“Don’t be greedy and impatient, pet. If you’re apologizing to me, rushing me before I’m ready isn’t the way to convince me you’re sorry.” He released his tight grip on her hair, then clamped his big hand around her face, fingers squeezing the muscles of her jaw. “Open up. Suck my cock. Make me believe you’re repentant and eager to please.”

“I’ll have to believe it, too, lovely, or there won’t be any fucking in your future,” Sean added. “Go on. And not a sound while I take my pound of flesh.”

This tag-team discipline probably shouldn’t turn her on so much, but why deny that it made her needy and turned her inside out. Too bad whimpering and begging wouldn’t do her a damn bit of good. Only obedience would.

Callie hadn’t had many opportunities to really put herself in another’s hands and turn over her will. She wanted to now so, so bad. Yes, they were going to make her wait and ache and beg. But whatever they did would also draw them all closer together . . . for however long it lasted.

She poured her heart into the pass of her tongue over Thorpe’s cock, licking him lovingly, closing her eyes as if she could preserve the moment forever. Behind her, Sean smoothed his palm over her heated flesh, spreading the warmth. She held in a whimper and restrained the urge to raise her hips to him for more. He slid his fingers down her ass, to her pussy, skimming over her swollen labia, her engorged clit.

The moment was magical. Callie felt touched all over. She felt adored. And she surrendered completely to the moment. To them.

Stretching her lips wide, she took Thorpe deep, relishing his hard length filling her mouth. Every corner burst with his scent and taste, so masculine, a bit salty, so very big and musky and perfect. Holding back her moan became impossible as she eased her head back, sucking until her tongue tingled, then dragging her teeth over the sensitive head. Thorpe cursed on a groan.

Callie sensed more than saw Sean lean around her body to watch. Knowing that his stare fixed on her ignited something in her belly. It was impossible not to want to put on a show and make him remember the moments she’d had her mouth around him, too.

Soon, Thorpe shuttled his cock from between her lips in a rush, as if he couldn’t feel enough of her. He cursed, his fist tightening in her hair. His excitement ratcheted up her thrill.

Then Sean kissed his way down her side before resuming his position behind her and settling into a rhythm. Methodically, he swatted her backside until it burned and tingled and lit a fire in her blood.

Fighting the urge to squirm and plead for mercy was becoming nearly impossible. With their every touch, Callie submerged herself in the most delicious euphoria. She wasn’t sure she could take a deep breath around the bliss. Dizziness swamped her head. Thrill fevered her blood.

And she loved every minute of it, just like she loved them.

“Pet . . .” Thorpe’s voice deepened, roughened, to something so intimate. She’d listened to the man’s every intonation for four years, but never heard that particular note. She loved the idea that it was something he’d reserved just for her. “Callie, baby. You’re killing me.”

She smiled around his thick flesh so hard on her tongue and laved him again with all the feeling swirling and pooling inside her. He groaned and tugged on her hair again, vacating her mouth with a pop.

Callie moaned in protest without thought, blinking up at his big, heaving chest as he worked hard to breathe past the arousal. His jaw was clenched, his nostrils flared. His gray eyes looked stormy and had darkened to something on the verge of a tempest.

No way she could stop herself from falling helplessly into his gaze. “Please don’t stop me.”

“I damn near came down your throat.” He brushed his thumb over her lower lip. “Someday, I would love to shudder and climax right inside that pretty mouth. Not today.”

She bit her lip and tried to swallow down her disappointment. The idea of Thorpe granting her his pleasure—of pushing him past his restraint—aroused the hell out of her. But she hadn’t earned the right to ask for anything she wanted. This was punishment. Very sexy, amazing punishment, but almost more difficult to bear than anything else she could imagine. They dangled a dear fantasy in her face, then yanked it away. This morning would be full of orgasm deprivation. They would stop her anytime she ached for something too much. She would endure it because she regretted worrying and hurting them, even if it had been for a good cause.

“I understand, Sir.”

He caressed the crown of her head, then settled at her nape and urged her up for a kiss.

“Are you satisfied she’s sorry?” Sean asked, still palming her heated backside and adding a swat every now and then.

Now that she wasn’t focused on heaping sensation all over Thorpe, the blood and desire throbbed in the cheeks of her ass. A neon billboard would have been more subtle. She gasped, wishing she had the distraction to focus on again. But Sean only ran his hand between her legs once more, settling his fingers over the jewel of her clit.

“I think I might see a little remorse,” Thorpe drawled. “But I’m not convinced that she’s sorry enough. I want to be sure that she never intends to run again.”

Callie swallowed a cry. She didn’t want to flee from them. But if she brought danger or trouble to them and could fix it by leaving . . . she would have no choice.

“Absolutely.” Sean twirled lazy circles at the top of her mound, right where she needed it most, but never with enough speed or pressure to send her flying. “We’ll just have to work her harder until we’re convinced that she truly understands where she belongs.” A groan tore from his chest. “Your pussy is so slick, lovely. Perfect.”

Sean lifted her up, resting her back to his chest. He fondled her already sensitive nipples, plucking and pinching. Her head lolled back against his shoulder, and she arched into his touch. She’d barely figured out how to absorb all the hot sensation he forced on her when Callie felt thick fingers nudging her folds in a deceptively insistent touch. Thorpe’s deft, soft stroke against her clit incinerated her ability to hold her tongue.

“Please . . .” she panted, then looked at him with dazed, beseeching eyes.

“You’re pretty when you beg, pet.” A little smile played at his lips. “I’ll look forward to hearing more of it.”

“Me, too,” Sean vowed. “On your back.”

