voice as rough as sandpaper against the sensitive shell of her ear. His tongue licked and bit at her earlobe, the sensitive curve of her neck, biting deep like a vampire.

“Please make me come,” she begged, her pride and sanity long gone. “Grant, I need you, I need you.”

With a rough growl, he drove inside of her again and again, letting her go toward the edge, and then with a final thrust, she felt herself lift and let go, the spasms of release holding and shaking her body in tremors, his name breaking over lips. She heard his distant shout as he allowed himself to come inside of her. Then he lifted and rolled her, tucking her body against every crevice of his and sleep came and overtook them both.

* * *

“Are you awake?”

Arianna shimmered from sleep, her limbs heavy. One leg tangled between his hard thighs. Her breasts pressed against his muscled back. Darkness enfolded the room except for the sliver of moonlight leaking through the gap in the drapes. His husky voice reached out and caressed her ears.

“No. I’m dead.”

She felt his chest move under her palm and knew he was laughing at her. “I’m disappointed. I thought you had more stamina.”

“If I had a white handkerchief, I’d wave it in the air. Thank God I don’t have to demonstrate any postures tomorrow. I'll be lucky to walk.” He moved so he faced her. His gaze was deep and dark as he smoothed back the wild strands of hair from her face. “I’m giving you the night off from class tomorrow.”

“Good.” She paused. “Are we keeping our relationship a secret?” Grant traced the line of her jaw with a gentle finger. “We’re not a couple of teen-agers, but I need to be careful.” He seemed to struggle with his words. “I’m afraid if the other students know I’m involved with you it will change the dynamic in class. I’d like to keep our relationship private. For now. Is that okay with you?”