“No need to thank me for statin’ the truth,” he said. “Figure Jake got a good look at you too, what with all those fancy pictures of you in Lydia’s house.”

My throat closed again.

Tom held my eyes, doing it intently, and went on.

“Man could fall in love with a girl, just like that.” He snapped his fingers and I was so engrossed in what he was saying I jumped. “If that girl looked like you do in those pictures.”


“So pretty, like a movie star,” Tom carried on.

Oh my God.

“Tom,” I whispered.

“Back that with Lydia talkin’ you up the way she did. Folks around town who know you and know what a good heart you have. Way everyone knows how you loved your Gran, always visiting, always talkin’ when you’re not. Yeah,”—he nodded—“a man could fall in love just like that.”

I swallowed to open my throat in order to breathe.

“But see,” he continued with his story. “She’s ridin’ first class on jets and got herself a fancy job workin’ for a rich guy and hobnobs with superstars. Wears expensive clothes. She’s got no baggage. No ex-husband. No kids. Man who can’t give her all that. Man who’s got that kind of baggage and then some. A man who makes a good livin’ but one off exotic dancers. Man like that could steer clear ‘a that woman, hopin’, even if he knows he’d kill for a shot at her, she’d find something better.”

“There’s nothing better than Jake,” I said softly.

“Good answer,” he replied just as softly.

I stared into his eyes as I straightened my shoulders and stated, “I’d ask you in for a drink but I’m afraid it’s rather urgent that I find Jake.”

He nodded, his lips curving up, his blue eyes twinkling. “I understand.”

“I’ll, um…perhaps see you tomorrow for an omelet.”

“Now, I’ll look forward to that, Josie.”

“I…well…it was lovely to see you, Tom.”


I nodded and moved swiftly to my car. I started it up, drove by Tom’s truck and did this with my phone to my ear.

I got Jake’s voicemail.

“Blast!” I snapped, pulling out of Lavender Lane and onto the road. I listened to Jake saying, “Spear. Leave a message.” Then I said, “Jake…darling, I…well, we need to speak. I’ve been…” Drat! “We need to talk. As soon as possible. I’m in my car and I’ll come to you wherever you are. Just phone.”

I disconnected but held my phone in my hand as I drove, knowing that Jake could often leave his mobile in the office at the gym if he was working out, sparring or training.

Maybe that was why he didn’t pick up my call.

I’d go to the gym.

I hit Cross Street and my phone rang in my hand.

My heart leaped and I looked to it, disappointment sweeping through me when I saw it was Alyssa.

I took the call anyway because I knew she was worried about me. Actually, I couldn’t not know this. When I gave her my ridiculous waffle about selling Lavender House and leaving Magdalene, she’d replied, “Babelicious, straight up, this is whacked and I’m so worried about you.”

I needed to brief her so she’d worry no longer.

And I needed to get to Jake.

So I greeted, “Hey, Alyssa. Now’s not—”

“Babe, shit, crap, fuck, babe,” she cut me off to say, sounding tremendously freaked.

My heart skipped this time and it wasn’t a good skip. “Are you okay?”

“No!” she cried. “My Sofie’s in the clink.”

Another skip of the heart that was far from good.

“She’s in jail?” I asked incredulously, for sweet, quiet, shy Sofie in jail was impossible to believe as well as a disaster.

“School jail,” Alyssa told me. “The principal’s office. I’m headed over there now. You need to get there, babelicious. Conner’s in the clink with her.”

Another skip of the heart. This one worse.

What?” I nearly yelled, turning off Cross Street to head toward the high school.

“Yep. Sofie called, totally freaking out. Barely got a word from her that made sense but since I got so many of them, I managed to put it together. I guess that little piece of work, Mia, was all up in Conner’s shit about how he ruined her life. They were in the hall and Sofie saw it happening and, don’t know what got into my girl, but she got involved. It started with words but I guess Mia got nasty so Sofie slammed her into a locker and kicked her in the shin. Mia went ballistic and jumped her. Conner waded in to separate them and got himself clocked, unfortunately by Sofie, but he fell into Mia and she’s sayin’ he attacked her. Which we both know isn’t true. No Spear man would take a hand to a woman, she deserved it or not, seein’ as Donna needed some sense slapped into her about decade ago and that shit never happened. And I won’t even start on what should be done with Ethan’s mom.”

Oh God.

Poor Conner.

Poor Sofie.

And that little fink, Mia.

What a mess!

“I’m on my way,” I told her.

“I just got here,” she replied.

“Is Jake there?” I asked.

“Shit yeah,” she answered. “See his truck but Sofie said he showed when she was on the phone with me.”

Well, that answered why he didn’t pick up when I called.

I didn’t know if I should be relieved or not. I didn’t want Conner in the school clink but I wasn’t certain how Jake would react after I’d muddled things up so horribly and then showed up at school.

There was nothing for it.

I’d just have to handle it, whatever it might be.

“See you soon,” I told Alyssa.

“Later, babe. And just, you know, sayin’…that Mia girl’s around and I see her get up in my daughter’s shit, I give you permission to tackle me, shove me out of the room, whatever you gotta do. Talked to my girl about that bullying you told me about. Now this. That Mia needs a lesson but I don’t need an assault charge.”

“I’ll be sure to tackle you or…whatever,” I assured her hoping I didn’t have to do that.

“Right. Later.”

“Later, Alyssa.”

She disconnected.

I drove and my heart skipped another beat, this one anxious, when I saw Jake’s truck in the lot in front of the school.

I parked, got out and hurried into the school.

The administrative offices were at the front and I walked right in.

