Lara had been revolted by the whole thing, but she knew she had further impressed Kol with what he believed was her burgeoning darkness. And his decision not to see her until after she gave birth was a great relief to her. He escorted her back to her apartments where the new wet nurse was awaiting them. Lara looked the woman over. She was a big-boned creature with two enormous breasts that reminded Lara of cows’ udders. She stood, eyes lowered before the Twilight Lord and his mate.

“You have weaned your child?” Lara demanded of her.

“Aye, mistress, as I was ordered to do,” the woman replied.

“My son will not be born for another few weeks,” Lara told the wet nurse. “I do not want your milk drying up. The solution for that is to have you suckled by your master at least twice daily. Do you understand me? You are being given a great honor.”

“Aye, mistress,” came the response.

“You have a name?” Lara asked.

“Ema, mistress.” The woman never lifted her head.

“I have had a room fitted out for you, Ema. It is next to my bedchamber. Take your master there now and suckle him so that your milk remains sweet and fresh for our son.” Lara turned to Kol. “Go with her now, my dearest lord. I will keep to my chamber when you come and we will not see one another until the child is born.” She stood on her toes and kissed his lips sweetly. “Farewell until then, my lord Kol.” Then turning Lara entered her own bedchamber and closed the door behind her, sighing with relief. As long as she didn’t have to interact with Kol, or see him, she could hold the darkness in her to a minimum. Oh, Great Creator, she prayed silently, forgive me all the terrible wickedness I have done these past days. Forgive, too, the wickedness I will do in the coming days that Kol not know I have been restored to myself. Help me to return safely to my beloved Magnus. Never let him learn of this terrible interlude in my life! Let Kaliq keep his promise to me so that I forget this time in the Dark Lands.

Had the children missed her? Well, Dillon would have. Anoush had probably come to hate her again and Zagiri would not even know who she was. I don’t care what I have to do, Lara thought, I am never leaving my children again! It was past time she gave Magnus his son. A little boy with his father’s deep golden hair and turquoise-blue eyes. She winced suddenly as the life within her protested her thoughts. One child squirming within her womb was bad enough but two was awful. They would be pale-skinned and dark-haired as their father was, she knew.

Ema came to tell her when the Twilight Lord had left. She looked drained and tired and Lara felt sorry for her. She told the woman to rest. Macia was whimpering with the stripes upon her back. Lara took pity on her and devised a spell that took most of the pain away, leaving just enough to remind Macia of her sins. Anka returned bruised and battered. Lara later heard her whispering to Macia that the Punishment Master was the finest lover she had ever known and that she would be visiting him again when she could find the time. Lara let Anka live with her pain, which did not seem so great, leading her to suspect the Punishment Master had put some soothing ointment on the woman himself. As for Alvar, he would not wield his love rod for several weeks.

Macia did not complain, instead she served her mistress with devotion. When Lara asked her why this sudden change in her attitude, Macia said, “Because I can now see you are more than just a woman upon whom our lord’s son will be gotten. You are his equal in every way, mistress. You know how to punish. I am proud to serve you. And forgive me if I have spoken out of turn.”

Lara slapped the woman’s cheek hard and smiled. “You think too much, Macia. Remember, you come from the lower orders. But I do forgive you for your boldness. You are almost a perfect servant. Some day soon you will help me to correct Anka’s continuing impertinent behavior.”

“Whatever you require, mistress, I will do it,” Macia said, rubbing her cheek and returning the smile Lara had given her. She was thrilled her mistress obviously cared enough about her to personally punish her. The slap was a badge of honor for Macia.

And then, on a black night when not a star shone upon the Dark Land, Lara went into labor. The Twilight Lord was notified but he would not come until the child was born. It was tradition. Another tradition they would observe was her healing. After their son was born she would be given special herbs and ointments that would be rubbed on her sexual organs. In exactly one week from her delivery Lara would be completely healed and Kol would pierce her with his love rod. They would take pleasures publicly before his chancellor, his underlords and other invited guests to show them that both he and his mate were fit again and that the child who had come from their loins was a strong infant who would one day lead his people. Kol concentrated upon that ceremony as he waited for word of a successful birth.

Lara’s labor was the worst she had ever had. She knew, thanks to Kaliq, that it would not be long. But Great Creator! It was hard and painful. Only Macia and Anka were there to attend her. She hadn’t wanted anyone else. Knowing it was not her first child, Kol allowed her to have her way but a midwife waited outside of Lara’s apartments in case she was needed.

The woman winced, hearing Lara’s shrieks of pain. Finally she could bear no more and entered unbidden, pushing the frazzled Macia and Anka aside. Looking down she swore, “Great Krell, help us!” seeing two thin little legs pushing from Lara’s body. The child was coming backwards and there was now no help for it. Without a word she reached up, inserted several fingers and helped the baby’s buttocks and torso to move down the birth passage. Lara screamed as the shoulders and head burst forth from her body, but then that the midwife cried out. “Great Krell, what is this?”

“What is the matter?” Lara gasped, then shrieked again and pushed as hard as she could. It had to be done quickly to keep the three women in a state of confusion. She could already hear the first child crying.

The midwife said nothing at first and just caught the second child as it shot forth from his mother’s body grasping the arm of the sibling who came before it. “There are two boys, great lady,” the midwife finally said. “Such a thing has never happened!”

“See to my sons! See to my sons!” Lara cried out to them.

