"No, I do not. I think there is much in what you say.”

"And he goes to her whenever possible. He seems to have an affection for her. These babies of hers ... they make a bond between them. She is not yet pregnant again or if she is I have not heard of it, but she had these two boys in a very short time, and the King is delighted with her. Oh, she's plain enough but George was always amenable. Yes, I think Charlotte might well be influencing him.”

"He has always said that he would never be influenced by women.”

"Poor George," smiled Augusta. "He does not always understand himself.”

The Princess Dowager called on the Queen at Richmond. Charlotte was looking well and told the Princess that she found life at Richmond to her taste, and it was very pleasant when the King could spare time from his duties to stay with his family.

The Princess studied her daughter-in-law carefully. No further signs of pregnancy. A pity! That would keep Charlotte occupied. She was conducted to the nurseries where she was delighted with the children. Little George was bright-eyed and his mother assured her, very intelligent. He was over a year old now and really taking notice. His nurses said that they had never known such a bright child. The Princess Dowager sat nodding like an old mandarin. Mother's talk, she thought.

"And the baby?”

"Oh, little Fred is adorable.”

"I wonder if he will be like his grandfather," smiled Augusta, softened by the charm of the children. "Oh, but he is just like his dear papa. Does George think so?”

"George thinks he takes a little after me," admitted Charlotte.

God help him! thought the Princess. No, he has his father's big eyes and chin. How could George see that crocodile mouth in such an enchanting little creature. Like Charlotte indeed. If George thought that he must be growing very fond and foolish. That brought her to the matter uppermost in her mind and which had urged her to take the journey out to Richmond. Was Charlotte beginning to influence George so that he no longer felt so affectionate towards his mother and Lord Bute? It was very likely.

"Dear George, the Government is so tiresome.”

"Oh, yes. He was most upset over that horrible Mr. Wilkes.”

He is talking to her, thought the Princess.

"These dreadful people who will not let us live in peace.”

"And Mr. Grenville tries the King sorely," went on Charlotte. "George says that when Mr.

Grenville has wearied him for two hours, he looks at his watch to see if he cannot tire him for one hour more.”

Charlotte laughed, but was sober almost immediately.

"But the Government is most trying. The King would be happier if Mr. Pitt would come back, but of course, Mr. Pitt never does anything except on his own terms.”

"So the King discusses these matters with you?”

Charlotte put her head on one side. It would not be truthful to say that was so, but it was very tempting to do so. The King answered her very briefly if she attempted to discuss politics. She learned most of the news from her women. Yet she hated to admit this to the Princess.

"These affairs are of the utmost importance," said Charlotte evasively.

So this is the answer, thought the Princess. We are being relegated to a back seat while he confides in this silly young girl who knows nothing of state affairs in this country whatsoever. She is advising the King while he turns away from his own mother and ... her dearest friend and his.

Charlotte had too high an opinion of herself. She did not know how reluctant George had been to marry her. She did not know how he had hankered after Sarah Bunbury Lennox that was. She thought that when she had come over here George had taken one look at her and fallen in love with her. No wonder the silly little creature gave herself airs. The Princess Dowager would not allow that.

"I am glad that you are happy with George, my dear," she said quietly but in a deadly voice.

"We were a little anxious ... just at first. I daresay you have heard about his obsession with Sarah Lennox. There is bound to be little-tattle.”

"Sarah Lennox ..." echoed Charlotte, wrinkling her brow.

"Married Charles Bunbury about the time of the King's illness. A pretty, empty-headed creature.”

Charlotte remembered her at the wedding. The bridesmaid who was the most beautiful girl she had ever seen. And George had looked at her ... longingly. She felt suddenly sad.

"He wanted to marry her. It was quite impossible of course. Then he saw sense and ... he behaved as he knew a king should. And how right it was. Here you are with two beautiful babies. They couldn't be more beautiful, I am sure.”

Charlotte sat still thinking of it. The wedding; the sacrifice he had had to make. Yet he had never mentioned it; he had never been unfaithful to her, she was sure. Poor George, to have been robbed of his dreams as Christina had been of hers. She often thought of Christina. Only Christina had no one; George had been presented with Charlotte; and he had married because it was his duty to marry; and they had two beautiful children. Sarah Lennox could not have produced more beautiful children. That was what the Princess was telling her.

She heard herself say: "It is sad for royal people that their wives and husbands should be chosen for them.”

"It is all for the best. I had never seen my husband until I came to England, and it all turned out very happily. We had our children and then..." And then, she thought, he died and I turned to the man I loved. Yes, she had been fortunate, but it was Charlotte and George she must think of.

"And now, my dear, you have your children.”

Charlotte picked up the baby and held him tightly against her. All was well. George was a good husband; and she had the boys. Why should she care about Sarah Lennox?

"I am sure," went on the Princess, 'that George has forgotten Sarah Lennox ... just as he did the Quaker girl.”

"The Quaker!”

"Oh, it is nothing. Past history, one might say. But there was rather an unfortunate little matter.”

"A Quaker girl," repeated Charlotte.