The receptionist looked up at me. “Can I help you?”

And that was when my heart fluttered and my belly dipped.

This was because I heard Jake say, “She’s with me.”

I looked to the side to see him standing in an open door, his arm up and extended my way, his eyes locked on me.

Relief sweeping through me so profoundly it nearly brought me to my knees, I struggled past it and, without delay, moved to him, lifting a hand and taking his.

His fingers closed around mine and they did this tight, his eyes never leaving me.

Then he pulled me into the room.

* * * * *

“Go,” Mia’s father, Neal ordered.

“But Dad—” she started.

“Not another word, Mia,” he warned. “Told you, stay away from Conner Spear. Told you, you act like a decent person, you’d win folks back around. You didn’t listen to me. Now, we’re gonna find out if I can find other ways to make you listen to me.”

We were standing outside the high school and apparently, spoiled Mia had pushed her father too far.


Mia had been suspended for three days.

Sofie had been suspended for one.

Conner had been released early seeing as, after the situation finally got sorted out, it was the last period of the day and there was no point in him going back and disturbing class. Especially after the ruckus that many in the school had seen and probably now all of the school had heard about.

The truth had outed, all of it, including the past bullying which Conner had stared intently at Sofie all the while she’d recounted it (in a rather adorable stammer, I might add).

It also included the lie about the pregnancy, something Mia’s father shared himself by saying, “First you lie about Con knockin’ you up, spreadin’ that crap around, and now this? God, what am I gonna do with you?”

Apparently the principal was rather hands on and had seen Mia at work, knew Sofie was an honor roll student and the belle of the choir, and thus understood the situation.

Therefore Sofie got suspended for pushing and kicking Mia but Mia bore the brunt of the punishment for starting the situation, not backing down, getting physical right back with Sofie and hurling rather unladylike profanities at Conner, then Sofie, doing this at the top of her lungs.

We watched Neal march Mia to his car and the minute they were out of earshot, Alyssa turned to her daughter.

“You…so...rock,” she stated and pulled Sofie into a tight hug. “So proud of you, not takin’ any shit.”

I saw Sofie’s tentative proud smile as she hugged her mother back. However, this hug was prematurely ended when Conner wrapped his fingers around Sofie’s bicep and gently pulled her from her mother’s embrace.

Alyssa’s arms dropped and her eyes moved to Conner.

“Takin’ Sofie home, Mrs. Harper,” he declared.

Oh dear.

“But, I—” Sofie began but she snapped her mouth shut when Conner cut his eyes to her.

“Takin’ you home,” he repeated a lot more firmly this time and considering his earlier declaration was very firm, this was rock-solid.

Oh my.

Sofie looked terrified. But then her eyes drifted to the red mark on Conner’s cheekbone, one she put there. Accidentally, of course, but she’d done it.

Then she whispered, “I…okay,” though she didn’t really have a choice.

Conner continued not to give her one.

He did this by sliding his hand down to hers, grabbing hold and dragging her down the sidewalk.

We all watched until they turned the corner toward the student parking area, Sofie looking back at us with an expression I couldn’t make out due to the distance, before they disappeared.

The instant they did, Alyssa turned happy eyes to me.

“Figure, she gets home, my girl’s gonna have the taste of Spear on her lips,” she announced ecstatically.

I pressed my lips together in order not to smile.

Jake muttered, “Jesus.”

Alyssa looked at Jake.

“Jake, babe, you do not get this but I’ll let you in the know,” she started. “See, a girl never forgets her first kiss. And this may not go anywhere with our two, but that doesn’t matter. I figure he’s got enough experience to give her a good one. He’s smart. Cute. Sweet. And very into her. So all her life she’ll look back at that and smile. And for a mom, well, a mom knows her girl got that, she thinks that’s a little bit of all right.”

“Can we stop talking about this?” Jake asked.

Alyssa smiled big and looked to me. “For a dad, the thought of his daughter’s first kiss is when latent murderous tendencies wake up. The thought of his boy kissing a girl, that’s when he starts buying stock in Babies ‘R’ Us.”

“I’m seeing we can’t stop talking about this,” Jake murmured.

“Okay,” Alyssa said. “We’ll talk about you two and how I’m freakin’ thrilled you sorted your shit. So this means we’re on for a barbeque on Saturday. This bein’ because I know my Sofie and if she feels like buildin’ a wall back up after Con spends the next hour tearin’ it down, she will.” She raised a hand and pointed a finger at Jake. “You get your son there. I’ll forget to buy somethin’ at the grocery store. I’ll ask Sofie to go get it.  You get your boy to take her.” She looked to me. “’Course, I’ll already have it ‘cause I hope Con’ll take a very long time gettin’ her back home and we don’t wanna do without.”

“Are you honestly standing here plotting to get my boy alone with your girl?” Jake asked disbelievingly and Alyssa shrugged.

“He’s got the goods this afternoon, won’t have to bother and they’ll be cozy by Saturday anyway,” she replied.

“I’ll ask again. Can we stop talking about this?” Jake repeated.

Alyssa looked him in the eyes. “Yeah, Jake. But I’m gonna tell you one more thing. I know your never forget your first kiss and, you get a good one, you never forget your first boyfriend.” She then turned to me. “And landing a Spear as your man is bound to be unforgettable.”

That was sweet.

And so very true.

Jake said nothing.

I didn’t either.

“Right, gotta dash,” she announced. “I left a client in foils and hope like fuck Lindsey got her sorted out like I asked or she’s not going to have any hair left when I get back,” She gave us a finger wave and then jogged gracefully on the toes of her high-heeled boots to her car.