The trio of amazed servants quickly did as they were bid, cleaning the evidence of the birth from the twins, swaddling them tightly. The two children were identical in every way. Tufts of ebony hair adorned each head. Dark blue eyes were now but barely visible. Milk-white skin revealed not the faintest hint of color. They were brought to their mother and shown to her.

Lara nodded. She was astounded that she felt nothing for these children. “Take them to their father,” she told Macia and Anka.

The two women obediently departed, each carrying a baby. The midwife then turned to caring for Lara who quickly passed the placenta. Then the woman began preparing Lara for the ceremony that would take place in exactly one week. Lara was silent under her ministrations for she was considering what Kol was going to say when he learned that he had not one son, but two.

Kol watched as his mate’s two serving women came into his privy chamber where he was seated with his chancellor, Alfrigg. They hurried to him and presented the bundles they carried. Kol stared in shock. “What is this?” he demanded, realizing even as he asked how stupid he sounded.

“Your mate has given you two sons, my lord,” Macia half whispered.

“Which one came first?” the Twilight Lord demanded.

The two women looked at him startled and shook their heads. “We do not know, my lord,” Macia said.

“How can I distinguish between them?” Kol wondered aloud.

Alfrigg came to his side and the serving women bent to show him the babies. “They appear identical, my lord. Undress them,” Alfrigg snapped.

Macia and Anka complied with the request, and immediately the two babies began to scream and flail their limbs in protest. Ignoring them both Kol and his chancellor sought some sort of difference that would distinguish the children but neither man could find anything. The infants were indeed identical.

“Wrap them up again,” Kol said to the two servants.

“This presents a problem, my lord. Was there nothing of this in the Book of Rule?” Alfrigg asked.

“Nothing,” Kol replied. “It just said I would get my son on Lara.”

“Look in the book now, my lord,” Alfrigg suggested.

Kol reached for the book kept by his chair. Opening it he gazed down, and stared hard. The book’s pages were blank beyond the prophecy regarding Lara.

“There is nothing,” he said.

“You must kill one of these children, then,” Alfrigg said.

“I cannot and you know I cannot,” Kol exclaimed. “It is against our law. This event is confusing enough. Nothing like it has ever occurred before. What if I kill the wrong son? Nay. They must be allowed to grow up and only then will I be able to tell which is the true heir, Alfrigg.”

The chancellor shook his head. “I fear for the days ahead,” he said. Then he turned to the Twilight Lord. “What will you call them, my lord?”

“Kolbein and Kolgrim,” the Twilight Lord said. Then he took a dagger from his belt and made a small cut on one infant’s cheek. The wound bled fiercely but after a few drops had fallen Kol touched it with a single finger and a thin scar immediately covered the cut. The baby, who had screamed at the piercing of his skin, grew silent as his father’s finger healed him and removed the pain. “This is how we will tell Kolbein from his brother.” He then marked the other twin in the same manner on his opposite cheek with the same result. “Kolgrim is marked on the left cheek, and Kolbein on the right cheek,” he explained.

“Cleverly done, my lord,” Alfrigg said.

“Return the twins to their mother and tell her I will come to her shortly to tell her what I have done and why. Notify Ema that those hefty dugs of hers will nurse both my sons and put them to her breasts while I speak to their mother,” Kol ordered his wife’s serving women, who hurried from his presence with the infants.

“What you have done is impressive, my lord,” Alfrigg said. “With your permission I will notify all the lords of your prowess and the success it has led to with these births. The invitations will be sent immediately for the Completion Ceremony.” He bowed and withdrew from the chamber on his short legs.

Kol sat for several minutes taking in the fact that he had fathered two sons instead of the requisite one. It was obviously the will of Krell or it would not be. Rising from his chair he hurried from his privy chamber to congratulate his mate on their incredible achievement. It never occurred to him that anything might be amiss.


KOL FOUND LARA exhausted with her labors when he entered her bedchamber. Bending he kissed her lips gently. “You are amazing, my precious,” he told her. “Have they shown you how I marked the twins yet?”

Lara nodded. “What are their names, my lord?”

“Kolbein and Kolgrim,” he told her. “Kolbein is marked on his right cheek, and Kolgrim on his left.”

“Oh, my lord, I am so sorry,” Lara said feigning a sob. “Why has this happened? Why did my womb birth two sons instead of the required single child?”

“I do not know,” Kol admitted to her, “but it can only be Krell’s will, my precious. Do not fret yourself. When our sons are grown men I shall set them to several tasks, and the one who succeeds in completing them all will be my heir. If they both succeed then they shall battle to the death for supremacy. Whichever of them lives will rule the Dark Lands after me.”

“Oh, how clever you are, my darling,” Lara told him.

“You must rest now,” he said to her. “I will not see you for seven more days. We will meet at the Completion Ceremony.”

“What is the Completion Ceremony?” Lara asked him.

“A celebration of our sons’ birth that you and I will perform for our high lords,” he answered. “You will enjoy it, I promise you, my precious.”

She drew his head down to her and kissed him again. “Then until that day, my lord,” she said smiling at him. “I am relieved not to have displeased you.”

“You could never displease me, Lara,” he said softly. Then he arose and left her. Outside in her dayroom he called Macia and Anka to him. “Your mistress, not being born a Darklander, does not know the particulars of the Completion Ceremony. You will not tell her anything. I want it to be a surprise for her. And if you behave yourselves, I will permit you both to take part in the Afterwards. You will choose any of the lords present for your lover that night.