"Has he ever talked to you of her?”


"Nor of Sarah Lennox?”


"Then he would not wish it to be known that I have mentioned these women.”

"I shall not tell him.”

"He would be distressed if you spoke of them. He always said that he would manage his own affairs.”

Charlotte was silent.

"George was never one to like interference," went on the Princess Dowager. Was the message sinking in? Did she understand that George was capable of liking other women, that he was not the dull unadventurous husband she had no doubt been thinking him? Was she beginning to see that if she wished to keep George's affection she must not interfere?

The baby began to cry and Charlotte hastily picked him up. She had dismissed the nurse while she showed her children to the Princess Dowager and had the pleasure of knowing herself in command of them. It was not often so. The baby was immediately soothed. What had she to fear, she asked herself, when she had her little boys?

Sarah Lennox was safely married and out of the way; but she did wonder about the Quaker, for she had noticed on several occasions that George was deeply affected by them.

The Princess went back to her apartments well pleased with her interview. There she sent for her daughters, Augusta and Caroline Matilda. As they came into the apartment she thought how sulky Augusta looked nowadays; it was always so with princesses who were unmarried. Augusta was a year older than George and was naturally resentful that she had not been born a boy.

In fact, thought the Princess Dowager, perhaps Augusta would have made a better sovereign.

They should find a husband for her before it is too late. Perhaps now that dear Lord Bute was free of his cares it would be more like it used to be and they could plan together.

Caroline Matilda, aged thirteen, showed signs of being the beauty of the family. She was very very fair, as the whole family were. The blue eyes, the fair skin, the shining hair so pleasant in youth. But they must watch that she did not become too fat - a family failing. Husbands, thought the Princess Dowager, for them both. She would certainly speak to Lord Bute. She embraced the girls coolly, she had not much affection to show to any but Lord Bute and the King, and made a sign for them to sit down.

"I have visited the Queen at Richmond.”

"Domestic bliss," sneered Augusta.

Poor girl, thought her mother. She is very envious. Yes, certainly a husband.

"She is happy enough with her two babies.”

"What a fortunate thing that she happens to be fruitful. She has little else to offer.”

"I don't think she's so bad," put in Caroline Matilda; and was silenced by looks from both mother and sister.

"She is getting a little arrogant, I fancy. I believe she imagines she advises the King.”

"That explains why there is all this trouble with the Government," said Augusta, who enjoyed being spiteful.

"I am sure the King would never take her advice," said the Princess Dowager coolly.

"Then there is some other reason why the people are so dissatisfied.”

How much did her daughter know? wondered the Princess Dowager. Did she know that the people paraded through the streets with jackboots and petticoats, that they made bonfires in which to burn them, erected gibbets on which to hang them?

"The people are never satisfied," said the Princess Dowager. "I want you two to be watchful of the Queen. She is not very old not much older than Caroline Matilda here. She could be led astray.”

The Princesses' eyes widened and their mother hurried on; "I mean that she could listen to gossip.

She could become indiscreet and she might attempt to influence the King.”

"George always said that he would never let a woman influence him. But what of Sarah Lennox?”

"I do not wish you to speak disrespectfully of the King because he happens to be your brother.”

"But Your Highness will face the truth I am sure," said the Princess Augusta. "Everyone knows George was madly in love with Sarah Lennox.”

"The woman is safely married now. Though I pity Bunbury, I do not wish you girls to talk of that unfortunate affair. But I do wish you to draw out Charlotte as much as possible. Discover whether the King really does confide in her ...”

"In other words spy on her," said the Princess Augusta, 'as you commanded us to do on the King when he was considering marrying Sarah Lennox.”

"Nonsense," said her mother. "I merely wish you to help Charlotte.". The Princess Augusta was smiling sardonically. And in front of Caroline Matilda! There was no doubt about it, thought the Princess Dowager, her elder daughter was getting out of hand. She was becoming sardonic and cynical and very much aware that she was growing into an old maid. She had not only Charlotte to worry about, but her own Augusta.

She dismissed her daughters; and decided that since Augusta was becoming so uncomfortable they certainly must find a husband for her. The Princess Dowager did not wish the King to forget that although Lord Bute was no longer the head of the Government she still regarded him as the chief family adviser, and when she called on the King to speak to him about his sister's unmarried state she asked Lord Bute to meet her in the King's apartments.

They did not travel together; that would have been inviting the mob to hurl obscenities at them; it was bad enough now to go through the streets and see the jackboot and petticoat paraded or some of the posters which had been put up in prominent places. The Princess liked to travel as quietly as possible and she knew that Lord Bute did too.

The King received them with affection, but not that deference he had shown in the past. She had no need now to tell him to be a king, as she constantly had been obliged to in the old days. George was very much aware of the burdens of state and wanted no one to remind him of them.

"It is of your sister Augusta that I have come to talk to you," said the Princess. "We have been discussing her future and we really feel it is time you did something for her.”

"But what should be done?" asked George.

"She needs a husband. She grows more waspish every day. Don't forget she is a year older than you. We must do everything possible to find her a husband.”