And rule she did, taking an interest in the smallest details. Following the King's lead she must study the household accounts; she wanted to know how every penny was spent. She became fascinated by economies which did not endear her to the members of her household. Albert, her hairdresser whom she had brought with her from Mecklenburg, was one who was in revolt.

He came to her one day and said: "Madam, I wish to return to Mecklenburg.”

She was astonished. Leave England, this great and expanding country, for a little dukedom!

Albert must have taken leave of his senses.

"No, Madam," was the answer, "I could find a more lucrative post in the household of the Duke, I am sure. My skill is such that I should be welcomed there; and if Your Majesty would allow me to retire from your service on a pension ...”

"A pension!" The Queen was horrified. More money given away. She could not bear to contemplate it.

Albert pointed out sadly that the expectations with which he had come to England had not materialized.

"That is often the case with many of us," she told him, and that was the end of the matter. Albert was not going to be allowed to leave.

The ladies-in-waiting said she was becoming like a miserly old country woman measuring out the preserves from the still-room; and aware of their hostility she became more and more autocratic, although bowing to the King's will in all things. She had made a rule that all her ladies should buy English goods.

"I myself," she told Lady Charlotte Finch, 'shall wear an English nightdress." She smiled. "The King is pleased when I do. And, Lady Charlotte, I expect you to do the same.”

Lady Charlotte, who liked to choose her own clothes, was a little deflated, but owing to her position in the nurseries could do nothing but obey.

"And the children's clothes should be English too.”

"Then Your Majesty would wish me to order new English clothes for them.”

"Good heavens, no. What a wicked waste! Only when the time comes, Lady Charlotte.”

Lady Charlotte smiled. Like other ladies of the Court she liked to tease the Queen, without her knowing it, of course. Charlotte asked for the lists of the children's clothes to be brought to her then. Each boy had six full dress suits a year besides several ordinary suits for ordinary day wear; once a fortnight they had new shoes, and new hats as they were required.

"The Prince of Wales seems to wear a great many hats.”

"He enjoys playing ball with them, Your Majesty.”

"Oh, the wicked waste! He must be stopped.”

But even Charlotte was pleased at her son's high spirits.

"And William's shoes! Edward's too! Surely they cannot need so many pairs? A pair for spring and autumn should be adequate.”

"They have a passion for kicking stones, Your Majesty. And if they can find anything to kick they will kick it.”

"Then they must be forbidden to do so, the naughty little things. Where do they learn such habits?”

"From the Prince of Wales, Your Majesty.”

It always came back to the Prince of Wales. "He is a rogue," said his mother affectionately; but she doted on him to such an extent that she could even forget to be shocked by the extravagance he caused.

Such pleasant days at dear little Kew, waiting for her to be born, bearing them, having the pleasure of seeing another little face in the nursery. And of course the King came often to escape from state affairs, for a little respite such as he loved. There were times when Charlotte would have liked to reason with him, to ask him why he could not discuss affairs with her. How interesting it would have been if he had. It was not that she was meek by nature, far from it; but she could not forget those terrifying weeks of his illness when he had wandered in his mind and had been yes, she had to admit it, somewhat deranged, when the Princess Dowager and Lord Bute had sought to keep her away from him a foretaste of what her life would be like if ever she lost him.

Sometimes when George's eyes seemed to become more prominent than ever, when his speech became more rapid and was punctuated even more liberally than usual by those interminable "Whats', a terrible fear came to her that George might again suffer the same sort of illness which he had experienced that spring.

No, Kew meant refuge to him as it did to her. There he played the country gentleman; there he made his buttons and inspected the farms and talked about turning some of the park into arable land, supervised the children's education, diet, their wardrobes, their household. That was when he was happiest dealing with the little things of life which to him were of the utmost importance.

"Plenty of exercise," he would say, 'and plenty of fresh air, eh? And not overloading with food.

What? Vegetables. Good for you. And never wine. Make sure the children get lean meat.”

He himself followed these rules which he laid down for the children, for he was certain they were necessary for all.

While the Wilkes trouble was at its height and there were riots in St. George's Square outside the jail, the King came to Kew for a little respite. Charlotte who had listened to her women talking of Wilkes as indeed everyone was who had heard the servants whisper the man's name often when they were unaware that she could hear, mentioned him to the King which brought forth unusual indignation in His Majesty.

"Why, Charlotte," he said, "I thought you knew that I come here to escape from these tiresome matters. Didn't you? Didn't you, eh? What peace am I to get if I am to have nothing but Wilkes in St. James's and nothing but Wilkes at Kew, what? What?”

Charlotte said that that man's name seemed to be on all lips so she supposed it was natural it should be on hers, too.

"Not at Kew. I come to Kew to get away from all that. Not much use coming here to find Wilkes waiting for me, eh?”

To soothe him Charlotte asked if he would care to go into the children's house to see them dine.

They would be just sitting down to dinner and delighted doubtless to see their father. This suggestion restored the King's good humour and together he and the Queen left the main house at Kew and walked the little distance to the small one occupied by the children. Charlotte was right; the children were just sitting down to their meal, Lady Charlotte Finch presiding.