Together, they helped her lay supine across the mattress. Thorpe took over the gentle torture of her nipples, flicking the crests, then bending to nuzzle the swells before sucking them into his mouth one at a time. At her feet, Sean gripped her ankles and spread her legs. And she was suffocating in her own need, unable to make her thoughts churn beyond all the ways she craved them.

When they had her positioned to their liking, she moaned, incoherent sounds of pleading she hoped they understood. Finally, she heard the soft tear of a condom wrapper. Then another. Thorpe climbed off the bed, and she managed to lift her head enough to see him stand at her feet near Sean, who shucked his clothes in record time. Both of them arranged the prophylactic over the strong surging stalks between their legs.

Thank goodness there’s sex in my future. Without it, Callie was ready to scream or cry or lose her mind. She absolutely knew better than to touch herself. Thorpe had made it entirely clear in the shower that was a big no-no.

Sean eased onto the bed beside her and propped his head on his hand, his blue eyes glittering with mischief and hot with desire. “Spread wider, lovely. Make me believe that you want us to fuck you.”

He hadn’t even finished the sentence before she bent her knees and parted them as wide as she could.

Thorpe caressed his way up her thighs and settled between them, the head of his cock nudging her weeping entrance.

“Take me, pet. Take every inch. Please me.”

She blinked up at him. “There’s nothing I want more than to please you both.”

“Callie . . .” he moaned as he impaled her and closed his eyes, grinding. “Fuck.”

Finally, after four agonizing years of waiting, Thorpe was inside her.

She gasped in a huge breath, trying to accommodate him all at once. But with the blood engorging her folds and swells, Thorpe had to fight his way in. A hard thrust, a slow withdrawal. He gnashed his teeth together. His face pulled tight with concentration. He opened his eyes, his stare locking in on hers, penetrating her soul as his cock did the same below.

“Can you feel him, lovely?” Sean murmured in her ear, a tantalizing suggestion. “Can you feel how much he wants you?”

“Yes.” She melted under Thorpe, desperate to take every inch of him.

“That’s how much I want you, too. I can’t wait to sink into your tight little cunt and feel you close all around me. You know how I’m going to fuck you? I’m going to hammer my way in with a hard stroke that will make you catch your breath. Then I’m going to ease out so slowly, the head rubbing against every sensitive patch. I know what sends you off.”

He did. God help her, he did. And Thorpe was catching on very quickly, working each inch in with an agonizing plunge and a lip-biting pull until, with every thrust, he managed to settle right against the one spot designed to send her soaring. Then he finally withdrew to the tip and plunged deep in one growling shove and claimed her completely.

He settled right against her cervix and awakened another barrage of nerves centered there. Together they fired and tingled. Callie rocked with Thorpe, tilting up to urge him deeper.

“You’ve already discovered that she likes it deep,” Sean said.

“Fuck, I love it that way. Holy hell . . .” Thorpe threw his head back as he inched back and pushed in again. “Callie, pet, I fucking imagined this so many times, you have no idea.”

“I thought of you, too,” she cried out.

He fitted his hands beneath her hips, grabbed her ass, and shoved inside her, stroke after grinding stroke.

“You look beautiful, Callie,” Sean whispered in her ear between Thorpe’s juggernaut thrusts, then plundered her lips. “Yes, that’s it. Your cheeks are so flushed. Your lips are so sweet.”

“Sean . . .” She didn’t know how to say all the words of need and love bubbling up in her throat.

Somehow, he knew. He dipped his head again. Her eyes fluttered closed, and he kissed both of her lids. “I’ve only ever wanted you happy. Whatever you need, it’s my pleasure to provide. I will always take care of you.”

How could she be on the verge of tears and orgasm at the same time? Every tingle and burn, each sensation and ache built in her clenching pussy, her swirling head, and her overflowing heart.

“I will, too, pet. Anyone who wants to wrest you from me will be in for the fight of their life,” Thorpe vowed as he rode her from one dazzling stroke to the next. As she fluttered around him, her body preparing to soar in the heaven they’d created, he pulled free. “She’s awfully close.”

“Not yet,” Sean chided her.

Panting, Thorpe rolled to her right, occupying the space beside her, shoving pillows out of his way and spilling them to the floor.

Before she could wonder what he was doing, Sean climbed between her legs and surged balls deep in one breath-robbing thrust, crashing against the spot he knew would make her tremble in want. She couldn’t stop her cry of need.

“Your orgasms are ours, pet,” Thorpe reminded. “He hasn’t given you permission. He’s in charge of your pussy now. Patience.”


“No.” Thorpe nipped at her lobe, and his heavy breath cascaded down her neck, making her shiver and squirm. “Do you think protests are going to induce us to let you come? Who are you here to please?”

“Both of you, Sir.”

“Exactly. It pleases us to see you writhe and flush and need.”

And goodness knew she was doing exactly that, ready to do anything for relief as the feelings surged through her body and the need to come threatened to overtake her. She clamped down on Sean, rising to meet each thrust. She dug her nails into his back, peppered kisses over his cheeks, down his neck. The orgasm was right there, even closer than before. She gave a high-pitched cry.

“Now, lovely, didn’t Thorpe just explain? You don’t want to disappoint us, do you?” Sean withdrew and rolled to her left.

“No,” she sobbed. “But it’s so big. Overpowering.”

Callie couldn’t catch a breath, couldn’t think. She wriggled over to Thorpe, rubbing against him. He pushed her to her back again, then loomed over her, supporting himself on his bulging arms as his knees parted her thighs and he drove in with one savage shove that had her clawing his shoulders.