Charlotte noted that it was a fish day and that there was nothing on the table which the King had laid down should not be eaten by his family. The children greeted their parents with pleasure and cries of delight from little Edward which were echoed by little Charlotte who had only just become old enough to join the group at the table. The youngest, Augusta Sophia, was naturally not present.

The Prince of Wales made an announcement which he made every fish day without fail that he liked meat and when he was king he would eat it every day.

"Then," said the King, 'you will be a very fat king.”

"Fatter than you?" asked George.

"A great deal fatter ... so fat that you won't be able to move about except in a carriage. You wouldn't like that would you? Eh? Eh?”

"Yes, I would," said the Prince of Wales.

"But I tell you, you would not.”

"I would," said the Prince of Wales almost sullenly. "I hate fish. I want meat.”

The Queen looked at Lady Charlotte Finch who remarked that the Prince of Wales seemed to forget he was in the presence of the King and Queen.

"I didn't forget. How could I forget when they are here.”

"The Prince of Wales forgets his manners, it seems. What?" said the King, looking so fiercely at Lady Charlotte that she flushed.

"I don't forget them," the Prince pointed out. "I don't always use them.”

The Queen tried not to smile, but the boy knew by the twitching of her lips that he was being as amusing as ever and he went on imperiously: "And if I don't want to use them, I won't.”

"Perhaps," said the King, still looking at Lady Charlotte, 'the Prince of Wales should be requested to leave the room until he can find the manners he has mislaid. Eh? What?”

Little Edward began to look under the table as though he thought manners were something which they should be wearing or carrying in their pockets. Frederick who always followed his eldest brother said: "I won't eat fish either.”

"Then," said the King, 'you may leave the table and your brother may go with you. You understand me, eh?”

"Quite," said the Prince of Wales haughtily. "Come, Fred.”

The two boys went with great dignity to the door and the Prince said as they disappeared : "I never could abide fish.”

"The young puppies," said the King when the door shut on them and William told his parents about his new puppy and the Queen answered brightly, trying to pretend that her two eldest sons had not been dismissed in disgrace.

"I will speak to them later," said the Queen comfortably. "Young George has such high spirits and Fred will follow him in everything.”

The King grunted; he was already working out in his mind fresh arrangements involving more discipline in the nursery. They sat with the younger children until they finished their dinner, and when they had been to their nursery they sat on together and the King talked in a rather excited manner about young George.

"But I have heard that he learns quickly and is very bright indeed at his lessons.”

"He must learn humility," replied the King. "That must be taught him. You agree, eh? You'd admit he was showing some arrogance. You wouldn't approve of that, eh? What?”

"He has very high spirits and that is no bad thing. I think that on the whole we should be rather proud of him.”

The King nodded, and said he would work out new rules for the children's household; and he would see that the Prince of Wales was taught a little more humility. He wondered how they were getting on with their music. They must love music. He had found more pleasure in music than any other entertainment. He believed that Handel was one of the best of musicians and he wanted the boys and the girls in time to be familiar with his works. Whether they had inherited his love of music or not they were to be made to like it ... just as they would be made to like lean meat and fish when it was not their day for meat.

The door of the room was cautiously opened; the Queen turned sharply, but the King had not heard. Charlotte saw Frederick's face, rather red, his blue eyes alight with purpose and behind him the taller figure of the Prince of Wales.

Suddenly Frederick shouted: "Wilkes and Number Forty Five forever.”

The King leaped to his feet. There was a sound of scampering feet and rushing to the door George saw his elder sons disappear up the staircase. Charlotte came and stood beside him. Then George began to smile; Charlotte smiled too. Then they were both laughing.

"So you see," said the Queen demurely. "Your Majesty cannot get away from Wilkes even at Kew.”

The children should be made aware of their public duty, said the King; and no one could deny that he was a devoted father. To give them an interest and to take their minds from their own petty importance he ordered that a model farm be made at Kew and there they could have their own animals and feel as the King said 'a responsibility towards them'. The King believed that what was entrancing to him must be to his children; and it was he who took more pleasure in the model farm than his sons did. When he was at Kew he would go to see how the milking was getting on and take a turn with the butter making.

"Come, George," he would say. "Come, Fred. You are not princes at this moment. You are farmers. Understand, eh? What's that? You'd rather be a prince, George. I've no doubt. I've no doubt. But you will have to learn to appreciate the joys of working the land, boy.”

For the most part the boys did enjoy playing with their father. They were fond of the animals; but none of them showed the skill the King had in dealing with them. The King had decided that on every Thursday Kew should be thrown open to the public so that they could wander about the grounds and the farm, and see the children at play. They would watch the games of cricket and rounders at which the elder Princes excelled; and the Prince of Wales always enjoyed an audience.

The act of throwing Kew open to the people proved to be a good one, for the King's popularity began to rise again and whatever else was said of him all agreed that he was a good father; and when he met any of his subjects wandering over his lawns he always behaved with the utmost courtesy and never expected them to treat him as a King.